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Tiger meat seized before being served in Bangkok restaurants


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Unless you're a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN, then shut your doublestandard mouths by saying this is unfair and cruel. The various meats and fish you eat on a daily basis are flesh from animals who want to live as much as we and ALL other animals. Why do you love your cats and dogs but slaughter others?

And here, some people who eat chicken, beef, pork, etc are bashing those who eat dog, shark, cats, tiger, etc. Think about it. Is there really a difference or you're just playing holy because you've a different preference.

Fruits, vegetables and grains contain ALL the nutrients we humans ever need. There are thousands of very healthy and delicious vegetarian foods one can make without all the violence and sin involved.

Leave the animals alone. They wanna live as much as we all do. Yes, I've been a vegetarian my whole life so I can say these without any guilt.

I'm not playing holy but it's just rediculous seeing meat eaters bash other meat eaters for having a different preference.

Tigers are endangered, beautiful and a much higher form of life than a cow or a salmon, for God's sake.

Exactly what qualities or merits do you use when judging which life is "higher" than another?

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I'm always surprise to see the police stop chasing the leads they have and just close the case there. I've heard of these tiger meat being sold at mainland chinese restaurants in bangkok, these restaurants also serve bear paw, snake, turtle, etc

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...The story people are talking about here is one that happened in Asia, here in Thailand. This is a forum for talking about Thailand. That's why people are talking about this story here. Understand?

...but you seem to be trying to say that two wrongs make a right to try to get the spotlight off of this problem here in Asia.

...i guess you could cite Thailands tiger breeding programme which is a total sham and used to extort money out of tourists ... im sure youd love the tiger temple, right up your street.....

...the above post is a classic example of someone who by grabbing hold of the wrong end of the stick and chasing their own tale in the form of erroneous issues, ends up actually helping this despicable trade

The above are typical accusations that are thrown around freely when a persons point of view is questioned. I would never help or support any poacher or hunter - or for that matter, any trader involved in this despicable trade (matters not whether they are Asians or Martians) as some people above seem to imply.

Also, I think I can manage to read, write and understand English a wee bit too. Some people, although they have mastered a language, they fail to understand the subject due to their warped attitude.

So, the point I am tryin to make is, how the non Asians are bashing the Asians, Africans etc while they themselves come to these countries and resort to the most despicable acts one could imagine. Their 'followers' from the side, tries to lighten the crime by quoting various excuses and blatently passing abusive comments on the natives.

Do you remember ever reading posts how some foreigners refer to their Thai wives (yes, their own lawful wife) as some unintelligent classless being?

Hence, these despicable foreign attitudes (which tends to bend the truth) exists here in a Thai forum and it is on topic IMHO.

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a vile trade in animal meat these people are lower than low and should be treated accordingly I have no feelings for these kind of people the longer the sentence the better.

All meat eating and the associated killing trade is vile, to pretend otherwise is just hypocrisy

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Oh yes! Sounds about as tasty as the damned pickled duck feet I got in Taiwan once, thinking it was cabbage kimche...they look the same.

EATING tiger meat??????????????????????

Makes tukatan (fried grasshoppers) & doc-duay (fried silkworms) sound like pumpkin pie.

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I saw some pots of stuff openly on sale at Lotus....balm made from tigers. Disgusting...should be stopped.

Not to mention Chang beer, that stuff must be full of minced elephants.

And Tiger beer, which is brewed from tiger spleens, same as Leo beer is brewed from lion spleens (I hear they toss a bit of lion liver into the mix as well) clap2.gif .

I actually like Tiger beer. Singha is OK I suppose, but then again, I've never been a big fan of liver.

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Specially prepared for the new elite tourists flocking into the country?

Rhino horn, Tiger, Elephants Civet Cats etc. etc. they kill everything for profit and TCM.

But imagine the rage and hatred of an entire nation if a single Panda would end up on plates...

So very, very true. Such hypocrites.

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a vile trade in animal meat these people are lower than low and should be treated accordingly I have no feelings for these kind of people the longer the sentence the better.

All meat eating and the associated killing trade is vile, to pretend otherwise is just hypocrisy

I wonder what they do with the tigers in captivity that die of old age?

Tiger meat is certainly NOT on my list of things to ever eat, but the zoos around Thailand have tens of thousands of them, and I'm sure a few hundred probably go to play with that giant ball of yarn in the sky every day.

If Wang Wen Tzu wants some tiger meat (that died of natural causes) with his duck feet for dinner, who are we/you/anybody to deny the person a meal of his choice?

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The guys they arrested know where they picked up the mean and from whom. They also know the places it was to be delivered. Smart police would have set up a sting operation and arrested the waiting recipients of the meat. This isn't rocket science.

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I saw some pots of stuff openly on sale at Lotus....balm made from tigers. Disgusting...should be stopped.

Not to mention Chang beer, that stuff must be full of minced elephants.

And Tiger beer, which is brewed from tiger spleens, same as Leo beer is brewed from lion spleens (I hear they toss a bit of lion liver into the mix as well) clap2.gif .

I actually like Tiger beer. Singha is OK I suppose, but then again, I've never been a big fan of liver.

Now you are just being silly . Leo is made from leopard spleen . Can't imagine what Phuket beer is made from. Condo Jumpers possibly ?

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I saw some pots of stuff openly on sale at Lotus....balm made from tigers. Disgusting...should be stopped.

Not to mention Chang beer, that stuff must be full of minced elephants.

And Leo must be full of minced lions.

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...The story people are talking about here is one that happened in Asia, here in Thailand. This is a forum for talking about Thailand. That's why people are talking about this story here. Understand?
...but you seem to be trying to say that two wrongs make a right to try to get the spotlight off of this problem here in Asia.
...i guess you could cite Thailands tiger breeding programme which is a total sham and used to extort money out of tourists ... im sure youd love the tiger temple, right up your street.....
...the above post is a classic example of someone who by grabbing hold of the wrong end of the stick and chasing their own tale in the form of erroneous issues, ends up actually helping this despicable trade
The above are typical accusations that are thrown around freely when a persons point of view is questioned. I would never help or support any poacher or hunter - or for that matter, any trader involved in this despicable trade (matters not whether they are Asians or Martians) as some people above seem to imply.
Also, I think I can manage to read, write and understand English a wee bit too. Some people, although they have mastered a language, they fail to understand the subject due to their warped attitude.
So, the point I am tryin to make is, how the non Asians are bashing the Asians, Africans etc while they themselves come to these countries and resort to the most despicable acts one could imagine. Their 'followers' from the side, tries to lighten the crime by quoting various excuses and blatently passing abusive comments on the natives.
Do you remember ever reading posts how some foreigners refer to their Thai wives (yes, their own lawful wife) as some unintelligent classless being?
Hence, these despicable foreign attitudes (which tends to bend the truth) exists here in a Thai forum and it is on topic IMHO.

Wow, the savior has returned...

There is only one person squealing like a stuck pig about racism here because this is not about racism...

Perhaps your English skills are lacking and you have not quite grasped the finer details such as grown ups are discussing the disgusting anti-social behavior of a select group of Asian people.

Not one poster has accused all Asians of this disgusting Neanderthal behavior, and nobody has said there are no non-Asians involved, WE DON' T CARE, disgusting uneducated people do not deserve wealth, nor do they deserve the adulation subservient blindfolded people like yourself bestow upon them. This anti-social behavior just goes to prove that.

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...The story people are talking about here is one that happened in Asia, here in Thailand. This is a forum for talking about Thailand. That's why people are talking about this story here. Understand?
...but you seem to be trying to say that two wrongs make a right to try to get the spotlight off of this problem here in Asia.
...i guess you could cite Thailands tiger breeding programme which is a total sham and used to extort money out of tourists ... im sure youd love the tiger temple, right up your street.....
...the above post is a classic example of someone who by grabbing hold of the wrong end of the stick and chasing their own tale in the form of erroneous issues, ends up actually helping this despicable trade
The above are typical accusations that are thrown around freely when a persons point of view is questioned. I would never help or support any poacher or hunter - or for that matter, any trader involved in this despicable trade (matters not whether they are Asians or Martians) as some people above seem to imply.
Also, I think I can manage to read, write and understand English a wee bit too. Some people, although they have mastered a language, they fail to understand the subject due to their warped attitude.
So, the point I am tryin to make is, how the non Asians are bashing the Asians, Africans etc while they themselves come to these countries and resort to the most despicable acts one could imagine. Their 'followers' from the side, tries to lighten the crime by quoting various excuses and blatently passing abusive comments on the natives.
Do you remember ever reading posts how some foreigners refer to their Thai wives (yes, their own lawful wife) as some unintelligent classless being?
Hence, these despicable foreign attitudes (which tends to bend the truth) exists here in a Thai forum and it is on topic IMHO.

Wow, the savior has returned...

There is only one person squealing like a stuck pig about racism here because this is not about racism...

Perhaps your English skills are lacking and you have not quite grasped the finer details such as grown ups are discussing the disgusting anti-social behavior of a select group of Asian people.

Not one poster has accused all Asians of this disgusting Neanderthal behavior, and nobody has said there are no non-Asians involved, WE DON' T CARE, disgusting uneducated people do not deserve wealth, nor do they deserve the adulation subservient blindfolded people like yourself bestow upon them. This anti-social behavior just goes to prove that.

So says an intelligent human being!



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Cut their balls off, fry them with garlic and feed it them at gun point. This is not intended as a joke.

The filth like exotic eating experiences so I suggest your punishment but only after they make a human centipede, starting with the poacher, then the restaurateurs, and finally their lowlife diners...

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Unless you're a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN, then shut your doublestandard mouths by saying this is unfair and cruel. The various meats and fish you eat on a daily basis are flesh from animals who want to live as much as we and ALL other animals. Why do you love your cats and dogs but slaughter others?

And here, some people who eat chicken, beef, pork, etc are bashing those who eat dog, shark, cats, tiger, etc. Think about it. Is there really a difference or you're just playing holy because you've a different preference.

Fruits, vegetables and grains contain ALL the nutrients we humans ever need. There are thousands of very healthy and delicious vegetarian foods one can make without all the violence and sin involved.

Leave the animals alone. They wanna live as much as we all do. Yes, I've been a vegetarian my whole life so I can say these without any guilt.

I'm not playing holy but it's just rediculous seeing meat eaters bash other meat eaters for having a different preference.

I fully agree with your dietary advice, but find it extraordinary that you can't differentiate in your mind between eating one of the 20billion farmed chickens on the planet, and one of the 300 last remaining wild tigers on the planet.

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Yes, i think that Jeremy50 has a very valid point. But I do hope that he only eats things like apples and berries that do not destroy the plant. I find the wantan hypocrisy of those who needlessly destroy the plant in the consumption of innocent onions and carrots quite disturbing.

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All Exotic Animals at Wat's, farms, government institutions should be tagged and accounted for and be inventoried a few times a year.

Now in the U.S they want to remove Grizzly Bears from the endangered species list around Yellowstone Park.

This would open the Door for Trophy Hunters to slaughter the bears, American Indians are against removing the Yellow Stone Bears.

We all have an obligation to protect and preserve all these species. When they are gone they are gone.

Where did this Tiger come from, that's the question they need to ask.

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Just how many low life reside in Thailand , to actually kill a beautiful animal like the Tiger and then head off to sell it as meat at a restaurant , beggars belief , these people should be flogged till they are red raw just like the tiger meat , the land of Smiles , what a load of crap...................bah.gif

This is just not a matter of a "tasty steak" but these Chinese retards actually think that it will make them virile again.

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