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Taliban stones woman in Afghanistan for adultery


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Too often what happens is a Taliban guy rapes a woman, then accuses her of adultery (or pre-marital sex) then they execute her while her rapist goes free. Sadly, it is a far more common event than you'd like to believe. Essentially they are pretty much nothing but lawless criminals using religion to justify (or exonerate) their crimes.

Doesn't happen that much mate.

Only when they're taking a break from young boys.


I guess all the stories I heard and news articles I read during the 10+ years I was working in Afghanistan were wrong then. It must have just seemed like it was happening all the time.

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This too seems a bit harsh...it's hard to know which is worse, the Indian guy who gets life in prison for raping a woman or the woman who is stoned for adultery...both punishments seem inordinate to the crimes committed.

UM...WHAT?!? A bit harsh?!? A bit??? Stoned to death for adultery! And it's not at all difficult to know which is worse. Are you serious, Mr. Misogynist?!? A girl getting stoned to death for pre-marital sex is much worse! And rape deserves a harsh punishment. Geez! 1zgarz5.gif


Why the hysteria and ad hominem attack? I said both are crimes and wasn't equating the two in any sense. I said that the legally prescribed punishments for these crimes were excessive in my opinion. Sure rape is a violent crime and should be punished accordingly but I think life in prison is excessive. Murderers, child molesters, attempted murderers often receive less. Or are you one of those who advocates excessive incarceration as the solution to most crimes and social problems?

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I thought that a lot of the guys on here were big on obeying the laws of the countries,

When 5 people get taken into the jungle have to kneel down & get shot in the back of the head in Bali ----guys on here were saying that's the law.......You know the law of the country you shouldn't brake it, if you do that's your fault....etc

Yes of course its barbaric.....................both of them

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