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Experts dismiss Ben Carson's belief pyramids used to store grain


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Good point. People on the left should give that statement a little thought when they look at Hillary.

Obama is the leader of the free world and he believes that climate is changing/global warming in spite of increasingly inconvenient evidence to the contrary.

Obama believed his best guidance to the House of God was in the pews of a pastor who soundly condemned the judgement of god upon America.

Regan indulged his wife with astrology and many of his decisions are rumored to be based on the stars.

Clinton actually believes it Takes a Village to raise a child.

I believe it takes a Village Idiot to believe the previous.

One president ran over an old woman with his horse, another thought the earth hollow.

Democratic President Johnson believed his dick was named Jumbo.

JFK believed it was okay to eat human flesh and drink blood, following transubstantiation.

The majority of religions of the world, if not all, are founded upon the constellations and the 24,000 year solar cycle in the galaxy. Yep! Near ALL OF THEM.

Many presidents and candidates through history believe that there is a man in the clouds whom we were spontaneously created by. He creates all existence by fiat- creatio/ordo ex nihlo.

69.5% of Americans believe that a super person answers prayers, intercedes by request, has a Santa-like book with columns for Good Steve, Bad Bob, Good Gail, Bad Ahmed, and does not want to, but will send you to a place with fire and pain and suffering forever and ever unless you belief in something supra-sensory, him.

Slightly less surprising than boogeymen and damnation, 77% of Americans believe aliens have visited earth. (Not human aliens; 100% are now sure illegal aliens have).

If one thinks its absurd, a character breaker, or meaningful that someone thinks a bunch of rocks held grain thousands of years ago, you identify yourself among the dolts, the uninformed, the ignorant- it just does not matter. Carson is wrong, but this is not the point. The world is so full of people who believe crap that indicting someone for the crap he/she believes makes the accuser look like a fool, not the indicted. Unless the core tenets of what another believes acts or threatens to act upon others, it is a silly exercise.

Completely incorrect. There is more and more evidence and more and more agreement in the scientific community man is responsible for global warming.

But who cares, your whole post is just a feeble attempt to change the subject.

Goodness, a feeble effort... and you responded.

Yes, and you didn't succeed.
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