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Decent web designer.


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I'm Needing to have a new website made

Nothing to difficult. Maybe 5-10 pages but with a professional look and easy to navigate. And possibly some SEO

I'm open to recommendations.

I prefer to work with 1 person rather that a large company. Much better service in my past experiences.

And prefer to use someone in Chiang mai so a

Meet up can be arranged


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Good luck with that. I've not seen one decent website for a Chiang Mai based business yet... including the multi-million/billion dollar brands in town. It might be easiest just to buy a nice WordPress theme and install it yourself (can be learned in less than 10 minutes and carried out in less than 1 minute).

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Spend some time poking around a website called wix.com

It lets you build your own site, free for the most part but you can pay a small annual fee to unlock better features like getting rid of ads.

I was quite impressed with the templates they offer…very slick stuff for any business.

Web designers in LOS are just awful…take a look at any gogo or restaurant website…hokey as hell.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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Here are some excellent WordPress themes, some are free. Get a theme like this, a good domain name, inexpensive but high quality web hosting from www.neostrada.uk (forget the godaddy rubbish) and installing of WordPress on your hosting package is only 2 clicks. WordPress has a bit of a learning curve but after a week you love it!








You can PM me if you need professional logo, header, banner, mascot design etc.

Edited by flyDelight
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Where are the "Digital Nomads" when they are needed ?

Probably inundating the OP with PMs. How-about it, Smiley758, gotten any offers yet?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Putting together a decent-looking website is harder than it looks, esp if you've never done it before.

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Not that impressive, it's just ready-made WordPress themes that everyone can install.

I put together a professional site like that for 160.

http://creativechili.com/portfolio/ Michael, the owner of Creative Chili has put together some very nice websites for various Chiang Mai organizations. Check out their portfolio.

Lol....those are ridiculous.

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Not that impressive, it's just ready-made WordPress themes that everyone can install.

I put together a professional site like that for 160.

http://creativechili.com/portfolio/ Michael, the owner of Creative Chili has put together some very nice websites for various Chiang Mai organizations. Check out their portfolio.

Lol....those are ridiculous.

OK, let's see the portfolio of another local website designer, please?

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Thai websites for newspapers, hospitals, hotels, beer manufactures, international schools, airlines, etc. are often so overloaded with bells, whistles, and video that they load poorly and drive customers away. I doubt most of the designers in charge ever test the sites from locations more remote than down the block.

I only clicked on one creativechili website, but I ran through it and it is pretty bad and sloppy, something I would be not happy with. I know several people who have started new business in the last 6-8 years. They have all hired web designers. Eveyrone of them was quickly looking for someone new.

It looks simple. But it's not. For a lot of businesses or non profits, it's an afterthought, Shouldn't be.

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Surely there must be some people here who have dealt with relatively good web designer in Chiang mai.


2 main types of sites, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or wordpress. FTP are blank pages that you upload your own material, like a blank canvas waiting to be painted using HTML and CSS scripts, wordpress are usually those limited to facilities the host provides. What exactly do you want? A free host, a cheapie, a state of the art site. Are you expecting a lot of traffic or only 1 or 200 hundred visits a month, limited or unlimited bandwidth, what about storage space, how much do you intend to upload, will it have videos, flash and slideshows. Once your site is completed, do you intend to do updates. Is this for personal use or commercial purposes.

I don`t know any website creators in Chiang Mai, but you need to do some research and decide what you want for price estimates including how much it`s going to cost you each time to update and amend your site, because there is more to it then just creating a site. Most hosts provide SEO in their sites and easy to install your own including directly registering with the search engines and directories. This can also be done in Google webmaster tools. You should choose a well established host otherwise you might find that the host company and your site has disappeared one day without warning.

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A classic screw-up of a website is the 90day reporting page. Even with encryption and all the safeguards, that is actually a really simple piece of html, but no -- they have to load it with crappy scripts making it ponderous to the point of almost unuseable. Even this illustrious website could be so much better if someone was prepared to put in the time to streamline it, without removing ads, etc. My point is that web designers have long since forgotten the basic principles and most people are actually now conditioned to accept work that is well below par.

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We are extremely happy with Sutat (owner) at http://www.777designz.com/

He designed/manages/hosts our Thai/Eng website originally done over 3 years ago http://www.noichiangmai.com/ - http://www.thai-herbs-chiangmai.com/ and also does our business cards, stickers, and signs. We normally do updates/changes annually on the renewal date.

He does get busy and may not always get right back to us, but we do love his work and attention to design quality. Would rather wait for top quality. Doubt he is into rush jobs, not the cheapest.

Passable English language skills, not fully bilingual tho.


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I bet that guy is a local, it's really old school webdesign, I see many outdated elements, ugly graphics poor matching fonts and colors etc. (comic sans, yawn)

We are extremely happy with Sutat (owner) at http://www.777designz.com/

He designed/manages/hosts our Thai/Eng website originally done over 3 years ago http://www.noichiangmai.com/ - http://www.thai-herbs-chiangmai.com/ and also does our business cards, stickers, and signs. We normally do updates/changes annually on the renewal date.

He does get busy and may not always get right back to us, but we do love his work and attention to design quality. Would rather wait for top quality. Doubt he is into rush jobs, not the cheapest.

Passable English language skills, not fully bilingual tho.


Edited by flyDelight
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We are extremely happy with Sutat (owner) at http://www.777designz.com/

He designed/manages/hosts our Thai/Eng website originally done over 3 years ago http://www.noichiangmai.com/ - http://www.thai-herbs-chiangmai.com/ and also does our business cards, stickers, and signs. We normally do updates/changes annually on the renewal date.

He does get busy and may not always get right back to us, but we do love his work and attention to design quality. Would rather wait for top quality. Doubt he is into rush jobs, not the cheapest.

Passable English language skills, not fully bilingual tho.


No offence but those sites are awful. I'd shoot a web designer that tried to foist that off on me. You can do better from a template and WordPress... for much less money. Anybody paying that guy to do their site - has no idea what a website is supposed to be like.

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I bet that guy is a local, it's really old school webdesign, I see many outdated elements, ugly graphics poor matching fonts and colors etc. (comic sans, yawn)

We are extremely happy with Sutat (owner) at http://www.777designz.com/

He designed/manages/hosts our Thai/Eng website originally done over 3 years ago http://www.noichiangmai.com/ - http://www.thai-herbs-chiangmai.com/ and also does our business cards, stickers, and signs. We normally do updates/changes annually on the renewal date.

He does get busy and may not always get right back to us, but we do love his work and attention to design quality. Would rather wait for top quality. Doubt he is into rush jobs, not the cheapest.

Passable English language skills, not fully bilingual tho.


We are extremely happy with Sutat (owner) at http://www.777designz.com/

He designed/manages/hosts our Thai/Eng website originally done over 3 years ago http://www.noichiangmai.com/ - http://www.thai-herbs-chiangmai.com/ and also does our business cards, stickers, and signs. We normally do updates/changes annually on the renewal date.

He does get busy and may not always get right back to us, but we do love his work and attention to design quality. Would rather wait for top quality. Doubt he is into rush jobs, not the cheapest.

Passable English language skills, not fully bilingual tho.


No offence but those sites are awful. I'd shoot a web designer that tried to foist that off on me. You can do better from a template and WordPress... for much less money. Anybody paying that guy to do their site - has no idea what a website is supposed to be like.

it's not that simple.

the best websites aren't those which look fresh and modern, or those who have great design, or those who use a responsive template nor those who don't have any HTML errors....

the best websites are those which best fulfill their objectives, which can be getting views, selling products, etc.

personally, I feel that well-done "old style HTML design" is well suited for most businesses in Thailand, provided the page is responsive and correctly coded.

777designz has a number of good looking websites in their portfolio.

@OP: decent webdesigners won't be interested in doing a 5-10 page site for cheap. I make full websites for about 30k, unless it is really very simple and small, in which case 15k can be enough.

Hosting has to be with me, and costs 500 baht a month which includes 1 hour of work per month for whatever maintenance or change requests there might be, 1000 baht/hour after that.

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We are extremely happy with Sutat (owner) at http://www.777designz.com/

He designed/manages/hosts our Thai/Eng website originally done over 3 years ago http://www.noichiangmai.com/ - http://www.thai-herbs-chiangmai.com/ and also does our business cards, stickers, and signs. We normally do updates/changes annually on the renewal date.

He does get busy and may not always get right back to us, but we do love his work and attention to design quality. Would rather wait for top quality. Doubt he is into rush jobs, not the cheapest.

Passable English language skills, not fully bilingual tho.


No offence but those sites are awful. I'd shoot a web designer that tried to foist that off on me. You can do better from a template and WordPress... for much less money. Anybody paying that guy to do their site - has no idea what a website is supposed to be like.

it's not that simple.

the best websites aren't those which look fresh and modern, or those who have great design, or those who use a responsive template nor those who don't have any HTML errors....

the best websites are those which best fulfill their objectives, which can be getting views, selling products, etc.

personally, I feel that well-done "old style HTML design" is well suited for most businesses in Thailand, provided the page is responsive and correctly coded.

777designz has a number of good looking websites in their portfolio.

@OP: decent webdesigners won't be interested in doing a 5-10 page site for cheap. I make full websites for about 30k, unless it is really very simple and small, in which case 15k can be enough.

Hosting has to be with me, and costs 500 baht a month which includes 1 hour of work per month for whatever maintenance or change requests there might be, 1000 baht/hour after that.

Here's the thing, the best websites offer the best user experience - that's what gets views, sells products, etc. Those "old style HTML" sites? The user experience is "take one look, go somewhere else". 30K is less than I'd charge for a 10 page website - and I don't even make websites as a general rule... there are more profitable uses of my time. But, if I did make websites - I'd have a long talk with the client about SEO, SEM, and sales funnels before wasting their money and my time. ROI is the name of the game not websites. Those HTML websites? They're killing your ROI.

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The backbone of successful website design is user experience (UX).

This has to do with how easy and intuitively the website is designed and presented, how pleasurable it is to navigate and get around etc.....majority of websites are designed from the owners pov not the end users and thats why they are <deleted>.

Edward Tufte has some very interesting things to say on information design and data visualisation....a good understanding of these helps in creating an appropriate website.

According to him the best website in the world in the nytimes website....and the best ecommerce website is amazon....you wouldnt call these beautifully designed eye candy but they are optimised for the best user experience possible.

I look at these thai sites for pizza and guesthouses and gogos and have to shake my head.

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We are extremely happy with Sutat (owner) at http://www.777designz.com/

He designed/manages/hosts our Thai/Eng website originally done over 3 years ago http://www.noichiangmai.com/ - http://www.thai-herbs-chiangmai.com/ and also does our business cards, stickers, and signs. We normally do updates/changes annually on the renewal date.

He does get busy and may not always get right back to us, but we do love his work and attention to design quality. Would rather wait for top quality. Doubt he is into rush jobs, not the cheapest.

Passable English language skills, not fully bilingual tho.


No offence but those sites are awful. I'd shoot a web designer that tried to foist that off on me. You can do better from a template and WordPress... for much less money. Anybody paying that guy to do their site - has no idea what a website is supposed to be like.

it's not that simple.

the best websites aren't those which look fresh and modern, or those who have great design, or those who use a responsive template nor those who don't have any HTML errors....

the best websites are those which best fulfill their objectives, which can be getting views, selling products, etc.

personally, I feel that well-done "old style HTML design" is well suited for most businesses in Thailand, provided the page is responsive and correctly coded.

777designz has a number of good looking websites in their portfolio.

@OP: decent webdesigners won't be interested in doing a 5-10 page site for cheap. I make full websites for about 30k, unless it is really very simple and small, in which case 15k can be enough.

Hosting has to be with me, and costs 500 baht a month which includes 1 hour of work per month for whatever maintenance or change requests there might be, 1000 baht/hour after that.

Here's the thing, the best websites offer the best user experience - that's what gets views, sells products, etc. Those "old style HTML" sites? The user experience is "take one look, go somewhere else". 30K is less than I'd charge for a 10 page website - and I don't even make websites as a general rule... there are more profitable uses of my time. But, if I did make websites - I'd have a long talk with the client about SEO, SEM, and sales funnels before wasting their money and my time. ROI is the name of the game not websites. Those HTML websites? They're killing your ROI.

Found a means of dodging the "Spamdexing" defenses ?

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For the record I have 10 years experience (1998-2007) owning/managing/building a website business in Canada. My ex-wife was/is the designer, I dealt with clients, writing text and organizing site navigation as well as SEO. We divorced 8 years ago and she carried on with the business www.baytides.ca

Lots of BS self serving comments here. I have no interest in getting into a mud slinging match, I have nothing to gain - just saying.


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it's not that simple.

the best websites aren't those which look fresh and modern, or those who have great design, or those who use a responsive template nor those who don't have any HTML errors....

the best websites are those which best fulfill their objectives, which can be getting views, selling products, etc.

personally, I feel that well-done "old style HTML design" is well suited for most businesses in Thailand, provided the page is responsive and correctly coded.

777designz has a number of good looking websites in their portfolio.

@OP: decent webdesigners won't be interested in doing a 5-10 page site for cheap. I make full websites for about 30k, unless it is really very simple and small, in which case 15k can be enough.

Hosting has to be with me, and costs 500 baht a month which includes 1 hour of work per month for whatever maintenance or change requests there might be, 1000 baht/hour after that.

Here's the thing, the best websites offer the best user experience - that's what gets views, sells products, etc. Those "old style HTML" sites? The user experience is "take one look, go somewhere else". 30K is less than I'd charge for a 10 page website - and I don't even make websites as a general rule... there are more profitable uses of my time. But, if I did make websites - I'd have a long talk with the client about SEO, SEM, and sales funnels before wasting their money and my time. ROI is the name of the game not websites. Those HTML websites? They're killing your ROI.

The backbone of successful website design is user experience (UX).

This has to do with how easy and intuitively the website is designed and presented, how pleasurable it is to navigate and get around etc.....majority of websites are designed from the owners pov not the end users and thats why they are <deleted>.

Edward Tufte has some very interesting things to say on information design and data visualisation....a good understanding of these helps in creating an appropriate website.

According to him the best website in the world in the nytimes website....and the best ecommerce website is amazon....you wouldnt call these beautifully designed eye candy but they are optimised for the best user experience possible.

I look at these thai sites for pizza and guesthouses and gogos and have to shake my head.

User experience is still one step removed from what the websites are meant to achieve.

I have decades of experience with designs of landing pages and sales pages and I can tell you it's not always the best looking, the slickest, the most appealing websites that sell best.

Sometimes even quite ugly pages were the best selling, it's all about triggering the right instincts and reflexes in the user.

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User experience is still one step removed from what the websites are meant to achieve.

I have decades of experience with designs of landing pages and sales pages and I can tell you it's not always the best looking, the slickest, the most appealing websites that sell best.

Sometimes even quite ugly pages were the best selling, it's all about triggering the right instincts and reflexes in the user.

I think thats what I just said yo!

Its about having a clear idea of what you want the customer to do and providing the means to do it without a hitch.

Site architecture and process flow is key…aesthetics are secondary.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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it's not that simple.

the best websites aren't those which look fresh and modern, or those who have great design, or those who use a responsive template nor those who don't have any HTML errors....

the best websites are those which best fulfill their objectives, which can be getting views, selling products, etc.

personally, I feel that well-done "old style HTML design" is well suited for most businesses in Thailand, provided the page is responsive and correctly coded.

777designz has a number of good looking websites in their portfolio.

@OP: decent webdesigners won't be interested in doing a 5-10 page site for cheap. I make full websites for about 30k, unless it is really very simple and small, in which case 15k can be enough.

Hosting has to be with me, and costs 500 baht a month which includes 1 hour of work per month for whatever maintenance or change requests there might be, 1000 baht/hour after that.

I am a retired IT specialist, creating websites is a piece of cake, but so is everything when you know how.

In the past I used to offer to create websites free for family and friends, but never again. No problem making a website, I can knock up a basic one in a couple of hours and making changes is just a matter of logging in, the amendments that can be done in minutes. But what used to happen is that the people I created the sites for considered their sites my responsibility for then on, each time they had a problem or wanted amendments they would contact me and ask, when am I going to sort it?

You are correct to charge just for the agro involved. Sometimes it`s like owning a restaurant where whatever you serve or how you serve it to some customers is never good enough. I couldn`t be bothered anymore, not even for the fees you charge.

From what I have encountered, the majority of people have limited knowledge how to use software and solve problems on their computers. The most can use emails, facebook, play games and after that it goes above their heads. If people that want websites fall into this category they have 2 choices, either expect to pay through the nose for them or learn how to make websites themselves, that is much easier then they think. It just takes patience, enthusiasm and the interest to do it. Even my 11 year old nephew knows how to make a website. Loads of freebies around for beginners with instructions and templates to practice on.

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