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Death toll rises in Israeli-Palestinian conflict


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Death toll rises in Israeli-Palestinian conflict


JERUSALEM: -- The Israeli death toll in the Middle East conflict rose to 11 on Tuesday (October 27) after a 76-year-old died of injuries sustained two weeks previously.

Richard Lakin, an Israeli-American teacher was wounded in a Palestinian stabbing and shooting attack, while on a bus in Jerusalem.

Most-recently focussed in the West Bank, the violence has been escalating for weeks.

Since the beginning of October, at least 56 Palestinians have been killed in showdowns with Israelis.

The funeral of a man who Palestinian authorities say died during stone-throwing clashes at a village near Hebron was held on the same day Lakin died. Israeli authorities have not yet commented on the Palestinian’s death.

While battles rage on the ground, rocket attacks and air strikes have reportedly been going on overhead. On Tuesday (October 27), Israeli forces launched an air assault over the Gaza Strip in retaliation, they say, for a Palestinian rocket strike into southern Israel.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-28

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It did take those pesky Gazan's a while to get back into the swing of things. I continue to wonder why the West Banker's can't seem to find a way to fire the rockets out of their territory. If they can find a way to knife soldiers, certainly they could find a way to fire those very lethal rockets.

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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

There is a reason these types are so dishonest about the history of the conflict. They could not pretend that Islamic terrorists are anything but evil if they were truthful.

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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

There is a reason these types are so dishonest about the history of the conflict. They could not pretend that Islamic terrorists are anything but evil if they were truthful.

I think everyone is truthful about Islamic terrorists being evil. Palestinian freedom fighters, however, are not Islamic terrorists.

Dishonesty about the history of the conflict lies in the Israeli apologist camp, as has been proven time and time again.

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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

Well, its simple, Palestinians had been living on a piece of land for thousands of years, all of a sudden, Jewish Sionists decided to steal a piece of that land, and told them to leave their belongings, and everything, even their houses where given away to Israeli soldiers, and then they put up a racist state called Israel, that treats all non jews (the rest of the world) like second hand citizens, and even worse.

Check out the Talmud for more information....

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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

You mean in the same way as you are blindly defending the fascist Likud party, and their structured extermination policies of people locked up in camps and who have nowhere to flee?

Tally: 57 vs11.

The 11 Israeli murders are clearly documented, the 57 Palestinians are not, because they are retaliation killings maybe? (just kill people at random, to teach them a lesson). A primeval way of solving a problem (although only in the last century the Nazis did so too), one that normally educated people would distance themselves from, but when done by the fascist regime of Israel, it is all OK.

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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

Well, its simple, Palestinians had been living on a piece of land for thousands of years, all of a sudden, Jewish Sionists decided to steal a piece of that land, and told them to leave their belongings

This made up version of history makes the teller look foolish. The Jews had a continuous presence for 3,000 years and in the early 1900s, the Arabs started stealing land that the Jews had purchased legally. The "Zionists" did not start "stealing" land for another 20 or 30 years after the UN gave it to them. tongue.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

Well, its simple, Palestinians had been living on a piece of land for thousands of years, all of a sudden, Jewish Sionists decided to steal a piece of that land, and told them to leave their belongings

This made up version of history makes the teller look foolish. The Jews had a continuous presence for 3,000 years and in the early 1900s, the Arabs started stealing land that the Jews had purchased legally. The "Zionists" did not start "stealing" land for another 20 or 30 years after the UN gave it to them. tongue.png

So far, the UN gived nothing to the Palestinians.

Exept perhaps a resolution 2621 XXV...


1. Declares the further continuation of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations a crime which constitutes a violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the Deceleration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and the principles of international law;

2. Reaffirms the inherent right of colonial peoples to struggle by all necessary means at their disposal against colonial Powers which suppress their aspiration for freedom and Independence;

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So far, the UN gived [sic] nothing to the Palestinians.


The UN gave the Palestinians the chance to form their own country, just like they gave the Jews. 70 years later, the smart ones accepted and have a thriving, successful country of their own.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

Well, its simple, Palestinians had been living on a piece of land for thousands of years, all of a sudden, Jewish Sionists decided to steal a piece of that land, and told them to leave their belongings

This made up version of history makes the teller look foolish. The Jews had a continuous presence for 3,000 years and in the early 1900s, the Arabs started stealing land that the Jews had purchased legally. The "Zionists" did not start "stealing" land for another 20 or 30 years after the UN gave it to them. tongue.png

Again you show your complete lack of understanding of the history of Palestine. First and foremost, the Jews who lived in Palestine 3000 years ago, are closer related to the Palestinians who live there now, than to Mr. Polack from Amsterdam, and Mrs Goldstein from New York, who have colonized Palestine over the last 70 years and are using the same stupid remark of "their" 3000 years history.

Then there are three main factions in Judaism (haredi, masorti and reform), all three of which have quite different views. The first two have more in common with Islam fundamentalists (which has at its basis in Judaism also of course), than with reform Judaism. So who of the three Jewish factions hold the right to this land then? And if the first two (as is currently the case), it should give the same rights to the Islam faction of Judaism or the Christian faction of Judaism. They have the same 3000year old ancestors after all.

In the early 1900s, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire. They were controlling this land, not the Arabs (Turks are no Arabs). In the 20ies, the British controlled the land (not the Arabs). So your remark of Palestinians stealing land from Jews in the early 1900s is pure propaganda. Besides, during this time there was only a small amount of Jews in Palestine (around 15%), these Jews were mainly in trade (so they didnt really have land which could be confiscated).

The UN didn't give the land to Israel, that Israel confiscated (stole) from Palestine after 1967. Quite the opposite, the UN told Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories (UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338). Furthermore, the UN is against the building of the illegal settlements on the West Bank (UN security resolution 446). The UN is against the illegal control by Israel of water and other natural resources on the West Bank (see also agreements of Oslo II). Ever body knows Israel is ignoring some 60 UN resolutions, so you show some nerve (or complete ignorance to the facts) to use a UN resolution to support the illegal activities of Israel....

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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

Well, its simple, Palestinians had been living on a piece of land for thousands of years, all of a sudden, Jewish Sionists decided to steal a piece of that land, and told them to leave their belongings

This made up version of history makes the teller look foolish. The Jews had a continuous presence for 3,000 years and in the early 1900s, the Arabs started stealing land that the Jews had purchased legally. The "Zionists" did not start "stealing" land for another 20 or 30 years after the UN gave it to them. tongue.png

its not a made up story, its real facts. Just because you deny them doesn't make them less valid.

A very small percentage of Jews have been living in Palestine, yes, but the majority were not Jewish.

Yes, the fact that the Sionist stole the land, and kept on expanding, is just pure evil.

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Given how the majority of the Jewish population of Israel have recent origins in the Middle East and North Africa (NOT Europe), it's curious that the obsessive Israeli demonizers ("anti-Zionists"rolleyes.gif ) never utter word one about human rights violations of the JEWS of those regions, many of whom were forcibly kicked out and had property stolen. The truth is the Israel demonizers harbor an obvious double standard ... the Jews never deserve a homeland, they should be on the run from country to country forever as they are used to seeing Jews do, send them back to places they are not welcome or worse, and they say that Israel is the side like the Nazis.bah.gif It's time to take a stand against this relentless bias against the Jewish people and that stand is ISRAEL.

Edited by Jingthing
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The reality is that neither side has clean hands..

There have been mistakes and wrong dealing on both sides

The only way this ever truly ends is with 2 independent states, both of which agree that the other has the right to exist

So long as either side does not agree to talks with this as the basis... Will never end.

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Given how the majority of the Jewish population of Israel have recent origins in the Middle East and North Africa (NOT Europe), it's curious that the obsessive Israeli demonizers ("anti-Zionists"rolleyes.gif ) never utter word one about human rights violations of the JEWS of those regions, many of whom were forcibly kicked out and had property stolen. The truth is the Israel demonizers harbor an obvious double standard ... the Jews never deserve a homeland, they should be on the run from country to country forever as they are used to seeing Jews do, send them back to places they are not welcome or worse, and they say that Israel is the side like the Nazis.bah.gif It's time to take a stand against this relentless bias against the Jewish people and that stand is ISRAEL.

Sure, the Likud fascist are of African dissent.....

I am one of those Israel demonizers (thanks btw for not calling me anti-Semitic, because that I am definitely not), and I do feel for the atrocities the Jewish people had to endure over the centuries (and have said so in many of my posts).

My views on religion might be quite different from yours however. I dont think any religion has the right to a "homeland". Religion is something you practice for yourself, and keep for yourself, because as soon as a religion is directly associated to a piece of land, it creates wars and/or failed states, in this time and age just look at Afghanistan, Israel and Islamic State just to name a few.

Another religious point of view I totally disagree with is "eye for an eye". You, with your religious zeal does apparently feel different about that. Since some Jews were forcibly kicked out of their original home countries and got their properties stolen, they should in your view have the right to do the same to a group of defenseless people who have been living in Palestine for many centuries. Unfortunately for you however, the Palestinians didn't kick Jewish people out of Russia for instance (which challenges the views of Eye for an Eye). In your situation this obvious double standard can be wiped away with a "Code of Hammurabi", or Hebrew Law or Sharia. For me, as a non believer, I cannot hide behind any of the fairy-tales. I just look at, and condemn the injustice the Jewish people had to endure over the years as well as the injustice the Palestinian people have to endure by the hand of Israel.....

Edited by RockyBeerbelly
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Given how the majority of the Jewish population of Israel have recent origins in the Middle East and North Africa (NOT Europe), it's curious that the obsessive Israeli demonizers ("anti-Zionists"rolleyes.gif ) never utter word one about human rights violations of the JEWS of those regions, many of whom were forcibly kicked out and had property stolen. The truth is the Israel demonizers harbor an obvious double standard ... the Jews never deserve a homeland, they should be on the run from country to country forever as they are used to seeing Jews do, send them back to places they are not welcome or worse, and they say that Israel is the side like the Nazis.bah.gif It's time to take a stand against this relentless bias against the Jewish people and that stand is ISRAEL.

Sure, the Likud fascist are of African dissent.....

I am one of those Israel demonizers (thanks btw for not calling me anti-Semitic, because that I am definitely not), and I do feel for the atrocities the Jewish people had to endure over the centuries (and have said so in many of my posts).

My views on religion might be quite different from yours however. I dont think any religion has the right to a "homeland". Religion is something you practice for yourself, and keep for yourself, because as soon as a religion is directly associated to a piece of land, it creates wars and/or failed states, in this time and age just look at Afghanistan, Israel and Islamic State just to name a few.

Another religious point of view I totally disagree with is "eye for an eye". You, with your religious zeal does apparently feel different about that. Since some Jews were forcibly kicked out of their original home countries and got their properties stolen, they should in your view have the right to do the same to a group of defenseless people who have been living in Palestine for many centuries. Unfortunately for you however, the Palestinians didn't kick Jewish people out of Russia for instance (which challenges the views of Eye for an Eye). In your situation this obvious double standard can be wiped away with a "Code of Hammurabi", or Hebrew Law or Sharia. For me, as a non believer, I cannot hide behind any of the fairy-tales. I just look at, and condemn the injustice the Jewish people had to endure over the years as well as the injustice the Palestinian people have to endure by the hand of Israel.....

My religious zeal? cheesy.gif

Dude, you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm an ATHEIST.

Ignoring your overheated, bombastic, simplistic typically DEMONIZING rhetoric, I'd like to share an item of remarkably sophisticated political analysis of the current situation along with the needed historical context.

Please don't read only the snippets, offered as teasers to invite reading the article. This entire article is worth considering for all sides:


The terrorism of the past month is not a new surge in Palestinian opposition to Israel, but a howl against the pervasive Palestinian sense that resistance has failed

Yet this vision of the Jewish state has a glaring problem: it has failed monstrously to predict events. Israel, that supposedly hollow shell, that artificial ideological construct, has failed to collapse under its own weight. Indeed, it is the Arab world that has collapsed around it while the Jewish state continues, maddeningly, unjustly, to flourish. The promise of Israel’s inner weakness, offered to the Palestinians as often by Jewish activists as by Palestinian ideologues, has betrayed them. The Jews have failed to leave, and despite the rallying of a handful of radical Jewish intellectuals to the cause, won’t even acknowledge that their national identity is something less than authentic


The Palestinian national movement has paid a monstrous price for its misreading of the Jews — for failing to understand that Israeli Jews are largely the descendants of refugees who had nowhere else to go in the brutalities of the 20th century, and thus could not be driven away with terrorism as scattered European colonialists, far from their distant homelands but never estranged from them, emphatically could. The Jews’ resilience to Arab violence lies not in historical realities, but in psychological ones; the Jews believe that they are a people defending themselves, and that is enough to inoculate them to terrorism. Terrorism, after all, is an attempt to exact a cost from a certain behavior; it depends heavily on the victims perceiving a viable alternative to their present behavior.

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The reality is that neither side has clean hands..

There have been mistakes and wrong dealing on both sides

The only way this ever truly ends is with 2 independent states, both of which agree that the other has the right to exist

So long as either side does not agree to talks with this as the basis... Will never end.

There's the problem: The Palestinians DO recognise Israel's right to exist, but the Israelis DO NOT recognise Palestinian's right to self determination.

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Jingthing. You say you're an atheist.


The story concerning an Orthodox Jewish atheist whose son asked the question, “Dad, since you don’t believe in God, why do you regularly attend the Orthodox shul?” The father thought for a moment and then explained, “Listen son. If I’m going to be a real Jew, I’m going to be a part of the Orthodox shul. Being an atheist has nothing to do with it.”



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The reality is that neither side has clean hands..

There have been mistakes and wrong dealing on both sides

The only way this ever truly ends is with 2 independent states, both of which agree that the other has the right to exist

So long as either side does not agree to talks with this as the basis... Will never end.

There's the problem: The Palestinians DO recognise Israel's right to exist,


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The reality is that neither side has clean hands..

There have been mistakes and wrong dealing on both sides

The only way this ever truly ends is with 2 independent states, both of which agree that the other has the right to exist

So long as either side does not agree to talks with this as the basis... Will never end.

There's the problem: The Palestinians DO recognise Israel's right to exist,


Don't bother. You'll get the same retreads that he's posted hundreds of times already which have been refuted so many times .. such endless pointless repetition wastes all of our time.

Nothing reflecting the situation NOW. In fact, right NOW Netanyahu has made it very clear he wants a direct meeting with Abbas over the details of the Temple Mount, and Abbas REFUSES to meet with him. Some recognition, huh?

Edited by Jingthing
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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

Ezzra, maybe you could help me out here. Could you estimate how often these "Usual Suspects" are actually more correct than you? To the nearest, let say, 25% ought to do it.

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Jingthing. You say you're an atheist.


The story concerning an Orthodox Jewish atheist whose son asked the question, “Dad, since you don’t believe in God, why do you regularly attend the Orthodox shul?” The father thought for a moment and then explained, “Listen son. If I’m going to be a real Jew, I’m going to be a part of the Orthodox shul. Being an atheist has nothing to do with it.”



Has nothing to do with me. Have no idea why you posted it. Perhaps you're a Judeophile. That's cool. Can I interest you in some antique dreidels? Special price for you, today only.

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Waiting for the usual suspects of this forum to show up and to defend the Palestinians abhorrent actions...

Ezzra, maybe you could help me out here. Could you estimate how often these "Usual Suspects" are actually more correct than you? To the nearest, let say, 25% ought to do it.


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The reality is that neither side has clean hands..

There have been mistakes and wrong dealing on both sides

The only way this ever truly ends is with 2 independent states, both of which agree that the other has the right to exist

So long as either side does not agree to talks with this as the basis... Will never end.

There's the problem: The Palestinians DO recognise Israel's right to exist,


Don't bother. You'll get the same retreads that he's posted hundreds of times already which have been refuted so many times .. such endless pointless repetition wastes all of our time.

Nothing reflecting the situation NOW. In fact, right NOW Netanyahu has made it very clear he wants a direct meeting with Abbas over the details of the Temple Mount, and Abbas REFUSES to meet with him. Some recognition, huh?

Actually, what wastes many member's time is people who have so many other members on ignore that they miss all the vital information and thus, ad nauseum, repeat their biased or pithy mantras.

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The reality is that neither side has clean hands..

There have been mistakes and wrong dealing on both sides

The only way this ever truly ends is with 2 independent states, both of which agree that the other has the right to exist

So long as either side does not agree to talks with this as the basis... Will never end.

There's the problem: The Palestinians DO recognise Israel's right to exist,


Don't bother. You'll get the same retreads that he's posted hundreds of times already which have been refuted so many times .. such endless pointless repetition wastes all of our time.

Nothing reflecting the situation NOW. In fact, right NOW Netanyahu has made it very clear he wants a direct meeting with Abbas over the details of the Temple Mount, and Abbas REFUSES to meet with him. Some recognition, huh?

No, I'm genuinely curious why someone would post a statement like that when the Pali's have never accepted Israel's right to exist.

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The Palestinians may still have the ear of Islamists and Western leftists but they are losing local allies, take a look at this, it is very significant indeed.


" I will side with the Jewish nation and its democratic aspirations in case of outbreak of a Palestinian Intifada( uprising) and i shall exert all my influence to break any ominous Arab initiatives set to condemn Tel Aviv , because I deem the Arab-Israeli entente and future friendship necessary to impede the Iranian dangerous encroachment," Al Qabas cited the Saudi media tycoon as he is in a regional tour, visiting the other Gulf Arab littoral states--Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman--to muster support for Saudi-backed Islamist rebels in Syria.

In case the relevance is not obvious Saudi Arabia are the new chair of the UNHRC, routinely used by the Palestinians as a kangaroo court to condemn Israel.

Edited by Steely Dan
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