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Thai man viciously attacks student... for beating his son at a computer game


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There are so many things wrong with this incident. It appears the child is emotionally unstable and will continue to get worse as he ages due to a lack of treatment and proper guidance. I also question the father's mental stability. This man takes a gun and goes to an Internet Cafe filled with young people and then beats up one of them accompanied by others. Is it no wonder the child is unstable having a role model like this?

Thailand really needs more Psychologists or Psychiatrists for its people. The sad part is that to admit or seek any professional help is rare and considered a loss of face. I once worked with a young Thai man who was mentally unstable and the owner of the Company fired him. This man blamed me for his departure and would harass me by calling my mobile sometimes 35 times per day . The police would do nothing as there is no law in Thailand that I could find to stop it. At the time- changing the number was not possible due to cost- It was in the early days of the cell phone. I finally called his mother who was a prominent university professor and told her what happened. She admitted her son was unstable but had no idea how to help him. He called me one more time asking me 'Why did I have to tell his mother'. This man was 27 years old.Luckily, he had no gun. While things like this happen elsewhere- I am of the opinion that the inability to control anger is much more prevalent in Thailand than Western society. I believe it has to do with upbringing and the loss of face issue and the seeming lack of any understanding of morality and ethics.

Edited by Thaidream
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I think, this is blown out of proportion. A weird incident no doubt but this or similar can happen in any society where a dysfunctional family is involved. I think blaming the whole nation and suggesting that this behaviour is typical of the Thai nation is, to say the least, unfair.

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Quite right for the boy's father to take decisive against Mr Worawuth for 'bullying' his son and most sensible to employ a group of henchman to help him get the job done. No self-respecting Thai thug would dream of attacking anyone with odds of less than 10 to 1, preferably with the 10 armed with guns, knives, hatchets, iron pailings, samurai swords & etc. while the target should be unarmed.

The fact that the father allows his 7-year son to hang out in video game shops where he might be 'bullied', molested or even abducted and murdered is, of course, neither here nor there.

Edited by Dogmatix
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I think, this is blown out of proportion. A weird incident no doubt but this or similar can happen in any society where a dysfunctional family is involved. I think blaming the whole nation and suggesting that this behaviour is typical of the Thai nation is, to say the least, unfair.

Agreed, unfair but not an unusual occurrence - unfortunately. ....

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And everyone lets the child win after that. Child learns lesson : violence and intimidation will get you what you want.

Just normal behavior for certain types in Thailand.

The country didn't get where it is today by just dozing in a hammock.

Nah,poor excuse of a father has to buy computer for spoilt brat as he is banned from cafes.

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it looks more like his father wanted to talk to him and the son hit him. From there it was on....

That's one thing I love about Thailand, a man sorts his problems out! He doesn't run to a police like a pussy or sue the person for damages. Police/court = money for the government, that's why we don't sort our problems out in the west anymore cause it's a nanny state!

When your lying in the gutter with a broken jaw,smashed cheekbone and broken ribs i will remind you,that's how men sort it out,5 to 1.

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I don't blame the whole of Thailand for this incident but I am aware that Thai people in general have huge anger issues and there is no way to sort them out. There are very few counselling agencies, psychologists or psychiatrists. The police and courts do virtually nothing until someone dies. The use of alcohol and drugs by people is an epidemic. There are no public information campaigns to teach people how to seek help or how to control their emotions. Then throw in the loss of face issue and you have a real bad mixture. I take this advice- never, ever get into a confrontation with a Thai.

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And everyone lets the child win after that. Child learns lesson : violence and intimidation will get you what you want.

Just normal behavior for certain types in Thailand.

The country didn't get where it is today by just dozing in a hammock.

certainly didnt get anywhere by defending itself unlike the many that did fight for freedom,or its near neighbours that did, think in the last war took long 7 hours to surrender. At this poignant time of year, can anyone tell me what the medals represent that the military wear on their chests. Whether you accept it or not, the Thais are a bullying cowardly race, who I expect would run a mile in anything like a fair sided confrontation.

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So...let me get this straight:

there is a 7-year old, who regularly goes to Internet Cafes and plays online (am I the only one, who thinks, there already a lot wrong here?), joins a game and gets defeated, goes home, cries a bit and then daddy goes to get some buddy of his and they go and beat up the 20 year old?

Is that what happened?




What the fork is wrong with these people?bah.gif

I just had my 8th anniversary in this country and I must say: it get's worse and worse...

Personally I think it's getting better or is at status quo, the reason for that is social media exposing events like the OP's.

The Thai news refers more and more to different social media reports, I think that's why the hike in the news.

Well you wouldn't really know whether its getting better if the news did not cover this before. Indeed the evidence suggest its getting worse because there seems to a lot to publicise.

Anyway, I have been here 4 years now and the brutality and cowardice of some of these people astounds me. How they can go about their lives feeling no shame after behaving in such a way I will never understand,,, I thought this was supposed to the LOS where loss of face was very important,, seems all evidence to the contrary.

Scum bags, all of them.

I base my opinion on what's happening locally here in Phuket.

2006 until 2010, Thais didn't post much on social media, the phones either didn't have video feature and also not many had live connection to the internet (fb and other social websites).

Sh.t still happens but I think there's a tendency for lower rate of violence around, I don't have any proof for it, it's just a reflection of word by mouth stories not accelerating as much as reports in news.

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Very brave men when they have 5 men against one young man. Senseless act that should get these as-holes put in jail.I hope this young mans father and friends visit this man when he is only so he knows what it feels like to get beat in this manner!

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What a plug thats the Thai way to show your children all about fair play and sportsmanship honour and gamesmanship take it on the chin when you lose make you a better man the next time, I am sure his father would have taught him the same but he was obviously not listening or watching to stupid to understand. The boy must be so embarrassed at his father as he even needed a Thai male pack to go beat up a fellow student a total coward and a loser all wrapped into one, bet the son now thinks he was adopted.

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So religious, peaceful, friendly and loving people. Not violent, greedy, selfish and braindead at all.
I laugh these days when friends from Europe come over here and write on their Facebook page how lovely it all is.

The people are so friendly, the nature just breathtaking and oh so cheap. What? I must be living in a different TH.

The pollution is appalling, most people have 2 faces, a double standard that is out of this world, the aggression and violence growing by the week, not to mention the amount of murders, deaths on the roads, 'suicides' by farangs, jealous husbands chopping their wives up in public, the greed is worth a documentary by itself, it's like a philosophy here and wait a sec.....what happened to the chilled out backpackers who used to come and travel down to the islands for a few weeks of chilling and partying? I did a border run to KL yesterday, up and down and what I witnessed at Don Mueang was outright shocking, the large groups of shouting and screaming 'travelers' from CN spitting on the floor, urinating all over the toilet floor(I was wearing old slippery flipflops, bad idea) and blocking the whole area. 100's of em. I'm not easily intimidated but imagine 'normal' tourists arriving to this kind of dysfunctional madness. What is going on in this country? Please, can someone give me a good analysis?
Rant over

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Thais don't take (them or their close ones) losing very well. Do they. sad.png

Of course the dad had taken a few friends along to help out. Can't do such a thing fairly, of course.

Disgusting society and behavior by so many of the locals here.


Thais don't take (them or their close ones) losing very well. Do they.

This particular Thai took it very badly, but to project some peoples actions on to all Thai people is completely ludicrous. I work in a school, kids are competitive, but there are never any hard feelings, from what I have seen the kids tend to be very good losers.

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I glad im out of Thailand , the country gets dumber by the day, the whole incident would only be excepted if the participants were under 10 years old.

I agree with you.

I've only lived here 5½ years,i've already had enough.

These weirdos getting worse and worse,day by day.

I've made the decision to move to Cambodia.

A friend who lives there,in Sihanoukville, tells me,it's much more relaxed people/country.

Much more easy country to live in for a farang.Easy to get visa and no visaruns are needed.

Cheaper cost of living as well.

He says that Cam is,like Thailand was, 30 years ago.

Oh btw...He left Thailand coz he had enough of this country as well.

Maybe Cam is the same as Thailand,maybe worse,maybe better,i don't know.

There's only 1 way to find out and that's what i'm gonna do.

Thailand??? Game over!!!


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I have defeated a number of thais at pool and they look very irritated after I pot the 8ball…..they won't ever shake your hand or smile….as most normal people do.

I think it irks them that they got beaten by a farang….they take everything so seriously….then they have the gall to say…"why u tink too mut?"

When I beat the JP Bar owner's son some time ago….he looked apoplectic….immediately wanted another game and a wager of 1,000b….what a frackin loony!!

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So religious, peaceful, friendly and loving people. Not violent, greedy, selfish and braindead at all.

I laugh these days when friends from Europe come over here and write on their Facebook page how lovely it all is.

The people are so friendly, the nature just breathtaking and oh so cheap. What? I must be living in a different TH.

The pollution is appalling, most people have 2 faces, a double standard that is out of this world, the aggression and violence growing by the week, not to mention the amount of murders, deaths on the roads, 'suicides' by farangs, jealous husbands chopping their wives up in public, the greed is worth a documentary by itself, it's like a philosophy here and wait a sec.....what happened to the chilled out backpackers who used to come and travel down to the islands for a few weeks of chilling and partying? I did a border run to KL yesterday, up and down and what I witnessed at Don Mueang was outright shocking, the large groups of shouting and screaming 'travelers' from CN spitting on the floor, urinating all over the toilet floor(I was wearing old slippery flipflops, bad idea) and blocking the whole area. 100's of em. I'm not easily intimidated but imagine 'normal' tourists arriving to this kind of dysfunctional madness. What is going on in this country? Please, can someone give me a good analysis?

Rant over

What is going on in this country? Please, can someone give me a good analysis?

The country and the thais are out of control.

That's my conclusion.

I've experienced the same problems on Greenland.

Sometimes the huskies began to fight.Then i had to beat them hard,so they'd remembered,that i was the boss.

After they'd got beaten,everyrhing was under control again for some days,sometimes a week or two.

The problem here is; There's no consequenses and no boss who make consequenses to the mad dogs..

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it looks more like his father wanted to talk to him and the son hit him. From there it was on....

That's one thing I love about Thailand, a man sorts his problems out! He doesn't run to a police like a pussy or sue the person for damages. Police/court = money for the government, that's why we don't sort our problems out in the west anymore cause it's a nanny state!

The father 'wanted to talk' by taking his mates with him? A man sorts his problems out? - his son was beaten at a computer game <deleted>! If you're not a loved-up newbie and or trolling, you have issues. Also beware you could inadvertently end up on the wrong side of what you love about Thailand very easily.

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What a sick, dysfunctional society.......... Disgusting.

Disgusting as the giggling girl behind the screen. BLAH! bah.gif

You got it all wrong, the "giggling girl" is another boy and he crouched down to look under the poster.

I don't know what resolution you get when watching videos on Youtube but you should check your internet speed before making irregular and false comments.

But I do agree with you with how sick this society is when people don't call the cops instead of taking law in their own hands, me assuming this didn't happen because of a 7 year old loosing a computer game.

What part of "behind the screen" didn't you understand Einstein?

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No excuse for that sort of behavior of course...but ...maybe...possibly......could be...there was much more to the incident leading up to the altercation...maybe, possibly, could be...you never know ....and one thing for certain..... none of us knows....lol


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So religious, peaceful, friendly and loving people. Not violent, greedy, selfish and braindead at all.

I laugh these days when friends from Europe come over here and write on their Facebook page how lovely it all is.

The people are so friendly, the nature just breathtaking and oh so cheap. What? I must be living in a different TH.

The pollution is appalling, most people have 2 faces, a double standard that is out of this world, the aggression and violence growing by the week, not to mention the amount of murders, deaths on the roads, 'suicides' by farangs, jealous husbands chopping their wives up in public, the greed is worth a documentary by itself, it's like a philosophy here and wait a sec.....what happened to the chilled out backpackers who used to come and travel down to the islands for a few weeks of chilling and partying? I did a border run to KL yesterday, up and down and what I witnessed at Don Mueang was outright shocking, the large groups of shouting and screaming 'travelers' from CN spitting on the floor, urinating all over the toilet floor(I was wearing old slippery flipflops, bad idea) and blocking the whole area. 100's of em. I'm not easily intimidated but imagine 'normal' tourists arriving to this kind of dysfunctional madness. What is going on in this country? Please, can someone give me a good analysis?

Rant over

What is going on in this country? Please, can someone give me a good analysis?

The country and the thais are out of control.

That's my conclusion.

I've experienced the same problems on Greenland.

Sometimes the huskies began to fight.Then i had to beat them hard,so they'd remembered,that i was the boss.

After they'd got beaten,everyrhing was under control again for some days,sometimes a week or two.

The problem here is; There's no consequenses and no boss who make consequenses to the mad dogs..

Your mad comparison makes sense somehow and I understand exactly what you mean. Some people are going to be very offended but hey, can't please em all.

Yes, if there is nobody ever to kick your a_ss when you are wrong, someone to correct you, then you will grow up always thinking you are the best, the strongest, etc.

Maybe part of the problem is the lack of, or perhaps the absence of emotional intelligence. As we grow up in the west we are always corrected, punished, told when we are wrong, mean or selfish. Here that just doesn't seem to exist anymore or it is very lacking. Kids grow up here with no sense of consideration for strangers or awareness of compassion. Then of course there is the phrase; he's not my family, why do I care? In a society where people only care for their own and have no feelings at all for strangers you are bound to grow up with an emptiness inside because it's not natural not to care for others. They have been programmed like this though and it is almost impossible to change. It's really messed up and I'm sure no Thai has the ability to change this at this time. As we are shifting towards a new age it seems that the country is sliding into a deep abyss. The level of 'badness' is rising and rising and if 2 farangs are 'saved' by a fisherman the whole world stands in awe. Eh? He saved them without wanting money? Can't be right you hear them all saying. It's as if they are shocked. Perhaps all the changes in technology and the fastness of the jump into cyberspace has only added oil to the fire. Look at parents these days. When you see them in the mall with their kids their heads are stuck in their phones, constantly. Can't be too good for the kids consciousness and feelings. I wish the General Godspeed on his mission to fix this mess. If he can do it I will nominate him myself for a Nobel Peace Prize

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Very simple solution : CLOSE ALL THOSE GAME SHOPS and BAN all those violent tv soaps !!!

Children dont learn a sh^t there but shooting and killing....

And then they are surprised there is so many violence and murders in TH

Always have to laugh when i read "and the General keeps them happy..." -- Especially now

when that moron minister of education decided to finish lessons at 2.30 pm....

Wondering how that guy became minister... Oh yes of course..... sssssst coffee1.gif

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