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Monk calls on Thai govt to burn down 1 mosque for 1 dead Buddhist monk


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This Guy definately doesn't have a natural calling for the Bhuddist Monkhood!

The southern problem esculated years ago when insurgents killed monks and took hostage in a temple, the Thai authoritises surrounded them, took control and executed them on the spot.

It's never been the same since.

Edited by kiwikeith
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Anyone who hates Muslims and wants to punish them collectively for the actions of a minority of Islamic terrorists is just as evil as the terrorists. We won't defeat ignorance and hatred by being more ignorant and hateful.

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Anyone who hates Muslims and wants to punish them collectively for the actions of a minority of Islamic terrorists is just as evil as the terrorists. We won't defeat ignorance and hatred by being more ignorant and hateful.

You have your opinions 99% of others have theirs.

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Chrystal Nacht all over again, didn't do Adolf much good

If you quote history, you should make sure you know what you are talking about. It did exactly what he meant it to do.

Go read up about it and his red brown-shirts who did it.

Pearl Harbour and attacking Russia are what didn't do him much good.

And apart from all that, your comparison is totally wrong. Krystallnacht was an unprovoked attack to persecute a minority he didn't want. More like what the muslims are doing.


Quote red - brown shirts Unquote

You did it! Wooow I am so impressed.

Just 1 question.

Does this mean you approve of what happened to that group of muslims way back in T's days?

So the man did 1 thing right?

Perhaps you want to bring T back, so that he can finish the job?

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Anyone who hates Muslims and wants to punish them collectively for the actions of a minority of Islamic terrorists is just as evil as the terrorists. We won't defeat ignorance and hatred by being more ignorant and hateful.

Its about stopping the Muslim haters who are committing genocide around the world - from Syria/Iraq, right across Northern Africa to Thailand/Philippines. The Muslim 'moderates' should stop them but they don't so someone else has to. In WW2 the Allies had no beef against the German people but Germany had to be defeated to end the Nazis. The haters had to be stopped and were, the only way to stop Islamic terror is by forcefully resisting it wherever it rears its evil head.

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Anyone who hates Muslims and wants to punish them collectively for the actions of a minority of Islamic terrorists is just as evil as the terrorists. We won't defeat ignorance and hatred by being more ignorant and hateful.

I wrote a strongly worded letter to the Islamic extremists

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Anyone who hates Muslims and wants to punish them collectively for the actions of a minority of Islamic terrorists is just as evil as the terrorists. We won't defeat ignorance and hatred by being more ignorant and hateful.

I wrote a strongly worded letter to the Islamic extremists

Did you mention your Paisley?
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This Guy definately doesn't have a natural calling for the Bhuddist Monkhood!

Mosques are only mortar and bricks and replicable, human life aren't, so far those Muslim terrorists

are killing innocent people indiscreetly and with malic, as many as 6,000 people are already dead

and counting, and if it take a very radicle and extreme idea to stop it, that I'm all for it...

What a despicable hateful statement. If someone made the same statement that about haredim cultists, the same nutters who murdered the PM of Israel, you would be up in arms. Murder and violence is wrong. If responsible people must tell you this, then you should realize that you have a problem.

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I guess it's not a religious issue in southern Philippines, northern nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, etc etc either. Hangon what's the common denominator??

And the answer is POWER.

Good old fashioned power.

It beats money, oil, gold, political or religious values, whatever.

I think the 'common denominator' is the religion-that-can't-be-named monsieur..

Grabbing part of a foreign country with a different religion, language, culture seems to me to be a matter of POWER.

Holding on to it, seems to me to be a matter of POWER.

A zillion different "liberation fronts" seem to me to be a matter of POWER.

Every neanderthaler wants POWER.

Ever watched "Life of Brian"?


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you can't blame him...Afghanistan was a Buddhist nation before Sharia rule and moslem muslims got there.

Even a "moderate" Muslim doesn't deny that Islam is meant to reign supreme. Muslim are commanded to live under Sharia law. Sharia law commands Muslims to destroy all man-made law.
Tell me how this is supposed to be compatible with any non-Muslim country.

There's no such thing as a moderate muslim. Those that oppose any part of the koran or dont follow the koran are killed by extremists. I reckon the term moderate muslim is a phrase the media made up, so not to make islam out to be as bad as it is.

Deception is part of Islamic doctrine.... Kitman and Muruna,also look up, deception of Hudna.

All devout Muslims are aware of it and how it may be used to deceive non-Muslims concerning the true nature of Islam.
Muslims are permitted to lie in order to promote Islam in the eyes of non-Muslims, or to prevent its denigration in the eyes of non-Muslims, even under oath in a court of law.

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To solve the problem just let them change, let the Thai Muslims move to Malaysia and the Buddhist Malaysians move to Thailand... Not the best solution but at least no more religious violence that those who are corrupt can hide behind doing their dirty deeds in the south.

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you can't blame him...Afghanistan was a Buddhist nation before Sharia rule and moslem muslims got there.

Even a "moderate" Muslim doesn't deny that Islam is meant to reign supreme. Muslim are commanded to live under Sharia law. Sharia law commands Muslims to destroy all man-made law.

Tell me how this is supposed to be compatible with any non-Muslim country.

There's no such thing as a moderate muslim. Those that oppose any part of the koran or dont follow the koran are killed by extremists. I reckon the term moderate muslim is a phrase the media made up, so not to make islam out to be as bad as it is.

Deception is part of Islamic doctrine.... Kitman and Muruna,also look up, deception of Hudna.

All devout Muslims are aware of it and how it may be used to deceive non-Muslims concerning the true nature of Islam.

Muslims are permitted to lie in order to promote Islam in the eyes of non-Muslims, or to prevent its denigration in the eyes of non-Muslims, even under oath in a court of law.

Ah the koran.

I never read it, but I do know some fairy tales that they copied / stole from similar jewish and christian books.

I'll take a wild guess here: Whatever one wants to find in the koran, one will find.

Not different from other religions and their books.

"Slave, honour your master" can be found in the bible.

So can " An eye for an eye".

Or "Turn the other cheek".

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To solve the problem just let them change, let the Thai Muslims move to Malaysia and the Buddhist Malaysians move to Thailand... Not the best solution but at least no more religious violence that those who are corrupt can hide behind doing their dirty deeds in the south.

This might end up in a situation similar to what happened when British India was devided, mutual violence from both sides. Not a good model for nation-building IMHO.

Anyway I guess it's not about religion so much but about the history of the former sultanate of Pattaya. This should not be confused.

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string of looney posts... people - do you not understand religious extremism? No religion has a monopoly on it.

ignorance pure.

No religion has monopoly but one stands out big when it comes to public decapitations...whistling.gif

King Henry VIII the patron of the Church of England, who had his wife's head chopped off when he fancied another woman?

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you can't blame him...Afghanistan was a Buddhist nation before Sharia rule and moslem muslims got there.

Even a "moderate" Muslim doesn't deny that Islam is meant to reign supreme. Muslim are commanded to live under Sharia law. Sharia law commands Muslims to destroy all man-made law.

Tell me how this is supposed to be compatible with any non-Muslim country.

There's no such thing as a moderate muslim. Those that oppose any part of the koran or dont follow the koran are killed by extremists. I reckon the term moderate muslim is a phrase the media made up, so not to make islam out to be as bad as it is.

Deception is part of Islamic doctrine.... Kitman and Muruna,also look up, deception of Hudna.

All devout Muslims are aware of it and how it may be used to deceive non-Muslims concerning the true nature of Islam.

Muslims are permitted to lie in order to promote Islam in the eyes of non-Muslims, or to prevent its denigration in the eyes of non-Muslims, even under oath in a court of law.

Ah the koran.

I never read it, but I do know some fairy tales that they copied / stole from similar jewish and christian books.

I'll take a wild guess here: Whatever one wants to find in the koran, one will find.

Not different from other religions and their books.

"Slave, honour your master" can be found in the bible.

So can " An eye for an eye".

Or "Turn the other cheek".

What the Quran is actually not that bad a read, and is a lot less violent that the other texts.

Oh yeah forgot you know right that Muslims have the same God as Christians and Jews. So the lifting of well let's see the shared history seems the right thing to do.

And I think there is probably a fair bit more content based on science not fairytales. This is most likely due to the rather more recent period of its production, rather than coming Roman Empires peak periods.

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Do you know that in Indonesia and Malaysia they demolished and burned churches...so..


Actually, it's Hindu Temples in Malaysia. There are restrictions on building Christian churches in Malaysia. Same for Indonesia.

And if Bahai or Jew, don't bother trying.

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Do you know that in Indonesia and Malaysia they demolished and burned churches...so..


Churches have been attacked and destroyed in both countries, but not at the instigation of elected national government. At the provincial level a number have been destroyed in Ache due to an Islamic conservative provincial government, but to use the old expression "two wrongs don't make a right".

The individual in the OP has breached Thai law, so it will be interesting to see what if any action is taken against him. I guess a number of posters are unaware the Thai government pays approx 50% of the funds to build and maintain mosques throughout Thailand. Islam is protected by the Thai Constitution and the highest institution of Thai society.

By far the largest majority of Thai Muslims reside outside of the deep South. There may be a few exceptions, but as far as I know those living outside of the deep South have not carried out attacks against the State or Buddhists based upon political or religious agendas. For what it's worth polls in the deep South show the majority of residents don't want unification with Malaysia or a separate State, but self governance similar to Bangkok and Pattaya. Let's not forget the largest majority of people killed in the deep South conflict are local Thai Muslims, including some Imams calling for peace and reconciliation.

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I like it, let's do what he says....

I would say that a Muslim Mosque in a country where Muslims are in a minority should be closed down (not burned as it could be used for something else) if anyone in that Mosque has been convicted of murder against Buddhists or anyone else.

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What the Quran is actually not that bad a read, and is a lot less violent that the other texts.

Oh yeah forgot you know right that Muslims have the same God as Christians and Jews. So the lifting of well let's see the shared history seems the right thing to do.

And I think there is probably a fair bit more content based on science not fairytales. This is most likely due to the rather more recent period of its production, rather than coming Roman Empires peak periods.

No, muslims do not have the same God as Christians and Jews. The claim has been regurgitated multiple times to show commonality, but the truth is, no. The fundamental core teaching of Christianity is that of the Holy Trinity. Christian theology holds that in one God there are three distinct entities: The father, the son and the holy spirit. Jews and Muslims do not accept this. However, jews accept that because of the power of God, if he so chose, he could take on any shape manner or form and that he is indeed the holy spirit, but as one singular entity. Because Christianity originates from Judaism, there are shared beliefs. Islam does not accept the teachings of Judeo Christian theology. It is blasphemy punishable by death.

The Quran is indeed a very violent read and does not allow for any divergence from what is written.You disagree and you die. Judaism like Buddhism, encourages debate and questioning of the scriptures. It is why much of the Old testament's edicts and rules are not followed, even in Israel, as there are different interpretations and much discussion on whether the old rules apply. Christianity allows for argument and discussion. It is why the Christian faith continues to evolve.

Do not mention science and Islam in the same sentence please. The reality is that all advances in science come courtesy of the Judeo-Christian approach to science. One doesn't have to be religious to be a great scientist, but the culture encourages deep thought, independent thinking, critical approaches, debate and disagreement. Islam demands group think.

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Thailand annexed the south from Malaysia around 1903. I say to cede it back to Malaysia. Rubber trees and palm oil is not the future. Read my other posts on the Islamic problem! Moderate Muslims are eerily quiet in denouncing the Jihadists, so it's clear to me they support Jihad. The Koran says so.

All so true, sadly ! Thank's to the British who devised this swap of land. Here a quote from Wikipedia :

"Patani came under Thai rule briefly during the Sukhothai period, and more extensively during the later Ayuthaya period.

In 1791 and 1808, there were rebellions within Pattani against Thai rule, following which Pattani was divided into 7 largely autonomous states (Mueang): Pattani, Nongchik, Saiburi (Teluban), Yala (Jala), Yaring (Jambu), Ra-ngae (Legeh) and Raman. All were ruled by the King of Ligor.

After the British had taken a large part of southern Thailand in 1909, Great Britain and Thailand signed the Bangkok Treaty of 1909. The British recognised Thailand's sovereignty over Pattani, and, in return, Thailand gave up a territory called Kelantan to the British.[15] All seven mueang were reunited into a monthon and incorporated into the kingdom. Later, the central government in Bangkok renamed certain localities with Thai versions of their names and merged some of the mueang."

And then started the so called "insurgency", as the malays of these newly formed provinces never digested their new "Thai" status; lasting up to our days, with almost daily killings.

What has been done has been done; the locals will never cede a centimeter of their precious land to Malaysia. Just look how "aliens", like most of us, are treated, with never a chance to possess a bit of land under our names to house our families...

The hatred is very well established and grounded in more than one hundred years of history.

This monk is just a cherry on the sundae, with a Thai flavor, as usually it is served with a muslim aroma...

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Anyone who hates Muslims and wants to punish them collectively for the actions of a minority of Islamic terrorists is just as evil as the terrorists. We won't defeat ignorance and hatred by being more ignorant and hateful.

Its about stopping the Muslim haters who are committing genocide around the world - from Syria/Iraq, right across Northern Africa to Thailand/Philippines. The Muslim 'moderates' should stop them but they don't so someone else has to. In WW2 the Allies had no beef against the German people but Germany had to be defeated to end the Nazis. The haters had to be stopped and were, the only way to stop Islamic terror is by forcefully resisting it wherever it rears its evil head.

Frade so.

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