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Germany: ruling coalition agrees to speed up asylum process


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Germany: ruling coalition agrees to speed up asylum process


BERLIN: -- Following weeks of infighting, Germany’s ruling coalition has come to an agreement on how to speed up the asylum process.

Party leaders have been struggling with the biggest migrant influx in decades. They have now decided to set up five centres to hold and assess people from countries considered safe; those barred from re-entry into Germany; and those who refuse to cooperate. The measures are expected to culminate in deportation for the most part.

Two of the centres will be in Bavaria, which is bearing the brunt of the migrant flow. Regional president and CSU Party leader Horst Seehofer outlined the new process.

“At the centres, decisions will be made in a short period of time: administrative proceedings within one week, legal proceedings within two weeks,” he said.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has advocated an open-door refugee policy, which has been criticised by the sister party of her conservatives, and other Germans demanding a tougher stance.

After the deal was announced, she said:
“Our main point and goal is the integration of those with a perspective to stay in Germany. Within the integration process, we want to bring our values and legal system closer to the refugees. We want to show that Germany is an open country that we are proud of and which has a good reputation in the world.”

Figures released this week state Germany received 181,000 migrant arrivals in October alone and the number of asylum seekers seems set to reach one million by the end of the year.

If this proves to be the case, it would smash previous predictions of 800,000. So far in 2015 (January to the end of October) 758,000 migrants have crossed into Germany.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-06

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Eye candy. The goal is obviously to control the message, meter the flow of information regarding this issue, and define the narrative. The hope is, in x time, looking back, this period of the invasion of Europe will be defined in a manner agreeable to the State Multiculturalists; they craft historical perception in real time. Currently the invasion beachhead is defined by chaos, protest, lack of coordination, etc. No central narrative exists in which to wrap the political machine of state around the desired ends of the entering hordes. Answer: create this poppycock mechanism which is "expected to culmin...." I cant even write this. It is so much Orwellian Doublespeak.

Would anyone really build such centers to initially achieve an end which "are expected to culminate in deportation for the most part?"

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Speed up the process, ok but will there be an appeal system and if there is it can, as Britain has shown, take forever and the do gooders, UNHCR etc will all weigh in.

Let's not forget the migrants themselves who will, of course, comply fully and will not resist. gigglem.gif

A major mess to be sorted out by one as potentially nightmarish ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Merkel is a traitor to Europe. Saying they are welcome and not even asking her own people.

These Financial Muslim migrants are invaders and need to be shown by the people they are not welcome.

Politicians too need to hear the message loud and clear and understand there will be consequences for them.

Nothing scares a political party more than the thought of losing power and for individual MPs the thought of losing their seat.

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Those poor Germans. I thought that the English speaking countries had bad and easily media controlled leaders, even those idiots can not hold a candle to Merkel and her party's stupidity and betrayal of her people. This is almost surreal.

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