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Canada: Justin Trudeau breaks new ground as he is sworn in as PM


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Canada: Justin Trudeau breaks new ground as he is sworn in as PM


OTTAWA: -- Autumn sunshine and adoring crowds were on hand as Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, 43, headed to his swearing-in ceremony as Canada’s new prime minister on Wednesday.

Trudeau is the first son of a premier to take office in Canada and the second-youngest PM in the country’s history.

He was accompanied to the Governor General’s residence in Ottowa by his wife and their three young children as well as his mother, Margaret Trudeau, who gave birth to Trudeau and his two brothers while his father Pierre Trudeau was in power.

Pierre Trudeau, who died in 2000, was in power for 15 years – with a brief interruption – and remains one of the few Canadian leaders to be known abroad.

Trudeau junior, who has promised a more optimistic government after a decade of Conservative rule, has already broken new ground by announcing an equal number of men and women in a slimmed-down Canadian Cabinet.

And, for the first time, he has named a leader from the indigenous aboriginal community – Jody Wilson-Raybould – as Justice Minister.

The Cabinet also included rookie politician Bill Morneau as finance minister and former Liberal leader Stephane Dion as foreign minister, a mix of experience and fresh faces reflected in the rest of the team of ministers.

Trudeau, a former teacher, took charge of the party just two years ago and guided it out of the political wilderness with a pledge of economic stimulus and stirring appeals for a return to social liberalism.

He has already laid out the major planks of his economic plan, which includes running three years of budget deficits and boosting infrastructure spending in a bid to stimulate Canada’s flagging economy. The new government has also pledged to raise taxes for the richest Canadians and cut taxes for the middle class.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-05

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Watch 5he rich bail to somewhere else

And take their business and jobs with them

Already 1000's of Canadians have left due to high taxes to support the socialistic system

Problem is his father introduced social safety nets... hooray

But no one ever put in a.plqn to.police them.... Boo

As such they are abused to the limit

What is it now... the 4th generation of families that have never worked.one day in their whole. Lives

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Despite his being relatively young and inexperienced, he has a lot of good ideas and sound policies that return Canada to its traditional role in the world as an intelligent, and decent liberal democracy. After the right wing, dictatorial and misguided Harper and his corrupt Conservative party, that can only be for the good. Inevitably, the reality of power will do some personal damage, but Trudeau is off to a good start with his new cabinet and the new government's attitude to important issues like financia and social inequality and the damaging effects of climate change. Good luck to him and the new government!

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Despite his being relatively young and inexperienced, he has a lot of good ideas and sound policies that return Canada to its traditional role in the world as an intelligent, and decent liberal democracy. After the right wing, dictatorial and misguided Harper and his corrupt Conservative party, that can only be for the good. Inevitably, the reality of power will do some personal damage, but Trudeau is off to a good start with his new cabinet and the new government's attitude to important issues like financia and social inequality and the damaging effects of climate change. Good luck to him and the new government!

Yes... Trudeau has some great ideas.... legalizing weed... allowing dual citizenship convicted terrorists to keep their Canadian citizenship and not have it revoked.

Pull Canada's F-18's out of the middle east and stop bombing ISIS. Online Islamic extremists are already laughing that "Canada is going to run away from ISIS". They're celebrating..

Trudeau at prayer...






Run deficits.... borrowing money that Canada doesn't have... and leave the bill for our children and grandchildren to pay..

Hey... it all sounds good to me... . LOL... ;)

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Despite his being relatively young and inexperienced, he has a lot of good ideas and sound policies that return Canada to its traditional role in the world as an intelligent, and decent liberal democracy. After the right wing, dictatorial and misguided Harper and his corrupt Conservative party, that can only be for the good. Inevitably, the reality of power will do some personal damage, but Trudeau is off to a good start with his new cabinet and the new government's attitude to important issues like financia and social inequality and the damaging effects of climate change. Good luck to him and the new government!

I wish him good luck as well. The easy part is over now and the hard part begins. Circle your approval rating now as it will never reach this level again.

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Mr. Trudeau get Canada weaned off being a petro economy. Its proving a cyclical disaster. Who wants your oil? the Americans yeah sure they were begging for it a decade ago but now they thumb their nose at you calling the tar sands "dirty oil" which it probably is. You have many R&D universities there get them breaking new ground. Find more Blackberries and nurture them. Unfortunately the present one rested on their laurels to much and got steamrollered by the competition. The future is Tech R&D not oil. Pull the country up by its bootstraps. Robotics 3D printing innovation of all kinds Ubering etc. are the future build a better mousetrap. Just being hewers of wood and drawers of water will just not cut in the world of the future. You now steer the greatest country in the world so put on your captains hat take the rudder and go for it.

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"He has already laid out the major planks of his economic plan, which includes running three years of budget deficits and boosting infrastructure spending in a bid to stimulate Canada’s flagging economy. The new government has also pledged to raise taxes for the richest Canadians and cut taxes for the middle class."

Typical liberal agenda: raise taxes on the rich, drop them for the middle class, and spend more than you've got and trying to stimulate an economy with government spending. He should take some note as to his southern neighbor amassing debt and see where that has led.

Typical liberal agenda:

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"He has already laid out the major planks of his economic plan, which includes running three years of budget deficits and boosting infrastructure spending in a bid to stimulate Canada’s flagging economy. The new government has also pledged to raise taxes for the richest Canadians and cut taxes for the middle class."

Typical liberal agenda: raise taxes on the rich, drop them for the middle class, and spend more than you've got and trying to stimulate an economy with government spending. He should take some note as to his southern neighbor amassing debt and see where that has led.

Typical liberal agenda:

You make a good point but at the PRESENT you just have to love the status of their currency. Its a global club beating every countries currencies over the head. Americans living in Thailand are making out like a bandit at PRESENT

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Watch 5he rich bail to somewhere else

And take their business and jobs with them

Already 1000's of Canadians have left due to high taxes to support the socialistic system

Problem is his father introduced social safety nets... hooray

But no one ever put in a.plqn to.police them.... Boo

As such they are abused to the limit

What is it now... the 4th generation of families that have never worked.one day in their whole. Lives

News flash!!! the rich have already taken their business elsewhere it's called china and India and mexico etc etc. and not just from Canada they do it in the great US of A as well.

If you are trying to preach trickle down economics, that is a complete joke. If a multi billionaire has to pay some tax to make a 1 Billion dollar profit instead of a 1.3 Billion dollar profit they will still do business.

Laws have been softened for these greedy rich sociopaths because they have been able to buy the congress.

It's funny how big banks and corps have no problem spending hundreds of millions to buy congressmen and pour even more into election funds but they are all up in arms if they are asked to spend even half of that to pay taxes for a country that supports them and their workers.

Take take take and never give back.

I hope that the pendulum will finally swing hard the other way and these elite, entitle thieves are made to pay their fair share.

As for your comment that Canada is a socialist country, as a Canadian I take exception to that. You clearly watch too much FOX.

The USA has the largest military spending in the world, more than the next 10 countries in the world combined. This is ran by your govt, as are your schools, fire and police depts, etc etc

just because Canada also has a national healthcare system, as does every other developed nation in the world (except for the US until lately) does not make us a socialist country.

The term socialist is a fear mongering campaign sponsored by big medicine to give the impression that it is one step closer to communism when in fact a national healthcare plan is just the next step to straighten out the USA's incredibly corrupt and obscenely overpriced medical system.

Your HMO's were letting people die by denying claims usually based on pre existing conditions. Those were the real death squads and they got away with it.

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Watch 5he rich bail to somewhere else

And take their business and jobs with them

Already 1000's of Canadians have left due to high taxes to support the socialistic system

Problem is his father introduced social safety nets... hooray

But no one ever put in a.plqn to.police them.... Boo

As such they are abused to the limit

What is it now... the 4th generation of families that have never worked.one day in their whole. Lives

News flash!!! the rich have already taken their business elsewhere it's called china and India and mexico etc etc. and not just from Canada they do it in the great US of A as well.

If you are trying to preach trickle down economics, that is a complete joke. If a multi billionaire has to pay some tax to make a 1 Billion dollar profit instead of a 1.3 Billion dollar profit they will still do business.

Laws have been softened for these greedy rich sociopaths because they have been able to buy the congress.

It's funny how big banks and corps have no problem spending hundreds of millions to buy congressmen and pour even more into election funds but they are all up in arms if they are asked to spend even half of that to pay taxes for a country that supports them and their workers.

Take take take and never give back.

I hope that the pendulum will finally swing hard the other way and these elite, entitle thieves are made to pay their fair share.

As for your comment that Canada is a socialist country, as a Canadian I take exception to that. You clearly watch too much FOX.

The USA has the largest military spending in the world, more than the next 10 countries in the world combined. This is ran by your govt, as are your schools, fire and police depts, etc etc

just because Canada also has a national healthcare system, as does every other developed nation in the world (except for the US until lately) does not make us a socialist country.

The term socialist is a fear mongering campaign sponsored by big medicine to give the impression that it is one step closer to communism when in fact a national healthcare plan is just the next step to straighten out the USA's incredibly corrupt and obscenely overpriced medical system.

Your HMO's were letting people die by denying claims usually based on pre existing conditions. Those were the real death squads and they got away with it.

Touche. They just never learn taking a knife to a gunfight. Fear mongering is the biggest weapon the right has today. Its keeps the largest part of the herd moving in their desired direction. Watch Rawhide. Then throw in Bill Reilly and that idiotic TV station that he works for. Somewhere there should be a Liars Law on the books to prosecute these people.

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Watch 5he rich bail to somewhere else

And take their business and jobs with them

Already 1000's of Canadians have left due to high taxes to support the socialistic system

Problem is his father introduced social safety nets... hooray

But no one ever put in a.plqn to.police them.... Boo

As such they are abused to the limit

What is it now... the 4th generation of families that have never worked.one day in their whole. Lives

Fully agree !

I left...26 years ago and, at every visit back home since then, feel it was the right thing to do. Way too socialistic, where the ones not contributing are benefiting the most.

Over almost the last three decades, the system has not improved; it is just the same and getting worse. Health care spendings are out of control, education is a headache, the canadian dollar which was relatively recently at pair with the USD is now 25% lower, the economy is weak, etc...

Trudeau is heading for a continuation of such socialistic approach, so as with many others, I will quietly remain a "visitor" in my native country happily avoiding the huge taxes when, and if, I visit again.

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