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Ben Carson: Questions on background aren't 'real' scandals


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I have come to the conclusion that Ben Carson is a bit nuts. I say that not because I disagree with him politically, but because he doesn’t seem to know what the truth is. Donald Trump, in contrast, does. When challenged, he becomes more forceful. He exhales a gale of fibs and just shoulders his way through until his interrogator, some hapless journalist, surrenders. Carson, though, is unusually serene. He gives me the willies.


The accumulation of exaggerations, fables and inventions is troubling — or would be if Carson were, in other ways, suitable for the presidency. He is not. He has no political or government experience, and his knowledge of foreign policy comes down to this: He has none. He is the most preposterous presidential candidate since Pat Paulsen, the comedian who ran at the urging of the Smothers Brothers. Paulsen would now be on the debate undercard — the political version of a lounge act.


This writer gets it.

Carson is super CREEPY and seems quite nutty.

Republicans ... what are they thinking? More like, are they thinking at all?

Seriously, if you might someone as CREEPY as him on a blind date, would you not be RUNNING for the exits?

Edited by Jingthing
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Yet ANOTHER Ben Carson story proven CORRECT. The liberals have been lying about him all along with their silly witch hunt.


Yeah, and Carson DID attack his mother with a hammer. Don't let the LAME-STREAM MEDIA lie to you that he didn't.

And ANOTHER part of the WITCH HUNT is trying to deny him credit for stabbing someone.

I'm sick and tired of this.

He DID stab someone AND attack his mother with a hammer. OK?

These are FACTS and DR. Carson deserves to be recognized for these acts. He's a GREAT man.


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Yet ANOTHER Ben Carson story proven CORRECT. The liberals have been lying about him all along with their silly witch hunt.


Yeah, and Carson DID attack his mother with a hammer. Don't let the LAME-STREAM MEDIA lie to you that he didn't.

And ANOTHER part of the WITCH HUNT is trying to deny him credit for stabbing someone.

I'm sick and tired of this.

He DID stab someone AND attack his mother with a hammer. OK?

These are FACTS and DR. Carson deserves to be recognized for these acts. He's a GREAT man.


Beautifully put. He's a stabber, hammerer and a great man. The lame -stream media just doesn't get it!

This is so much fun. Republicans are so far out there, they have to defending this bible thumping crazy man.

How much longer do you think Carson is going to last? End of the month?

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

At the moment it is not the left wing loons but the right wing loons trying to take him down.

He is not interesting enough for the left to be bothered with him. Might change, you never know.

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

he's doing a perfectly fine job of taking himself down. he's utterly insane, lies repeatedly and yet still manages to be soporifically boring into the bargain. i sincerely hope he does get the GOP nomination - he won't of course but still - because it would be an even funnier campaign trail than when mccain recruited the lunatic palin onto his.

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

It's funny, the focus group on Fox were complaining that he's monotonous, slow and quiet, which apparently is what makes him popular with "old people".


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I like him because he gets all you secular left wing loonies spun up so much.

Keep it coming, it is entertaining.

if by 'spun up' you mean laughing uncontrollably at the sheer lunacy and absurdity of that man ever being president then you're right. it is entertaining.

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I like him because he gets all you secular left wing loonies spun up so much.

Keep it coming, it is entertaining.

I don't think he could get anyone "spun up" if he spiked their drinks with Captagon.

If you have trouble sleeping, however.....

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

At the moment it is not the left wing loons but the right wing loons trying to take him down.

He is not interesting enough for the left to be bothered with him. Might change, you never know.

I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson. While Secretary Clinton is more than likely looking beyond the primaries, she knows that Carson won't be her eventual opponent.

The opposition research and dissemination to the media is being paid for and orchestrated by the super-PACs for Senators Rubio, Cruz, Paul and Governors Bush, Christie and Kasich. Once we get past the silly season (post South Carolina) the establishment candidates will take the lead and know-nothings like Trump, Carson and Fiorina will become this cycle's Herman Cain, Jerry Falwell and Ross Perot: Presidential election trivia questions.

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

At the moment it is not the left wing loons but the right wing loons trying to take him down.

He is not interesting enough for the left to be bothered with him. Might change, you never know.

I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson. While Secretary Clinton is more than likely looking beyond the primaries, she knows that Carson won't be her eventual opponent.

The opposition research and dissemination to the media is being paid for and orchestrated by the super-PACs for Senators Rubio, Cruz, Paul and Governors Bush, Christie and Kasich. Once we get past the silly season (post South Carolina) the establishment candidates will take the lead and know-nothings like Trump, Carson and Fiorina will become this cycle's Herman Cain, Jerry Falwell and Ross Perot: Presidential election trivia questions.

. . . and Bernie Sanders.

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

At the moment it is not the left wing loons but the right wing loons trying to take him down.

He is not interesting enough for the left to be bothered with him. Might change, you never know.

I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson. While Secretary Clinton is more than likely looking beyond the primaries, she knows that Carson won't be her eventual opponent.

The opposition research and dissemination to the media is being paid for and orchestrated by the super-PACs for Senators Rubio, Cruz, Paul and Governors Bush, Christie and Kasich. Once we get past the silly season (post South Carolina) the establishment candidates will take the lead and know-nothings like Trump, Carson and Fiorina will become this cycle's Herman Cain, Jerry Falwell and Ross Perot: Presidential election trivia questions.

The establishment candidates? There's another bus? Cruz?

The Republican party is an election trivia question.

I like that last line. Clever, huh?

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

At the moment it is not the left wing loons but the right wing loons trying to take him down.

He is not interesting enough for the left to be bothered with him. Might change, you never know.

I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson.

Nonsense. It is mostly the liberal media smearing him and it is because he is so intelligent, so likable and likely to get much of the black vote.

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So you think most African Americans would vote against their political self interest and vote for an right wing extremist just because he is a black man? No. You're totally wrong. I agree he might get 25 percent instead of less than 10 percent though. The church lady vote. Even that is sad.

Again, I don't see how Carson can get nominated out of the current field. Too much competition that actually has some political experience and I'll give Trump credit that his business empire substitutes OK. Unlike what Carson brings to the table. Nada.

Edited by Jingthing
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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

At the moment it is not the left wing loons but the right wing loons trying to take him down.

He is not interesting enough for the left to be bothered with him. Might change, you never know.

I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson.

Nonsense. It is mostly the liberal media smearing him and it is because he is so intelligent, so likable and likely to get much of the black vote.

You don't really think Ben is likely to get much of the black vote do you? Because he's black, the blacks will be voting for him? Despite the fact that his right wing nonsense policies will hurt the poor and minorities? Much like Clarence Thomas is so beloved by blacks?

First of all, he'll never get close to the nomination, REPUBLICANS HATE COLOREDS. Second, you underestimate the black voting electorate. The last thing they're ever going to do is vote for this guy. You're delusional. No one is going to vote for this intelligent, likeable liar a year from now. If he gets to the first of the year I'll be surprised.

The liberal media is vetting this lying sack of craziness, as it should. That's their job. Pointing out lies and inconsistencies. With these Republican clowns it's a full time job. gigglem.gif

Where do you get this stuff?

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He did very well in the debate tonight. It must be frustrating to the left-wing loons who - despite all their lies - have not been able to take him down'

At the moment it is not the left wing loons but the right wing loons trying to take him down.

He is not interesting enough for the left to be bothered with him. Might change, you never know.

I'd have to agree. The Democrats aren't worried about Carson.

Nonsense. It is mostly the liberal media smearing him

I realize that hyperpartisan conservatives feel compelled to blame the media for the inherent failings of their flawed candidates/crushes, but isn't it more likely that it's Carson's Republican rivals who will be facing him in debates and on ballots over the next weeks and months who want these stories to surface now? If anything, Senator Clinton would want this in the news in September or October of 2016--in the extremely unlikely event that Carson got the nomination.

That's not to say that the majority of members of the media don't lean left, but it's not their ideology which initiated these Carson stories, it was his Republican rivals and their super PACs.

It's called politics. Try not to be so naive.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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You don't really think Ben is likely to get much of the black vote do you?

Yes I do. They turned out in droves to vote for Obama and Obama and Hillary were very similar when it came to the issues, but they mostly chose Barry because he was black.


By the way,I ignore extreme far left poster's opinions and condescending advice on pretty much anything to do with a conservatives on this forum. They don't have the slightest interest in being honest. Their whole purpose is to smear and discredit. Taking their lies and false propaganda seriously is a waste of time.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley or whatever other old, rich, white person eventually wins the Democrat nomination are certainly assured the black vote. No doubt they will line up waiting for the new Hillaryphone to replace their outdated obamaphone ........

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Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley or whatever other old, rich, white person eventually wins the Democrat nomination are certainly assured the black vote. No doubt they will line up waiting for the new Hillaryphone to replace their outdated obamaphone ........

That comes off as racist rhetoric. Intentional?
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Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley or whatever other old, rich, white person eventually wins the Democrat nomination are certainly assured the black vote. No doubt they will line up waiting for the new Hillaryphone to replace their outdated obamaphone ........

That comes off as racist rhetoric. Intentional?

You can assume whatever you want. But you might want to consider the "diversity" of your liberal candidates.

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Anyone who might think uncle Ben is gonna get black general election voters would need to come in from being bent over in the soggy rice fields. Been eating too many pancakes besides.

Maybe 25% of all 1000 black Republicans in the USA wink.png would vote for uncle Ben in a Republican party primary or caucus, but the good doctor would not stand a flapjack's chance of the black vote in a general election.

To begin with, Ben Carson is not a Democrat. Dr. Ben is a Republican. And he's a very far out rightwingnut with a grainy view of the world. Sort of a pyramid upside down.

This chart is not a pyramid nor is its message the least bit grainy. It is clear for all to see the facts on the real life record of black voters and voting for the office of POTUS.


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