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Yingluck is politically victimised: Boonsong

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Like her brother, she is being politically persecuted in order to maintain power for the old clique.

You would like that to be true, wouldn't you? In the same way Boonsong would like his own lies to be true, maybe? But sorry for both of you, it isn't, can't be, won't be, even when it has to hit the Shins where it hurts them the deepest: in their pockets!

it is the truth an election will show but we employ from near the lowest in the population and under elected goverment there where a lot more money in there hands today all the restrictions on the Thais mostly if not only effect the lowest and next the middle of the society.

Ask yourself on phuket all the effected are they rich or poor even many of the land encroachment are done by poor later they got money but they employees poor it might be to big a grasp for you who support the current system to understand but it is were soon a broken circle.

The try to get more taxes which is a give and take system in that order .

You have an unelected with article 44 there wish to claim tax and I ask what is corruption I think this is very close to the definition

So if posters disagree with you they are either extremely ignorant or stupid.

It is only your opinion, which, along with mine and 99% of all the posters on the forum means nothing at all to the Thai people.

They will do what they will do, not necessarily what you, I or anybody else wants them to do.

We can either accept it or not. If you can't or won't accept what the Thai people do, then that is your problem and not theirs.


Like her brother, she is being politically persecuted in order to maintain power for the old clique.

It's more like Taksin and his sister used politics to victimize the people of Thailand by robbing them blind so that they and their elite crew could get even richer. Nothing but a bunch of lying sociopaths, and you are buying their lies.


Like her brother, she is being politically persecuted in order to maintain power for the old clique.

Like her brother, she's no better than the old clique and corrupt.

And being defended here by one of her ministers whose got more than a passing interest in making everything to do with the scam appear legal.

The two companies - how much rice have they ever imported from other sources and re-sold in China? Did they buy and take delivery of rice or was it "re-sold" to home market suppliers at a big discount without ever leaving warehouses? We shall see what the court case reveals.

Yingluck not involved - she was the self appointed Chair - w t f does she and he think a Chair should do, swan off abroad or something?


1. Yes the warehouse owners should be held responsible.

2. "He also noted that warehouse operators are legally responsible for missing stockpiles or degradation. Demanding Yingluck or others to take responsibility is thus politically motivated, he said."

This is the same as the CEO who says to the business owner 'We didn't achieve our business goals but you can't blame me, our company marketing manager is not so clever.'

Plain straight forward accountability, nothing whatever to do with 'politically motivated'.

If boonsong doesn't know that business operates like this / CEO's have ultimate responsibility then how come he was in the ministers seat?

Madam claims she decided / she appointed her ministers, so she's responsible for appointing a grossly inappropriate minister. Funny how there's a string of the same ilk, example kittirat the liar, also deeply involved in the rice fiasco.

ah, and when was the last time that a CEO was made to personally pay for losses incurred by the company ?

This is 100% political.

Of course it is political tb, she was the leader of a political party at the time (well, actually her brother was) and so yes, it is political.

The Shin fans keep harping on about it being political, and guess what ? Nobody is disagreeing. You are arguing with yourselves.

It seems like whenever you have run out of things to say you go on about decisions being political and anyone who dares to have a different point of view to you is a rabid junta lover/fanboy/supporter.

Yingluck insisted "the buck stops with her", so to speak, that she was responsible for whatever happened, not her brother.

................"Ms Yingluck insists that the buck stops with her. She says she wants to govern in a spirit of compromise, and so far has eschewed direct attacks on her political opponents. Speaking when she received the royal command on August 8th (pictured above), she said she wants to “return happiness back to our brothers and sisters.” She promised to listen to all opinions and to use feminine qualities of “strength and gentleness” to solve the nation's problems.".........................


Seems she coined a particular phrase as well - ...............“return happiness back to our brothers and sisters.”.................

(I hope she did not mean doing so by way of the rice scam.)

funny, seems like scorecard just said it wasn't political.

Seems like the junta claims this is about letting justice run it's course.

When it is obvious that it is a political prosecution.

That is why it is clear that she is toast.


It's only "obviously political" to the Shin fans and apologists - because that't what they want everyone else to be.

Just like big brothers conviction, jumping bail and all those juicy outstanding criminal cases.

It's their last hope of amnesty, pretend they're all political and should be whitewashed away.

She is caught by the machinations of her puppeteer.


"He said that Yingluck had no direct responsibility in the scheme. Though it was a government policy, it was carried out by a sub-committee."

Do you think the former-Minister has forgotten, who was supposed to be chairing that sub-committee, but kept failing to attend meetings ? whistling.gif

furthermore who stood up in parliament during a censure debate and stated "I'm in charge, only I" ?


she's going up the river... that is pre-ordained.

the only problem the elite have is how to get her to do a runner so that they don't have to put her behind bars - an act that would instantly turn her into a martyr...

one way or another : bye-by Yingluck.

I guess you too don't believe in her innocence ?

BTW when you write 'the elite' you need to be a bit more precise. Is it the Pheu Thai elite like Thaksin and Yingluck you mean?

As for 'martyr', well, as you know 'elite' don't go behind bars, they have waiters doing that.

So, looking forward to another year of witness statements, Ms. Yingluck out on bail. Maybe she will even ask permission to go abroad, surely she must have promised her son a nice trip when he finishes his school year with decent marks?

In the mean time we have Boonsong twisting the truth again. He seems to have forgotten that a (Yingluck) government commission concluded nothing to be wrong, nothing missing apart from a little bit having been moved to get it 'cleaned'. Wasn't that commission lead by his Ministry?

One may wonder about the description Ms. Yingluck used for 'knowledgeble', 'capable' and 'full of potential' handpicking her cabinet ministers.


she's going up the river... that is pre-ordained.

the only problem the elite have is how to get her to do a runner so that they don't have to put her behind bars - an act that would instantly turn her into a martyr...

one way or another : bye-by Yingluck.

I guess you too don't believe in her innocence ?

BTW when you write 'the elite' you need to be a bit more precise. Is it the Pheu Thai elite like Thaksin and Yingluck you mean?

As for 'martyr', well, as you know 'elite' don't go behind bars, they have waiters doing that.

So, looking forward to another year of witness statements, Ms. Yingluck out on bail. Maybe she will even ask permission to go abroad, surely she must have promised her son a nice trip when he finishes his school year with decent marks?

In the mean time we have Boonsong twisting the truth again. He seems to have forgotten that a (Yingluck) government commission concluded nothing to be wrong, nothing missing apart from a little bit having been moved to get it 'cleaned'. Wasn't that commission lead by his Ministry?

One may wonder about the description Ms. Yingluck used for 'knowledgeble', 'capable' and 'full of potential' handpicking her cabinet ministers.

Nice sarcasm there uncle. thumbsup.gif

Anyone who confuses Yingluck with the word "martyr" has serious issues that really should be dealt with. That is an insult to the term. crazy.gif


One inflammatory image has been removed from this thread.

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