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Australian beaten-up outside of South Pattaya Go-Go Bar

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I've seen people try to skip on their bills all the time on Walking Street. Have a couple drinks, leave a (empty) cigarette pack on the table and claim you are going to the bathroom and never come back, or suddenly get a phone call and get up start walking away as though you are distracted and simply "forgot". I've seen people try to sneak their bins onto different tables or pretend that they were just moving to new table and "forgot" to take their bin cup with them.

I've seen "white guys" (young and old) try it and I've seen Indians try it. The waitresses are normally pretty good at keeping people honest, I've seen them chasing people down the street waving their bin cup and normally once they catch them the "skipper" suddenly remembers they "forgot" they were supposed to pay.

Yeah right. "Oh I forgot that when you go to a bar and have a couple of drinks, you are actually expected to pay for them." Makes you wonder how many times the same person has done the same thing in other bars and managed to get away with it. I have no doubt that more than a few of them do it deliberately and think "if I get caught I'll just pretend I was really drunk and "forgot" and then pay up".

There are a lot of people that seem to think if they get away with it once or twice then they should be allowed to do it every time.

perhaps people get used to paying for their drinks up front. Then they leave without a second thought.

I believe that at the Walkabout Bar in Phnom Penh each drink has to be paid for every time.

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but it always used to be the way in the UK, that one had to pay individually for each drink, due to the fact that it was in fact illegal to have a tab in a bar/pub (private clubs/hotels might be different).

Ah, The Walkabout in PP. Stayed there on my first Cambodian sojourn. Still have the photos taken in the bar. Fun evenings & a good system that the security at the front door book the moto for you for the night & record his number & your room number too. It is cheaper (and safer) to have one moto all night than get a new one every time you change bars. Is it a coincidence that Aussie bar in PP ask for drinks money up front and an Aussie in LOS tried to not pay? Probably!!

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Another tourist boost for Paattay tourist attacked but victim result better than the girl being murdered on Walking street, sure many potential tourists reading this story thinking must go to the land of smiles for a good fight and watch the occasional murder taking place, stay well away from Thailand for a safe relaxing holiday


The evils of alcohol. coffee1.gif

Though to be honest, "Johnny" looks like a victim of Foetal Alchohol Syndrome himself.

Alcohol is about as dangerous as guns, knives, and Ya-Ba. Did that knife that killed that woman recently do it by itself?

No. It took a lunatic to put it in motion.

Sadly we cannot regulate retards & crazies out of existence, & the headline writers should be ashamed, as it is BLATANTLY racist/xenophobic

I've been around Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms since the day I was born 48 & a half years ago.

Blaming booze is utterly nonsensical.

The guy is a apparently a jerk, so he he got his head thumped a bit.


Another tourist boost for Paattay tourist attacked but victim result better than the girl being murdered on Walking street, sure many potential tourists reading this story thinking must go to the land of smiles for a good fight and watch the occasional murder taking place, stay well away from Thailand for a safe relaxing holiday

Most of the tourists in Pattaya these days are Asian. I doubt their plans will be affected by either of these stories. Most westerners visiting Pattaya come for specific purposes and are also very unlikely to be put off.


Looks like Johnny got a little excited in photo number three judging by the big wet patch in the front of his shorts.


Attacked by a forenier is the funniest thing i have heard in a long time. Pattaya will lose business even if this man was drunk and left without paying. What ever happened to holding him till the police came and made him pay. 160 baht will hurt Pattaya a thousand times more when people from ever country reads this. These security goons will hurt Pattaya and Thailand even if he was drunk. He probaly was to drunk to fight so the goons got 160 baht out of pleasure in just beating him up! More bad press for Pattaya for 160 bahts. When will they ever learn!


Looks like Johnny got a little excited in photo number three judging by the big wet patch in the front of his shorts.


Hahaha [emoji23]


Is it that hard to look at the price list before you order something ? That is not getting ripped off its stupidity by the buyer. If you order something you pay for it.. if you don't like the price you should have looked at how much it was. If you don't you only blame yourself and should pay up. Why should others pick up the bill for your stupidity. (different story if an other price is charged as is on the price list)

I attempted to explain in a kind way that Oasis GoGo is well known for ripping people off with high prices on drinks, deceptive "happy hours" and "buy one, get one free" as well as over the top "barfines" and setting rules like "she can go after one AM" and said ladies asking for "2500 Baht" etc.. I'm sorry you didn't get the point. I don't look at prices or ask them when I go in a business I respect and is established. I don't need to. Blaming yourself for getting ripped off while has some merit, we aren't talking about anything less than a scamming brothel in a red light zone full of drunkards and slobs to go along with boyfriends and pimps of said "girls" dancing in same. The solution remains stop supporting their practices and/or be willing to stand up and fight, to death if need be, to finally get the message across that we aren't going to take it any more!

A bar is not ripping you off just because you think they charge too much. You have the choice to spend there or move on to other bars. You should know that how much the ladies charge and when they leave has nothing to do with the bar. For obvious reasons the bar cannot get involved with that part of business.


I think this is newsworthy, if I forget to pay the bill I would prefer not to be beaten as I leave, Thais need to learn some manners, this is not the way normal people deal with these situations


I think this is newsworthy, if I forget to pay the bill I would prefer not to be beaten as I leave, Thais need to learn some manners, this is not the way normal people deal with these situations

Over the years I've forgotten a couple of times. Once a service girl came running after me, and I simply paid (along with a generous tip and profuse apologies). Another time I realized later I'd forgotten and went back & paid - they seemed surprisingly unsurprised and nonchalant about the whole thing. Episode ended on the best of terms on both occasions.

No, this can't be about simply forgetting to pay. "Being beaten" doesn't become part of the story until something else happens, like maybe getting a little combative. 'Just not a great idea. Even if you genuinely think your bill's been padded, I'm not sure it's such a great idea.


Is it that hard to look at the price list before you order something ? That is not getting ripped off its stupidity by the buyer. If you order something you pay for it.. if you don't like the price you should have looked at how much it was. If you don't you only blame yourself and should pay up. Why should others pick up the bill for your stupidity. (different story if an other price is charged as is on the price list)

I attempted to explain in a kind way that Oasis GoGo is well known for ripping people off with high prices on drinks, deceptive "happy hours" and "buy one, get one free" as well as over the top "barfines" and setting rules like "she can go after one AM" and said ladies asking for "2500 Baht" etc.. I'm sorry you didn't get the point. I don't look at prices or ask them when I go in a business I respect and is established. I don't need to. Blaming yourself for getting ripped off while has some merit, we aren't talking about anything less than a scamming brothel in a red light zone full of drunkards and slobs to go along with boyfriends and pimps of said "girls" dancing in same. The solution remains stop supporting their practices and/or be willing to stand up and fight, to death if need be, to finally get the message across that we aren't going to take it any more!

A bar is not ripping you off just because you think they charge too much. You have the choice to spend there or move on to other bars. You should know that how much the ladies charge and when they leave has nothing to do with the bar. For obvious reasons the bar cannot get involved with that part of business.

Your points are wrong and naive in all aspects. Please don't consider my reply a personal attack. Obviously, as I say, you are simply unaware of what is going on around you in said venue...

1. Offering a "buy one, get one free" at double the normal/happy hour price is nothing but a rip off. I don't recall the specifics, but it happened to us the one and only time we went inside said venue. It continues to go on around the corner at the "beer bar" known as Billibong but I'll save that long story for another day.... Again...charging double, then claiming "buy one, get one free" is a rip off and childlike scam.

2.How much the ladies charge is indeed controlled by the "bar" and it's mamasan and pimps. If a lady starts cutting the price, she's out after her earned wages and commissions and shares are cut I assume, if paid at all.

3. They are told when they can leave(without a wage cut and I don't mean only a barfine), it isn't as you imply, simply their choice. There can also be higher "barfines" early or she is told to return within say two hours or face cuts. These are facts, not myths. Get to know some of the workers and the light comes shinning in.

4. They have rooms upstairs and standard prices to use same, and a charge to said lady on top of the declared "barfine" etc. so it is a part of the business.

I hope you now grasp things a little better. I might go over there right now to prove it to you, but you have to agree to respect my report back here?


I think this is newsworthy, if I forget to pay the bill I would prefer not to be beaten as I leave, Thais need to learn some manners, this is not the way normal people deal with these situations

Over the years I've forgotten a couple of times. Once a service girl came running after me, and I simply paid (along with a generous tip and profuse apologies). Another time I realized later I'd forgotten and went back & paid - they seemed surprisingly unsurprised and nonchalant about the whole thing. Episode ended on the best of terms on both occasions.

No, this can't be about simply forgetting to pay. "Being beaten" doesn't become part of the story until something else happens, like maybe getting a little combative. 'Just not a great idea. Even if you genuinely think your bill's been padded, I'm not sure it's such a great idea.

I agree, but it doesn't matter the circumstances, securities job is not to dish out vigilanti punishments


That entire stretch of lk metro, starting from rock house to the other end on soi buakhao is populated by lowlife expat scumbags and low rent tourists of meagre means.

Any trouble there is never a surprise. Absolute dregs of society.


I've seen people try to skip on their bills all the time on Walking Street. Have a couple drinks, leave a (empty) cigarette pack on the table and claim you are going to the bathroom and never come back, or suddenly get a phone call and get up start walking away as though you are distracted and simply "forgot". I've seen people try to sneak their bins onto different tables or pretend that they were just moving to new table and "forgot" to take their bin cup with them.

I've seen "white guys" (young and old) try it and I've seen Indians try it. The waitresses are normally pretty good at keeping people honest, I've seen them chasing people down the street waving their bin cup and normally once they catch them the "skipper" suddenly remembers they "forgot" they were supposed to pay.

Yeah right. "Oh I forgot that when you go to a bar and have a couple of drinks, you are actually expected to pay for them." Makes you wonder how many times the same person has done the same thing in other bars and managed to get away with it. I have no doubt that more than a few of them do it deliberately and think "if I get caught I'll just pretend I was really drunk and "forgot" and then pay up".

There are a lot of people that seem to think if they get away with it once or twice then they should be allowed to do it every time.

It works both ways there Kerryd. I've seen alot of ingenious scams that bars & clubs pull over the many years that I sailed Merchant marine and U.S. Navy.

Do Americans, Europeans, Aussies, etc get drunk and get "out of line" sometimes? Sure they do, but does this justify getting attacked, beat up and sometimes killed? Read somewhere that an American was killed over a couple of dollars taxi fare in Bangkok with a sword or machete - I mean Really?

Not condoning stupid behaviour - just the overly severe consequences some seem to be receiving in Thailand.


That entire stretch of lk metro, starting from rock house to the other end on soi buakhao is populated by lowlife expat scumbags and low rent tourists of meagre means.

Any trouble there is never a surprise. Absolute dregs of society.

Not clear why you start at Rockhouse? Why not make it the entire circle and the sludge in the middle? All that said, there is one GoGo with some very nice looking ladies inside. Only problem is, they won't talk to most customers and most definitely not without a lady drink.


There is one things that seems to crop up most of the time with these acts of violence against foreigners and that is that the foreigner is usually alone and drunk. i.e. easy target.

The Thai men who sit silently on the sidelines getting drunk and yabaaed up are nearly always up for a bit of gratuitous violence against the drunk solo farang as they full well know that there is rarely any consequences to face from their victim or the BIB.


There is one things that seems to crop up most of the time with these acts of violence against foreigners and that is that the foreigner is usually alone and drunk. i.e. easy target.

Well…all the more reason not to get blind drunk…and if you must…to behave yourself and not pick arguments.


You drink, you pay. Simple you not get arse kicked. Don't beleive them pay after you order every drink !!!


I agree, but it doesn't matter the circumstances, securities job is not to dish out vigilanti punishments

100% correct.

For all we know, maybe he got stuffed with a lady drink , in his bin

with out asking first, used to go in that place, not any more for me.

And top marks to the young guy repeatedly punching an old guy.

What a Hero. bah.gif


Not sure how people here on TV can say 80 baht a drink inside a Gogo is ripping off some poor customer.. Some bars don't even have half clothed ugly birds to look at and they charge nearly the same price.


Is this really news worthy ?.

Only to further demonstrate that large numbers of scummy, low life individuals keep going to Pattaya.

Of course there are always exceptions and there must be some higher class tourists going there, although you won't see them staggering around drunk and complaining about paying 160 baht for 2 drinks.


Is this really news worthy ?.

Only to further demonstrate that large numbers of scummy, low life individuals keep going to Pattaya.

Of course there are always exceptions and there must be some higher class tourists going there, although you won't see them staggering around drunk and complaining about paying 160 baht for 2 drinks.

yes, they are low class and deserve a public beating, not the same as us high class people that never go to Pattaya but still post on Pattaya forums


Is this really news worthy ?.

Are you Australian by any chance?

Another Quality Australian Tourist

Superstar comments....nev is from the UK.

I guess you can all go unlike your crap now.

Have fun.

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