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Trump suggests Starbucks boycott


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For once, I agree with something Trump said, namely, an intense dislike of the phrase "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas". Does any other religious or semi-religious festival in the world elicit such a greeting instead of its proper name? Regardless of its provenance, Christmas is Christmas and celebrated by many non Christian countries and people so the greeting should remain "Merry Christmas". "Happy holidays" seems to be used by those who cannot bring themselves to say Merry Christmas for whatever reason, but still use the festival as an excuse to have a holiday.

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"In some countries..." false analogy, we are discussing America. "Idiotic bigots..." Read pejorative, demonization, ridicule; nothing substantial. "...they just... take over." Read association, linkage, demonization. The liberal playbook is the second most hateful 'book' ever created. A leftist reveals his/her hand every single time by demonization and ridicule (this is of course right out of the Alinsky playbook). Its as if the hatred must sign everything they say or write to identify the real source of the comment. In every case pejorative replaces substance.

Or it could be just that the Left sees these fairytale, supposed 'War on christmas' allegations from the Right as mind numbingly boring. Although it makes a break from 'Tax cuts for Corporate America and the wealthy' diatribe.

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For once, I agree with something Trump said, namely, an intense dislike of the phrase "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas". Does any other religious or semi-religious festival in the world elicit such a greeting instead of its proper name? Regardless of its provenance, Christmas is Christmas and celebrated by many non Christian countries and people so the greeting should remain "Merry Christmas". "Happy holidays" seems to be used by those who cannot bring themselves to say Merry Christmas for whatever reason, but still use the festival as an excuse to have a holiday.

Until Trump mentioned it, I couldn't imagine anybody being offended by the term "Happy Holidays." It's pretty much synonymous with Merry Christmas. I think most people use it interchangeably without a second thought. Why anyone would be bothered by this is beyond me....

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There was a discussion about Trump's persona on Bill Maher's Real Time.

Two people who have dealt with Trump personally for years both said in private he's a sweetheart and truly caring about their needs, 100 percent.

They compared that to his public political persona, the BOMBASTIC CARNIVAL BARKER that appears might be propelling him to at least the republican nomination.

The conclusion was these are two completely POLAR OPPOSITE personalities.

They honestly didn't know which of the two was REAL Trump.

They both concluded one of the Trumps is a TOTAL ACTING SHOW.

Which one ... who knows?

Trump and Carson each give us Jekyll and Hyde in two radically different ways of it and simultaneously in a classic cohabitation of it.

It's like they keep passing one another coming and going each day of this daft campaign. One is barmy while the other is balmy. It has a synergy of its own.

"Good day Dr. Jekyll."

"Good evening, Mr. Hyde."

Good bye Republican party.

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I'm think Starbucks should be wary of displaying of any sort Christian symbols in their shops, could be offensive to peoples of other religions and beliefs.


Well, yes, but I think in the American context saying Merry Christmas or decorating with Christmas trees / jingle bells is only marginally religious. It's understood in the mass culture that so much about it is related to retail sales, not Jesus.

Of course with explicit nativity scenes there is no ambiguity. In reality Christmas carols are piped all over the place including references to the Christ. Whatever.

Personally I don't really mind if retail people in the U.S. say Merry Christmas to me. I can respond with Happy Festivus or whatever. However, if I had a job that required me to say Merry Christmas to customers I wouldn't want to do that so I think it's reasonable for employers to make that sort of thing optional. That's probably why the Happy Holidays thing caught on ... it gets the message across and doesn't force non-Christians to say something even remotely specifically Christian.

Edited by Jingthing
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Well he is right but for the wrong reasons. Starbuck is an far overpriced coffee shop that should be boycotted .


They have expanded aggressively overseas, damaging many small local businesses . They then use creative accounting to CHEAT bigtime on tax payments.

Serving coffee in a plastic cup.....how low class can you get! Plastics cause a lot of pollution, and are also a threat to human health.

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