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Israeli residency proposal unnerves Jerusalem's Palestinians


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Looks like there is some common ground between us after all: Since 2000 9,151 Palestinian civilians were purposely slaughtered by the evil entity which is called the state of Israel.

More rhetorical garbage by those who hate. There is plenty to criticize regarding Israel's actions over the last few decades, but there has been no "purposeful slaughter" such as occurred under Hitler or Pol Pot or as occurred in Rwanda. And where you place Israel on your totally subjective continuum of good and evil has not much relevancy in the discussion. But I do have some empathy with your frustrations. I am flummoxed by those who demonstrate such anger towards Israel but have so little to say regarding even greater inequities that afflict far greater population numbers in the world such as what occurs in neighboring Burma, Tibet, and Kurdistan. At least the Palestinians have the admittedly disagreeable possibility of being absorbed into identical neighboring populations.

Interestingly, last night I had a conversation with a long time friend who is a former Israeli citizen. He and I both agree that the only thing that comes out of this situation is only more death and suffering. After sufficient death and suffering a single state might emerge temporarily and then after that there will be more death and suffering with the surviving Jews being forced to leave and the new state being submerged into one of the more dominant neighboring Islamic states. And that is one of the more optimistic scenarios that might play out.

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Treat them harshly = systematically extermination of a group of people (2,300 slaughtered in 2014 alone), deprive them IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY of access to water and electricity, confiscate their land and bulldoze their homes in which they have lived for generations, decline them the right for international trade, imprison them by the hundreds of thousands on a piece of infertile land, refuse them access to medical care, etc.

The Palestinians are not being "systematically exterminated". The Palestinian population grows significantly with each passing year. This is the preamble for the Time-Is-On-The-Palestinians-Side Argument. AKA Victory Through Demographics. Considering the above vs. the years of occupation, Israel seems to be doing a lousy job at it. Sort of messes with that all-powerful evil.

As predicted, one year after the Gaza fighting, all Palestinian casualties will be civilians. And "slaughtered" to boot. Such disrespect for them Hamas "freedom fighters" is appalling. And look! No context! Now you see it, now you don't. The Palestinians were just going about their lives and then...were "slaughtered". This bit of creativity must be attributed to the "brain of a 5 year old" mentioned earlier.

Not "their own country" yet, even if it shall be. Water is a legitimate grievance, while electricity is not (running quite a debt).

As for the rest of your post - it is you.

Edited by Morch
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"Shock and Awe" was the deterrence method in early Israeli statehood based on the simple fact that Israel was surrounded by enemies. But, some 70 years later, what does it still accomplish other than convert fence sitters into card carrying anti-semites?

No! Not antisemites, but anti-Zionists or Anti-Israelis. Jewishness has nothing to do with it.

But you whine even when called an anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli. Sometimes you whine about it even without it being posted.

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Since the IDF started handing out T-shirts with a picture of a pregnant Arab woman in the cross-hairs of a scope, and the slogan, "One shot, two kills.".

The label "baby killers" once applied to Nazis, is indeed quite apt.

Why bother with details. Not handed by the IDF, but privately ordered by soldiers. Disciplinary steps were taken.

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Dayan and Ben-Gurian, et al.. developed this strategy with only experience as Terrorists against the British Mandate. It may have made sense at the time. The IDF was formed by terrorists who evolved to combat terrorism. That is only okay if this young country continues to evolve. Simply, not nearly as appropriate now as it was in 1948.

"only experience as Terrorists against the British Mandate"

Dayan served with the Aussies is WWII.

Ben-Gurion served with the British Army in WWI

Same goes for many officers at the early days of the IDF.


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They have caused all these things themselves by refusing to make peace and attacking innocent civilians. The Palestinians have given Israel every reason to treat them harshly.

Are you seriously claiming Israel always played a passive role when it came to aggression and violence?

I'm not sure how you came up with that one, because it is certainly nothing that I have ever said. You don't win wars by being passive. However, IMO, the Palestinians/Arabs were mostly responsible for starting the conflict in the first place and for refusing to make peace ever since. I think that they deserve to be treated much more harshly than they have been.

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"Shock and Awe" was the deterrence method in early Israeli statehood based on the simple fact that Israel was surrounded by enemies. But, some 70 years later, what does it still accomplish other than convert fence sitters into card carrying anti-semites?

No! Not antisemites, but anti-Zionists or Anti-Israelis. Jewishness has nothing to do with it.

But you whine even when called an anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli. Sometimes you whine about it even without it being posted.

Rubbish. I hold my head high with the labels "anti-Zionist" and "anti-Israeli". Always have. Please cite just one example where I have resented those labels.

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