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Bizarre twist in the 'Belgium girl rescued from Samui seas' story

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As well as this raising concerns about the mentality of the Belgium tourist, it also raises concerns about the lack of safety measures in place should tourist get into trouble on the sea. Koh Samui does not have lifeguards along its coasts unlike Phuket and Pattaya or jet ski rescue stations with trained life guards.

No mention of concerns about the easy availability of mind altering drugs, it is purely the mental instability of the farang again, that and nothing else !!!!!

Of course, everything is Thailand's fault.

A farang could never be wrong.


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It is a well known fact that one of the side effects of drugs is psychosis.

In my own life I have seen many dope smokers undergo psychosis.

One of my friends who used lots of LSD and maybe mushrooms too never came back from his trip mentally.

He later died of a heart attack from using Speed after many years of drug use and repeated episodes in mental institutions.

I met one Italian in Nepal who lost the plot like this and he came back to ground a few weeks later.

I can rattle off a whole list of friends and associates which all eventually had mental problems from drug use.

So if I add up all the people I know who used drugs and the amount I know who ended up losing their sanity it is maybe less than 1 in 100 but whenever it happens it is tragic for all those in the immediate family.

There must be something fundamentally wrong with our cultures that people think that creating temporary insanity is a good thing. The cost in lives lost is high and the black economy and crime is also a major part of the world economy.

I am saddened that this poor girl has to learn all this the hard way. I hope she is able to find her sanity again and it does not lead to a lifetime of mental illness.

She is very lucky she did not lose her life so I hope she is able to find her mind again, which maybe drifting in a sea of confusion for a long time.

"It is a well known fact that one of the side effects of drugs is psychosis."

yes and it is "well-known" that the number one drug for this is alcohol....do you drink?

BTW - remember the plural of anecdote isn't data.

No I dont drink alcohol, but that is a whole other story that is not really part of this girls story. It is very rare for a person to take one drink of alcohol and become psychotic.

So drugs represent a different type of danger in my experience. Young people experiment with stuff. I did and I made it to here. Others I know it brought them down. I dont like banning things but the more knowledge out there the safer you are. I would never touch anything I thought could kill me like heroin, but stuff I thought was safer physically turns out not to be so mentally and I was not aware of this at the time.

But I have looked up some things on the net and found this.

"Psychosis affects three out of every 100 people. It is most likely to be diagnosed in young adults, but psychosis can happen to anyone." "http://www.healthline.com/health/psychosis#Overview1"

Pretty sobering thought?


"Are the antics and or the consumption habits of a long time alcoholic any worse than the antics of a long time drug addict."

Yes. That's a fact. Which I'm sure you COULD look up IF you wanted to, but you obviously prefer that EXTREMELY POPULAR alternative to factual knowledge.


There are no direct or simplified explanations and or solutions for a very contentious and convoluted social problem while I have "looked it up" as you say, that being the subject matter concerning the social ramifications of recreational drug use and the associated addiction verses the social ramifications of recreational alcohol consumption and the associated addiction.

Meantime ...seeing as you are obviously implying that you would know more about the subject matter then please, by all means, do elaborate on your implied vast knowledge relevant to the subject matter of recreational purpose drug use verses recreational purpose alcohol use and ALL that is entailed.

Just for the record this is relevant to the OP ..as it is believed ( and probably correct ) that the girl was on some sort of recreational drug and alcohol and hence, in part, amongst the reasons the girl was acting the way she was.




Comedian here

I knew i'd catch someone

I said Name 5 famous Belgium's not Belgians

You are the joke

And liege is still a sh@thole

Tin Tin and all


Well you didn't catch all the people who have been laughing at your illiteracy.

I'm relieved that your primitive, and predictably simple-minded attempt to "get back" at me is the only response to my post.

I was much more concerned that an intelligent, knowledgeable, educated and informed member, would point out that Jacques Brel did not write "La Mer". It was written by Charles Trenet.

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to correct my mistake.

When asked what he thought of Norfolk (after he had visited it) Noel Cowards reply was "Very flat, Norfolk".

Is it still, like your attempts at humour and revenge, "Very flat"?



It seems similar to behaviour I experienced before - when it happens you better believe the boyfriend has little effect, in fact anything he says or does only makes the situation worse. Saying that, perhaps going off to bed was a little too uncaring...

If someone suffers from depression a popular medication prescribed (by quacks) used to be Prozac, but this makes bi-polar girls a little ahem, ting-tong? Combine this with ecstacy and alcohol and bizarre behaviour is guaranteed to ensue. w00t.gif

We know nothing about these people so I am definitely not saying that is the case here - just sharing a similar experience I had with a Dutch lady many years ago. I still miss her, but definitely don't miss the 'incidents' which tended to occur mainly in public when you are 'off your face' and can't deal with it. She never told me about the Prozac until years later as she felt ashamed...

Edit: Spelling - why does FF spell checker not work on TV? (Desktop)


It is a well known fact that one of the side effects of drugs is psychosis.

In my own life I have seen many dope smokers undergo psychosis.

One of my friends who used lots of LSD and maybe mushrooms too never came back from his trip mentally.

He later died of a heart attack from using Speed after many years of drug use and repeated episodes in mental institutions.

I met one Italian in Nepal who lost the plot like this and he came back to ground a few weeks later.

I can rattle off a whole list of friends and associates which all eventually had mental problems from drug use.

So if I add up all the people I know who used drugs and the amount I know who ended up losing their sanity it is maybe less than 1 in 100 but whenever it happens it is tragic for all those in the immediate family.

There must be something fundamentally wrong with our cultures that people think that creating temporary insanity is a good thing. The cost in lives lost is high and the black economy and crime is also a major part of the world economy.

I am saddened that this poor girl has to learn all this the hard way. I hope she is able to find her sanity again and it does not lead to a lifetime of mental illness.

She is very lucky she did not lose her life so I hope she is able to find her mind again, which maybe drifting in a sea of confusion for a long time.

"It is a well known fact that one of the side effects of drugs is psychosis."

yes and it is "well-known" that the number one drug for this is alcohol....do you drink?

BTW - remember the plural of anecdote isn't data.

Yes sir...Alcohol and drugs or alcohol or drugs alone all too often do turn otherwise normal people into intoxicated morons.

I witnessed the alcohol and drug abuse also while it is not a pretty sight.

With the exception of Marijuana and LSD (so they argue ) the many other recreational drug substances consumed for the sole purpose of let us say "Intoxication" or "The High"...... all those substances are understood to be addicting or highly addicting besides creating a craving for their consumption.

Alcohol is the most problematic simply because it is widespread and socially acceptable to drink in moderation, or drink a lot, while alcoholics are more or less tolerated throughout the world as drinking and getting drunk is a common social affair that is practiced throughout the world.......and it is legal to do so in most countries.

On the other hand the recreational purpose drugs are kept illegal so there is far more social stigma surrounding the use of illegal substances to get high on rather than alcohol.

But lets say they were all legal for the sake of argument.

Unfortunately most of the recreational purpose drugs deemed as the "hard drugs", such as Heroin and Crack Cocaine and Crystal Meth are highly addicting in a short period of time and often enough catch the users unaware, so to speak, as to how quickly they can and do become dependent and addicted to the drug.

Alcohol on the other hand takes much longer to become addicted to as compared to the hard core recreational drugs while you would have to be drinking seriously large amounts of alcohol to be come addicted fast ....but still never as fast as the way Heroin or Crack Cocaine or Crystal Meth can leave a user addicted in a short period of time....as is the nature of the drugs, in part.

For alcohol,l that is one argument in its favor compared to the hard core recreational drugs along with being a liquid that people consume for refreshment while the intoxication is more or less regulated by the individuals consumption and gradually builds up in the blood stream.

Of course if you want to chug a lug a bottle of vodka then within 20 minutes you would be stumbling around thoroughly drunk or just fall down and near lifeless.

Meantime, the hard core recreational drugs are consumed for a specific purpose, that being, to get high on while the high is immediate or somewhat immediate and intense, depending on the specific narcotic ...but....happens as planned and welcomed by the drug users.

The drug users could take smaller dozes and get slightly high gradually, the same or similar way that a drinker will gradually consume more alcohol until they are drunk or good and drunk....but for the drug users or drug addict it is not that way rather the high arrives quickly, as planned and craved and welcomed.

Then if you make judgment on an alcoholic who is more or less very drunk all the time as compared to the drug addict who is very stoned all the time ...which would be worse ...in comparison.

Are the antics and or the consumption habits of a long time alcoholic any worse than the antics of a long time drug addict..... if you compare the 2 groups and have to make judgment as to which is more tolerable and or less problematic...all aspects considered and all factors entailed.




"Are the antics and or the consumption habits of a long time alcoholic any worse than the antics of a long time drug addict."

Yes. That's a fact. Which I'm sure you COULD look up IF you wanted to, but you obviously prefer that EXTREMELY POPULAR alternative to factual knowledge.


There are no direct or simplified explanations and or solutions for a very contentious and convoluted social problem while I have "looked it up" as you say, that being the subject matter concerning the social ramifications of recreational drug use and the associated addiction verses the social ramifications of recreational alcohol consumption and the associated addiction.

Meantime ...seeing as you are obviously implying that you would know more about the subject matter then please, by all means, do elaborate on your implied vast knowledge relevant to the subject matter of recreational purpose drug use verses recreational purpose alcohol use and ALL that is entailed.

Just for the record this is relevant to the OP ..as it is believed ( and probably correct ) that the girl was on some sort of recreational drug and alcohol and hence, in part, amongst the reasons the girl was acting the way she was.


Alcohol and Violence

"Research findings consistently document an association between alcohol and violence (Collins & Schlenger, 1988; Roizen, 1993). Alcohol use not only promotes aggressive behavior, but victimization may also lead to excessive alcohol use (NIAAA, 1997c). The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) found that alcohol-related violence was far more common than violence associated with other drug use (NIAAA, 2000). Similarly, Parker and Auerhahn (1998), in their review of studies on alcohol, drugs and violence, suggested that alcohol was the most frequently implicated substance used in violent crimes, and found little evidence that illicit drugs are uniquely associated with violent crime. A review of studies on violent offenders found that offenders were drinking at the time of committing the offense in as high as 86% of homicides, 37% of assaults, 60% of sexual offenses, 57% of men and 27% of women involved in marital violence, and 13% of child abuse cases (Roizen, 1997)."


"Cheers", 555


"Are the antics and or the consumption habits of a long time alcoholic any worse than the antics of a long time drug addict."

Yes. That's a fact. Which I'm sure you COULD look up IF you wanted to, but you obviously prefer that EXTREMELY POPULAR alternative to factual knowledge.


There are no direct or simplified explanations and or solutions for a very contentious and convoluted social problem while I have "looked it up" as you say, that being the subject matter concerning the social ramifications of recreational drug use and the associated addiction verses the social ramifications of recreational alcohol consumption and the associated addiction.

Meantime ...seeing as you are obviously implying that you would know more about the subject matter then please, by all means, do elaborate on your implied vast knowledge relevant to the subject matter of recreational purpose drug use verses recreational purpose alcohol use and ALL that is entailed.

Just for the record this is relevant to the OP ..as it is believed ( and probably correct ) that the girl was on some sort of recreational drug and alcohol and hence, in part, amongst the reasons the girl was acting the way she was.


Alcohol and Violence

"Research findings consistently document an association between alcohol and violence (Collins & Schlenger, 1988; Roizen, 1993). Alcohol use not only promotes aggressive behavior, but victimization may also lead to excessive alcohol use (NIAAA, 1997c). The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) found that alcohol-related violence was far more common than violence associated with other drug use (NIAAA, 2000). Similarly, Parker and Auerhahn (1998), in their review of studies on alcohol, drugs and violence, suggested that alcohol was the most frequently implicated substance used in violent crimes, and found little evidence that illicit drugs are uniquely associated with violent crime. A review of studies on violent offenders found that offenders were drinking at the time of committing the offense in as high as 86% of homicides, 37% of assaults, 60% of sexual offenses, 57% of men and 27% of women involved in marital violence, and 13% of child abuse cases (Roizen, 1997)."


"Cheers", 555

Thank you.

I already read about that and yes that aspect of alcohol is a significant factor and well confirmed.

All the more reasons the currently deemed illicit narcotics should be made legal in regards to the law enforcement aspect and the criminalization of people who (do) choose to use the drugs....foolish as they may be.

But that would just add to the problems when people are drunk and also stoned...which currently is occurring and would grow worse if the illicit drugs were made legal for consumption in the same or similar manner as alcohol is made legal and available to the consumers

Meantime the illicit recreational drugs have numerous problems and social ramifications on their own that are just as concerning....but not as widespread because they are consumed but a fraction of alcohol consumption.

What we need less of is drunken violent people and certainly we do not need stoned and drunken people to make matters worse.....but both alcohol and recreational drugs are here to stay while the major difference at this point is alcohol is legal while the recreational drugs remain illegal.

So, alcohol and its ramifications and the drinkers are more or less tolerated by societies while the recreational drugs are scorned by society while the users are somewhat loathed and continually criticized for their consumption of the recreational drugs and their form of self indulgence and pleasure seeking.

Cheers....yuk yuk yuk


"But that would just add to the problems when people are drunk and also stoned."

Stoned is an unusual term for "prescription pain relievers", 555.

Can we agree that the greatest threat to society is alcohol+pills?

Both of which are 100% legal?



"But that would just add to the problems when people are drunk and also stoned."

Stoned is an unusual term for "prescription pain relievers", 555.

Can we agree that the greatest threat to society is alcohol+pills?

Both of which are 100% legal?


Stoned , High as a Kite, Wacked, Blitzed, Bleary, Wasted, Chink Eyed ...and many other colorful stoner terms are used to describe the results of consuming the recreational purpose drugs for the sole purpose of getting wasted or stoned or all Fxxxed Up on their drug of choice.

Meantime, the prescription pain killers are not manufactured or prescribed for the sole purpose of getting high or stoned or wasted...no matter how a person describes the "intoxicating" effects of some kinds of prescription drugs that are also commonly addictive, but not as fast as notable strength or higher purity recreational drugs that will have you hooked in as little as 5 times in a row.

And the suppliers want you to get hooked...good and hooked so you come back for more....same as the pharmaceutical drug manufactures ...but they will not admit that...lol

Meantime the recreational drugs, including marijuana are consumed mainly and mostly for the sole purpose of getting stoned or high or wasted on.

That is the major difference between the prescription drugs and the recreational drugs while marijuana is also consumed by a percent of the consumers for medical reasons...but that makes up abut 2 % of the users that use it for the sole purpose of medication for a variety of ailments....the rest , 98 %, is consumed for the sole purpose of getting high on....and if there is some medicinal benefits had by some users then that is a secondary plus that can be argued in favor of the drugs use...such as many people get a good nights rest if they smoke a joint or 2 before they go to bed.

I agree alcohol is more problematic because it is far more wide spread......

But think about it...if you had just as many hundreds of millions of consumers snorting Coke or smoking crack Cocaine or cranking Heroin or smoking Heroin or snorting and smoking Crystal Meth....then what would be the social ramifications.

You may learn alcohol is not nearly as bad ...in comparison.



"You may learn alcohol is not nearly as bad ...in comparison."

Once again, the facts indicate otherwise. Sounds like you have an ideological agenda, that can only be advanced by ignorance.

Typical drug addict. Denial.



The boyfriend should also be brought into this situation.

You do not leave a person who has taken drugs on their own, never. Even if they had had the mother of all arguments. She was vulnerable. he is a bit of a <deleted>.

Especially not looking after her in a foreign place.

I have helped people go through drug experiences, as have people helped me. That's the first rule, never take drugs on your own.

And she's a vet? Sorry, i would think that most of Belgium have probably stopped her career before it even started. Pity.


"You may learn alcohol is not nearly as bad ...in comparison."

Once again, the facts indicate otherwise. Sounds like you have an ideological agenda, that can only be advanced by ignorance.

Typical drug addict. Denial.


Until there are a billion consumers of the hard drugs, on a daily basis , same as alcohol .......then YOU and everyone else will never know ...or understand

But meantime, when and if you are around the drug addicts and all that is entailed you may get an idea of how sad and nasty it can also be in comparison to alcohol addiction.

Have you ever seen just how quickly a Meth Addict goes down hill??......Much faster than an alcoholic while they look like death warmed over after in typically less than 1 year, certainly 2 years

You seem to be convinced that only alcohol is the most damaging addiction making for the all the more widespread ignorance been displayed...lol

You can carry on believing that alcohol is the one and only Star of damaging addictions out there...just because there is information out there that tells you so and has you convinced.

Meantime, I know otherwise.

Alcohol addiction and all that is entailed is bad .....no denying that ....but some of the hard drug addictions are just as bad while some aspects of the hard drug addictions are far more disturbing.



One of the things an educated person learns is statistic probability theory.

And one of the first things you learn in Statistics, is no matter how many anecdotes you have...

Anecdotes <> Data.

So many uneducated people on TVF trying to appear otherwise, 555


She is flat out lucky to be alive. If she was tripping on mushrooms or some funky ex, she could easily have drowned.

Family and friends that know and love this gal, it's a wake up call for some intervention. Maybe it was a one time party deal, but don't go that route again young lady.


One of the things an educated person learns is statistic probability theory.

And one of the first things you learn in Statistics, is no matter how many anecdotes you have...

Anecdotes <> Data.

So many uneducated people on TVF trying to appear otherwise, 555

OK....apparently ...you are all knowing.

No need to inform you any longer...go ahead step in the shit....you will have to learn from experience rather than the theories and other peoples statistics that you apparently rely on for your all knowing attitude.

Cheers and good luck.

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