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Many Thai sex workers say they are happy in their jobs


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What a load of Horlicks, Most Thai women Go into prostitution becasue there are no jobs for them, Many are poor and many have been abandoned by their Thai partners usualy with children. Thai women cannot get jobs until they are 18, then they are told they are to old at 30. If you know nothing else you would say, "yes I like my job"

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Well they're hardly likely to say...Well, having come from a poor family where we barely had enough to eat, having left school at 13, up the duff by 16 and married by 17 to an abusive man who then left me with 2 kids and no money, I still must admit that as a little girl skipping around the school yard, I always thought life would afford me a better outcome than being a hooker in a smelly bar and having to sleep with men as old as my granddad, and being looked down upon as no better than a ragged street dog by my fellow Thais. That said, at least I can fulfil my duty as a Thai and send money home to my mum, and try to offer my kids a better life than I've had.

To admit any unhappiness as a result of being a prostitute would be to lose face completely. It would be to admit failure and wrong doing, and to admit one's parents had failed (an insult of the highest order). Some make a good living and hack it well. Some go through a few husbands and pick up a few pensions and life insurance policies. Many end up alcoholics or drug addicts, with multiple venereal diseases, desperately bitter, unhappy, insecure and never make much money because the parents and extended family take it all for gambling, booze and showing off to the neighbours.

The reality is this: no girl from a well-off family in Thailand ends up a prostitute. No young girl dreams of being a hooker when she grows up.

this is about what I wanted to say. I wanted to read all the men's comment first. Happy you said it, Kennypowers. I'm not thai and I'm not a man but I have many thai friends (girls) who work in bars. Most of them are NOT happy but why would they tell this to you men? Men must feel you make them happy Some of them even suffer and dream of finding a nice farang to stay with. Many of these girls are drug or alcool addict or even both. Is this a sign of happiness?

I know also a few "happy" girls. They sit in bars since maybe between 6 months and one year. They are happy with the money they can make. Soon they will get tired of living at night, They will drink and take drugs more and more. And this costs money + the money they send home, so they also have to work more and... bye bye happiness

I agree many arent happy but theres a large % that are. You just cant fake having a good time.

Ive rarely seen drunk or high girls on duty. Maybe because i only frequent the high class agogos.....................hahaha. Drunk, high girls are bad for bunisess!

PS....i dont think HAPPY is used in proper context here.

People fake enjoying their jobs every day....

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What B.S. , talks to 20 and comes to this conclusion. What a rag of a publication to call this writer a reporter.

I am sure there are a large number of members here who can supply an opinion based on a much larger sample.

No me of course......wink.png

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To me, the main points of this thread are:

- Not trafficked

- Free choice

- Pursuit of happiness in life and work

- Without prejudice

Sometimes, I have to remind myself of that last one. Some of us do not like lawyers, but my son is one. Some of us don't want our daughters to work at Burger King as a career, but maybe it's ok as a part-time job while attending school. We should respect those who work and not live off entitlements. We have many personal prejudices, but a person's character is deeper than any single job.

P.S. As a College and University student, I partied for 7 years, but while also working and buying rental properties. That did not define me or my life...

Edited by losgrad
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Some of these girls will have 3 or 4 farangs on the go, who fly back to Europe or wherever but who continue to send the girl anywhere between about 10k-40k per month.

I bet some of these girls make 100k per month.

No wonder they are happy.

Don't forget it is the money these girls bring in that is pretty much bank rolling most of Isaan.

Total BS, have you even been to Isarn?

i have and know it well.

The elite may make 100,000, but they are few and far between...........very few n far between. The majority of girls just arent able to attract paying customers regularly. Dark skin does not command high rates -its a fact. Add in a touch of ugliness and you know why loan sharking is big in isarm.

The truth is just being a girl doesnt mean you will be a successful prostitoot-you need the skill set -looks help a lot though.

Mothers being prostitoot-just not a big demand for these types.

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What does your wife say?

She agrees with them, obviously.

Anyway, those who claim it's an easy job should give it a go for a week and see what they think then...

How would you know, as you always claim you never have visited this kind of places.

How would I know what?

From your previous comment it is clear that you don't consider it an easy job, since you challenge all those who claim it to be an easy job to take it up.

And how would having been a punter give me any deeper insight into what it's like to do the job?

I don't know what it's like. Neither do you. However, it doesn't take much imagination to guess that servicing the sexual rejects of the west on a nightly basis isn't much fun.

Talking about yourself again.

Nope. I haven't been rejected by western women. That's why I don't need to pay for it.

Me neither fella. I can't stand these idiots who justify their habits by saying the girls are happy. This article is a pile of crap, anyone can find hundreds of articles about the terrible circumstances that young vulnerable girls are coerced into prostitution, its easy to find the truth.

I know of a few foreign volunteers that work for companies / charities that try to help these young women out of prostitution (and very often drug abuse which is conveniently not mentioned in the article, nor the violence they suffer at the hands of their pimp), they will tell a very different story of the realities of the Thai sex trade. I am sure they will also be frustrated by press like this as it just makes it more difficult for them to raise awareness and get changes made to protect the women who are in distress.

This one nonsense argument means nothing.

And yet there will be thousands of people that turn a blind eye to the terrible realities and latch onto BS press like this one just so they can feel good about pounding themselves against some poor young Thai girl.

The answer to this is education and opportunity, not to say "its ok, contrary to what we all believed prostitution is actually good".

I am sure there are many losers who will attack me on these points and thats the problem, women will still do it whilst these dirty pigs still exist.

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Why wouldn't they be happy? Strangers paying good money for a "few minutes" of their time. They earn more in 5 minutes than they would in a week working in a factory.

It's all I hear "look how much they earn!" Well money is not everything and there are limits to what a person should do to earn it.

And what are they sacrificing? And do they all really earn buckets of money? I don't think so.

I wonder how many of these Western guys would openly talk about their use (abuse) of prostitutes if they were back home? After all, prostitution still exists in the West, ok not as openly as here but there are Eastern European girls in Western Europe for sure. The reason is simple because it is morally abhorred and unacceptable behaviour for a man to do such a thing.

Yet here is Thailand they openly say, "whats the problem", "the young farm girls are happy", "they buy land and live a life of luxury they otherwise would not have", "they service me, I give them lifestyle" blah blah bah. A ridiculous attempt to paint a picture of a rosy scenario that is a complete fallacy.

Why dont they wake up, realise what they are doing as suggested on this forum try a dating website instead? Surely its better to meet someone and get to know them, enjoy company and maybe have some fun that leads to sex then to pay some poor girl to demean herself?

And websites cater for all ages,,,

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Why dont they wake up, realise what they are doing as suggested on this forum try a dating website instead? Surely its better to meet someone and get to know them, enjoy company and maybe have some fun that leads to sex then to pay some poor girl to demean herself?

And websites cater for all ages,,,

Had you paid attention, you would have noticed people mentioning the dating sites are full of freelancers and amateurs. Just because you got it off the web and not OTC doesn't mean your place in heaven is secured.
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To me, the main points of this thread are:

- Not trafficked

- Free choice

- Pursuit of happiness in life and work

- Without prejudice

Sometimes, I have to remind myself of that last one. Some of us do not like lawyers, but my son is one. Some of us don't want our daughters to work at Burger King as a career, but maybe it's ok as a part-time job while attending school. We should respect those who work and not live off entitlements. We have many personal prejudices, but a person's character is deeper than any single job.

P.S. As a College and University student, I partied for 7 years, but while also working and buying rental properties. That did not define me or my life...

Forgive me, I am missing your point here.

Are you saying you condone prostitution? Or are you sitting on the fence simply saying "people don't judge"?

And the "partying" comment, did you sell your body to anyone whilst investing in your properties? Did anyone pound away on you for money?

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I assume the ones back home won't clip your nose hairs or hold your hand in a shopping mall.

Really? I've heard those tales from the 60's about clipping nails and such, but nose hairs? That's premium service, man!

Most guys that come here now do not have any idea how good it used to be. The girls would cut toe nails ,shower with you ,not for sex but wash you down and take very good care. Keep the glass full,serve the food on the plate,hand wash the clothes. They prided themselves on being able to take good care of their man. Once a week give her 500 baht to go shopping for herself she was so happy.Most didnot drink,they had good family values.Yes there were some that played the game but not hard to find a real jewel. They wanted a stable life and were willing to work for earn it.

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Why dont they wake up, realise what they are doing as suggested on this forum try a dating website instead? Surely its better to meet someone and get to know them, enjoy company and maybe have some fun that leads to sex then to pay some poor girl to demean herself?

And websites cater for all ages,,,

Had you paid attention, you would have noticed people mentioning the dating sites are full of freelancers and amateurs. Just because you got it off the web and not OTC doesn't mean your place in heaven is secured.
Not in favour of either practise.

Do these people who use these dating websites honestly believe that the girl he chooses is solely in contact or conversation with them ?

Definitely not, probably in contact with 20 or more others at the same time, asking the usual questions, do you own a house ? How much is it worth ? What is your salary ? Do you have a Merc ?

Even par with bargirls, as with both 'it's ALL about the money'.

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I respect sex workers they do a job I feel is misunderstood.

when i was single I rented sex workers. I had no intensions of getting involved in a long term relationship. Only wanted sex. Yes I was shallow. I thought why bother with dating,and romance just for sex. Why maybe hurt some womans feelings. I had many female women I liked as friends but wouldnot cross the line to sex. IWhen the urge arrived for sex I would go rent a woman. Any one of my friends could trust me with their wife or sister. I made it known I wasnot a predator. No broken hearts because of me. the women that serviced me got my respect because they took care of my needs and didnot ask for anything more than wages. With out these kind women who knows how many hearts I would have broken. When i rented them I was more concerned with keeping the virtues of women I met on a daily basis, and was thankful the working girls were there to assist. With that said I would not marry a working girl but could have her as friend.

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Why dont they wake up, realise what they are doing as suggested on this forum try a dating website instead? Surely its better to meet someone and get to know them, enjoy company and maybe have some fun that leads to sex then to pay some poor girl to demean herself?

And websites cater for all ages,,,

Had you paid attention, you would have noticed people mentioning the dating sites are full of freelancers and amateurs. Just because you got it off the web and not OTC doesn't mean your place in heaven is secured.

Maybe, I don't claim to be an expert on dating websites, I mentioned that it as an observation in these posts. But I do know that people are given guidelines when using dating websites and people just need to use common sense.

I also know that millions of people nowadays meet their partner and future spouse through dating websites.

I think although people have to be careful it is far better to do this then pay some young victim for sex.

So, what camp do you belong to? You think prostitution is ok? You dont mind of the alcohol / drug addiction, the violent pimps, the cash it generates to further fund human trafficking of women and children, the destruction of societies morals (Thai as well as foreign), etc, etc,,

Bu then again, those dating websites are very dangerous aren't they,, its a stupid point you make,,

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So, what camp do you belong to? You think prostitution is ok? You dont mind of the alcohol / drug addiction, the violent pimps, the cash it generates to further fund human trafficking of women and children, the destruction of societies morals (Thai as well as foreign), etc, etc,,

It's an entry level job, same as carbage truck driver, burger flipper, etc. The pimps, drugs, trafficking and so on are the results of prostitution being illegal. While I don't usually like government meddling with business, I do think governments would do well do establish brothels, where the employees would rent their spaces and have access to medical care, security and the usual trappings of employment. Legalize and tax it. Something akin what you see in Walletjes.
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Shame on Thai Visa here. The actual headline of the article is "Why some Thai sex workers say they are happy in their jobs." Anyway, I suppose it comes down to where they work and what kind of money they're making. No surprise there. Isn't the same thing true for all of us?

Btw, did anyone read the full article? This is rich:

"A prevailing attitude that came from the sex workers interviewed suggested that they feel better being paid for the sex they provide, rather than providing sex to a husband in a dead end relationship that they get nothing for."

Edited by eldragon
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The losers who don't have sex unless they buy it love this kind of crap.

ho,ho,ho........(see what i wrote there) so please enlighten us on how you met your thai/chinese doctor wife who you have never paid a satang to and who you met at a charity ball in the hilton......

ive paid (almost) every girl ive had fun with, they need that money, quite often to buy food for the kid at school back in the jungle. thats how it works and most of them have a good time while working, better than being a drunk blokes slave back up in issan.

you been there and seen what lifes like there, right?

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Why dont they wake up, realise what they are doing as suggested on this forum try a dating website instead? Surely its better to meet someone and get to know them, enjoy company and maybe have some fun that leads to sex then to pay some poor girl to demean herself?

And websites cater for all ages,,,

so what youre saying then is i shouldnt bang my 30 yr old regular who has 3 girls at school and who is desparate for my contributions to their school fees. instead i should apologise for demeaning her and go bang some tart off a dating site for free instead..........meanwhile she feeds her kids with WHAT?

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Funny how so many here feel so protective for Thai working girls but do not care at all about the prostitutes in your nations. Thai women are very strong and do not need your protection.

If they choose to work this way, how are they different than the women that work in London, Berlin, Amsterdam, or New York? Do not patronize Thai women because they are not asking for your fantasy. The vast majority of Thai prostitutes only go with Thai men. You are not important to this topic because you do not cause it nor do you represent a help with your misplaced egos.

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Funny how so many here feel so protective for Thai working girls but do not care at all about the prostitutes in your nations. Thai women are very strong and do not need your protection.

If they choose to work this way, how are they different than the women that work in London, Berlin, Amsterdam, or New York? Do not patronize Thai women because they are not asking for your fantasy. The vast majority of Thai prostitutes only go with Thai men. You are not important to this topic because you do not cause it nor do you represent a help with your misplaced egos.

The article specifically mentions BKK, Phuket and Pattaya and the writer is a farang. Hence this topic is indeed about the niche of the Thai sex industry that caters for non-Thais.
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All the guys here who state use a web site get it for free,or I never pay Blah Blah Blah. So who's hurting the most women? I feel the ones sleeping with women with no intent to take it beyond the free sex level is abusing women. When a man gets it for free may be the woman is looking for more in the relationship when she doesnot get it she is hurt. Thai men pride themselves on using women and deserting them,its all free is that a good thing? who gets hurt there? If they left the non working girls alone till they wanted a true relationship there would be a lot fewer single mothers. and less children with no father. Pay for play girls are angels of mercy perhaps,if men would balls up and understand stop lieing and misleading women into free sex maybe the world would have less problems with single parent homes and fatherless children.

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Trying to get a premium service gratis from a provider by using deception is immoral, innit? lovelomsak has a valid point there. If you're only after sex, better to get it from a pro, unless you're skinned and have to ask around for freebies.

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What an odd article. The actual studies I have read indicate quite the opposite.

The article doesn't go into detail on the toll disease and drug addiction takes. on Thailand's sex trade workers. The prostitutes die at a relatively young age. I don't think the foreign visitors to Patong's Paradise or Pattaya's Boyztown understand how many of the sex trade workers are infected with HIV. The last number I was given for Patong was 50%+. In respect to females HIV infection is on the rise. However, it's not just HIV. I was aware of one female who has had a slow death from uterine cancer. The risks of genital warts aka HPV and lack of basic screening such as a pap smear is a factor in so many female sex trade workers' painful deaths. And then we have Yaba. As we all know, yaba is an epidemic. Unfortunately, pimps use yaba to hook young men and women and then send them to the sex trade to pay for their habits.

I also find it odd that no mention is made of Thailand now being at the epicenter of serious drug resistant STIs and of providing the origins of several STI epidemics in Germany and the UK. How can one be happy if one's urethra is inflamed and badly infected?

There are 2 very significant myths about Thailand's sex trade.

Myth 1: Sex trade workers are regularly screened for STIs and other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. They are not.

Myth 2: The police screen for drug addicts. Sometimes, but it is not to protect the general public. Drug screening has been described as a means of controlling the sex trade workers, bars and clubs who do not pay off the right people. There is a reason why some venues and its workers are never visited. Have a drug habit and get caught? You'll be working extra hard to pay off the "penalty", and then the loanshark who provided the loan to pay the penalty.

So many reasons to be happy.......

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All the guys here who state use a web site get it for free,or I never pay Blah Blah Blah. So who's hurting the most women? I feel the ones sleeping with women with no intent to take it beyond the free sex level is abusing women. When a man gets it for free may be the woman is looking for more in the relationship when she doesnot get it she is hurt. Thai men pride themselves on using women and deserting them,its all free is that a good thing? who gets hurt there? If they left the non working girls alone till they wanted a true relationship there would be a lot fewer single mothers. and less children with no father. Pay for play girls are angels of mercy perhaps,if men would balls up and understand stop lieing and misleading women into free sex maybe the world would have less problems with single parent homes and fatherless children.

Fair enough. My feelings about prostitution changed quite a bit when a friend said something to the effect of "I choose prostitution bc it's not fair to make a girl think I really like her when all I want to do is get laid." But many of us are pretty straight forward about what we're looking for and how far we're willing to commit. For me it's usually "someone to hang out with" and "not too far". If a girl wants to read something into that or think she's gonna change me, then that's on her.

Edited by eldragon
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What an odd article. The actual studies I have read indicate quite the opposite.

The article doesn't go into detail on the toll disease and drug addiction takes. on Thailand's sex trade workers. The prostitutes die at a relatively young age. I don't think the foreign visitors to Patong's Paradise or Pattaya's Boyztown understand how many of the sex trade workers are infected with HIV. The last number I was given for Patong was 50%+. In respect to females HIV infection is on the rise. However, it's not just HIV. I was aware of one female who has had a slow death from uterine cancer. The risks of genital warts aka HPV and lack of basic screening such as a pap smear is a factor in so many female sex trade workers' painful deaths. And then we have Yaba. As we all know, yaba is an epidemic. Unfortunately, pimps use yaba to hook young men and women and then send them to the sex trade to pay for their habits.

I also find it odd that no mention is made of Thailand now being at the epicenter of serious drug resistant STIs and of providing the origins of several STI epidemics in Germany and the UK. How can one be happy if one's urethra is inflamed and badly infected?

There are 2 very significant myths about Thailand's sex trade.

Myth 1: Sex trade workers are regularly screened for STIs and other infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. They are not.

Myth 2: The police screen for drug addicts. Sometimes, but it is not to protect the general public. Drug screening has been described as a means of controlling the sex trade workers, bars and clubs who do not pay off the right people. There is a reason why some venues and its workers are never visited. Have a drug habit and get caught? You'll be working extra hard to pay off the "penalty", and then the loanshark who provided the loan to pay the penalty.

So many reasons to be happy.......

Where did you get your numbers on HIV rates at Patong? Doesn't surprise me, btw. I've read research that indicates 90% of the Thai women that have HIV do not tell their partners, or bosses, customers, etc. if they're sex workers. It also said most of those women do not use protection with their partners.

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I am certain there are a percentage of gals who are involved in hooking, who enjoy what they are doing, and are thrilled with the kind of cash they are bringing in. I have met a number of them over the years. Some are able to achieve their dreams. Some are able to meet a fareng who is a good guy, and will take good care of them. And I say good on them. It is their body, and they are free to do as they like.

But, to conduct a study from 20 women, and then feel as if you have arrived at some kind of scientific conclusion? Who is this guy?

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