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Conflict in deep South must not be seen as a religious war


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If you went into Utah, and took away all the land, subjugated all the inhabitants as second class citizens, and doled out parcels of that grabbed land to the corrupt powers in the new government, you'd have a Mormon conflict.

If you went into Jamaica and took away all the land...., you'd have a Rastafarian conflict. (That's a little tongue in cheek)

If you went into Rome and took away all the land... you'd have a Catholic conflict.

If you went in to Palestine and took away all the land (in the 1940's)... you'd have a Muslim conflict.

If you went in to Israel and took away all the land (today, anyway)... you'd have a Jewish conflict.

But I wouldn't call any of them a religious conflict.

Neither would I , just another land grab by estate agents.cheesy.gif

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Considering there are tens of thousands of TV members who are regular viewers of the content of TV, just what is the percentage regularly posting anti-Islam / Muslim content; less than .01%?

Having come from an environment where my primary carer was a racist and a bigot, personally I am in the same camp as Bluespunk & others of the same demeanor. Way too many on this forum fail to distinguish between the Islamists and those Muslims getting on with their day to day lives without religious violence and hatred, as are the vast majority of Thai Muslims.

Why then do not the majority of Muslims rise up and purge their 'religion' of these Islamists? When they do ,then , perhaps, we who look upon Islam as a threat to all we hold dear (freedom of speech, freedom to follow, or not, any religion that suits our personal beliefs, equality of sexes, frredom tio axt as we wish (under our national laws), our national identitity), will accept Islam as religion. Instead we , who are not PC liberals or multiculti morons, must look upon Islam as a creeping cancer that will eventually totally dominate and destroy all that we believe in, and must fear it and fight it however we can.

well worded. Couldnt agree more. Call me what you want . Bigot ,redneck,ect , i dont care. I dont see good muslims fighting and complaining against the bad muslims. Why? They sit back and let the extremists do the dirty work. Then they just as a whole can take over. Muslims boast in sydney they already have 25% of sydney. Its the same or worse in other countries. It is what it is and lieing to yourself wont make it different. Dont say you weren't warned

25% of Sydney is Muslim?

Where has that stat come from?

The muslim population of Australia as a whole is 2%, so having trouble with that 25% stat myself.

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well worded. Couldnt agree more. Call me what you want . Bigot ,redneck,ect , i dont care. I dont see good muslims fighting and complaining against the bad muslims. Why? They sit back and let the extremists do the dirty work. Then they just as a whole can take over. Muslims boast in sydney they already have 25% of sydney. Its the same or worse in other countries. It is what it is and lieing to yourself wont make it different. Dont say you weren't warned

25% of Sydney is Muslim?

Where has that stat come from?

The muslim population of Australia as a whole is 2%, so having trouble with that 25% stat myself.

Population of Sydney around 4.8 million, Muslim representation approx 300k

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What is happening in S. Thailand is a microcosm of the fights going on around the world...pitting the Muslim Islamic world conquerors against the natives of a country...

The war is for world dominance...Thailand is just getting a piece of the action...

These people do not see others as human beings...just infidels lined up to be slaughtered...

If the world does not get its head out of the sand...and see these religious fanatics for what they are...it will one day be too late to unite and defeat this very real threat to human peace and freedom...

Makes me wonder if people ever even got an inkling of an idea what was going on with the crusades back in the day. Probably not, as information was hard to get in the dark ages. This time though there's no excuse, it's all blatantly displayed in every possible media every day.

Muslims love talking about the Crusades… and Christians love apologizing for them.

To hear both parties tell the story, one would believe that Muslims were just peacefully minding their own business in lands that were legitimately Muslim, when Christian armies decided to wage holy war and "kill millions.”

The Truth:

Every part of this myth is a lie. By the rules that Muslims claim for themselves, the Crusades were justified, and the excesses (though beneath Christian standards) pale in comparison with the historical treatment of conquered populations at the hands of Muslims.

Here are some quick facts…

The first Crusade began in 1095… 460 years after the first Christian city was overrun by Muslim armies, 457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies, 453 years after Egypt was taken by Muslim armies, 443 after Muslims first plundered Italy, 427 years after Muslim armies first laid siege to the Christian capital of Constantinople, 380 years after Spain was conquered by Muslim armies, 363 years after France was first attacked by Muslim armies, 249 years after the capital of the Christian world, Rome itself, was sacked by a Muslim army, and only after centuries of church burnings, killings, enslavement and forced conversions of Christians.

By the time the Crusades finally began, Muslim armies had conquered two-thirds of the Christian world.

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What is happening in S. Thailand is a microcosm of the fights going on around the world...pitting the Muslim Islamic world conquerors against the natives of a country...

The war is for world dominance...Thailand is just getting a piece of the action...

These people do not see others as human beings...just infidels lined up to be slaughtered...

If the world does not get its head out of the sand...and see these religious fanatics for what they are...it will one day be too late to unite and defeat this very real threat to human peace and freedom...

Makes me wonder if people ever even got an inkling of an idea what was going on with the crusades back in the day. Probably not, as information was hard to get in the dark ages. This time though there's no excuse, it's all blatantly displayed in every possible media every day.

Muslims love talking about the Crusades… and Christians love apologizing for them.

To hear both parties tell the story, one would believe that Muslims were just peacefully minding their own business in lands that were legitimately Muslim, when Christian armies decided to wage holy war and "kill millions.”

The Truth:

Every part of this myth is a lie. By the rules that Muslims claim for themselves, the Crusades were justified, and the excesses (though beneath Christian standards) pale in comparison with the historical treatment of conquered populations at the hands of Muslims.

Here are some quick facts…

The first Crusade began in 1095… 460 years after the first Christian city was overrun by Muslim armies, 457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by Muslim armies, 453 years after Egypt was taken by Muslim armies, 443 after Muslims first plundered Italy, 427 years after Muslim armies first laid siege to the Christian capital of Constantinople, 380 years after Spain was conquered by Muslim armies, 363 years after France was first attacked by Muslim armies, 249 years after the capital of the Christian world, Rome itself, was sacked by a Muslim army, and only after centuries of church burnings, killings, enslavement and forced conversions of Christians.

By the time the Crusades finally began, Muslim armies had conquered two-thirds of the Christian world.

But Islam is a religion of peace ,is it NOT ? but we can argue this back and for ,there are some on here who just do not want to see the way that Islam is going ,wanting to take over and convert all to their barbaric faith .

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