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ICT minister hopeful Thailand will be Asean digital hub within three years


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ICT minister hopeful country will be Asean digital hub within three years


BANGKOK: -- THAILAND SHOULD be-come a regional digital hub within three years, says Information and Communi-cations Technology Minister Uttama Savayana.

The government has promoted the "digital economy" policy, which will see state |ICT agencies launching |flagship projects over the |next three months. It wants |the use of technology to increase productivity for all Thai industries and enhance government services to private companies.

He made these points at a seminar on the economy, including digital aspects, hosted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand yesterday.

He added that the government would support Thai companies and push Thailand to be the digital hub of Asean to attract content providers, Google and Facebook to set up servers here.

He said state ICT agencies would focus on investing| in infrastructure including undersea cables and share them with private companies.

Teerarat Pantarasutra, managing director of Symphony Communication, said the company would support the government's digital-economy plan with its nationwide optical-fibre network. The government should support the creation of more new international Internet gateways to serve rising demand for data communications.

He said he expected that by the end of next year, there could be 98 million subscribers to fourth-generation technology, since some people have more than one SIM card. The next seven to 10 years will be a golden era for ICT thanks to 4G and broadband since Thais more and more consume broadband data communication.

However, this year the national economy is still not good, which will affect ICT companies, but the digital-economy policy and government plan to inject money into the economy could help prop up economic growth.

Sukit Udomsirikul, managing director of Maybank Kim Eng (Thailand), said the digital economy should create new employment and further the boom of e-commerce. ICT |can help more people in rural areas access more information without going through middlemen.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/ICT-minister-hopeful-country-will-be-Asean-digital-30271825.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-29

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They're increasing internet censorship with the single gateway and then kicking out all the foreigners with new visa rules. They can be digital hub of Thai Language Internet because they blocked the rest of the world and no one can read English anyway

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ASEAN's digital-hub can be anywhere, if the phrase has meaning at all, but it would be unlikely to be in a country which has a single-gateway and an already-slow internet, IMHO. wink.png

Perhaps the Minister doesn't understand how the www makes geographical-location less-important than previously ? whistling.gif

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This guy obviously live in a "differnet" (intended) world than the rest of the Thai government, A hub within Thailand is more likely with all outside access blocked, Then all Thais will be happy happy within their little language barrier and internet firewall and mind their own little Thai business and have Thai copied versions of Facebook, twitter, wikipedia etc...

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Ah yes. someone dreamed a dream. And it was a very fine dream too.

As someone noted a while back, in Thailand, the PR and face benefits come from the announcement not from the doing. By the time Thais realise nothing has changed except the words, they will have forgotten the announcement.

They're not slightly dim mind you. Not at all. To say that would be Thai-bashing. At least, that's what the synapse-challenged would say. One wonders for how long a duck has to be a duck before they might say "Hey! that's a duck!"

The only hub Thais could realistically aspire to be is the hub of lameness and many would say they got there already.

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Let's see, Thailand still doesn't have 4G, but lowly little Lao does. So does Vietnam. "Digital Hub", Thailand? Don't hold your breath,

Bangkok has, and that's really all that matters from an IT industry perspective. Doesn't matter much if ppl in rural areas can consume streamed movies on their phones...

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Do they actually believe what they say themselves?

Do they have any civil service type of support, in the form of analysis, number crunching? If so, what kind of rubbish are they producing to report to their Ministers, to give them the result they want to hear?

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Let's see, Thailand still doesn't have 4G, but lowly little Lao does. So does Vietnam. "Digital Hub", Thailand? Don't hold your breath,

Bangkok has, and that's really all that matters from an IT industry perspective. Doesn't matter much if ppl in rural areas can consume streamed movies on their phones...

Upcountry they have their Thai tv-channels with Tucky and the boing-boing noises. They love it.

Would you think the rural folks pay 2000 baht a month for a 4G connection?

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