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A year from US Election Day, GOP faces chaos it hoped to avoid


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A year from Election Day, GOP faces chaos it hoped to avoid

WASHINGTON (AP) — After a devastating loss in the 2012 presidential election, the Republican Party entered a period of intense self-reflection and emerged with a firm promise to learn from its mistakes.

The GOP vowed to avoid a prolonged and vicious 2016 primary. It concluded it must embrace an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws and adopt a more welcoming tone to win over women and minorities.

Yet a year from Election Day 2016, the GOP primary is a rough and bumpy competition. More than a dozen candidates are fighting for the support of voters — and skirmishing among themselves over the process of picking the nominee. And there are few signs the candidates are committed to expanding the party's appeal beyond its conservative base.

"For Republicans, a free-for-all is good — I guess," says Steve Duprey, a Republican National Committeeman from New Hampshire. "We always anticipated a vigorous contest, but I never anticipated 16 candidates."

Meanwhile, there's no such drama among Democrats. The party appears to be coalescing behind front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is building a campaign operation aimed at turning out the general election voters who catapulted Barack Obama to the White House.

The GOP's challenges were on display Monday, as bickering continued among campaigns about upcoming debates. That's an issue the GOP thought it had resolved, having spent years retooling its primary process after officials said it left 2012 nominee Mitt Romney bloodied heading into the general election.

Members of both parties say the GOP's White House hopefuls have also ignored the recommendation from the RNC's self-study that insisted Republicans must improve the party's appeal among women and minorities.

"Devastatingly, we have lost the ability to be persuasive with, or welcoming to, those who do not agree with us on every issue," the report found. In addition to an improved tone, the RNC outlined a single policy imperative: "We must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, our party's appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only."

After a bipartisan group of senators failed to turn immigration legislation into law, Republicans on the campaign trail — including those involved with that effort — have moved sharply in the other direction. Almost the entire GOP field now calls first and foremost for increased security along the Mexican border.

Some, including front-runner Donald Trump, want to deport the estimated 11 million immigrants in the country illegally — a policy prescription experts suggest would be difficult if not impossible to achieve.

Incoming House Speaker Paul Ryan said over the weekend there would be no immigration bill until 2017, at the earliest. But Trump, who has infuriated Latinos by describing Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals, keeps the topic front-and-center in the race.

"There have been moments that have been a little painful," says Henry Barbour, an author of the RNC's postelection report and a Republican National Committeeman from Mississippi. "We have to nominate a candidate who can win — someone who can grow our party instead of making it smaller."

Absent a clear front-runner of their own, Republicans are trying to rally around their opposition to Clinton — amid signs that she's getting stronger.

Commanding performances in the first primary debate and during 11 hours of testimony before a Republican-led congressional committee reassured many Democrats who'd feared the controversy over her use of a private email server as secretary of state could harm her campaign.

Her poll numbers have rebounded from a summer slump, and she now holds a wide lead nationally over Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The relatively clear Democratic field has allowed her team to focus a full year before Election Day on building the kind of operation that can carry her beyond the primary contests. She currently employs 511 staffers across the country — close to the number of staff on all the Republican campaigns combined.

And fundraising reports show an energized Democratic Party, with Clinton and Sanders together raising only slightly less than 15 candidates on the Republican side combined. The two top Democrats had roughly the same amount in the bank at the beginning of October as all the Republicans.

Clinton aides say that they budgeted for a high level of spending early in the campaign, and that the team is making important investments in data analytics, digital infrastructure and organizing that will help in both the primaries and the general election.

Few, if any, Republican campaigns have made such investments, although the Republican National Committee has expanded its digital operation.

Still, with two Senate committees and the FBI investigating Clinton's email arrangement, that issue could re-emerge. And an unpredictable Democratic primary electorate, which has moved to the left during President Obama's administration, leaves Clinton and her team cautious about their prospects.

"I once made the mistake of thinking we could talk about these kinds of things before a single vote was cast," said former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a Clinton supporter. "Anything could happen still. This is a presidential campaign. You have no idea what may be waiting in the wings."

Associated Press writer Julie Bykowicz contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-03

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In 2012 The Republican Party did a prognosis that they need 46% of the minority vote to win the election.

The Republicans aren't exactly doing themselves any favors by alienating minorities.. lets see now Asians are 5% of the electorate, African Americans are 11%, Hispanics are 13% which adds up to 29%.

That leaves 71% which are whites so Democrats only need 21% more of the total electorate and they generally get more than just 21%.

All this polarization by Trump and everyone else trying to outdo him will likely not change trends that more people have voted for Democrats over Republicans in the last 6 elections since 1992.

But I'm voting for Hillary because I'm against the Republicans.

And I'd rather have Hillary picking the next 3-4 Supreme Court justices and continuing to assure the ACA will survive.

Unless Bernie can pull off a miracle. He really would get more votes than Hillary.
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What you call chaos is actually a healthy democracy working properly...who ever said that the number of candidates for the highest office of the land should be limited to avoid chaos...

Each candidate brings something to the table...experience, passion, a wealth of knowledge, and ideas to reign in spending, reduce taxes, and address the immigration problem...

What have the Dems got...a socialist, a prevaricator...there is not a candidate among the Dems that will not continue reckless spending and taxing...and obstructing justice to protect their own...

Edited by ggt
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Biased democrat crap. As shown in the below quote with no mention of her running mate the FBI who are investigating mostly on the grounds of gross negligence. Democrats coroneted their queen while stifling competition. Republicans have many good choices and are sorting through the list.

"Meanwhile, there's no such drama among Democrats. The party appears to be coalescing behind front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is building a campaign operation aimed at turning out the general election voters who catapulted Barack Obama to the White House."

And as to the below statement, who are the some as Trump is the only candidate that has supported deporting all illegal aliens.

"Some, including front-runner Donald Trump, want to deport the estimated 11 million immigrants in the country illegally — a policy prescription experts suggest would be difficult if not impossible to achieve."

Political rubbish.

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There are a lot of biased people here, but I've been waiting 30 years for someone to vote for.

A decent and fiscally responsible person that would end the federal reserve and private bank issuance of currency and a person that would put an end to all of the wars and meddling in all the affairs of other governments around the world.

Someone who would balance the budget and put away with government debt is who is needed.

Neither party has provided such a candidate. They basically are the same.

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I feel so sorry for all my American friends and their electorate... The choices that they have for their next President is dismal.. Obama Hussein has been a walking talking disaster who was also voted in a second time which is a fact that the rest of the world laughs at. And now we are watching as the greatest nation on earth slowly votes in a grandmother... WHAT THE Frig is happening... Americans... You need someone strong, fit, someone who loves the USA with a passion... Not somebodies <deleted> Granny.. Where is the All American Putin..... Where is The Gengis Khan of the West.... Someone who WILL NOT take prisoners... But if as a Nation you all need your nappy changed... Vote for the Granny... My heart weeps for all true and patriotic Americans...

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The long shadow of Iraq will cast it's pall over the Republican'ts leadership for decades.

Idiots. Greedy, war mongering idiots who traded in their jointly held moral compass for shiny Rolex's back when Reagan was incoherent and still in office.

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There are a lot of biased people here, but I've been waiting 30 years for someone to vote for.

A decent and fiscally responsible person that would end the federal reserve and private bank issuance of currency and a person that would put an end to all of the wars and meddling in all the affairs of other governments around the world.

Someone who would balance the budget and put away with government debt is who is needed.

Neither party has provided such a candidate. They basically are the same.

Since 1950 there have been 10 U.S. presidents. 5 Democrats & 5 Republicans.

What is the score when it comes to debt?

Democrats increased debt during their terms an average of 29%.

Republicans increased debt during their terms an average 85%.

Ronald Reagan holds the record at 186% over budget.

GW Bush comes in 2nd place at 101%.

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In 2012 The Republican Party did a prognosis that they need 46% of the minority vote to win the election.

The Republicans aren't exactly doing themselves any favors by alienating minorities.. lets see now Asians are 5% of the electorate, African Americans are 11%, Hispanics are 13% which adds up to 29%.

That leaves 71% which are whites so Democrats only need 21% more of the total electorate and they generally get more than just 21%.

All this polarization by Trump and everyone else trying to outdo him will likely not change trends that more people have voted for Democrats over Republicans in the last 6 elections since 1992.

But I'm voting for Hillary because I'm against the Republicans.

And I'd rather have Hillary picking the next 3-4 Supreme Court justices and continuing to assure the ACA will survive.

Unless Bernie can pull off a miracle. He really would get more votes than Hillary.

" continuing to assure the ACA will survive."

By all means, let's keep the ACA alive and functioning...until the death spiral finally gets it.


Obamacare Premiums To Soar 3 Times Faster Than Feds Claim
10:58 PM 11/01/2015
Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The discrepancy is because the government excluded price data for three of the four Obamacare health insurance plans when the officials issued their recent forecast claiming enrollees would face only a 7.5 percent average rate increase in 2016.
When data for all four plans are included, premium costs will actually rise on average 20.3 percent next year. The 2015 Obamacare price hike was 20.3 percent.
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It's been deliciously chaotic election season for the rudderless Republicans, as expected. Candidates have to go far right to get the nomination because the lunatic fringe is now the base. Thus we have TWO unbelievably bad candidates driving the clown bus with Trump and Carson.

From the last debate we've learned that Republicans are trying to "Gaslight" their way into American's hearts. The term Gaslighting comes from the movie Gas Light where the husband dims the lights in the house trying to drive his wife crazy by telling her he doesn't see the change. The Republicans abandoned the truth, facts, reason, logic and common sense to sell their wingnut propaganda. Fox News relies on "Gaslighting" to satisfy the wingnuts but the "liberal media" (every other source that has any respect for journalism) will call out the Republicans on their lies and the Republicans don't like that! How dare you call me out on things written on my website?

So, now we have the accepted method of dealing with a Republican lies; Always double down on what you said even if it's wrong. Anything less makes you look weak.

As the HRC juggernaut moves closer to the Presidency every day, the wingnuts continue their ridiculous gaslight campaigns.

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Apparently Obama took a jab at the Republican field over foreign policy at a fundraiser today, mocking claims by Donald Trump and others that relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin would improve if they were elected.

"And then it turns out they can't handle a bunch of CNBC moderators," Obama quipped, poking fun at candidates' complaints about last week's GOP presidential debate. "If you can't handle those guys, I don't think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you."
Truth hurts!

And on top of that, it turns out although Congress - both the Senate and the House of Representatives are in favor of funding 9/11 first responders health bill, it will not be brought up since it does not have an actual majority of the Republicans.

I swear Republicans are committed to destroying America since they obviously want policies that don't help Americans but instead want Americans to die fighting unneeded wars to help Israel!

Might as well have an Israeli flag on the US Capitol while Republicans are in charge.

Edited by JakeSully
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I feel so sorry for all my American friends and their electorate... The choices that they have for their next President is dismal.. Obama Hussein has been a walking talking disaster who was also voted in a second time which is a fact that the rest of the world laughs at. And now we are watching as the greatest nation on earth slowly votes in a grandmother... WHAT THE Frig is happening... Americans... You need someone strong, fit, someone who loves the USA with a passion... Not somebodies <deleted> Granny.. Where is the All American Putin..... Where is The Gengis Khan of the West.... Someone who WILL NOT take prisoners... But if as a Nation you all need your nappy changed... Vote for the Granny... My heart weeps for all true and patriotic Americans...

I bet you have no problem with voting for a grandfather/grandad. Why don't you just say you don't want a "woman" in the White House?

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The United States needs someone who is going to take care of the needs of the American people- provide real healthcare; reform the tax code so the wealthy start paying their share; help the poor and middle class; move away from the insidious relationship between government and business and stop the ridiculous increase in the defense budget. At the same bring the troops home from the Middle East and let the Russians drain their budget and lives for nothing. The American people want this type of leader. The problem is that none of the candidates are that leader. A once great country continues its decades long flight into mediocrity.

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Biased democrat crap. As shown in the below quote with no mention of her running mate the FBI who are investigating mostly on the grounds of gross negligence. Democrats coroneted their queen while stifling competition. Republicans have many good choices and are sorting through the list.

"Meanwhile, there's no such drama among Democrats. The party appears to be coalescing behind front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is building a campaign operation aimed at turning out the general election voters who catapulted Barack Obama to the White House."

And as to the below statement, who are the some as Trump is the only candidate that has supported deporting all illegal aliens.

"Some, including front-runner Donald Trump, want to deport the estimated 11 million immigrants in the country illegally — a policy prescription experts suggest would be difficult if not impossible to achieve."

Political rubbish.

I think it is hilarious how some people throw around the word socialist.

USA has the largest military spending in the world, more than the next 10 countries combines. (Ran by the Government)

Schools (Ran by the Government)

Police (Ran by the Government)

Fire departments (Ran by the Government)

But try and introduce a national healthcare plan, and everyone is screaming socialist, like communism is taking over.

USA is the ONLY developed nation on the planet that did not have a national healthcare plan.

Does that make Canada, France, UK etc etc etc all communist? Where are our death squads??

The fear mongers always make me laugh.

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I think it is hilarious how some people throw around the word socialist.


USA is the ONLY developed nation on the planet that did not have a national healthcare plan.

Does that make Canada, France, UK etc etc etc all communist? Where are our death squads??

The fear mongers always make me laugh.

Would you be talking about the failed/failing national health programs of Canada and the UK with long waiting lists and effective rationing? Or, perhaps, you'd be talking about the incredibly high taxes and prices of consumer goods that go to pay for this "free" failed health care?

The only thing I'd be afraid of is not getting health care when I needed it when it is "free". As Thatcher said, "Sooner or later you run out of other people's money".

When Canadian Premier Danny Harper headed to the US for his heart surgery, and on his own dime instead of government funds, he showed Canada's health care up for what it is. LINK

No matter how far the NHS slips or how much people bitch about it, they still defend it as the utopia of "developed countries".


BTW low income people in the US get "free" health care called Medicaid. People with a lot more money either get it from employment insurance, or aged Medicare options, or if they are rich they buy their own. What's unfair about that?


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I think it is hilarious how some people throw around the word socialist.


USA is the ONLY developed nation on the planet that did not have a national healthcare plan.

Does that make Canada, France, UK etc etc etc all communist? Where are our death squads??

The fear mongers always make me laugh.

Would you be talking about the failed/failing national health programs of Canada and the UK with long waiting lists and effective rationing? Or, perhaps, you'd be talking about the incredibly high taxes and prices of consumer goods that go to pay for this "free" failed health care?

The only thing I'd be afraid of is not getting health care when I needed it when it is "free". As Thatcher said, "Sooner or later you run out of other people's money".

When Canadian Premier Danny Harper headed to the US for his heart surgery, and on his own dime instead of government funds, he showed Canada's health care up for what it is. LINK

No matter how far the NHS slips or how much people bitch about it, they still defend it as the utopia of "developed countries".


BTW low income people in the US get "free" health care called Medicaid. People with a lot more money either get it from employment insurance, or aged Medicare options, or if they are rich they buy their own. What's unfair about that?


What about the freeloaders that use the emergency rooms.

Hospital administrators do not like spending millions a year of shareholders money like this. That's fair?

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I think it is hilarious how some people throw around the word socialist.


USA is the ONLY developed nation on the planet that did not have a national healthcare plan.

Does that make Canada, France, UK etc etc etc all communist? Where are our death squads??

The fear mongers always make me laugh.

Would you be talking about the failed/failing national health programs of Canada and the UK with long waiting lists and effective rationing? Or, perhaps, you'd be talking about the incredibly high taxes and prices of consumer goods that go to pay for this "free" failed health care?

The only thing I'd be afraid of is not getting health care when I needed it when it is "free". As Thatcher said, "Sooner or later you run out of other people's money".

When Canadian Premier Danny Harper headed to the US for his heart surgery, and on his own dime instead of government funds, he showed Canada's health care up for what it is. LINK

No matter how far the NHS slips or how much people bitch about it, they still defend it as the utopia of "developed countries".


BTW low income people in the US get "free" health care called Medicaid. People with a lot more money either get it from employment insurance, or aged Medicare options, or if they are rich they buy their own. What's unfair about that?


These are not in any way failed programs. They are not perfect but they work and they work well.

If you listen to FOX news and the keep fear alive crew, I am sure they call them failed, but if you ask the citizens of any of these countries I think you will find that we are proud and happy with our healthcare systems.

I am a Canadian and I am happy with the system we have there.

Both of my parents had cancer and I don't have a single bad thing to say about the Canadian healthcare system.

the US system is fueled by greed and nothing more. Get you healthcare costs under control and the system will work a lot better.

Keep spending your trillions on your military so the rich can get richer, while you neglect your citizens health and education. No wonder you are losing your middle class.

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I think it is hilarious how some people throw around the word socialist.


USA is the ONLY developed nation on the planet that did not have a national healthcare plan.

Does that make Canada, France, UK etc etc etc all communist? Where are our death squads??

The fear mongers always make me laugh.

Would you be talking about the failed/failing national health programs of Canada and the UK with long waiting lists and effective rationing? Or, perhaps, you'd be talking about the incredibly high taxes and prices of consumer goods that go to pay for this "free" failed health care?

The only thing I'd be afraid of is not getting health care when I needed it when it is "free". As Thatcher said, "Sooner or later you run out of other people's money".

When Canadian Premier Danny Harper headed to the US for his heart surgery, and on his own dime instead of government funds, he showed Canada's health care up for what it is. LINK

No matter how far the NHS slips or how much people bitch about it, they still defend it as the utopia of "developed countries".


BTW low income people in the US get "free" health care called Medicaid. People with a lot more money either get it from employment insurance, or aged Medicare options, or if they are rich they buy their own. What's unfair about that?


Both the Canadian and UK taxpayer funded health care systems are dramatically less expensive with much higher patient outcomes than America's multi payer health system. In fact a study by Duckett et al 1998 showed conclusively that moving from a single payer health care system to a multi payer health care system increases waiting times dramatically. You may like to ask the some 45,000 Americans that die per year because they have no health insurance about waiting times. Waiting times occur in elective surgery not life threatening surgery lists.

Taxpayer funded health care systems are not 'free' they are paid for by the citizens in the country and they provide much better health care outcomes at a far more affordable cost. What Universal health care in America would attack is the Chargemaster software used by the Hospital system. Basically it is set at 'What charge will transfer ALL the assets of a wealthy US citizen into our Corporate account'.

Canadian Premier Danny Harper didn't head anywhere. State Premier Danny Williams did. The actual surgery he underwent was actually pioneered by Piedmont Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Toronto Canada and has the worlds best outcomes for that particular surgical procedure. Why did he go to America at ten times the price and worse patient outcomes? I am not sure, because he is an idiot with too much money?

Health care for the poor in America for serious life threatening surgical intervention. Death sentence. You would be better off in a 3rd World country.


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There are a lot of biased people here, but I've been waiting 30 years for someone to vote for.

A decent and fiscally responsible person that would end the federal reserve and private bank issuance of currency and a person that would put an end to all of the wars and meddling in all the affairs of other governments around the world.

Someone who would balance the budget and put away with government debt is who is needed.

Neither party has provided such a candidate. They basically are the same.

Have you tried another country?

Thailand perhaps?? smile.png

None of that here if you don't mind waiting another 30 years to vote. laugh.png

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There are a lot of biased people here, but I've been waiting 30 years for someone to vote for.

A decent and fiscally responsible person that would end the federal reserve and private bank issuance of currency and a person that would put an end to all of the wars and meddling in all the affairs of other governments around the world.

Someone who would balance the budget and put away with government debt is who is needed.

Neither party has provided such a candidate. They basically are the same.

Since 1950 there have been 10 U.S. presidents. 5 Democrats & 5 Republicans.

What is the score when it comes to debt?

Democrats increased debt during their terms an average of 29%.

Republicans increased debt during their terms an average 85%.

Ronald Reagan holds the record at 186% over budget.

GW Bush comes in 2nd place at 101%.

Pleeeeze, don't confuse them with facts!

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I think it is hilarious how some people throw around the word socialist.


USA is the ONLY developed nation on the planet that did not have a national healthcare plan.

Does that make Canada, France, UK etc etc etc all communist? Where are our death squads??

The fear mongers always make me laugh.

Would you be talking about the failed/failing national health programs of Canada and the UK with long waiting lists and effective rationing? Or, perhaps, you'd be talking about the incredibly high taxes and prices of consumer goods that go to pay for this "free" failed health care?

The only thing I'd be afraid of is not getting health care when I needed it when it is "free". As Thatcher said, "Sooner or later you run out of other people's money".

When Canadian Premier Danny Harper headed to the US for his heart surgery, and on his own dime instead of government funds, he showed Canada's health care up for what it is. LINK

No matter how far the NHS slips or how much people bitch about it, they still defend it as the utopia of "developed countries".


BTW low income people in the US get "free" health care called Medicaid. People with a lot more money either get it from employment insurance, or aged Medicare options, or if they are rich they buy their own. What's unfair about that?


Both the Canadian and UK taxpayer funded health care systems are dramatically less expensive with much higher patient outcomes than America's multi payer health system. In fact a study by Duckett et al 1998 showed conclusively that moving from a single payer health care system to a multi payer health care system increases waiting times dramatically. You may like to ask the some 45,000 Americans that die per year because they have no health insurance about waiting times. Waiting times occur in elective surgery not life threatening surgery lists.

Taxpayer funded health care systems are not 'free' they are paid for by the citizens in the country and they provide much better health care outcomes at a far more affordable cost. What Universal health care in America would attack is the Chargemaster software used by the Hospital system. Basically it is set at 'What charge will transfer ALL the assets of a wealthy US citizen into our Corporate account'.

Canadian Premier Danny Harper didn't head anywhere. State Premier Danny Williams did. The actual surgery he underwent was actually pioneered by Piedmont Cardiac Surgery Hospital in Toronto Canada and has the worlds best outcomes for that particular surgical procedure. Why did he go to America at ten times the price and worse patient outcomes? I am not sure, because he is an idiot with too much money?

Health care for the poor in America for serious life threatening surgical intervention. Death sentence. You would be better off in a 3rd World country.


Certainly, the highly profitable health insurance companies need to be removed from the equation.

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I think it is hilarious how some people throw around the word socialist.


USA is the ONLY developed nation on the planet that did not have a national healthcare plan.

Does that make Canada, France, UK etc etc etc all communist? Where are our death squads??

The fear mongers always make me laugh.

Would you be talking about the failed/failing national health programs of Canada and the UK with long waiting lists and effective rationing? Or, perhaps, you'd be talking about the incredibly high taxes and prices of consumer goods that go to pay for this "free" failed health care?

The only thing I'd be afraid of is not getting health care when I needed it when it is "free". As Thatcher said, "Sooner or later you run out of other people's money".

When Canadian Premier Danny Harper headed to the US for his heart surgery, and on his own dime instead of government funds, he showed Canada's health care up for what it is. LINK

No matter how far the NHS slips or how much people bitch about it, they still defend it as the utopia of "developed countries".


BTW low income people in the US get "free" health care called Medicaid. People with a lot more money either get it from employment insurance, or aged Medicare options, or if they are rich they buy their own. What's unfair about that?


I love the definition of a 'successful' health system which appears to be paying twice as much for half the outcomes.

Yes folks, paying nearly twice as much in GDP for worse medical outcomes is the GOP gold standard of good economic policy.

Cue the tin foil hatters grumbling about over litigation and how the second ammendment will solve this problem too. And yes, it is all the migrants fault anyway.

Yes, but don't take away my (socialist) medicare. It's only socialist if I dont benefit!!!

Edited by samran
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The 3rd debate sure was chaotic that had nothing to do with the moderators and everything to do with the participants.

Paul Rand "I want to make Government so small you wont be able to see it". So what will he be presiding over as President? Nothing, a total unregulated Corporate 'free for all'. Will he be dismantling Copyright, Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Tax rebates, One super bank with no competition, Corporate R&D rebates, Food and Drug administration no regulation, Environmental Protection Agency totally unregulated environmental protections.

Fiorina removing ALL Government regulation that causes the problem in the first place. Well hold onto your hat Carly. The GFC was caused by the REMOVAL of Government regulations that is what CAUSED the GFC. Again what will she presiding over as President? Nothing, it will just be a Corporate profits 'free for all'.

In each and every key sector damaging America is the lack or removal of Government regulation and inaction that is at the core of the problem.

Each and everyone of them saying remove Government from peoples lives and in the next breath enacting Government legislation to correct problems.

How the American people can swallow this Right Wing foolish propaganda is beyond me.

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What you call chaos is actually a healthy democracy working properly...who ever said that the number of candidates for the highest office of the land should be limited to avoid chaos...

Each candidate brings something to the table...experience, passion, a wealth of knowledge, and ideas to reign in spending, reduce taxes, and address the immigration problem...

What have the Dems got...a socialist, a prevaricator...there is not a candidate among the Dems that will not continue reckless spending and taxing...and obstructing justice to protect their own...

The RNC wants to bring happiness to the American people. No disagreements allowed, especially on the illegal alien amnesty, which is why they have the daggers out for Trump are looking for ANYONE (Fiorina, Carson, Rubio, Bush, Kasich) who will go against the wishes of the American people and give out the amnesty and all its very costly financial benefits.

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