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Some 50 Malaysian tourists refuse to pay park fee at Lipe island


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it is funny, since malaysia have also dual pricing,

Except Malaysia parks and attractions work very fairly around a residents card.. White, pink yellow or brown skinned people are defined as living there (discount) or international tourist (no discount).

To me this system seems pretty fair.

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Australia has dual pricing, residents of beach side suburbs get a parking sticker for free local parking at the beach. Tourists and visitors from other areas have to pay to come to the beach. In a way it makes sense as the ratepayers carry the cost of the mess that visitors make. It is the basis of the user pays system. I can understand why Thailand charges a different price for visitors.

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If they had any brains in their head which they dont, they would charge ALL 50 baht and that would even things out. Is 50 baht too much for Thais to pay? How many bottles of beer does that buy when they have all their friends over?

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Just do not visit these locations.

Further, if some store does not have proper prices on their goods. Tell them, you can't buy any item,

because you don't know how to make sure they tell you a proper price and do not want to cheat on you.

I agree proper prices should be shown at all times but this will never happen.

Go along to just about any second hand car dealer and their are no prices shown on the actual cars.

It's a matter what they think they can get, so pluck a figure out of the air and if you are a farang add another 100,000 or so.

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Hm, well

I earn 10 times the money a skilled Thai worker does. Cancelling double pricing could mean the Thais pay the same as foreigners, meaning a Thai family could never ever afford a visit to a National Park in their own country.

Maybe the reasons the Malays were that upset ist the fact, that their National Parks are freeof charge (visited one on Penang, just registration, so they can go after you in the case you got lst, but no pay booth at all)

Maybe if all the money collected from tourists throughout the country was properly used the locals wouldnt have to pay more. It is a form of tax if you like and one that is totally wrong

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In my country Thais would be paying about 5,000 baht to visit the zoo.

Sounds exactly right.

If a Thai can afford to travel abroad then they should pay more, as they must be wealthy.

And if they want to see something different outside of Thailand, then they should be paying more. (some Thai politician came out with something like that)

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Hm, well

I earn 10 times the money a skilled Thai worker does. Cancelling double pricing could mean the Thais pay the same as foreigners, meaning a Thai family could never ever afford a visit to a National Park in their own country.

Maybe the reasons the Malays were that upset ist the fact, that their National Parks are freeof charge (visited one on Penang, just registration, so they can go after you in the case you got lst, but no pay booth at all)

so you mention that all foreigners earn 10x more than the Thais?

even not 50% of all tourist do earn this amount, the fees is not about how much somebody earns, it is about your nationality and your race, and this is discrimination.

BTW you also would pay 10x more in 7-11 for a beer because you earning 10 times more?

before writing such a comment start your brain and read what you like to post and delete b*llsh*t

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Australia has dual pricing, residents of beach side suburbs get a parking sticker for free local parking at the beach. Tourists and visitors from other areas have to pay to come to the beach. In a way it makes sense as the ratepayers carry the cost of the mess that visitors make. It is the basis of the user pays system. I can understand why Thailand charges a different price for visitors.


you really want to compare this with thailand?

In Australia everybody who not lives there will pay the same, but not foreigners pay 10 times more.

So you understand why Thailand charge 10 times more? Yes I also!

Because they think they can do it, because they are not educated to understand this is rasism and discrimitation.

And because the workers in the parks can make extra money, because no control who paid what.

Everybody who pays the prices in the parks suport a crime, discimination!

It s the same you are a shopping clothes who are produced with child work or you eat products, produced with slavery.

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Australia has dual pricing, residents of beach side suburbs get a parking sticker for free local parking at the beach. Tourists and visitors from other areas have to pay to come to the beach. In a way it makes sense as the ratepayers carry the cost of the mess that visitors make. It is the basis of the user pays system. I can understand why Thailand charges a different price for visitors.


you really want to compare this with thailand?

In Australia everybody who not lives there will pay the same, but not foreigners pay 10 times more.

So you understand why Thailand charge 10 times more? Yes I also!

Because they think they can do it, because they are not educated to understand this is rasism and discrimitation.

And because the workers in the parks can make extra money, because no control who paid what.

Everybody who pays the prices in the parks suport a crime, discimination!

It s the same you are a shopping clothes who are produced with child work or you eat products, produced with slavery.

Yes i want to compare it to Australia to show that this type of policy is not just isolated to Thailand.

No it is not about racism. It is about taxpayers and ratepayer not having to support the costs of visitors. Visitors should pay more than locals; whether 10x is the appropriate amount or not is open for debate.

In a free market, people should be able to charge what the market can stand. With the proviso that price gouging in the times of economic turmoil is not acceptable.

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Hm, well

I earn 10 times the money a skilled Thai worker does. Cancelling double pricing could mean the Thais pay the same as foreigners, meaning a Thai family could never ever afford a visit to a National Park in their own country.

Maybe the reasons the Malays were that upset ist the fact, that their National Parks are freeof charge (visited one on Penang, just registration, so they can go after you in the case you got lst, but no pay booth at all)

Well, aren't you a fortunate individual. Must be a labouring job 'cause you ain't no teacher with your logic.

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Read the extract rom below and weep....they will only get the Tour Companies to hide the cost of admission by adding it to their Tour price,which they then pay the park,no cash changing hands by the Tourists at the National parks etc!

Panapol said he did not want to get tough with tourists so he would hold a meeting with tourist boast and tourist company operators to discuss how to collect the entry fee from their clients.

As the saying goes.....There's more than one way to skin a ...Farang!!! TIT.

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Australia has dual pricing, residents of beach side suburbs get a parking sticker for free local parking at the beach. Tourists and visitors from other areas have to pay to come to the beach. In a way it makes sense as the ratepayers carry the cost of the mess that visitors make. It is the basis of the user pays system. I can understand why Thailand charges a different price for visitors.


you really want to compare this with thailand?

In Australia everybody who not lives there will pay the same, but not foreigners pay 10 times more.

So you understand why Thailand charge 10 times more? Yes I also!

Because they think they can do it, because they are not educated to understand this is rasism and discrimitation.

And because the workers in the parks can make extra money, because no control who paid what.

Everybody who pays the prices in the parks suport a crime, discimination!

It s the same you are a shopping clothes who are produced with child work or you eat products, produced with slavery.

Yes i want to compare it to Australia to show that this type of policy is not just isolated to Thailand.

No it is not about racism. It is about taxpayers and ratepayer not having to support the costs of visitors. Visitors should pay more than locals; whether 10x is the appropriate amount or not is open for debate.

In a free market, people should be able to charge what the market can stand. With the proviso that price gouging in the times of economic turmoil is not acceptable.

In a free market?

Clearly you don't have a clue what a free market is.

As a matter of fact, price discrimination is a proof that the market is not free.

You confuse free market with monopoly and oligopoly.

Sorry to bother you with macro economics.

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The story doesn't say they refused to pay because of the pricing policy though. They wouldn't pay anything at all. I would guess the issue was more like being told they were paying an all-inclusive price for the trip and then balked at paying an additional fee. An issue with the tour operator rather than the pricing of the NP.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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I have been coming and lived in Thailand for Fifty Years- I will never pay more than what a Thai pays-Ever. It is the principle of the thing- not the money. If they refuse the Thai price- I politely tell them I will not pay it and say goodbye. If enough people do this they will stop this nonsense.

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Australia has dual pricing, residents of beach side suburbs get a parking sticker for free local parking at the beach. Tourists and visitors from other areas have to pay to come to the beach. In a way it makes sense as the ratepayers carry the cost of the mess that visitors make. It is the basis of the user pays system. I can understand why Thailand charges a different price for visitors.


you really want to compare this with thailand?

In Australia everybody who not lives there will pay the same, but not foreigners pay 10 times more.

So you understand why Thailand charge 10 times more? Yes I also!

Because they think they can do it, because they are not educated to understand this is rasism and discrimitation.

And because the workers in the parks can make extra money, because no control who paid what.

Everybody who pays the prices in the parks suport a crime, discimination!

It s the same you are a shopping clothes who are produced with child work or you eat products, produced with slavery.

Yes i want to compare it to Australia to show that this type of policy is not just isolated to Thailand.

No it is not about racism. It is about taxpayers and ratepayer not having to support the costs of visitors. Visitors should pay more than locals; whether 10x is the appropriate amount or not is open for debate.

In a free market, people should be able to charge what the market can stand. With the proviso that price gouging in the times of economic turmoil is not acceptable.

Absolutely BS I lived in Australia for over 40 years now I lived in any state and territory and I have never encountered

dual pricing for anybody including foreigners as I mentioned before on another thread I took my Thai wife and Thai

nephew to the zoo ( if you need to know it was in Perth)

My wife and nephew paid less then I did ( I am Australian citizen)

my nephew and wife are not Australian citizen

they were classed as VISITORS

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Read the extract rom below and weep....they will only get the Tour Companies to hide the cost of admission by adding it to their Tour price,which they then pay the park,no cash changing hands by the Tourists at the National parks etc!

Panapol said he did not want to get tough with tourists so he would hold a meeting with tourist boast and tourist company operators to discuss how to collect the entry fee from their clients.

As the saying goes.....There's more than one way to skin a ...Farang!!! TIT.

But that's actually the point here anyway. There's nothing in the story that says the Malaysians refused to pay a foreign rate or any kind of entrance fee. They were most likely told the cost of the tour covered everything or were simply not informed that there would be an additional entrance charge. They probably thought they were being asked to shell out for a second time. If it had been included in the original cost, there wouldn't have been a problem.

If tour operators become responsible for collecting the NP entrance fee and include it in the cost of the tour, they don't need to hide it, They just set the price of their trip and state that it includes the entrance fee. They wouldn't even have to say how much that is. It's then up to tourists to decide if they think the package is value for money or not.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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The spineless politically correct countries of the West wouldn't have the balls! They would be up on charges of racism or human rights violations faster than you could blink.

England is already talking about charging tourist entry fees into places that are free for an English citizen, They will start with the Museums,

"Despite an increase in the number of visitors, a slight fall in government funding has left the senior museum organisers thinking about charging overseas tourists, who make up two thirds of visitors." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3298813/Cash-strapped-British-Museum-plans-new-entry-fee-foreign-tour-groups.html

** The report is from the DM 2 days ago so you will need a VPN to access (if you live in Thailand)

No such citizenship exists!

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If you earn 10x more than other people you are happy to pay 10x more ?

Mmm that makes a lot of sense , let's just pay toilet cleaners etc the same as heart surgeons etc and then were all equal and can all pay one set price

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Australia has dual pricing, residents of beach side suburbs get a parking sticker for free local parking at the beach. Tourists and visitors from other areas have to pay to come to the beach. In a way it makes sense as the ratepayers carry the cost of the mess that visitors make. It is the basis of the user pays system. I can understand why Thailand charges a different price for visitors.


you really want to compare this with thailand?

In Australia everybody who not lives there will pay the same, but not foreigners pay 10 times more.

So you understand why Thailand charge 10 times more? Yes I also!

Because they think they can do it, because they are not educated to understand this is rasism and discrimitation.

And because the workers in the parks can make extra money, because no control who paid what.

Everybody who pays the prices in the parks suport a crime, discimination!

It s the same you are a shopping clothes who are produced with child work or you eat products, produced with slavery.

Yes i want to compare it to Australia to show that this type of policy is not just isolated to Thailand.

No it is not about racism. It is about taxpayers and ratepayer not having to support the costs of visitors. Visitors should pay more than locals; whether 10x is the appropriate amount or not is open for debate.

In a free market, people should be able to charge what the market can stand. With the proviso that price gouging in the times of economic turmoil is not acceptable.

The point is it's not a free market. The prices are fixed. Residential parking stickers is not comparable to thailand's exploitative system.

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Well done....hope more tourist would do the same

Six bucks is not a lot for western tourists. It is the double standard, and that could be mitigated by letting Thai nationals in free by showing their ID card. The way for tour ops to get around this is to charge the guests when they get on the bus so there is no scene at the park.

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Just do not visit these locations.

Further, if some store does not have proper prices on their goods. Tell them, you can't buy any item,

because you don't know how to make sure they tell you a proper price and do not want to cheat on you.

You'll just be met with a blank stare & they'll raise prices (to make up for any shortfall) as they aren't selling enough of their trinkets.

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The spineless politically correct countries of the West wouldn't have the balls! They would be up on charges of racism or human rights violations faster than you could blink.

England is already talking about charging tourist entry fees into places that are free for an English citizen, They will start with the Museums,

"Despite an increase in the number of visitors, a slight fall in government funding has left the senior museum organisers thinking about charging overseas tourists, who make up two thirds of visitors." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3298813/Cash-strapped-British-Museum-plans-new-entry-fee-foreign-tour-groups.html

** The report is from the DM 2 days ago so you will need a VPN to access (if you live in Thailand)

Firstly, why would anyone in their right mind read the Daily Mail? And secondly, even if they did, why would they believe anything they read?

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