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Bodies of migrants and refugees wash ashore on Greek island of Lesbos


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Bodies of migrants and refugees wash ashore on Greek island of Lesbos


LESBOS: -- Eight bodies washed up on the shore of the Greek island of Lesbos on Sunday morning – migrants and refugees who did not survive their boat journeys to reach Europe.

They are among dozens of people that have died trying to reach Lesbos and other Greek islands from Turkey.

On Sunday morning, 11 people, including six children drowned near Samos.

Two people also drowned off the coast of Agathonisi.

The sea crossing from Turkey is becoming increasingly dangerous as winter approaches.

More than 580,000 migrants and refugees have landed on Greece’s shores so far this year, according to the UN.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-02

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This people should instantly have been given refuge in countries like e.g. Saudi or other safe places close to home. Why is it that they were not invited, or were they invited but refused to go? Merkel now talks about letting in half a mill opportunity seekers and other categories a year in the unforeseen future. Who is going to build up again e.g. Syria when millions have fled the country? Is it possible that the multinational huge construction companies are quietly waiting on the sidelines just to get in there and start rebuilding this warthorn country, maybe they already have signed contracts with the UN or others to do so. Using their own people of course for the top positions and hire in for manual work the cheepest slaves wherever they can find them. It sure smells like the mighty dollar is moving again. Halliburton will again be at the forefront when it comes to all oil related work. We have seen it before. The syrians themself those who have reached the welfare safety of Germany, Sweeden or Norway will sure as hell not leave their comfy new homes. A country like Norway e.g. are from day one giving asylum seekers full health, welfare money and free dentist for the rest of their life. To get a full pension a norwegian have to work 40 years, and we have to pay the dentist ourself. Try to look at what a single accepted asylant receive from the government, it's up towards 4000 Euro a month as reported by media, then if they are married they receive extra for every child they produce, muslims often get 8-10 children. This people get more money than old norwegian people on a minimum pension. Who the hell wants to go back and build up again a country in ruins when you can get that kind of money in your hand without doing nothing. No wonder either that on their way north they pass many peaceful countries to reach the place where the streets are oaved with pure gold. We are destroying this people forever, very few of them get into payed work and why should they. Denmark as exemple has cut all the welfare to refugees down hard, so they dont want to settle there. The danish political system have changed against opportunity seekers and economical migrants, these people are now given the bare necessities until decided what to do with them. It sure has payed off. In Norway the politicians are these days still squabbeling over where to cut in the budget to pay for the migrasion we see today storming the borders. And believe you me, it's as always the old, the poor, the down and out and even the etnic norwegian children who will feel these cuts mostly. Sure we feel for this people drowning at sea, and may they rest in peace. But this would not happen if the rescue boats would lead them back to Turkey or Libya where they boarded, instead of helping them to Italy or Greece and thereby inviting more people with their children to try this dangerous journy. A lot could be said that's for sure, lives could be saved but this going on now is pure madness.

Edited by affen02
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Norwegians are just really wellcoming people....Will give anyone the shirt of there back..............................................................................and a house.............anything.

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You can blame MAD MUTTI MERKEL for this.

You better blame everyone that makes a profit out of wars.
Let's first blame the start of all this. The government of Syria. These poor people wouldn't be fleeing if there weren't major problems at home. In the end, they'd prefer to be in their homes near family and friends.

Where are the majority of refugees coming from? Failed states.

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Let's start with holding the ecconomic migrants responsible for their own actions,

Do you have the same attitude to other refugees/migrants in the past?

Jews fleeing Tsarist and Soviet pogroms?

Jews fleeing Nazi Germany?

East Europeans fleeing the Soviets after the war?

The Vietnamese boat people?

Or are you intolerant of just this particular group?

Before you answer, remember that many of the above did not stop in the first safe country they arrived in, but went on to seek a better life elsewhere.

and in asking Turkey why it keeps sending these people to Europe.

The Turkish government are not sending these people to Europe.

According to UNHCR there are currently over 2 million Syrian refugees in Turkey. A similar number in both Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Others in Iraq, Jordan and Egypt.

Plus, of course, who knows how many still in Syria.

It is only a tiny fraction of Syrian refugees who try and make it to Europe.

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Why did they not just stay in turkey they are not in danger there, and there are camps they can go to, they just want to get to Europe the quickest way. but in the process they put their kids in danger, and then try and blame europe,

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Let's start with holding the ecconomic migrants responsible for their own actions,

Do you have the same attitude to other refugees/migrants in the past?

Jews fleeing Tsarist and Soviet pogroms?

Jews fleeing Nazi Germany?

East Europeans fleeing the Soviets after the war?

The Vietnamese boat people?

Or are you intolerant of just this particular group?

Before you answer, remember that many of the above did not stop in the first safe country they arrived in, but went on to seek a better life elsewhere.

and in asking Turkey why it keeps sending these people to Europe.

The Turkish government are not sending these people to Europe.

According to UNHCR there are currently over 2 million Syrian refugees in Turkey. A similar number in both Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Others in Iraq, Jordan and Egypt.

Plus, of course, who knows how many still in Syria.

It is only a tiny fraction of Syrian refugees who try and make it to Europe.

I rarely agree with you but this is a fair question. I consider what you have said. I think unquestionably it is a perception of assimilation, or lack of it. It is politically incorrect yet widely held belief that there is little assimilation evidence for these particular subsets of people. There is also the very real fact that what most of these people have in common are cultural practices and beliefs that have in many cases led to or exacerbated the conflict in their own countries, and they are not abandoning those mores, just where they are practiced.

Of course in each of our lives we constantly see hardworking migrants with families and ethics and smiles and a helping hand. All throughout our communities we see those who have already arrived and then seem... assimilated. Well, many are but by and large many European people, coupled with economic stagnation, just don't see the benefit to their culture or industry. (Numerous polls of recent and first generation migrants suggest overwhelming support for such things as sharia, etc. This is not culturally relative, it is anathema to the way of life of western liberal democracy). And, there really are very large numbers who go on public assistance and remain there. So, your question bores right to the heart of why do people like me think this is somehow different? Besides the times, economics, and the evidence for the failure of multiculturalism, there really can be distinct differences teased away from your examples.

Still, a man who thinks as I do (opposite you) should seriously challenge why he thinks this way with your probing questions. Thanks.

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