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Loud loud music from Prasertland stage


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I live 1.7 km from the very loud music stage at Prasertland*, and it's keeping me up at night (finishes at 12 am usually). Anybody else having a similar experience? Several polite voices just might help. Who to contact, where to start?

(The police on-site said it's over - it's not. The police on the phone say until the 10th...sigh...)

*Google Maps link to stage location:

Su Thep
Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai, Thailand

18.797520, 98.963516

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According to the sign on the stage its supposed to be from 30 oct to 7 nov

to Combine with the halloween doos at tawan dang and the mwldives coz infinity is now closed

But when it will actually stop is anybodys guess ?




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There is a food festival there, which happens several times a year. Sometimes they have free concerts with big name Thai bands--Palmy was there last November. If you live on the Nimmanhamin side be thankful, it is much louder on the Canal Road and CMU side.

I doubt if complaining will do any good, this has been part of the area for many years. Moving near an event site and complaining about the noise is akin to moving under an airport flight path and complaining about the noise.

You've probably noticed you're also under the airport flight path.

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Looks like the same Singa sponsored food fest thaey just had at airport plaza car park. I went but the "music" was awful rediculously loud. For some reason the sound guys turn the kick drum, (bass drum) so loud it made me run away as fast as possible. Seems to get louder every year. On a side note the "band" sang all western pop songs but butchered the english lyrics to the point of obsurdity. I wonder what would happen if a farang band sang Thai songs like that, probably get a beating.

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Ho hum its the annual "its loud to live in Nimmanhemin" thread thats been going on for ten years or so. There is a very simple answer, dont live in the middle of "Entertainment Central" Chiang Mai, or if you choose to, stop being outraged when they turn the noise up from its usual 10 to 11 or 12 !!

As someone who used to attend big Music Festivals back in the day when I was young and had my ears regularly blasted by people like Cream, Santana, Hendrix etc, I wouldnt mind quite so much here if the music was any good, but its so appallingly mundane meaningless loud drivel repeated ad nauseam !!!

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I lived a couple of times on the Canal (Prasiertland) side of the Punna Condo there on Soi 6 and obviously knew of ever event they had over there. At times, I actually liked it as hearing the noise was often the only way to know an event was happening there and usually it was fun to go have some food, beer, and a listen there. Those events, though, ended well before midnight.

That horrible bar, Chalerm Groong, built in a tin shed, was the worst noisemaker in that neighborhood (neither Tawan Daeng or the new Infinity bothered us much at all) and thankfully Chalerm Groong has been demolished (it's now the office/condo-sample of the new Nimmana condo complex). The noise was so bad it physically rattled our balcony slider and windows until 2AM and, after that, we'd have to tolerate the occasional loud fights in the bar parking lot.

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thanks Dave2 for the pictures and clarification

no problem

i went up there to get some pics of tawan dangs halloween decorations which were naff this year

and found this beautifull cat so it was worth the trip but i have bad news :(

i was talking to dee

famous of dees fish and chip cart last night and has been asked to sell at a huge ten day event in prasart land over xmas and the new year so i would either move . go away for xmas or buy some ear plugs !





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Nice kitty, LOL. More thanks. RE my own place, I came out here late on a Saturday night last March just to listen and it was dead quiet. Prasertland was not going that night, and it's not near as active as Thapae area, where I was (and suffered from 360 deg.noise with old town bars, traffic, etc).

It's still much better here, and as I said, 2 kms. southwest of Prasertland. So I don't live in the Nimmanhemin area at all - the sound just carries up to the 7th floor windows.

YouTube and my Sony earphones are savin me clap2.gif So I'll have some good sleep noise ready for the big holidays (I was expecting as much, with high season comin up).

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I live in the same area. Wait till you hear the high schoolers banging on the drums for an hour, five or six days a week, at the CMU Demonstration School. I've had people tell me they can hear it in America through my headset microphone.

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