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Real footage of pedestrian accidents aims to change Thai driving behavior


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Horrific. There is no will from the authorities or the populace to change their driving behavior. "Pedal to the metal and get the hell out of my way." Just a handful of sane Thais trying to alter public perception. I laud their effort, but you see this stuff on Thai news all the time. People just don't change their behavior, and I doubt they ever will.

Once behind the wheel and behind the dark-tinted windows and enclosed in the steel confines of their cars, you see what is truly in the heart of the Thai driver. Behind the facade, that is who that person really is.

I detest driving here. The populace are completely unhinged.

Edited by connda
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The problem is when you stop at a zebra crossing,some a/h behind

will crash in the back of you,as he would not be expecting you to stop.

They show it in the video you have to watch to get your driving license,

i suppose it all goes in one ear and out the other,as that is only one of

a multitude of rules of the road that are not adhered to,like don't overtake

on a bend,how many times have you seen that happen,the problem is that

Thais don't like rules and laws,they just want to do their own thing,never

mind that it could endanger,inconvenience,or is just plain stupid.

regards Worgeordie

I was walking home from exercising this afternoon. We live on a narrow strip of road about 200 meters long with blind corners at the east and west. People haul ass around these corners in excess of 70 to 80 k/h. Safe speed is 40 or under.

Walking home I had just rounded the corner. On the straight-away was a motorcycle that forced me off the road, a car passing the motorcycle, and faster car passing them both fully in the right lane as they all entered the blind corner. When I had started my walk, a car had come around that same corner so fast that it had fishtailed. That would have been the perfect storm had that happened right then. These people are completely insane, and it's culturally ingrained.

Since I've lived here we have had 6 animals killed within 50 meter from the house. They scream around these corners and if anything is in the road it dies. Thank god we haven't had any children or other villagers killed in front of our house. I'm thinking 'just a matter of time, and hopefully it's not me or my wife'. We had one car loose control in the west corner and spin out hitting our retaining wall. Simply insane and no remorse unless caught. Then they bow and snivel trying to get out of a cash 'death payment' or 'property damage' payment. It's obscene.

I just talked to my wife about it. It scares her to walk to the market or to her mother's house on this road for exactly those reasons. She just said, "Someone die on road someday in front of house." I'm not the only one thinking that.

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Even though you are in a crosswalk, you have to pay attention and use some

common sense. Pay attention people may not see you in heavy traffic. Looking

at the footage those who were struck were paying no attention to there surroundings

the same as the less than aware and less than capable drivers.

"Don't die defending your rite of way" comes to mind. When I come to a yellow about

to turn red light or a crosswalk I am very nervous about stopping on my scooter

that I will be run over by a car, truck or bus, from behind. Even a light that has just

turned red. blink.png

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In our local driving centre (where you get your licenses and "pass" your test") they showed videos of motorcycles/scooters getting wiped out by cars at intersections. The response? People laughed (en masse) as if it were some comic show. I guess this video will get the same response.

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T junctions where traffic doesn't have a red light should have a red light in stalled. I cross one in the crosswalk and it's a harrowing experience. Why should I have to stand in the middle of the <deleted> road having successfully moved beyond one lane of traffic only to be met with on-coming traffic from the left?

All along roads the red light means nothing to the driver on the curb side. They fly through it at will. I don't understand Thai driving laws, but it's obvious Thais don't either.

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How about some regulation on tinted windows. Half of the accidents won't happen if you are able to see the bodylanguage of other drivers.

How about dashcams. look at the Russian videos on utube. That will teach some lessons.

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Plenty of videos available on youtube for Thai crashes. Need to put them in during ad breaks on Thai soaps.

Crosswalk recently put in near my condo: light flash yellow, but crosswalk button does not lead to walk sign & red lights. Security got on my case other day for not crossing there, but rather just on left of condo exit. I figure bit safer as don't need to worry about idiots coming out of condo, crossing 3 lanes against traffic to reach poorly placed turn lane (I think they just copied from USA, drive on other side of road). Where I usually cross just have to watch for idiots going against flow on sidewalks or near curb.

So I asked security "Are you police? Are you police? Crosswalk not work! Why don't you stop people driving against traffic? Fix crosswalk and maybe I'll cross there...." Morons

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In my homecountry they started using tv as a medium to teach us how to behave in traffic. They repeated it over and over again untill everybody got tired of it.

If we don't stop for a zebra and drive into a pedestrian we get very sever fines, even can go to jail or loose driverslicense forever.

I don't understand why the big General doesn't use the tv to teach the Thai some manners. What does he have to loose? Maybe it works, maybe not but it shouldn't cost much and if they use thai Supta's in those short films there's even a higher chance of success.

Thailand is in everything 30-50 years behind the developed world.

50 years ago I was taught that you must stop at crosswalks or you are in deep sh1t, so I'm thinking Thailand must be even further behind than that

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These are pretty nasty video clips but I dont think very effective to be honest. I am not convinced that people will see these and immediately consider changing their driving style.

For the Brits out there,, does anyone remember the "clunk, click every trip" Government campaign which came just before the law was introduced to wear your seatbelt? There were some really graphic scenes of people going through windscreens and back seat passengers smashing their heads into the person in front cracking their skulls and killing them etc,,,

Well, these were really effective because it was real and could happen to you, it wasn't just clips of some nasty accidents.

I am sure I also saw one with a baby flying through the windscreen when not securing a baby in appropriate car seat.

Anyway, the fact that I still remember how vivd the ads were says it all,, these Thai clips will be forgotten next week as these can been seen all over youtube anytime.

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In my homecountry they started using tv as a medium to teach us how to behave in traffic. They repeated it over and over again untill everybody got tired of it.

If we don't stop for a zebra and drive into a pedestrian we get very sever fines, even can go to jail or loose driverslicense forever.

I don't understand why the big General doesn't use the tv to teach the Thai some manners. What does he have to loose? Maybe it works, maybe not but it shouldn't cost much and if they use thai Supta's in those short films there's even a higher chance of success.

Thailand is in everything 30-50 years behind the developed world.

50 years ago I was taught that you must stop at crosswalks or you are in deep sh1t, so I'm thinking Thailand must be even further behind than that

Funny, I was just posting about the UK adverts.. For crossing the road it was "always use the green cross code" and "stop, look, listen, think". The green cross code man was David Prowse who played Darth Vadar in Star Wars, he did an advert where he's scolding a boy for running out in the road and then gives him lessons in how to cross,, brilliant nostalgia. See pic below, bet it jogs a good few memories,,

I still cross the road in exactly the same way.thumbsup.gif


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These are pretty nasty video clips but I dont think very effective to be honest. I am not convinced that people will see these and immediately consider changing their driving style.

For the Brits out there,, does anyone remember the "clunk, click every trip" Government campaign which came just before the law was introduced to wear your seatbelt? There were some really graphic scenes of people going through windscreens and back seat passengers smashing their heads into the person in front cracking their skulls and killing them etc,,,

Well, these were really effective because it was real and could happen to you, it wasn't just clips of some nasty accidents.

I am sure I also saw one with a baby flying through the windscreen when not securing a baby in appropriate car seat.

Anyway, the fact that I still remember how vivd the ads were says it all,, these Thai clips will be forgotten next week as these can been seen all over youtube anytime.

in continuation of above point, see video clip below.

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Well, I got hit from behind by a truck when walking on the sidewalk in my soi (condominium area) on Sept 22. Truck and / or driver didn't have any valid insurance. The insurance he had ended at the beginning of September. He got away with a 500 THB fine.

I broke my shoulder and right arm on 4 places. Needed surgery, a plate with 10 screws was inserted. Costs up to now over 400k and it isn't over yet... My insurance doesn't pay because a vehicle was involved. The truckdriver can't pay, it's just a poor man earning a few baht and was not working for a company but driving his own truck (wreck) from 1976. He didn't pay for new insurance because he didn't have the money for it. Next to this, he had only 1 leg (right), was shifting gears and clutching with a stick in his left arm and steering with his right arm. He lost control of the truck when shifting 2nd to 3rd gear while hitting the sidewalk edge. He shouldn't be allowed on the road steering any vehicle that wasn't an automatic. But this is Thailand...


Edited by FredNL
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simple, avoid the roads if you care for your life!!!!

i worked very hard and now i only use private helicopters!!! Or, at the very least, hire 10 drivers and you ride in the middle car.....in a tank!!!

enjoy land of SMILES....where everyone will smile but you!!! lol

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Saying it's a powerful message is a combination of OTT and wishful thinking.

A powerful message would be the police and courts doing their job properly to get rid of the attitude that traffic laws etc are for other people to obey.

People need to know if they risk breaking the law there's a high chance of being caught since the police are operating as they should. Fines should be relevant as a deterrent and suspensions more than a ridiculous few days.

Driving while disqualified is contempt of court and should carry jail time. None of this will happen though since TIT and it doesn't work like that.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Crossing a road in Thailand is tricky at best, but I NEVER count on some driver in a car that weighs 30 times more than me to do the right thing, much like my 10 lb dog knows to stay out from under my feet.

Gotta look right, left, up, down, behind you & peek around corners ever half a second when anywhere near a Thai road.

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Saying it's a powerful message is a combination of OTT and wishful thinking.

A powerful message would be the police and courts doing their job properly to get rid of the attitude that traffic laws etc are for other people to obey.

People need to know if they risk breaking the law there's a high chance of being caught since the police are operating as they should. Fines should be relevant as a deterrent and suspensions more than a ridiculous few days.

Driving while disqualified is contempt of court and should carry jail time. None of this will happen though since TIT and it doesn't work like that.

Traffic laws are merely a suggestion in Thailand, but heaven forbid that I drive on the inside lane to avoid the bazillions of som-tam stands, motorcycles, pushcarts, elephants etc in the slow lane (that are endemic on almost every road) for more than 100 yards.

I have been ticketed for that (200 baht Sang Som money) more times than I can remember.

EDIT: The som-tom/food stands aren't IN the road, but they are usually just barely OFF it. I consider it polite (and safer) to not whiz by at 60 MPH so closely, so I often change lanes....and get a ticket for my troubles.

Edited by jaywalker
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Well, I got hit from behind by a truck when walking on the sidewalk in my soi (condominium area) on Sept 22. Truck and / or driver didn't have any valid insurance. The insurance he had ended at the beginning of September. He got away with a 500 THB fine.

I broke my shoulder and right arm on 4 places. Needed surgery, a plate with 10 screws was inserted. Costs up to now over 400k and it isn't over yet... My insurance doesn't pay because a vehicle was involved. The truckdriver can't pay, it's just a poor man earning a few baht and was not working for a company but driving his own truck (wreck) from 1976. He didn't pay for new insurance because he didn't have the money for it. Next to this, he had only 1 leg (right), was shifting gears and clutching with a stick in his left arm and steering with his right arm. He lost control of the truck when shifting 2nd to 3rd gear while hitting the sidewalk edge. He shouldn't be allowed on the road steering any vehicle that wasn't an automatic. But this is Thailand...

attachicon.gifrechts 4-10.jpg

Wow Fred, I'd give your post a "Like" but that doesn't seem appropriate.

That's some seriously bad shit that happened to you.

Hope you heal soon.

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i remember when they put pedestrian crossing lights up on beach road and third road pattaya and i foolishly thought

things might change, one month later they were disconnected to complicated for thailand,

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Thai drivers are the most discourteous in the world that I have found. Some are good but most have s*it for brains.

So what about the police ctually doing their job and getting to grips with this problem?

You haven't driven in Egypt.

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