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I know most of the people here do not do visa runs, however, a few questions and comments:

I've read and read, and I'm sorry if I missed any real threads concerning this, but I am seriously wondering at this point. Down to the wire: :o

1. Has anyone done a visa run in the last 4 days? I'm wondering what, if anything, was said or mentioned at border immigration regarding the '90 days and out' situation. Is it a hot topic at immigration, or just nothing to be said?

2. Does the 90 day count really start from your first exit after Oct. 1? Or is that arbitrary, border to border?

3.If someone has a year of visa runs in their passport, has there been comments or instructions in arrival from any entry point?

4. Has anyone with too many visa runs entered the Kingdom via the new Suvarnabhumi Airport with a Tourist Visa? (Not a VOA, Visa on Arrival.) What did you get in response?

5. Has anyone crossed into Thai from the South? I have heard rumors that those with heavy visa run stampage were turned back, even though they had a real 60 day Tourist Visa.

6. Has anyone received one of the new 90 day Tourist Visas? If so, when you entered were there comments by immigration officials on entry?


I have lots of questions, but that's all for now. Trying to buy myself a little time before my next move.

In the past, I have had NI 'O' & 'B' visas; they became a pain (PITA) when Chiang Mai immigration started telephoning Kreug Thai Bank checking my account every 3 months. (I learned later that Bangkok Bank is better, they don't give any info over the phone so the Chiang Mai Immigration Whip Mistress wouldn't bother with a call.)

After the move to Phuket, I've just been doing runs to Ranong, they were easier than dealing with all he BS... of course. I do know that it's going to be Tiger Air to Singapore in the near future, just wondering HOW soon.

Any positive, 'feet on the ground in Thailand', reply would be respected and very much apprectated.

'Old and in the way' in Phuket.

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I did a visa run yesterday from Chiangmai to Burma, up north at Mae Sai. I had 2 previous 30 day runs in my passport. Here is what I received.

On the square stamp in my passport previously the blank where it says “visaclass” has always been blank. Now in green pen they wrote “R30.” Then, over the stamp they wrote “Walk” followed by a second ‘1’ with a circle around it. The same notations were made on the stapled departure card.

I can not say if the ‘1’ is 1 of 2, 30 day border runs allowed. Or, if it is 1 of 3 30 day visa on arrivals used up – or whatever terminology folks prefer. Heck, maybe it meant been her twice, just give her 1 more, then kick er to the curb. The man in front of me was so rude, I did not want to appear to drill the Thai officer and aggravate him.

One funny note; on the front signature page of my passport – just opposite the photo – they actually put a stamp with the date “4 Oct 2006” and again wrote the ubiquitous green 1 with a circle. In 7 years, 3 continents and 16 countries for this passport, I have never had anyone write on the first page. If I go 90 in 90 out or some other combo of visas for the next couple years they may have to write on my face before I go home. This is the first decent passport photo I have ever had; now I will look like Cousin It from the Adams family with a green perm.

I don’t know if that helped, but that is the ambiguous experience I had. Clear as mud. I’m still not sure if I will be out 1st of December or 1st of January. I’m looking forward to the travel, but hate to give up my apartment too early or too late.



They actually wrote something next to your picture, sandwiched between all your vital info??? They are supposed to make notations on the page following your picture, a page set aside for travel restrictions, etc. As far as I know, that first page is not allowed to be written on. Is that not defacing (forgive the pun) the property of your respective country?


I went on a border run shortly before October 1st and spoke to the officer in Thai. Lucikly, miracle of miracles, nobody was behind me and I got to ask her a bunch of questions. She stated that I could go all the way to December getting 30 day stamps but would then have to leave to get a proper visa or I would not be able to come back again for 90 days. I asked her if I could then get another 3 VOAs and then another tourist visa and then get 3 more VOAs in continued succession for the next five years if I wanted to keep living in Thailand. She said that I could do it that way. I then asked her that same question but used the Thai word "forever" and she said I could get 3 VOAs and then a tourist visa followed by 3 VOs "forever." She added "Mai mee ben ha" (No problem). At least so she says. But it is all up to the discretion of the officials in the embassies and at the border.

On the square stamp in my passport previously the blank where it says “visaclass” has always been blank. Now in green pen they wrote “R30.” Then, over the stamp they wrote “Walk” followed by a second ‘1’ with a circle around it. The same notations were made on the stapled departure card.

Apart from the circled '1', this is nothing new. Immigrations has always written or stamped your visa type in the 'visa class' section of the entry stamp. They have always written your method of entry into Thailand above the entry stamp, e.g "WALK", your flight number, etc.

One funny note; on the front signature page of my passport – just opposite the photo – they actually put a stamp with the date “4 Oct 2006” and again wrote the ubiquitous green 1 with a circle

I seriously doubt that they are supposed to be writing anything on this passport page, but what is one going to do about it? Sounds to me like an ad hoc method for keeping track of thirty day entry stamps. I'd be willing to bet a bowl of khao tom that the Thai authorities have yet to work out how they are going to enforce/implement these rules.

Now in green pen they wrote “R30.” Then, over the stamp they wrote “Walk” followed by a second ‘1’ with a circle around it.

Oh my ! This is the Mark of the Beast.

You are doomed.

Sorry. :o

One funny note; on the front signature page of my passport – just opposite the photo – they actually put a stamp with the date “4 Oct 2006” and again wrote the ubiquitous green 1 with a circle. In 7 years, 3 continents and 16 countries for this passport, I have never had anyone write on the first page.


This is rediculous, why would anyone write something there - there are usualy pages for "Observation" and "Restrictions" where this is supposed to be written under. I would check with your embassy right now if this voids your passport.



The buffoon of an immigration officer who endorsed your passport has acted without authority and in breach of passport conventions. Complain to the Immigration Department and then obtain a replacement from your consulate. Only the passport issuing authority has the power to alter or amend details entered on the bio data pages. The peasant who did this has caused you no end of problems should you present your document at any other border control who naturally will wish to explore the significance of this Thai drivel.

Apart from the circled '1', this is nothing new. Immigrations has always written or stamped your visa type in the 'visa class' section of the entry stamp. They have always written your method of entry into Thailand above the entry stamp, e.g "WALK", your flight number, etc.

Let's get this clear. The green "R30" is also new unless I've been missing out on something in the past.

"WALK" is quite new too unless you count a squiggle that can't be read. Did they write "walk" in English, because if the did, that's new (for me).

The flight number seems optional, because after inspecting 3 entry stamps, I could only decern a flight number on one.

I hope they don't try to write something on my bio page. I'll be watching them very closely next time I go through.


The buffoon of an immigration officer who endorsed your passport has acted without authority and in breach of passport conventions. Complain to the Immigration Department and then obtain a replacement from your consulate. Only the passport issuing authority has the power to alter or amend details entered on the bio data pages. The peasant who did this has caused you no end of problems should you present your document at any other border control who naturally will wish to explore the significance of this Thai drivel.

Wow! Happy, happy, joy, joy! That is grand news. Our mini bus of runners compaired notes and I know at least two others got the 'mark of the beast' as well. No doubt from the same officer. I best look into it, but I sure hope the others comming through Mae Sia don't get any suprise problems. Thanks for the heads up!


Apart from the circled '1', this is nothing new. Immigrations has always written or stamped your visa type in the 'visa class' section of the entry stamp. They have always written your method of entry into Thailand above the entry stamp, e.g "WALK", your flight number, etc.

I looked back through years of Thailand visits and it was always left blank in my passport. no 'walk,' skip or dog sled. But, that is all part of the consistancy that keeps things interesting, I guess.

Just have seen the pp with a green (1) circle (with hand) in the arrival stamp from a friend was in Pong Nam Ron today.

Thanks, good to know it is consistant - I think. Did you notice if they got her signature or bio page with the tragic green 1? It appears this may not be kosher.


Apart from the circled '1', this is nothing new. Immigrations has always written or stamped your visa type in the 'visa class' section of the entry stamp. They have always written your method of entry into Thailand above the entry stamp, e.g "WALK", your flight number, etc.

Let's get this clear. The green "R30" is also new unless I've been missing out on something in the past.

"WALK" is quite new too unless you count a squiggle that can't be read. Did they write "walk" in English, because if the did, that's new (for me).

The flight number seems optional, because after inspecting 3 entry stamps, I could only decern a flight number on one.

I've made well over 100 entries/exits to/from Thailand since the first time I arrived in the kingdom, using pretty much every method of crossing the border and many different visas/no visa. I can assure you that none of this is new and I have pages and pages of passport stamps that will back up my claim going back to 1993. I'm sure that somebody else can also attest to my claims.

For what it's worth the powers-that-be may well not consistently bother with adding 'WALK' at Mae Sai since that's really the only way to cross that border point but it has been used there in the past. I have a two nice sets of exit/entry stamps from Mae Sai immigrations dated 19 July 1999 and 16 December 2001 that are clearly stamped 'WALK'.


They actually wrote something next to your picture, sandwiched between all your vital info??? They are supposed to make notations on the page following your picture, a page set aside for travel restrictions, etc. As far as I know, that first page is not allowed to be written on. Is that not defacing (forgive the pun) the property of your respective country?

The stamp and writing were on the signature page just over my head (in passport photo not real life). Though that is probably still a bit bazzar. I have never seen it before. I was joking that there is not much room there for many border runs, before they write on my photo. Sure hope the vandalizing of the signature page is not as bad as the bio page may be.


Just have seen the pp with a green (1) circle (with hand) in the arrival stamp from a friend was in Pong Nam Ron today.

Thanks, good to know it is consistant - I think. Did you notice if they got her signature or bio page with the tragic green 1? It appears this may not be kosher.

No other notice I have seen in this pp.

The stamp and writing were on the signature page just over my head (in passport photo not real life). Though that is probably still a bit bazzar. I have never seen it before. I was joking that there is not much room there for many border runs, before they write on my photo. Sure hope the vandalizing of the signature page is not as bad as the bio page may be.

Havng had more time to reflect on this, I do think you should follow up with your own embassy/consulate to see if use of the signature page for anything other than your signature constitutes defacing a passport. I had a quick scan of the US State Department's passport site and could not find anything relevant.



I've made well over 100 entries/exits to/from Thailand since the first time I arrived in the kingdom, using pretty much every method of crossing the border and many different visas/no visa. I can assure you that none of this is new

Good to know!

I've made well over 100 entries/exits to/from Thailand since the first time I arrived in the kingdom, using pretty much every method of crossing the border and many different visas/no visa. I can assure you that none of this is new and I have pages and pages of passport stamps that will back up my claim going back to 1993. I'm sure that somebody else can also attest to my claims.

It's irrelevant how many times you've done the visa run.

I've never had the "walk" written over my stamp on many Cambodia visa runs. I can attest to that.

I've never had an "R30" in green ink written over my stamp either.

All you're saying really is that they are not consistent but there is new stuff going on here.

How about posting at least one entry stamp that you got before October 1, 2006 to show a clearly written "walk" and a green "R30".

Did you have your bio page written on at any time in the past?

This is serious business, not an opportunity for you to brag about how many times you've done visa runs.


I've made well over 100 entries/exits to/from Thailand since the first time I arrived in the kingdom, using pretty much every method of crossing the border and many different visas/no visa. I can assure you that none of this is new

Good to know!

Yes, reiterating my point that what you reported that was certainly new was the circled numbers and the addedv notation on your passport's signature page. The rest is all old methodology going back at least thirteen years (whether or not it's applied consistently in all cases) .

How about posting at least one entry stamp that you got before October 1, 2006 to show a clearly written "walk" and a green "R30".

'WALK' stamp posted (I hope). Don't do thirty day stamps so I can't give you the 'R30' but you can see the 'NON-B' written on my stamp. I have a nice 'ผําน 15' stamp from the days of the fifteen day entry stamps if you'd like to see that. It's the same idea.

Did you have your bio page written on at any time in the past?

Nope. I said this aspect was new.

This is serious business, not an opportunity for you to brag about how many times you've done visa runs.

This is serious business which is why I am trying to clear up any misconceptions as to what is truly new as opposed to things that you may never have witnessed before.



Yes, I can see the "walk" very clearly printed (not written) above your 90 day stamp however that was 5 years ago. Did they continue this practice up until this year?

I've never seen this on any of my 30-day stamps, however ALL of my walk-ins were at a Cambodia border post.

How much do they charge you for a visa to enter Myanmar? Do they paste in a one-page visa?

I'm asking this because it's annoying that everytime I do a visa run to Cambodia I get a one-page visa stuck in which very quickly fills up the pages of my passport.

anynews on if the TR (tourist) visas are 90 days ? or still 60 ? seem to be hearing conflicting stuff about this.

George posted the other day that he checked with his sources, the rumour regarding a ninety day entry on a TR visa is bogus (sorry-can't find the link).

Yes, I can see the "walk" very clearly printed (not written) above your 90 day stamp however that was 5 years ago. Did they continue this practice up until this year?

Beats me. I haven't been to Mae Sai in years. If they discontinued the practice, it's probably because they got lazy. Again, pretty much everybody crossing that border point is a walker.

I've never seen this on any of my 30-day stamps, however ALL of my walk-ins were at a Cambodia border post.

Would the same concept apply at that post(s) (i.e. pretty much everybody walks)?

How much do they charge you for a visa to enter Myanmar? Do they paste in a one-page visa?

It depends on what you want to do in Myanmar. The stamps I posted is all you got for a day trip which used to cost $5 (US) but I have heard has been increased to ten dollars (anybody else can confirm this?)

I'm guessing that the reason they may be more strict now about filling in the entry stamps in their entirety at Mae Sai is that they don't want there to be any confusion regarding what's what when they do start counting days. The circled number thet the OP reported is a new touch though.


I did several walks at Mae Sai, and there are 9 "walk" stamps or "walk" hand writings in my old passport, from July 2003 through mid 2005. Of course, nobody's ever stamped my signature page, except my own embassy when they cancelled the entire passport.


They actually wrote something next to your picture, sandwiched between all your vital info??? They are supposed to make notations on the page following your picture, a page set aside for travel restrictions, etc. As far as I know, that first page is not allowed to be written on. Is that not defacing (forgive the pun) the property of your respective country?

I would speak to your the Embassy about that.It doesn't sound right at all.


Hi all,

Just returned from Laos getting my Tourist visa.60days as before,now with a red stamp remarking:

"The holder of this passport travels to Thailand on a Tourist visa several times which may result in refusal of a visa in the future:

3-4 other guys were told this would be the last time they could get a TR-Visa.

Just thought Id let u all know.

Hi all,

Just returned from Laos getting my Tourist visa.60days as before,now with a red stamp remarking:

"The holder of this passport travels to Thailand on a Tourist visa several times which may result in refusal of a visa in the future:

3-4 other guys were told this would be the last time they could get a TR-Visa.

Just thought Id let u all know.

That's exactly the news nobody wanted to hear. There has been a lot of discussion over whether or not back-to-back tourist visas will be allowed.

My question is: Who told them they would not get any more trousit visas? That's a bit vague saying straight out it would be the last time. Last time until when? Forever??

Maybe some consulates are going to be more strict than others.

The stamp warning did say "MAY result in refusal of a visa in the future". That's no guarantee either way.

Your post is the most significant on this subject that I've read to date and you might just have confirmed that Thailand does not want tourists to stay here for long periods of time whether they have a visa or not.

It may just be time to move on and find a more "friendly" country in Asia.


Just returned from Laos getting my Tourist visa.60days as before,now with a red stamp remarking:

"The holder of this passport travels to Thailand on a Tourist visa several times which may result in refusal of a visa in the future:

3-4 other guys were told this would be the last time they could get a TR-Visa.

That's exactly the news nobody wanted to hear. There has been a lot of discussion over whether or not back-to-back tourist visas will be allowed.

My question is: Who told them they would not get any more trousit visas? That's a bit vague saying straight out it would be the last time. Last time until when? Forever??

Maybe some consulates are going to be more strict than others.

The stamp warning did say "MAY result in refusal of a visa in the future". That's no guarantee either way.

Again, from an historical perspective this is nothing new. People have received similar stamps in their passports from the Thai embassy in Vientiane going back years. The embassy in Phnom Penh has been known to turn people away altogether. The embassy in Singapore has never been very receptive to tourist visa applicants who have just come to the Lion City from Thailand.

Your comment that "Maybe some consulates are going to be more strict than others" is an almost guaranteed truth. One can probably hazard a decent guess as to what category certain consular office locations will fall.

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