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Despite risks, Carson not backing off Nazi, slavery examples


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The Army records and Detroit News archival records show Westmoreland WAS in Detroit on Feb. 18, 1969, for a dinner honoring a Vietnam War veteran. The banquet was for Congressional Medal of Honor winner Dwight Johnson, a Detroit African-American who risked his life “beyond the call of duty”. THIS is the meeting that Carson confused with Memorial Day.


The Carson fanboys are going to need to visit a chiropractor with all the contorting they're putting themselves through.

By the way, Memorial Day is in the summer. It's pretty difficult to confuse Detroit in the dead of winter with Memorial Day. Particularly if someone is a world-class fabulist, and then it's probably nearly impossible to keep all the lies straight in one's mind.

Indeed, average February temperature in Detriot is C 2 degrees (F 35) and the May-June avg is C 21-26 (F 79-83).

It is very simple and easy to remember being hot in Thailand and being cold in Canada and when (visiting each). Also, in February there are Groundhog Day and St Valentine's Day while in May there is Mother's Day and then Memorial Day (on the 30th).

As the G.H.W. Bush biographer Jon Meacham noted on tv today, if you're going to run on your biography (character and integrity) you'd better fact check it before someone else does. Carson has lost control of his own narrative of his own life. His response is the usual Republican and right wing tact to blame the media and attack the MSM.


I'm pretty sure Memorial Day is in the Spring.

I'm pretty sure the seasons are not capitalised in English either. Equally sure is that Carson's free ride in this Republican primary campaign for prez has hit a brick wall. It started around Halloween, which comes in the fall/autumn. Now Carson is staring winter in the face so we'll see where he stands next summer. smile.png .

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Going to West Point generally requires, among other things, a Congressional appointment.

Once again, Carson did not WANT the appointment. General Westmoreland offered him a chance and he did not bother pursuing it. He assumed he could have gone if he wanted to - for free - and he is probably correct.

Again, has it actually been CONFIRMED that he actually met with the General? I read a report that he wasn't even in the same area at the time.

It has been CONFIRMED that there was another event in the area where he could have met Westmoreland shortly before or afterwards.He could have mixed up the two incidents. Don't forget that this silly witch hunt is concerning things that happened something like 50 years ago, which is why no one can prove much of anything for sure. laugh.png

Did I really just see you use the phrase "silly witch hunt"!?

Oh lord.


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Has he been in Saturday Night Live yet?

PS I enjoy this arguing amongst right wingers / whingers, yes that includes you Publicus.

It's Monday night now as I post and it was Monday morning today when the post wuz made.

If anyone's going to include this poster in his TVF reading enjoyment of which there is precious plenty he should try to at least keep up.

TVF presents uniquely precious forums at an historic and immensely successful ThaiVisa.com website, so one might want to avail himself of every splendid opportunity.

Glad to be included in the reading thx but being under a shady palm tree at a great Thai beach is its own reward.

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Carson isn't a serious candidate, is he?

Carson is one of two leading candidates for the Republican party nomination for POTUS, at least currently as indicated consistently by reliable polling. He's raised something like $20 million big ones for his campaign. He's a rightwingnut from the most far out and distant points of the rightwingnutosphere so he deserves the true scrutiny any holier than thou character gets who's in the limelight. Especially one who has been so smug, self-satisfied, contented. feeling immune to any actual scrutiny by mere mortals.

After a highly distinguished career in the walk-in freezer aka the OR of the Johns Hopkins prestigious medical center, Carson has suddenly found himself in the heat of the kitchen Harry Truman provided superb advice about getting out of if one can't stand the heat.

Running for POTUS is part personal life's experience, part academic background, part professional creds, an ability to communicate among many other factors to include occasional knife fights. Bogus Ben is used to blood just not political blood and certainly not his own political blood which seems to make him rather more than squeamish.

More like squealish.

Edited by Publicus
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Yes, it's fun to watch, added to the traveling Trump show, it's almost too much fun.

Of course if either of those clowns manages to get elected, then it stops being fun.

Indeed. Trump was great fun to begin with; the ineptitude of the other candidates now makes the possibility that he could actually get the nomination truly frightening. Edited by brewsterbudgen
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The Republican party apportions a lot of delegates won by each candidate in each state. You win the state Republican primary with 32% of the vote, you get 32% of the delegates (already pledged to you). Get 19% of the vote, get nineteen percent from among the delegate slate pledged to you. And so on. This particular aspect of winning delegates varies somewhat but not significantly.

It's also the case In respect of delegates sent to the national nominating conventions that some states have winner take all, other states have winner takes most, some other states have proportional distribution according to the percent of the vote a candidate gets (sometimes with a 15% vote threshold to get any delegates).

It is unlike the electoral college in voting for POTUS by which, last time I looked, 47 states still had winner take all of the state's electoral college votes. The idea of the Founders was that, in a close popular vote election, the winner could still come out with a substantially larger number of the EC votes than the loser opponent. This would help clarify and solidify the winner.

In addition, each party has 'super delegates' who are delegates without being elected by state primaries or caucuses. These are members of congress, governors, party hacks, big contributors etc who appoint one another as super delegates They are the establishment of each party who want to keep the ship upright and moving steadily and straight forward to victory on election day.

These recent rules in party nominating processes have added headaches to the party hierarchies but have pleased the voters who can send their favorite guy/gal to the national convention practically no matter. HRClinton not having a gaggle of opponents relieves the D party of the wild and woolly aspects of a multiplicity of candidates.

If Carson gets an average of 20% of the vote each time in this process, he'll go to the delegate fractured convention overall with a bloc of fiercely hard core delegate supporters who will charge alongside of him straight into the lion's den. If Trump averages the same or, as is more likely a better percentage of the vote in the primaries as a whole, he'll go into the convention well positioned to not only bargain and to negotiate, but to demand.

Rubio has to start doing significantly better than the improved 11% or so he's begun to get in the state polls. Ted Cruz with his $20 million big ones has quietly been preparing tor the March Super Tuesday vote when more than a dozen states, primarily in the South, will on the one same day decide almost a third of the convention delegates.

This 2012 lengthy primary process and its continuing primary to primary proportional bloodletting contributed mightily to killing the Romney candidacy in 2012 and it didn't help the McCain candidacy four years earlier in 2008 when Mitt himself was McCain's primary nemesis.

The long and the short of it is that the party's own rules could make the R national nominating convention next summer begin to look like the final stop of a politically bankrupt travelling circus and freak show. So here's to cheering them on.

Edited by Publicus
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I'm pretty sure Memorial Day is in the Spring.

Memorial Day in the US is the last Monday in May.

Spring time in the US is from the March Equinox to the June Solstice.

You are 100% correct, Memorial Day is in the spring.

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I'm pretty sure Memorial Day is in the Spring.

Memorial Day in the US is the last Monday in May.

Spring time in the US is from the March Equinox to the June Solstice.

You are 100% correct, Memorial Day is in the spring.

Indeed, even a Lone Star person should know from general knowledge that on the very day of the March Equinox almost any place in the frosty northern tier of the USA can and sometimes does more than once get buried in snowstorms or simply a copious snowfall. Personal experience from being born up there is literal testimony to the reality.

Dr. Carson himself should be well positioned to recall such events and be able to associate significant events of his high school years with the seasons presented in the calendar and events that occur due primarily to the realities dictated by the climate.

School baseball season in Detroit and in cities across the northern tier of the USA begin in mid-March when instead of taking pregame batting practice the teams shovel both infield and outfield clear of snow. Anyone who's played the game under such circumstances can attest it's hard to put the bat in a significant contact with a fast ball when the temperature hovers around 40 degrees F (3 Celcius). Baseball is a game for the Boyz of Summer, not of a Detroit spring (or a Boston one either).

No snow however on Memorial Day (celebrated on a day apart from the actual date) even in Detroit. The Lord works in a rather predicable way in this respect. And ii does look btw like somebody up there is putting this good doctor through his first real crucible since he was supposed to have stabbed somebody nobody can find. The Lord also works in strange ways too eh and it may be that some of the strange ways have only begun to attend in this instance..

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The good doctor has carried on about Nazis, slavery, pyramids and so much more I'd wonder if he might have any comment about the racism in Missouri where heads are rolling, starting with the prez of the U of Missouri where a long standing and grotesque racism has been alleged by students and among the public.

I guess it's time for some white Republican party right wing cops to start again to shoot some unarmed black guys some more, get things back to the ways they always used to be going back hundreds of years. The way Dr. Carson likes 'em to be too.

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Now that it was PROVEN that Hillary lied to the American people about the video you mean? The emails she tried to bury reveal that she told her daughter the first day that it was a terrorist attack, but she lied to the American people about it long afterwards. That has never seemed to bother you one bit. whistling.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Imagine the wacko rightwingnuts a President Carson would appoint to SCOTUS.

Imagine the far out marginals any Republican president would appoint to SCOTUS and the entire federal judiciary.

God help us in cabinet appointments and in everything else if any of these rightwing extremist Republicans win.

Carson is anyway going through a meltdown as Jeb? already has done along with a few others who have been erased such as Scott Walker. Christie is another one shrinking out of political view. Rubio would probably make new credit card laws laugh.png .

Trump has noted Carson himself had said he had "psychotic" tendencies so who knows what the good doctor might do with a scalpel in this 4th Republican debate or afterward. gigglem.gif

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Now that it was PROVEN that Hillary lied to the American people about the video you mean? The emails she tried to bury reveal that she told her daughter the first day that it was a terrorist attack, but she lied to the American people about it long afterwards. That has never seemed to bother you one bit. whistling.gif

No, you're still wrong.

What was was proven is that when her and anyone else told the people that the attack was because of the video, it was because of faulty intelligence.

Come on UG, there have been 7 investigation reports, haven't you read ANY of them?


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Carson's mother confirmed the stabbing incident in an interview in 1997. How will the lying liberal media spin this now?


So Carson's mother allegedly confirmed the "stabbing incident" involving a "classmate".

So why is he now calling the other boy a "close relative"?


Maybe she believed him. Don't think anyone else does now.


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Carson's mother confirmed the stabbing incident in an interview in 1997. How will the lying liberal media spin this now?


So Carson's mother allegedly confirmed the "stabbing incident" involving a "classmate".

So why is he now calling the other boy a "close relative"?


Maybe she believed him. Don't think anyone else does now.


My cousin was in the same class i was.

Not exactly impossible to be a relative and classmate at the same time.

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Carson is the willing tool of the Republican establishment, which is using him as an "alternative outsider" to Trump. National Review even crowed about this strategy. Meanwhile, Carson doesn't care, because his entire campaign is in the business of raising money so Carson can live high off the hog. He doesn't intend to win the nomination. He intends to live well. http://fortune.com/2015/10/19/ben-carson-fundraising/

he has spent thousands of dollars on swanky hotels and steak dinners, helping to contribute to a “burn rate” that is among the highest in the Republican field.
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