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What's the Gold Forecast?

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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

This poster is right on the money. The fraudulent paper future contracts are manipulating the market. If push ever comes to shove and they start to try to redeem the paper in a big way for physical gold look out the sky is the limit. The big money boys are manipulating every thing. Earnings are lousing employment numbers suck wages are stagnant 18 trillion dollar debt, 35% of adults under 35 are living in their parents basement, Europe is in trouble flooded with immigrants that they must borrow money to take care of, Japan is stagnating, China produces phantom numbers and the market seems to go straight up like a rocket go figure. The banks are dumping workers by the bucketful and their earnings suck to. I think a lot of medium size players tried to short the market using common sense and history and the really big boys caught them with their pants down. Would not surprise me to see gold test 1,000 an ounce before taking off. Harry Dent talks of 750 gold. Before gold takes off there must be blood in the streets its the same in every cycle. All this Fed funny money has everyone mesmerized. Canadians borrowed to the hilt again this year and personal spending went up a staggering 6% all borrowed cheap money. In all of my years I would never have thought I would have to pay a bank to store my money but it looks like its coming. Crazy world nothing makes sense.

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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

This poster is right on the money. The fraudulent paper future contracts are manipulating the market. If push ever comes to shove and they start to try to redeem the paper in a big way for physical gold look out the sky is the limit. The big money boys are manipulating every thing. Earnings are lousing employment numbers suck wages are stagnant 18 trillion dollar debt, 35% of adults under 35 are living in their parents basement, Europe is in trouble flooded with immigrants that they must borrow money to take care of, Japan is stagnating, China produces phantom numbers and the market seems to go straight up like a rocket go figure. The banks are dumping workers by the bucketful and their earnings suck to. I think a lot of medium size players tried to short the market using common sense and history and the really big boys caught them with their pants down. Would not surprise me to see gold test 1,000 an ounce before taking off. Harry Dent talks of 750 gold. Before gold takes off there must be blood in the streets its the same in every cycle. All this Fed funny money has everyone mesmerized. Canadians borrowed to the hilt again this year and personal spending went up a staggering 6% all borrowed cheap money. In all of my years I would never have thought I would have to pay a bank to store my money but it looks like its coming. Crazy world nothing makes sense.
So is that a yes or a no too buying up gold as an investment?
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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

This poster is right on the money. The fraudulent paper future contracts are manipulating the market. If push ever comes to shove and they start to try to redeem the paper in a big way for physical gold look out the sky is the limit. The big money boys are manipulating every thing. Earnings are lousing employment numbers suck wages are stagnant 18 trillion dollar debt, 35% of adults under 35 are living in their parents basement, Europe is in trouble flooded with immigrants that they must borrow money to take care of, Japan is stagnating, China produces phantom numbers and the market seems to go straight up like a rocket go figure. The banks are dumping workers by the bucketful and their earnings suck to. I think a lot of medium size players tried to short the market using common sense and history and the really big boys caught them with their pants down. Would not surprise me to see gold test 1,000 an ounce before taking off. Harry Dent talks of 750 gold. Before gold takes off there must be blood in the streets its the same in every cycle. All this Fed funny money has everyone mesmerized. Canadians borrowed to the hilt again this year and personal spending went up a staggering 6% all borrowed cheap money. In all of my years I would never have thought I would have to pay a bank to store my money but it looks like its coming. Crazy world nothing makes sense.
So is that a yes or a no too buying up gold as an investment?

It also kinda depends on which currency you hold. If you're Russian , with a Ruble now only worth 1/2 , Gold is expensive , even for a euro holder , you're paying more due to the Draghi devaluation to 1,1 to the USD. Only buy Gold with money you don't need , so there is no pressure on you when the criminals hammer the price down (again & again) . Even with Gold price down , the feeling of not having your money in those dispicable banks and being outside of bank & government reach is great.

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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

This poster is right on the money. The fraudulent paper future contracts are manipulating the market. If push ever comes to shove and they start to try to redeem the paper in a big way for physical gold look out the sky is the limit. The big money boys are manipulating every thing. Earnings are lousing employment numbers suck wages are stagnant 18 trillion dollar debt, 35% of adults under 35 are living in their parents basement, Europe is in trouble flooded with immigrants that they must borrow money to take care of, Japan is stagnating, China produces phantom numbers and the market seems to go straight up like a rocket go figure. The banks are dumping workers by the bucketful and their earnings suck to. I think a lot of medium size players tried to short the market using common sense and history and the really big boys caught them with their pants down. Would not surprise me to see gold test 1,000 an ounce before taking off. Harry Dent talks of 750 gold. Before gold takes off there must be blood in the streets its the same in every cycle. All this Fed funny money has everyone mesmerized. Canadians borrowed to the hilt again this year and personal spending went up a staggering 6% all borrowed cheap money. In all of my years I would never have thought I would have to pay a bank to store my money but it looks like its coming. Crazy world nothing makes sense.
So is that a yes or a no too buying up gold as an investment?

It also kinda depends on which currency you hold. If you're Russian , with a Ruble now only worth 1/2 , Gold is expensive , even for a euro holder , you're paying more due to the Draghi devaluation to 1,1 to the USD. Only buy Gold with money you don't need , so there is no pressure on you when the criminals hammer the price down (again & again) . Even with Gold price down , the feeling of not having your money in those dispicable banks and being outside of bank & government reach is great.
Buying gold in Thailand with baht is a good 5 year financial investment ?
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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

This poster is right on the money. The fraudulent paper future contracts are manipulating the market. If push ever comes to shove and they start to try to redeem the paper in a big way for physical gold look out the sky is the limit. The big money boys are manipulating every thing. Earnings are lousing employment numbers suck wages are stagnant 18 trillion dollar debt, 35% of adults under 35 are living in their parents basement, Europe is in trouble flooded with immigrants that they must borrow money to take care of, Japan is stagnating, China produces phantom numbers and the market seems to go straight up like a rocket go figure. The banks are dumping workers by the bucketful and their earnings suck to. I think a lot of medium size players tried to short the market using common sense and history and the really big boys caught them with their pants down. Would not surprise me to see gold test 1,000 an ounce before taking off. Harry Dent talks of 750 gold. Before gold takes off there must be blood in the streets its the same in every cycle. All this Fed funny money has everyone mesmerized. Canadians borrowed to the hilt again this year and personal spending went up a staggering 6% all borrowed cheap money. In all of my years I would never have thought I would have to pay a bank to store my money but it looks like its coming. Crazy world nothing makes sense.
So is that a yes or a no too buying up gold as an investment?

I have never regarded my gold bullion as an investment. I consider it as in insurance for when(not if) this happenshit-the-fan.gif

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If you are very good in timing , anything can be a good investment . These days with massive paper (or digital ) money printing/creation , all markets are manipulated and controlled.

Again , buying Gold in Thailand , if you trust Thai Gold shops with non pure Gold crap , you pay about 20 % more in THB because of the Prayut devaluation ...THB going from 28 to 35,5 to the USD. As much as I hate USD , Gold prices are a reference in this funny money.

I give you a point of view no advice...responsibility is in your hands.

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Not great I would guess in the medium term with weakness in China, import restrictions in India and general economic malaise. The only thing I see to increase it is a yet unknown catastrophic event, terrorism, etc. Otherwise, pressure is downward for the foreseeable futue.

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Not great I would guess in the medium term with weakness in China, import restrictions in India and general economic malaise. The only thing I see to increase it is a yet unknown catastrophic event, terrorism, etc. Otherwise, pressure is downward for the foreseeable futue.

your comments regarding import restrictions in India and weakness in China affecting the amount of gold they consume are fallaciousunsure.png

India scraps gold import restrictions


The Real Reason China Is Buying Up The World's Gold


China making attempt to become gold trading centre of the world


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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

This poster is right on the money. The fraudulent paper future contracts are manipulating the market. If push ever comes to shove and they start to try to redeem the paper in a big way for physical gold look out the sky is the limit. The big money boys are manipulating every thing. Earnings are lousing employment numbers suck wages are stagnant 18 trillion dollar debt, 35% of adults under 35 are living in their parents basement, Europe is in trouble flooded with immigrants that they must borrow money to take care of, Japan is stagnating, China produces phantom numbers and the market seems to go straight up like a rocket go figure. The banks are dumping workers by the bucketful and their earnings suck to. I think a lot of medium size players tried to short the market using common sense and history and the really big boys caught them with their pants down. Would not surprise me to see gold test 1,000 an ounce before taking off. Harry Dent talks of 750 gold. Before gold takes off there must be blood in the streets its the same in every cycle. All this Fed funny money has everyone mesmerized. Canadians borrowed to the hilt again this year and personal spending went up a staggering 6% all borrowed cheap money. In all of my years I would never have thought I would have to pay a bank to store my money but it looks like its coming. Crazy world nothing makes sense.
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I'll throw in my 2 bobs worth...., I reckon gold is now and will continue to trend down.

I found mine in the ground and it was hard work......., so I'm hanging on to it until it goes way the **** up in price !

I actually think the downtrend has leveled out. It looks like it could remain in a trading channel, or perhaps something catastrophic could send it down to test lows and then bounce back strongly. But gold is a little like playing roulette. You can play the same number over & over again, and just keep losing ... until that number finally hits and you win big. It's hard to stay the course though unless you're playing with money you don't need. It's a market that tends to make mincemeat out of the desperate and the emotional. Edited by hawker9000
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Thank you elgordo38 ,

so based upon your opinion : Gold lower than $ 1,200.- is a BUY up to $ 2,000.- is a HOLD

beyond $ 2,500.- is a SELL ?? Physical delivery has a premium as I understand, don't kbow by how much.

SO - when push come to shove ..... anybody who wants delivery has to go to SHANGHAI , CHINA. and

PAY - whatever price they want to get your hand on 1 kilo Bars . something like that ??

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Gold used to increase in value when political mayhem and natural catastrophes happened. But people have got used to that. Gold will incease in all conditions when inflation starts to rise or when demand for gold exceeds the amount of supply. Neither of these two events will occur in the short to medium term. There is a lot of gold floating around and inflation is at historic lows. If the banks do collapse, well we are all stuffed anyway and I doubt that gold will buy you much either.

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The Gold Forecast is "partly cloudy"...as it is being heavily manipulated by the gold paper market at the moment...

If you are looking for a quick turn around on your investment...you could be disappointed as economies around the world are slowing down...bankers are starting to charge negative interest rates to gamble with your money...countries are printing trillions of "fiat" or paper money...the price of gold is being suppressed to keep paper money looking like a better investment than it really is...

If you are looking to protect your wealth...with the real possibility of a windfall profit in the future...then Precious Metals is a good place to insure your wealth survival in a world seemingly headed for chaos and possibly war...

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Gold used to increase in value when political mayhem and natural catastrophes happened. But people have got used to that. Gold will incease in all conditions when inflation starts to rise or when demand for gold exceeds the amount of supply. Neither of these two events will occur in the short to medium term. There is a lot of gold floating around and inflation is at historic lows. If the banks do collapse, well we are all stuffed anyway and I doubt that gold will buy you much either.

no no.......... gold used to increase in value before the ratio of Comex paper gold open interest to the amount of available physical gold available for delivery reached an eye watering 117 : 1blink.png

Alice in Wonderland stuff and totally unsustainable


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It's not a question on timing but rather a question of what you believe will happen in future. If you believe countries can continue to print money without any negative effect, then the gold price will never increase above the price determined by the central banks as they will continue to be in control. If you however believe that money printing will have negative effect on the world economy and that the central banks will loose control at sometime, the timing of when you buy becomes irrelevant.

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Not great I would guess in the medium term with weakness in China, import restrictions in India and general economic malaise. The only thing I see to increase it is a yet unknown catastrophic event, terrorism, etc. Otherwise, pressure is downward for the foreseeable futue.

The so called import restrictions in India only pushed up the price premium paid for gold and increased silver demand. The gold price will increase when the investors in stocks and bonds find out they have been screwed and the exits from these markets get shut tight.

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Difficult to predict at the present time. People aren't talking much about seeing Gold at $3,000 a Troy Ounce anymore and that is usually a fare indication that Gold will be flat for the time being.

I think a good indicator is to check the Stock Price History of large Gold Companies, like in Canada "Barrick Gold" or "Eldorado Gold' and also try to find out if they are still hedging their Gold. If they reduce hedging and you see a steady price increase in a few companies it could be a good indication that Gold may go up in price soon. Down in price and hedging could indicate the opposite, Flat and no change in hedging is Flat. They are the ones who employ the Experts after all.

The trouble with Gold is that it doesn't pay you on your money invested unless it goes up. Banks and Bonds pay interest and good Stocks pay dividends. So a Good Gold Mining Stock that still pays a Dividend is probably better bet then just investing in Gold. Unless you believe the World Stock Markets will crash, or the World is in big trouble and in a Hand Basket.

Yes, you did well when you bought Gold in 1999, which you may have paid $300/ounce. and sold it later for over $1,000/ ounce, but consider this also. Had you bought Gold in the early 1980's at $800/ ounce, you would have had to wait 20 years, or more, just to break even. A 40% profit if you sold today 35 years later. Now look what a house would have cost 35 years ago and see what it is worth today. Especially if you could rent that out for 35 years and pocket this cash.

Much better investment out there right now with less risk. It could take up 5% of your total investments, for insurance purposes, but as your main investment......forget about it. . .

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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

This poster is right on the money. The fraudulent paper future contracts are manipulating the market. If push ever comes to shove and they start to try to redeem the paper in a big way for physical gold look out the sky is the limit. The big money boys are manipulating every thing. Earnings are lousing employment numbers suck wages are stagnant 18 trillion dollar debt, 35% of adults under 35 are living in their parents basement, Europe is in trouble flooded with immigrants that they must borrow money to take care of, Japan is stagnating, China produces phantom numbers and the market seems to go straight up like a rocket go figure. The banks are dumping workers by the bucketful and their earnings suck to. I think a lot of medium size players tried to short the market using common sense and history and the really big boys caught them with their pants down. Would not surprise me to see gold test 1,000 an ounce before taking off. Harry Dent talks of 750 gold. Before gold takes off there must be blood in the streets its the same in every cycle. All this Fed funny money has everyone mesmerized. Canadians borrowed to the hilt again this year and personal spending went up a staggering 6% all borrowed cheap money. In all of my years I would never have thought I would have to pay a bank to store my money but it looks like its coming. Crazy world nothing makes sense.
So is that a yes or a no too buying up gold as an investment?

It also kinda depends on which currency you hold. If you're Russian , with a Ruble now only worth 1/2 , Gold is expensive , even for a euro holder , you're paying more due to the Draghi devaluation to 1,1 to the USD. Only buy Gold with money you don't need , so there is no pressure on you when the criminals hammer the price down (again & again) . Even with Gold price down , the feeling of not having your money in those dispicable banks and being outside of bank & government reach is great.

That is a very good point about mentioning currencies.

However, is the cup half full or half empty? If you were Russian and you bought Gold before the crash, you would have doubled your money as Gold is sold in USD. So the same could be said right now for the Thai Baht. If the Thai Baht dropped 25% compared to the USD, then you would make a profit on Gold even if the price remained the same.

But good point raising that the currency you buy Gold in is also very important.

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Difficult to predict at the present time. People aren't talking much about seeing Gold at $3,000 a Troy Ounce anymore and that is usually a fare indication that Gold will be flat for the time being.

I think a good indicator is to check the Stock Price History of large Gold Companies, like in Canada "Barrick Gold" or "Eldorado Gold' and also try to find out if they are still hedging their Gold. If they reduce hedging and you see a steady price increase in a few companies it could be a good indication that Gold may go up in price soon. Down in price and hedging could indicate the opposite, Flat and no change in hedging is Flat. They are the ones who employ the Experts after all.

The trouble with Gold is that it doesn't pay you on your money invested unless it goes up. Banks and Bonds pay interest and good Stocks pay dividends. So a Good Gold Mining Stock that still pays a Dividend is probably better bet then just investing in Gold. Unless you believe the World Stock Markets will crash, or the World is in big trouble and in a Hand Basket.

Yes, you did well when you bought Gold in 1999, which you may have paid $300/ounce. and sold it later for over $1,000/ ounce, but consider this also. Had you bought Gold in the early 1980's at $800/ ounce, you would have had to wait 20 years, or more, just to break even. A 40% profit if you sold today 35 years later. Now look what a house would have cost 35 years ago and see what it is worth today. Especially if you could rent that out for 35 years and pocket this cash.

Much better investment out there right now with less risk. It could take up 5% of your total investments, for insurance purposes, but as your main investment......forget about it. . .

You make a very good point. Whilst it is very nice to have some gold and silver in your hand your investment does nothing. If the price goes up and you sell then all is good and well but whilst you hold on to it it is a dead asset as such. Buy a property or some shares and you have the same risks that the value can go up or down but you can make that investment work for you. With the property you can get a steady rental income and your shares can pay a dividend. Your gold just sits there looking pretty but not doing anything else.

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The Crimex/Comex now has 293 ounces of gold sold in future contracts for every gold ounce they have to deliver. It is against the law for the Crimex/Comex to determine the physical price of gold, but when you have a criminal organization running the US Treasury ,Fed, Commodity Futures Trading Commission & Justice Department, manipulation of gold can only be expected. USA main exports are the Dollar and War & Chaos> since WW2.


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Dennis Gartman, author of the institutionally well followed ‘The Gartman Letter,’ has asked questions about gold’s peculiar price action last week and raised the question as to whether there was official central bank manipulation of gold prices.
Gartman’s assertion is significant as he is no so called ‘goldbug’. In fact he is the darling of Wall Street, Bloomberg, CNBC and is highly respected and followed by large hedge funds and financial institutions.

““As for the precious metals, the selling late Wednesday and all day yesterday was indeed severe, and even our positions in gold/euro and gold/yen have seen severe damage wrought upon them.

We find it hard to believe that the mere suggestion by the Federal Open Market Committee in its post-meeting communique on Friday that “liftoff” on the overnight Fed funds rate may take place at its December meeting can be responsible for this sort of egregious, serious, and now relentless selling, and we are almost of the mindset associated with the likes of the gold bugs and GATA that some malevolent “force” was behind the selling.

However, we are not going to travel down that road at the moment and sit tight with our positions, believing that the continued “experiments” with QE undertaken by the Bank of Japan and the European Central Bank shall work to the detriment of their currencies and to the support of gold. Nonetheless, the last 36 hours have been terribly dismaying …”


Edited by Asiantravel
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The Crimex/Comex now has 293 ounces of gold sold in future contracts for every gold ounce they have to deliver. It is against the law for the Crimex/Comex to determine the physical price of gold, but when you have a criminal organization running the US Treasury ,Fed, Commodity Futures Trading Commission & Justice Department, manipulation of gold can only be expected. USA main exports are the Dollar and War & Chaos> since WW2.


Yes, there is much behind the scenes when dealing with Gold.

I am not sure of the law now but not that long ago Banks were required to hold a percentage of Gold in there total assets. After all they take your money or the governments, at a lower interest rate, and lend it to someone else for a mortgage or car loan, at a higher interest rate.So in reality they are investors and thus as investors they should hold some Gold as Insurance.

The problem arose because as mentioned Gold does not generate and income, as in interest payments, and yet banks were required to own a certain amount of Gold to balance their books. So get get around this law banks they decided to lease there Gold for low interest payments. This allowed the banks to show on record they still owned this Gold, but was also earning some interest on it through their lease.

Interest Rates for Leased Gold was very low and between 1% to 5%, which today doesn't sound too bad. But since they would only deal in high volumes they only would do business with huge buyers, like Hedge Fund Managers, Mutual Fund Managers, and other banks, to name a few. The Leasers would then sell this Gold through Forward Contracts, and pay this 5% to the Leaser Bank, and pocket the rest. So they could borrow and sell 20 times or more Gold then they actually paid for, or ever owned physically.

If the price of Gold went down during this Forwarded Contract, they could then buy this Gold at a lower cost with the money they earned, and still make a tidy profit. Then lease more Gold and again sell it on a Forward Contract. But what if the price of Gold were to go up? No problem. Just lease more Gold again. or double that, and deliver it when required, but again sell the rest on a Forward Contract.

So what you really end up with is Gold that was leased from the Bank that was never physically lent to them, and thus never owned, and sold in a market ahead of time. Since this Gold was never their to sell except on paper, and on paper the banks still owned this Gold, the Gold Market became unbalanced . Through Derivatives and Manipulation there was more Gold trading hands on the Gold Market then what was ever actually their. Since there is no limit or end to how much one cam lease, it will continue this way.

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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

I'm not saying futures contracts don't have a bearing on the price of physical gold, they absolutely do. But did you ever think for a moment that that manipulation is how the price of physical gold has gotten so high, or are you only able to see how one side of that relationship exists?

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As long as the price of real GOLD is set by fraudulent paper future contracts , the forecast is a high pressure on prices with a 100 % chance of manipulation.

Or when the west is completely out of Gold (and Silver) to sell to large buyers like India , China & Russia, prices will go up 'till some are willing to sell.

I'm not saying futures contracts don't have a bearing on the price of physical gold, they absolutely do. But did you ever think for a moment that that manipulation is how the price of physical gold has gotten so high, or are you only able to see how one side of that relationship exists?

" I'm not saying futures contracts don't have a bearing on the price of physical gold, they absolutely do"huh.png - understatement of 2015 giggle.gif

293 ounces of gold sold in future contracts for every gold ounce they have to deliver

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