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I'd just like to point out that I was referring to relationships in Thailand - not necessarily relationships with Thai people.

Like many here, I cannot speculate on what it might be like to arrive here as a farang couple.

As per most if not all the previous posts, I am in a Farang/Thai domestic arrangement. And I agree with what many have said here, particularly about the patriarchal bias being quite agreeable, compared to the west. I also find Thai women to be more volatile, and charming, and generally more feminine, than their western counterparts, or indeed other Asian females. They seem to have the 'franchise' on feminine charm.

Unless the male half of a farang couple is not particularly enamoured of these quirks and charms, I'd say it would take a strong woman from any other culture to feel secure in her relationship here, but since few of them are likely to share here, we're left with (probably inaccurate) speculation.

I've personally met/seen just three unusual partnerships here :

The career expat, now retired, who lost his farang wife to illness here, then married a Thai, lost her in similar tragic circumstance, and then decided ladyboys were where 'it was at' for him all along!

A mate (and lifelong 'butterfly' of note) who decided to Honeymoon with his pretty blonde wife in Pattaya (Why, out of all the beach options, Sin City!?) They're still together back home, now with an adult daughter, amazingly...

A guy I saw at Immigration with his Filipina partner (I just happened to see her passport, or I would have assumed she was Thai) Input from him would be interesting indeed!

T'would also be interesting to hear some candid opinions from those who arrived as a couple, however, I'm not holding my breath.


I know quite a few Farang couples here, and I wouldn't say the women feel any less secure than they would elsewhere.

You're making the error many here do of assuming that your preference for Thai women is somehow universal. This is not the case. They don't have 'the 'franchise' on feminine charm'. Some men find them attractive for sure, but it's just a personal preference.


'treat em right'

Treat them as you would wish to be treated. (The Golden Rule)

Seems to me that here, the Golden Rule is:

He who has the gold, rules.

But it's kind of universal, Willie Nelson once quoted a friend who called him just to say: "I've just figured out money makes women horny!"


I know quite a few Farang couples here, and I wouldn't say the women feel any less secure than they would elsewhere.

You're making the error many here do of assuming that your preference for Thai women is somehow universal. This is not the case. They don't have 'the 'franchise' on feminine charm'. Some men find them attractive for sure, but it's just a personal preference.

You're making the error here of underestimating my 'emotional intelligence' based on a single post you've read with your own preconceptions, it would appear.

I never said or even inferred the attraction of Thai women was 'somehow universal', that's an assumption you have grasped from my praise of the ones I have met! Some of my friends don't find Asian women attractive at all.

I myself am under no illusions that many are manipulators, and use their charms to extract maximum personal benefit at the expense of ANY male, Thai or otherwise. But that's not expressly Thai, just seemingly more 'visible' here.

Having said that, I have moved through life watching many of my peers 'discover' an attraction or perhaps a 'preference' for Asian (not necessarily Thai) ladies at around the age of 30-35.

I also just saw the post made by that farang lady kickboxer, that was educational.


I also just saw the post made by that farang lady kickboxer, that was educational.

Not really, loads of Thai guys hang out at the Muay Thai training camps looking for free foreigner sex.

One of my pals is always at it.

And lets face it, no risk to them.

If they marry her, she can't have their Thai house, if they get her pregnant, no come back.

If we get her pregnant, we would be in court looking at maintenance charges.


Women, regardless of their nationality, are not going to tell you what they want. ..... You gotta be constantly scanning em for what it is they want and then give it to em in an acceptable amount of time.

Or you could save the effort and just not bother with what she wants.

Get another one, if the current one goes.

It's not as if there's any shortage of replacements.

'Constantly scanning', I don't think so!

That kind of cuts both ways, but it depends what you want out of her (and her out of you).

There is a lot to be said for the social graces, in other words, mutual respect, in easing one's passage through life. it applies to women, or anyone else, for that matter.

Anyone who is happy giving precisely zero fcuks, is going to find it coming back at em, more often than not.

When i play nice, it usually pays back with surprising dividends.


There is a lot to be said for the social graces, in other words, mutual respect, in easing one's passage through life. it applies to women, or anyone else, for that matter.


any woman that will sleep with me, deserves no respect from anyone.


I also just saw the post made by that farang lady kickboxer, that was educational.

Not really, loads of Thai guys hang out at the Muay Thai training camps looking for free foreigner sex.

One of my pals is always at it.

And lets face it, no risk to them.

If they marry her, she can't have their Thai house, if they get her pregnant, no come back.

If we get her pregnant, we would be in court looking at maintenance charges.

Not really what? Could you clarify please? Not really educational?

I doubt, a fit (in all aspects) farang girl is gonna put out for Thai guyz 'hanging around' a training camp. Maybe they'll jump the male boxers, but not just a young horndog from the soi next door. Smells like a barstool claim if you ask me. You got a picture of your Thai mate and Lara Croft there to back it up? i mean, he's always at it, right?

I'm not saying you're untruthful, just that maybe your Thai mate is a little economical with reality.

Good luck getting a farang guy based in Thailand to pay for a kid in the west!


I know quite a few Farang couples here, and I wouldn't say the women feel any less secure than they would elsewhere.

You're making the error many here do of assuming that your preference for Thai women is somehow universal. This is not the case. They don't have 'the 'franchise' on feminine charm'. Some men find them attractive for sure, but it's just a personal preference.

You're making the error here of underestimating my 'emotional intelligence' based on a single post you've read with your own preconceptions, it would appear.

I never said or even inferred the attraction of Thai women was 'somehow universal', that's an assumption you have grasped from my praise of the ones I have met! Some of my friends don't find Asian women attractive at all.

I myself am under no illusions that many are manipulators, and use their charms to extract maximum personal benefit at the expense of ANY male, Thai or otherwise. But that's not expressly Thai, just seemingly more 'visible' here.

Having said that, I have moved through life watching many of my peers 'discover' an attraction or perhaps a 'preference' for Asian (not necessarily Thai) ladies at around the age of 30-35.

I also just saw the post made by that farang lady kickboxer, that was educational.

No offence intended, that's just the impression your post gave - especially the 'franchise' bit and the assumption that farang wives lived in fear of their men straying.


You don't think that sounds even a tiny bit creepy?

I have my own reasons why I prefer dating women closer to my own age, but if some young lass has a 'Lolita' fixation, if that's the right word for it, then, so long as she's legal, more power to the guy.

Creepy to me means people being creeps, not Stephen king creepy, which young western women seem to have co-opted and popularised to define their weird uncles leering and/or leery behaviour.

But language is a living changing thing...



No offence intended, that's just the impression your post gave - especially the 'franchise' bit and the assumption that farang wives lived in fear of their men straying.

If i was living in Thailand with a Western wife and she wasn't paranoid every time i left the house alone, then i would assume she wasn't into me !!


No offence intended, that's just the impression your post gave - especially the 'franchise' bit and the assumption that farang wives lived in fear of their men straying.

If i was living in Thailand with a Western wife and she wasn't paranoid every time i left the house alone, then i would assume she wasn't into me !!

We trusted each other before we came to Thailand. Why wouldn't we continue to trust each other here?



No offence intended, that's just the impression your post gave - especially the 'franchise' bit and the assumption that farang wives lived in fear of their men straying.

If i was living in Thailand with a Western wife and she wasn't paranoid every time i left the house alone, then i would assume she wasn't into me !!

We trusted each other before we came to Thailand. Why wouldn't we continue to trust each other here?

This is a fair comment, and an entirely reasonable premise, thus I can only speak for myself in reply.

Rather than make excuses, suppress my lustful drive, betray and deal with the guilt, or whatever, I came here free of encumbrances, and I have learned it's best to be upfront from day one, and to be open about being open.

There are a high number of women here who can live with the idea of sexuality within their relationship(s) being fluid. This place is unique in one respect, the feudal hangover of wives in a pecking order, for those who can afford it, and the modern-day 'Mea-Noi' (little wife/mistress) which is practically a given in Thai society.

My own gal is a mature 'mea noi' to a very old, very wealthy, Thai man, and I'm fine with that, she lives with me, and visits him.

Ironically, since I have a hall pass to have a bit on the side, both implicit and explicit, I just haven't felt the need, it's the old 'Br'er Rabbit' effect I guess, at play in real life.

But it's nice to know I can. Not many guys can deal with mutual and open infidelity, (not quite swinging, more polyamory) but if one can, it opens up yet other possibilities.


Women, regardless of their nationality, are not going to tell you what they want. ..... You gotta be constantly scanning em for what it is they want and then give it to em in an acceptable amount of time.

Or you could save the effort and just not bother with what she wants.

Get another one, if the current one goes.

It's not as if there's any shortage of replacements.

'Constantly scanning', I don't think so!

That kind of cuts both ways, but it depends what you want out of her (and her out of you).

There is a lot to be said for the social graces, in other words, mutual respect, in easing one's passage through life. it applies to women, or anyone else, for that matter.

Anyone who is happy giving precisely zero fcuks, is going to find it coming back at em, more often than not.

When i play nice, it usually pays back with surprising dividends.

When youre in a relationship with a girl in any country thats not your own, she knows you can hit the abort button and leave any time. If youre not interested in living in TH forever, you cant expect much.


I'm back for reason. After my exchanges with the poster I felt something just wasn't right. If I was in fact " barking up the wrong tree and making assumptions I would gladly make a apologise. So I decided to take the time start from the beginning read his question again which I did and read through all 7 pages of responses including the ops. Here are the assumptions I came up with since I believe the question posed for discussion was disceptive and dishonest since he allow the conversation to continue and never once made a direct clarification so we would stop all our assumptions. I will try to be tactful but I will just say this guy is nothing but a troll! Here is why?

He put the question in the manner like forming a relationship etc.. in Thailand... making me and majority of people think we were or should be talking about in general a relationship between a Thai and Farang but my assumption from his replies to me and others is about him, a Farang and his Farang wife living here in Thailand. So we have 7 pages of basic conversation in relationship between a Farang and Thai. He is a troll a liar because he had several opportunities to clarify instead he threw out one liners like clues to see when we would get it. Example: When I made the assumption that his wife came from the business he could easily have corrected me by saying " she is not Thai " and why and I would have gladly apologise to him and the topic of discussion would have changed completely instead he never did!

Another assumption is " Dating " I assume and conclude also that " date night " means he in general are like myself sneak out as often as we can for some side dishes thinking the other halve doesn't know about it. They do except they take the mentality like many Thais women as long as he comes home and take care of business and do not throw it in my face it is o.k. believe there are western women who feel how will they survive if they ask for a divorce. I assume he holds the money string and she feels he has all the control. Now if she is the open minded type more power to him but I do not feel it is the case. He is just too arrogant.

Here is a true story when I first got here. I sign up for some Thai language lesson. In the class I met a Australian women in her early 40's. we because friends after a month. One day over a class break having coffee she pour out her heart that she was unhappy, not sure why maybe because I was Asian? That she came here because her husband said he needed to work in Pattaya so being a good wife she moved with him and when she got here it did not take long to see what was going on. She felt he had a girl friend etc. etc.. was lonely and wanted to go home but didn't know what to do. The next few months we became closer friends so closed it turn out to be very physical. One day, after class she told me she was returning home even with no career or much money and starting over thanks to me. Never saw her again but a year or so after got a email that she was divorce now living with her daugther family and starting over and she took the ass to the cleaners! I think about her from time to time because of the great sex.


Meet someone from your own social and economic background anywhere in the world and it makes things so much easier, preferably someone who speaks and understands your own language and customs.

Always worked for me in my last 27 relationships.

My last 27 relationships????? You are not qualified to give realationship advice

if you have had 27 relationships...

Relationship advice I would want would come from someone with a 27 year relationship.

Bad Tony


Great idea for a thread. Never been discussed before

( today ). We need more threads like this.....perhaps a new one every other day so that we can really get down to the bottom of things as they are here in Thailand. After all....leys be honest....Thai women ate so sophisticated that a lot of people out there seem to need a lot of help approaching them.


Well...all that you talk about or imply is not without its challenges and or related problems....but yeah.....for nearly all the foreign men here in Thailand it is very apparent that most of them would rather make a go of it here than make a go of it back in their home country ....and I am amongst the many men who also agree...thank you very much and happy to be here for ever more....lol



OK, so you're living in the USA a divorced guy 50+, you've got a kid or 2 that are grown. What's available to you in the single female market say between ages 45-55. I know a 50 yr old farang female CAN be a knockout, but isn't it more likely she's 20-30 lbs overweight with cottage cheese thighs. Now, I'm not now or have I ever been part of the higher end crowd such as doctors, lawyer and politicians. But, in my little bluish collar crowd she probably have a few kids of her own grown or worse yet they're teen agers. Chances are very good being a single mom she's not living the high life, probably doesn't even own her own home. Now, all I hear about in Thailand are walking ATM's. Ok, now your US squeeze is short on rent money, car payment is due, she gets laid off from work, etc etc etc. or

Or, I can come to Thailand as a 50+ single guy, pay bar fines all my life and be a happy camper but that too gets old. Feel lucky and find a permanent relationship, even consider that having another kid is extremely possible.

So, what's the difference between the 2 scenarios? Life in Thailand is just so much easier and cheaper.


I'm back for reason. After my exchanges with the poster I felt something just wasn't right. If I was in fact " barking up the wrong tree and making assumptions I would gladly make a apologise. So I decided to take the time start from the beginning read his question again which I did and read through all 7 pages of responses including the ops. Here are the assumptions I came up with since I believe the question posed for discussion was disceptive and dishonest since he allow the conversation to continue and never once made a direct clarification so we would stop all our assumptions. I will try to be tactful but I will just say this guy is nothing but a troll! Here is why?

He put the question in the manner like forming a relationship etc.. in Thailand... making me and majority of people think we were or should be talking about in general a relationship between a Thai and Farang but my assumption from his replies to me and others is about him, a Farang and his Farang wife living here in Thailand. So we have 7 pages of basic conversation in relationship between a Farang and Thai. He is a troll a liar because he had several opportunities to clarify instead he threw out one liners like clues to see when we would get it. Example: When I made the assumption that his wife came from the business he could easily have corrected me by saying " she is not Thai " and why and I would have gladly apologise to him and the topic of discussion would have changed completely instead he never did!

Another assumption is " Dating " I assume and conclude also that " date night " means he in general are like myself sneak out as often as we can for some side dishes thinking the other halve doesn't know about it. They do except they take the mentality like many Thais women as long as he comes home and take care of business and do not throw it in my face it is o.k. believe there are western women who feel how will they survive if they ask for a divorce. I assume he holds the money string and she feels he has all the control. Now if she is the open minded type more power to him but I do not feel it is the case. He is just too arrogant.

Here is a true story when I first got here. I sign up for some Thai language lesson. In the class I met a Australian women in her early 40's. we because friends after a month. One day over a class break having coffee she pour out her heart that she was unhappy, not sure why maybe because I was Asian? That she came here because her husband said he needed to work in Pattaya so being a good wife she moved with him and when she got here it did not take long to see what was going on. She felt he had a girl friend etc. etc.. was lonely and wanted to go home but didn't know what to do. The next few months we became closer friends so closed it turn out to be very physical. One day, after class she told me she was returning home even with no career or much money and starting over thanks to me. Never saw her again but a year or so after got a email that she was divorce now living with her daugther family and starting over and she took the ass to the cleaners! I think about her from time to time because of the great sex.

You're weirdly angry about this, aren't you? Nevertheless, I'll attempt to address your concerns.

I deliberately worded the OP in as open a manner as possible because I wanted the discussion to be as inclusive as possible. Hence the fact that I mentioned both maintaining and forming relationships, so as to include both those who arrived here as a couple and those who met their partners here. I'm not sure why you would assume I was married to a Thai - its not obligatory, and plenty of farang men here have farang partners. I also pointed out on page 1 that I was not referring just to relationships with Thai people.

The point you seem most troubled by - that I didn't inform you my wife was not Thai after you accused her of being an ex-prostitute (classy move, by the way) - you could have simply read the post a couple above yours where it was pointed out that I have an English wife.

Apart from that, you're just making yet another set of incorrect assumptions about me. By date night, I mean going on a date with my wife, as I thought would have been obvious both from the choice of phrase itself - date night is a thing couples do - and the context within which I used it. I don't go on dates with other women - I'm a happily married man. You assume I 'hold the money strings' - this is absolutely not the case. My wife is financially secure in her own right, and would manage perfectly well without me. She's with me by choice, not financial necessity or because I have some control over her. I'm not even sure what to make about the assumption she can't be open-minded because I'm 'too arrogant' - that's just too bizarre.

Might I make a suggestion? Rather than go through this weird, nonsensical guessing game, if you're curious about some detail of my life - why not just ask me?


OK, so you're living in the USA a divorced guy 50+, you've got a kid or 2 that are grown. What's available to you in the single female market say between ages 45-55. I know a 50 yr old farang female CAN be a knockout, but isn't it more likely she's 20-30 lbs overweight with cottage cheese thighs. Now, I'm not now or have I ever been part of the higher end crowd such as doctors, lawyer and politicians. But, in my little bluish collar crowd she probably have a few kids of her own grown or worse yet they're teen agers. Chances are very good being a single mom she's not living the high life, probably doesn't even own her own home. Now, all I hear about in Thailand are walking ATM's. Ok, now your US squeeze is short on rent money, car payment is due, she gets laid off from work, etc etc etc. or

Or, I can come to Thailand as a 50+ single guy, pay bar fines all my life and be a happy camper but that too gets old. Feel lucky and find a permanent relationship, even consider that having another kid is extremely possible.

So, what's the difference between the 2 scenarios? Life in Thailand is just so much easier and cheaper.

I can see your point. But I do feel it seems a bit of a shame to give up hope of finding a fulfilling relationship with someone back home so easily.


OK, so you're living in the USA a divorced guy 50+, you've got a kid or 2 that are grown. What's available to you in the single female market say between ages 45-55. I know a 50 yr old farang female CAN be a knockout, but isn't it more likely she's 20-30 lbs overweight with cottage cheese thighs. Now, I'm not now or have I ever been part of the higher end crowd such as doctors, lawyer and politicians. But, in my little bluish collar crowd she probably have a few kids of her own grown or worse yet they're teen agers. Chances are very good being a single mom she's not living the high life, probably doesn't even own her own home. Now, all I hear about in Thailand are walking ATM's. Ok, now your US squeeze is short on rent money, car payment is due, she gets laid off from work, etc etc etc. or

Or, I can come to Thailand as a 50+ single guy, pay bar fines all my life and be a happy camper but that too gets old. Feel lucky and find a permanent relationship, even consider that having another kid is extremely possible.

So, what's the difference between the 2 scenarios? Life in Thailand is just so much easier and cheaper.

I can see your point. But I do feel it seems a bit of a shame to give up hope of finding a fulfilling relationship with someone back home so easily.

Not like I gave up, I started working overseas 13 yrs ago. Thailand became my home base.


I'm back for reason. After my exchanges with the poster I felt something just wasn't right. If I was in fact " barking up the wrong tree and making assumptions I would gladly make a apologise. So I decided to take the time start from the beginning read his question again which I did and read through all 7 pages of responses including the ops. Here are the assumptions I came up with since I believe the question posed for discussion was disceptive and dishonest since he allow the conversation to continue and never once made a direct clarification so we would stop all our assumptions. I will try to be tactful but I will just say this guy is nothing but a troll! Here is why?

He put the question in the manner like forming a relationship etc.. in Thailand... making me and majority of people think we were or should be talking about in general a relationship between a Thai and Farang but my assumption from his replies to me and others is about him, a Farang and his Farang wife living here in Thailand. So we have 7 pages of basic conversation in relationship between a Farang and Thai. He is a troll a liar because he had several opportunities to clarify instead he threw out one liners like clues to see when we would get it. Example: When I made the assumption that his wife came from the business he could easily have corrected me by saying " she is not Thai " and why and I would have gladly apologise to him and the topic of discussion would have changed completely instead he never did!

Another assumption is " Dating " I assume and conclude also that " date night " means he in general are like myself sneak out as often as we can for some side dishes thinking the other halve doesn't know about it. They do except they take the mentality like many Thais women as long as he comes home and take care of business and do not throw it in my face it is o.k. believe there are western women who feel how will they survive if they ask for a divorce. I assume he holds the money string and she feels he has all the control. Now if she is the open minded type more power to him but I do not feel it is the case. He is just too arrogant.

Here is a true story when I first got here. I sign up for some Thai language lesson. In the class I met a Australian women in her early 40's. we because friends after a month. One day over a class break having coffee she pour out her heart that she was unhappy, not sure why maybe because I was Asian? That she came here because her husband said he needed to work in Pattaya so being a good wife she moved with him and when she got here it did not take long to see what was going on. She felt he had a girl friend etc. etc.. was lonely and wanted to go home but didn't know what to do. The next few months we became closer friends so closed it turn out to be very physical. One day, after class she told me she was returning home even with no career or much money and starting over thanks to me. Never saw her again but a year or so after got a email that she was divorce now living with her daugther family and starting over and she took the ass to the cleaners! I think about her from time to time because of the great sex.

You're weirdly angry about this, aren't you? Nevertheless, I'll attempt to address your concerns.

I deliberately worded the OP in as open a manner as possible because I wanted the discussion to be as inclusive as possible. Hence the fact that I mentioned both maintaining and forming relationships, so as to include both those who arrived here as a couple and those who met their partners here. I'm not sure why you would assume I was married to a Thai - its not obligatory, and plenty of farang men here have farang partners. I also pointed out on page 1 that I was not referring just to relationships with Thai people.

The point you seem most troubled by - that I didn't inform you my wife was not Thai after you accused her of being an ex-prostitute (classy move, by the way) - you could have simply read the post a couple above yours where it was pointed out that I have an English wife.

Apart from that, you're just making yet another set of incorrect assumptions about me. By date night, I mean going on a date with my wife, as I thought would have been obvious both from the choice of phrase itself - date night is a thing couples do - and the context within which I used it. I don't go on dates with other women - I'm a happily married man. You assume I 'hold the money strings' - this is absolutely not the case. My wife is financially secure in her own right, and would manage perfectly well without me. She's with me by choice, not financial necessity or because I have some control over her. I'm not even sure what to make about the assumption she can't be open-minded because I'm 'too arrogant' - that's just too bizarre.

Might I make a suggestion? Rather than go through this weird, nonsensical guessing game, if you're curious about some detail of my life - why not just ask me?

What you do not seem to understand due to your arrogants and you openly omit is you word things in a way so everyone would think what you wanted to hear was about relationship with a Farang and Thai. Although relationships are similar all over the world to me at least it is much different here in Thailand when it is two farangs. The forming of a relationship here with a Thai due to the culture is much harder. The majority of the people including me got the impression due to your intent wording and spend time writing about the opposite. As you can see as soon as I pointed it out the conversation has swifted. Any assumptions comes from you not being transparent and your continuation to play your ego games makes you a liar. You accused me of coming across superior to others because of my experience I seriously doubt your creditbility as to living here for two years and being able to speak Thai or even able to write. You are a liar which you yourself have presented yourself to be. You have really no interest in hearing what others say you just want to hear yourself talk, I seriously doubt you have any friends here and I hope your wife one day see you for what you are and find the strength to do what is right for her. You are a fake.


What you do not seem to understand due to your arrogants and you openly omit is you word things in a way so everyone would think what you wanted to hear was about relationship with a Farang and Thai.

On the very first page of the thread I said -

I'd just like to point out that I was referring to relationships in Thailand - not necessarily relationships with Thai people.

OK, so you're living in the USA a divorced guy 50+, you've got a kid or 2 that are grown. What's available to you in the single female market say between ages 45-55. I know a 50 yr old farang female CAN be a knockout, but isn't it more likely she's 20-30 lbs overweight with cottage cheese thighs. Now, I'm not now or have I ever been part of the higher end crowd such as doctors, lawyer and politicians. But, in my little bluish collar crowd she probably have a few kids of her own grown or worse yet they're teen agers. Chances are very good being a single mom she's not living the high life, probably doesn't even own her own home. Now, all I hear about in Thailand are walking ATM's. Ok, now your US squeeze is short on rent money, car payment is due, she gets laid off from work, etc etc etc. or

Or, I can come to Thailand as a 50+ single guy, pay bar fines all my life and be a happy camper but that too gets old. Feel lucky and find a permanent relationship, even consider that having another kid is extremely possible.

So, what's the difference between the 2 scenarios? Life in Thailand is just so much easier and cheaper.

I can see your point. But I do feel it seems a bit of a shame to give up hope of finding a fulfilling relationship with someone back home so easily.

Not like I gave up, I started working overseas 13 yrs ago. Thailand became my home base.

So was your interest in foreign women more by circumstance than choice?


I figure with relationships in Thailand, maybe those of the unconventional sort, one may always have to deal with insufferable busybodies so at least, if that has to occur, I prefer to do it here:

Suspicious minds are talking
Trying to tear us apart
They say that my love is wrong
They don't know what love is ...
I know what love is
(You give me reason to live)
Randy Newman -- 'You Can Leave Your Hat On' (1972)

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