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War on Christmas? Starbucks cups cause social media outcry


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Private company doing whatever it sees fit to do within the law. Shouldn't be any other way. Only socialists would have an issue with that.

Or pagans. Considering the fact that Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus. I never quite understood how some jewish kid apparently born in September if the bible is correct, has his birthday moved to coincide with a pagan festival in December This whole business with Christmas trees, decorations, yule logs, Frosty the Snowman, and Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer just screams out nonsense. It has nothing to do with Christianity, so why get upset over it?

For many, Christmas is a break from the horrible monotony of cold, dark winter weather in the northern climates. It doesn't always hold strong religious significance, but it's a break from the slide in to the depths of depression from bleak winters.

.....or one can book a ticket to Thailand.

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Christmas cup blackens Starbucks image in online attacks
By Adrian Lancashire | With REUTERS


NEW YORK: -- In the ‘tempest in a teacup’ category — only here it’s a coffee cup — some American conservatives are seeing red. They have accused the billion-dollar company Starbucks of taking the ‘merry’ out of Christmas by going with a one-colour, no frills idea.

A rant by social media personality Joshua Feuerstein went viral and other righteous Christians agreed that the lack of holiday designs on this season’s cup was outrageous.

See what you think.

These customers in New York were more ‘live and let live’.

Jasmine: “I like it anyways. I think some people don’t have enough problems, so they can worry about something like that. Well, I like it. It’s red, it’s Christmassy. It’s the colour of Christmas. So it doesn’t matter if it has snowflakes on it or not.”

Brendan: “I thought it was actually the opposite. I thought that people were protesting because it was too Christmassy, because it was red. So I was very surprised when I found out that it was not Christmassy enough.”

Debbie: “I don’t think you are going to find Christmas on the outside of a cup. I think Christmas comes from a deeper place. And besides that, I think they are doing a nice job with just making it so that it appeals to everyone.”

Other Starbucks defenders noted it has ‘Merry Christmas’ gift cards and a ‘Christmas Blend’ coffee. The company just said it chose to go simple on the cups this year. Tis the season to be jolly? Well, okay, how about red?

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-12

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The GOP has completely lost touch with its principles and platform in the interest of hate mongering. Starbucks is a private corporation (which the religious right hates because of its stance on LGBT issues). The private corporation makes branding and packaging decisions based on how it thinks these factors will play into its own marketing strategy. Totally an issue and decision that should be left up to the corporate management. The same goes for whether it has a policy telling its representatives and cashiers to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays". What could possibly justify government interference in these purely private decisions?

Instead, the GOP wants to play nanny state and dictate how this private corporation should handle its marketing. This is why I could never support the GOP. A long time ago, the GOP actually was closer aligned with libertarian ideals, that smaller government and less interference in corporate affairs was beneficial for the country. No more. The GOP wants to dictate what happens in your private life, how corporations should market themselves and how people should act in their bedrooms.

It makes me sick. bah.gif

Edited by zaphod reborn
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Imo marketing error from Starbucks

Or a stroke of Genius!

What is worse than being talked about? Not being talked about. (Hollywood Maxim) How many of these Paleolithic Conservatives actually are hard core Coffee Addicts? Losing that business would be like a drop in a Venti Cup. Free publicity with a major upside, it's all good--------Snorf----

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I understand pillorying Starbucks is an international sport, and what fun! biggrin.png but as a coffee drinker on rare occasions when not clipping coupons or nose hair I wonder where you guys drink (and yes if you really do ) your coffee. Mine I get OS, bring in and make myself but I digress

Take a Starbucks Grande cup - 110 baht is it?

Now head to Thai coffee shop - Coffee World ... Woweee .... Coffee Space .... Black canyon ... .etc. go get yourself those 35-55 baht coffees - now pour into Grande cup.

Pour one

Pour two

By the 3rd or 4th cup the Grande cup amount should be reached. Establishing a base price should now be easy, simple economics. I am not going to factor in "stale coffee" %which is always a problem in Thailand because the business ethos here prevents them from tossing any product NO matter how old.

I like coffee, not a little drop or a wet fart. That means yes I will buy from Starbucks on occasion, if in need, as I want a BIG brimming cup of coffee to roll with.

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It's just a cup!

Starbucks is a shop that sells coffee. It's not a church, is not an institute from which we expect speeches or a published thesis commentating on Christianity.

II think there must be a new disease, reaching epidemic levels, that attacks common sense.

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Wasn't it Starbucks who charged firemen for water after the twin towers attack on 11/9? Not sure now but I think it was.

And wasn't it Starbucks who snubbed our soldiers fighting in the middle east?

Can Starbucks image be blackened any more than it already is?

Edited by hugh2121
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It's just a cup!

Starbucks is a shop that sells coffee. It's not a church, is not an institute from which we expect speeches or a published thesis commentating on Christianity.

II think there must be a new disease, reaching epidemic levels, that attacks common sense.

So for you no more Xmass decoration in shopping centers or on the streets? Keep everything neutral? I don't want to live in your sterile world that's for sure.
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Religion is evil and it certainly should have no place in politics.

The GOP has completely lost touch with its principles and platform in the interest of hate mongering. Starbucks is a private corporation (which the religious right hates because of its stance on LGBT issues). The private corporation makes branding and packaging decisions based on how it thinks these factors will play into its own marketing strategy. Totally an issue and decision that should be left up to the corporate management. The same goes for whether it has a policy telling its representatives and cashiers to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays". What could possibly justify government interference in these purely private decisions?

Instead, the GOP wants to play nanny state and dictate how this private corporation should handle its marketing. This is why I could never support the GOP. A long time ago, the GOP actually was closer aligned with libertarian ideals, that smaller government and less interference in corporate affairs was beneficial for the country. No more. The GOP wants to dictate what happens in your private life, how corporations should market themselves and how people should act in their bedrooms.

It makes me sick. bah.gif

Edited by Nowisee
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It's just a cup!

Starbucks is a shop that sells coffee. It's not a church, is not an institute from which we expect speeches or a published thesis commentating on Christianity.

II think there must be a new disease, reaching epidemic levels, that attacks common sense.

So for you no more Xmass decoration in shopping centers or on the streets? Keep everything neutral? I don't want to live in your sterile world that's for sure.

Christmas decorations have fukkall to do with religion so nothin wrong with brightening up the malls etc. You seem to miss the point.

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I understand pillorying Starbucks is an international sport, and what fun! biggrin.png but as a coffee drinker on rare occasions when not clipping coupons or nose hair I wonder where you guys drink (and yes if you really do ) your coffee. Mine I get OS, bring in and make myself but I digress

Take a Starbucks Grande cup - 110 baht is it?

Now head to Thai coffee shop - Coffee World ... Woweee .... Coffee Space .... Black canyon ... .etc. go get yourself those 35-55 baht coffees - now pour into Grande cup.

Pour one

Pour two

By the 3rd or 4th cup the Grande cup amount should be reached. Establishing a base price should now be easy, simple economics. I am not going to factor in "stale coffee" %which is always a problem in Thailand because the business ethos here prevents them from tossing any product NO matter how old.

I like coffee, not a little drop or a wet fart. That means yes I will buy from Starbucks on occasion, if in need, as I want a BIG brimming cup of coffee to roll with.

Starbucks is not the most expensive maybe this title goes to Coffee Club?post-201027-14473052937347_thumb.jpg
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God Bless Starbucks for finally standing up to the over-bearing arrogance of the snow bunnies who live north of the Tropic of Cancer. For centuries these thoughtless people have forced the manufactured cultural icon of Christmas to be irretrievably linked to snow. This is a disgrace and offensive to everyone who lives or lived in the Southern Hemisphere. Christmas for me was fresh cray fish, cured ham, iced drinks and splashing around under the sprinkler on the lawn in my bathers. My experience and that of hundreds of millions of others is constantly invalidated by the cultural dictators of the snow based Christmas myth. Pity the poor buggers in Australia and Sth Africa wearing those heavy Santa suits in the height of summer. Who apart from the Sami people in Lapland know whether a reindeer has a red nose or not. How many people can drive a damn sleigh.

Good on Starbucks for removing snowflakes from their cups. Down with the brutal oppression of people who don't get snow at Christmas. Full marks for Corporate Social Responsibility.

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It's just a cup!

Starbucks is a shop that sells coffee. It's not a church, is not an institute from which we expect speeches or a published thesis commentating on Christianity.

II think there must be a new disease, reaching epidemic levels, that attacks common sense.

So for you no more Xmass decoration in shopping centers or on the streets? Keep everything neutral? I don't want to live in your sterile world that's for sure.

You completely misunderstand what I wrote, and how you jump to that conclusion is ... interesting, or perhaps ironic, given the last point I made in post.

People are criticising S.Bucks for their red cup. It is perhaps those people that might wish for the sterile world you mention.

Latching onto a change of cup colour, as if it has serious religious ramifications, is laughable. Hence, I suggest people only look to their Church or other recognised institutes for commentary. Don't use S.Bucks as a measure on such things - its just a coffee shop.

Get it now?

Maybe take a trip to a coffee shop of your choice, get comfortable, take a breath, and read again. Whilst you are there, ask the shop staff about red cups, decorations, or anything of your choosing. Enjoy.

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I understand pillorying Starbucks is an international sport, and what fun! biggrin.png but as a coffee drinker on rare occasions when not clipping coupons or nose hair I wonder where you guys drink (and yes if you really do ) your coffee. Mine I get OS, bring in and make myself but I digress

Take a Starbucks Grande cup - 110 baht is it?

Now head to Thai coffee shop - Coffee World ... Woweee .... Coffee Space .... Black canyon ... .etc. go get yourself those 35-55 baht coffees - now pour into Grande cup.

Pour one

Pour two

By the 3rd or 4th cup the Grande cup amount should be reached. Establishing a base price should now be easy, simple economics. I am not going to factor in "stale coffee" %which is always a problem in Thailand because the business ethos here prevents them from tossing any product NO matter how old.

I like coffee, not a little drop or a wet fart. That means yes I will buy from Starbucks on occasion, if in need, as I want a BIG brimming cup of coffee to roll with.

Coffee World started in India I believe.

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It's just a cup!

Starbucks is a shop that sells coffee. It's not a church, is not an institute from which we expect speeches or a published thesis commentating on Christianity.

II think there must be a new disease, reaching epidemic levels, that attacks common sense.

So for you no more Xmass decoration in shopping centers or on the streets? Keep everything neutral? I don't want to live in your sterile world that's for sure.

You completely misunderstand what I wrote, and how you jump to that conclusion is ... interesting, or perhaps ironic, given the last point I made in post.

People are criticising S.Bucks for their red cup. It is perhaps those people that might wish for the sterile world you mention.

Latching onto a change of cup colour, as if it has serious religious ramifications, is laughable. Hence, I suggest people only look to their Church or other recognised institutes for commentary. Don't use S.Bucks as a measure on such things - its just a coffee shop.

Get it now?

Maybe take a trip to a coffee shop of your choice, get comfortable, take a breath, and read again. Whilst you are there, ask the shop staff about red cups, decorations, or anything of your choosing. Enjoy.

Happy Xmass :)
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As the American public becomes less and less fulfilled, and as they move towards lives that are a far cry from what they were promised, their lack of satisfaction begins to manifest itself on a lot of levels. A campaign against Starbucks, for doing an irreverent Christmas campaign is the very height of making oneself into a caricature of a satisfied human being. Americans can be so petty, so far off the message, and so spiteful and hostile sometimes. Christmas is a holiday that has little spiritual meaning. In the US, it is all about materialism. The so called spirit of giving is a slogan, used by marketing teams, to get people to part with hard earned cash. To even inject spirituality into this discussion is the height of hubris, hypocrisy and pettiness. It is exactly what I would expect from a small man, who manifests anger and venom as his M.O., would do. Disgusting Don is the very epitome of all that is wrong with the US, and the venom I speak of, is the very thing that is compelling misguided people to support him. Campaigns like this are a result of unsatisfied people, with a lot of anger, who are experiencing a dramatic drop in their quality of life, are frustrated and angry, and do not know what to do with that anger. I am American, so I am not ragging on just anyone. I know these people. I know their lives. I see it every time I spend time over there, in the land of a lack of fulfillment.

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Most times, it is people who have 'slipped' from their stable state that tend to group together and create havoc in society.

Some become physically violent while others group themselves as 'do gooders' and form societies.

These are the people who create havoc in peaceful communities.

Otherwise, no countries people are scums by default - it is these few who become powerful and the whole community, town or country gets the 'Label'.

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