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Russian plane crash: 'external factors' blamed


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Russian plane crash: 'external factors' blamed


MOSCOW: -- External factors have been blamed for a Russian plane to crash on the Sinai Peninula in Egypt which claimed 224 lives.

An official for the operating airline Metrojet made the statement to journalists during a press conference.

“The only possible explanation for the break-up of an aircraft in mid-air would be an impact, either mechanical or physical,” said Metrojet Director, Alexander Smirnov.

Russian aviation authorities have described the words as “premature”. They say the cause of the crash can only be pinpointed after the wreckage and black box recorders have been examined.

Flight KGL9268 – what we know

- The Russian Airbus A321 was 22 minutes into a flight from the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg in Russia

- There were 224 people on board. The majority were Russian tourists

- There were also citizens of Ukraine and Belarus on board

- The aircraft disappeared from the radar screens at 9,450 metres, just as it was reaching cruising altitude.
No distress signal was sent

- A 2001 incident when the plane’s tail section struck the ground on landing was fully repaired. Experts say this could not have been a factor in the crash.

The official response

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev says a full investigation into the causes of the crash is a key priority.

President Vladimir Putin has described the crash as a “great tragedy” and called on investigators to build what he has described as an “objective picture” of what happened.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-03

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Not sure if the Russian will release the full truth of the crash, anyway they look at it, it doesn't bode well for them, and the Russian being the master manipulators of information, will not willingly tell it all, it left to other non Russian agencies to decipher the real cause of the crush....

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Not sure if the Russians deserve this kind of comment until agencies decipher the real cause of the crash.

Not sure if the Russian will release the full truth of the crash, anyway they look at it, it doesn't bode well for them, and the Russian being the master manipulators of information, will not willingly tell it all, it left to other non Russian agencies to decipher the real cause of the crush....

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I concur. Master manipulators of information, subterfuge and false flags the world's number one proponent is ... Zions. The list of groups that may have done this would be Ukrainian, Chenchen, ISIS, Amers and Israelis, possibly a few more but those are the ones that would come under scrutiny first. Hard to say who is the culprit with no info and as a spectator but, my money would be on the last 3 groups for the Syria debacle the Russians are clearing up. But one thing you can be certain of is that the Russians are Masters of one thing...and that is "Payback".

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They need to take a close look at every passenger of the plane to see if there were any people of extreme interest in board.

I wouldn't put it past the psychopath Putin to down a plane to get 1 person that opposed him.

That's right, create the worst aviation disaster in Russian aviation history. Putin may be a psychopath but that doesn't mean he's stupid. I'm sure he has at his disposal several more surgical methods to eliminate an individual and has exercised them several times.

Besides, there is this:

I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country.” - G. W. Bush


Edited by MaxYakov
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I concur. Master manipulators of information, subterfuge and false flags the world's number one proponent is ... Zions. The list of groups that may have done this would be Ukrainian, Chenchen, ISIS, Amers and Israelis, possibly a few more but those are the ones that would come under scrutiny first. Hard to say who is the culprit with no info and as a spectator but, my money would be on the last 3 groups for the Syria debacle the Russians are clearing up. But one thing you can be certain of is that the Russians are Masters of one thing...and that is "Payback".

Oh how delightful to see people are dusting off their tin foil hats after the MH17 faded from the news once well past the one year anniversary of that event. Zions!?! Any relation to the Cylons cuz those women were hot!!!

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