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prison sentences


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555 sorry i was thinking about you as a young blonde guy a bit skinny who could be attractive for all these gays :-)

Yes, maybe better look as you when going there...

I also think that I would prefer to be jailed here than with black on Muslim in US or EU...

Edited by thailanddogerator
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Was smoking Pot worth it? Worth prison and losing your family?

There are lots of people that think the law does not apply to them, until they get caught years later.

I would think a wife and kids would be enough deterrent to follow the law but for you I guess not

Moralising on a thread like this is boring, not to mention stating the obvious.

He did the crime, and he did his time.

..and there it is everyone...a contribution to the decay, towards the lowest common denominator.

Throw out the accusation and label of being boring, to try to win an argument. An argument by the way, that is not just dumbing down, but trying to legitimise and support criminals.

Is TV now a place to swap advice for how to survive in jail, is it a criminal support network now?

Is there no value in discussing morals, social-cultural trends of change, or are we dumbing down?

dbrenn: don't bother replying if all you do is hurl insults - you'll just add weight to my points. But please do reply if you have something worth saying that gets the grey matter tingling with constructive and challenging thought.

A post from a guy who spend time in a Thai jail is interesting, for the same reason we watch documentaries about jails on the television, i.e., an interesting facet of life even to us non-criminals.

As I'e said, hijacking this thread to bang on about morals is boring - we all know full well, and I'm sure that the OP knows full well, that getting thrown in jail is something that a family man should of course avoid. We don't need to be lectured on that here.

Edited by dbrenn
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I am a writer and I seriously considered deliberately doing what the OP did, in order to get a 12 month sentence and write a book about it. The stories I've heard kind of made that idea fizzle away. Perhaps if I were twenty years younger.

People like to read about these real life experiences because they can dip their toes into a pool that they would hate to swim in.

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Ur always welcome to my face b.friends list..mutual friend's etc.music industry, or artful folks..

Instead of saying is TV a place to aid scofflaw..etc.(trying to be vague..

instead of where we are discussing.talking about this and so..

Lots of Singer songwriters, and engineers on our page..be nice online, and remember, texts are forever..

jus saying..


Edited by KonaRain
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I am a writer and I seriously considered deliberately doing what the OP did, in order to get a 12 month sentence and write a book about it. The stories I've heard kind of made that idea fizzle away. Perhaps if I were twenty years younger.

People like to read about these real life experiences because they can dip their toes into a pool that they would hate to swim in.

Cracking idea mate, never seen a book for sale about someone being "Banged up in Bankok" or the "Bangkok Hilton".

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Was smoking Pot worth it? Worth prison and losing your family?

There are lots of people that think the law does not apply to them, until they get caught years later.

I would think a wife and kids would be enough deterrent to follow the law but for you I guess not

Moralising on a thread like this is boring, not to mention stating the obvious.

He did the crime, and he did his time.

..and there it is everyone...a contribution to the decay, towards the lowest common denominator.

Throw out the accusation and label of being boring, to try to win an argument. An argument by the way, that is not just dumbing down, but trying to legitimise and support criminals.

Is TV now a place to swap advice for how to survive in jail, is it a criminal support network now?

Is there no value in discussing morals, social-cultural trends of change, or are we dumbing down?

dbrenn: don't bother replying if all you do is hurl insults - you'll just add weight to my points. But please do reply if you have something worth saying that gets the grey matter tingling with constructive and challenging thought.

A post from a guy who spend time in a Thai jail is interesting, for the same reason we watch documentaries about jails on the television, i.e., an interesting facet of life even to us non-criminals.

As I'e said, hijacking this thread to bang on about morals is boring - we all know full well, and I'm sure that the OP knows full well, that getting thrown in jail is something that a family man should of course avoid. We don't need to be lectured on that here.

We can disagree on many things, but dumbing down or trying to silence people is not so good. bwpage3 had every right to post, asking relevant question to the thread. If you think the thread topic has merit, then you should recognise others might feel the questions asked to the OP have merit.

Discuss - don't bully.

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I am a writer and I seriously considered deliberately doing what the OP did, in order to get a 12 month sentence and write a book about it. The stories I've heard kind of made that idea fizzle away. Perhaps if I were twenty years younger.

People like to read about these real life experiences because they can dip their toes into a pool that they would hate to swim in.

Cracking idea mate, never seen a book for sale about someone being "Banged up in Bankok" or the "Bangkok Hilton".

and the thing is, each will have his own story to tell.

I never said it was a novel idea (excise the pun) but I eventually came up with another, equally extreme idea that I am planning now. Luckily, it doesn't involve incarceration, but still out there!

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Unless you're in for murder then you get to be alone in the dark.

I ate lunch one day when they were processing this young Burmese guy. He had strangied his wife for having an affair. I'll never forget the grin on his face as he told me.

Another guy covered in stitches and bruised up had been beaten up so he just came with his gun and bam bam shot him twice in the face.


That's Crazy Man..!

There's the know it alls but they don't know what its like in there. I do. I've done my time for wrongs. Finish. The point of this post was to say what a great in site into prison life it was. My Thai is really good and it was invaluable. Noooooo English in there with regard to the locals.

You're lucky..Someone said ' my mistakes are for the learning..' Oh yeah, on this page..

Great stuff..priceless in fact!

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Thais can't smoke. They don't inhale. I never noticed before but they smoke like 9 year olds..

Great comment..!

Longest sentence ever served by a foreigner is 17yrs. You read stories of people getting 50, 70 yrs for drugs all the time. Its a head <deleted>. Truth is, most are whisked away in the night after 3-5 years and deported. That part never makes the news.

YouTube video..British TV..'banged up in Thailand..' Took his couple million $'s.

And his Phuket Villa..gave 'em 50 years..

Glad to hear he'll be going Home soon..

Aloha Gents, great thread..

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Was smoking Pot worth it? Worth prison and losing your family?

There are lots of people that think the law does not apply to them, until they get caught years later.

I would think a wife and kids would be enough deterrent to follow the law but for you I guess not

Moralising on a thread like this is boring, not to mention stating the obvious.

He did the crime, and he did his time.

..and there it is everyone...a contribution to the decay, towards the lowest common denominator.

Throw out the accusation and label of being boring, to try to win an argument. An argument by the way, that is not just dumbing down, but trying to legitimise and support criminals.

Is TV now a place to swap advice for how to survive in jail, is it a criminal support network now?

Is there no value in discussing morals, social-cultural trends of change, or are we dumbing down?

dbrenn: don't bother replying if all you do is hurl insults - you'll just add weight to my points. But please do reply if you have something worth saying that gets the grey matter tingling with constructive and challenging thought.

Many intelligent people are of the opinion that smoking weed should not be a crime.

Many countries and states are realising that it make more sense to let people smoke weed without it being a criminal offence.

Personally I think anyone who thinks otherwise to be pretty stupid and I'm not a smoker, I just think its about time weed was allowed the same freedoms as alcohol.

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We've all heard many horror stories about lengthy jail terms in Thailand for drug offences. And indeed any kind of dealing or importing drugs carry some hefty senteces.

However I've just done 49 days on remand for possession of 98 grams of marijuana in Minburi jail and I'd like to share some stories.

Weed for example is considered very unimportant in this country and I was released because my time on remand had far exceeded my fine. On remand before sentence every night is worth 200 baht, so my 49 days was worth 9800. My fine, and I'm still waiting (I don't have to attend court) is expected to be 3000 baht. Oh yes.

I speak Thai very well, thank goodness as its very hard time if you don't. Saying that its not so easy if you do!

I spoke to many Thais about sentences. Here are some examples:

Possessing 200kg of weed.. 2 years

Possessing 1 tonne (really!).. 7 years

P. 5 yaba.. 10000 baht fine

P. 200 yaba.. 4 years

p of cocaine 200g with intent to supply.. 10 years

P if 2 yabba with I t s....2 years

Shooting a gun... 13 years

Fighting with non serious wound.. 2 years

Theft by deception (multiple)..15 years

Underage sex (18)..10 years

I read your first post and a few pages of replies, interesting thread and thanks for sharing your story, I have spoke to mates about this and how hardcore they are here... then again the amounts you give example too expect hefty time in any country. Did you not get the opportunity to slip the police a sly bit of tea money to forgt about it? 98 grams is quite alot guess, nevermind in thailand, but then again I dont suppose 5 grams would be any different on punishment, or would it?

If I was in a thai prison for 49 days I think id resort to chin ups etc and try buy whatever I could to make it more 'enjoyable'

In regards to getting caught was you smoking at the time etc? I guess your ex put you init but I assume the police was not ok with a bit of money to sort this all out?

Cheers mate

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Was smoking Pot worth it? Worth prison and losing your family?

There are lots of people that think the law does not apply to them, until they get caught years later.

I would think a wife and kids would be enough deterrent to follow the law but for you I guess not

Moralising on a thread like this is boring, not to mention stating the obvious.

He did the crime, and he did his time.

..and there it is everyone...a contribution to the decay, towards the lowest common denominator.

Throw out the accusation and label of being boring, to try to win an argument. An argument by the way, that is not just dumbing down, but trying to legitimise and support criminals.

Is TV now a place to swap advice for how to survive in jail, is it a criminal support network now?

Is there no value in discussing morals, social-cultural trends of change, or are we dumbing down?

dbrenn: don't bother replying if all you do is hurl insults - you'll just add weight to my points. But please do reply if you have something worth saying that gets the grey matter tingling with constructive and challenging thought.

I'm sure you're quite welcome to start as many thread as you like discussing morals, social-cultural trends of change, or whatever other topics you find interesting or feel important.

Fact is, TVF is a place to swap advice about many things Thai-related, whether or not they meet our moral standards, and it seems that many of us are interested in a situation where someone is brave enough to relate their situation of spending what seems a ludicrous amount of time in jail for possessing a demonized plant.

Do you seriously think that using weed is criminal behavior? If so, perhaps that's more a matter of indoctrination rather than logical justice.

It doesn't matter if you believe that the use of cannabis is not criminal behaviour. Your opinion has no relevance and you have no say in the matter since you are not the person deciding the cases.The only fact that matters is that in Thailand the use, or possession, or cultivation or trafficking of cannabis and its by-products is a criminal offense. It is also an opportunity for corrupt officials to extort money. It doesn't matter if the implicated party is an angel, or handsome, or kind hearted or well endowed. The end result is almost always the same for any one not connected and who cannot buy his way out: A serious shakedown, or a stay in prison. And considering the conditions in Thailand, the last place anyone intelligent westerner would wish to stay is in a Thai prison where the B.o. and stench of the latrines causes one to choke.

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The only thing that does not matter is your opinion that everybody already knows and that only a stupid can keep repeating after other stupid already wrote it on this thread...

It doesn't matter if you believe that the use of cannabis is not criminal behaviour. Your opinion has no relevance and you have no say in the matter since you are not the person deciding the cases.The only fact that matters is that in Thailand the use, or possession, or cultivation or trafficking of cannabis and its by-products is a criminal offense. It is also an opportunity for corrupt officials to extort money. It doesn't matter if the implicated party is an angel, or handsome, or kind hearted or well endowed. The end result is almost always the same for any one not connected and who cannot buy his way out: A serious shakedown, or a stay in prison. And considering the conditions in Thailand, the last place anyone intelligent westerner would wish to stay is in a Thai prison where the B.o. and stench of the latrines causes one to choke.

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The only thing that does not matter is your opinion that everybody already knows and that only a stupid can keep repeating after other stupid already wrote it on this thread...

It doesn't matter if you believe that the use of cannabis is not criminal behaviour. Your opinion has no relevance and you have no say in the matter since you are not the person deciding the cases.The only fact that matters is that in Thailand the use, or possession, or cultivation or trafficking of cannabis and its by-products is a criminal offense. It is also an opportunity for corrupt officials to extort money. It doesn't matter if the implicated party is an angel, or handsome, or kind hearted or well endowed. The end result is almost always the same for any one not connected and who cannot buy his way out: A serious shakedown, or a stay in prison. And considering the conditions in Thailand, the last place anyone intelligent westerner would wish to stay is in a Thai prison where the B.o. and stench of the latrines causes one to choke.

And yet people still overstay and do all sorts of other "dodgy " activities..it's the fact that you can buy your way out that is the problem..frankly I am beginning to think if you have any sort of intelligence you wouldn't come here in the first place..

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Thais can't smoke. They don't inhale. I never noticed before but they smoke like 9 year olds.

Can more polite say, they smoke cigarettes same cigars are smoked. tongue.png

Anyway, at least in that way it's a bit less unhealthy. wink.png

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I don't smoke weed any more but I did before, I've been coming to Thailand for 15 year's but never smoked once here, the risk is to great for me, I was unlucky when I was younger in the UK and got caught about 3 times, nothing happens in the UK with a small amount it's more just a pain in the ass rather anything to worry about

But here no way am I risking a prison sentence for weed

I saw the BBC mini series Bangkok Hillton (still a great show now it's on YouTube I've put link at the end) when I was young before i even thought about coming to Thailand, and said to myself that would be my worst nightmare

Sorry to here your story anyway, I think anyone who smokes weed here should take a lesson from this story and don't take a risk it's not worth it not here anyway



Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I agree that if you are so smart to be able to be caught in UK better not take any risk here... Sorry but in my opinion it was not bad luck <3

I don't smoke weed any more but I did before, I've been coming to Thailand for 15 year's but never smoked once here, the risk is to great for me, I was unlucky when I was younger in the UK and got caught about 3 times, nothing happens in the UK with a small amount it's more just a pain in the ass rather anything to worry about

But here no way am I risking a prison sentence for weed

I saw the BBC mini series Bangkok Hillton (still a great show now it's on YouTube I've put link at the end) when I was young before i even thought about coming to Thailand, and said to myself that would be my worst nightmare

Sorry to here your story anyway, I think anyone who smokes weed here should take a lesson from this story and don't take a risk it's not worth it not here anyway



Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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I agree that if you are so smart to be able to be caught in UK better not take any risk here... Sorry but in my opinion it was not bad luck <3

I don't smoke weed any more but I did before, I've been coming to Thailand for 15 year's but never smoked once here, the risk is to great for me, I was unlucky when I was younger in the UK and got caught about 3 times, nothing happens in the UK with a small amount it's more just a pain in the ass rather anything to worry about

But here no way am I risking a prison sentence for weed

I saw the BBC mini series Bangkok Hillton (still a great show now it's on YouTube I've put link at the end) when I was young before i even thought about coming to Thailand, and said to myself that would be my worst nightmare

Sorry to here your story anyway, I think anyone who smokes weed here should take a lesson from this story and don't take a risk it's not worth it not here anyway



Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

I know what u mean but I hot caught at Glastonbury twice so must be unlucky lol

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Perhaps the OP could come back and enlighten us, I know of no Thai jail in Min Buri, is he sure he doesnt mean Chatoengsao?

Please OP let me know where is this Thai Prison in Min Buri.

Do you mean a holding cell such as Klong Tan jail in Klong Tan?

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Perhaps the OP could come back and enlighten us, I know of no Thai jail in Min Buri, is he sure he doesnt mean Chatoengsao?

Please OP let me know where is this Thai Prison in Min Buri.

Do you mean a holding cell such as Klong Tan jail in Klong Tan?

There is a jail in Minburi

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I just found out that our brains are the consistency of soft tofu, easily jarred by jogging. or impinged upon by weed or smoke. And it (our brain) runs on Omega threes..fish oil.. 7 grams a day is a good dose.. So I don't smoke anymore..

Thrilling and dangerous, smoking canabidiol in Thailand.. No need at my age


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I think this thread has run its course, it was the story of one member and his experience. The latest posts seem to be wandering in many directions from penis implants to the legality of drugs etc and are totally off topic.

This topic is now CLOSED. but will remain for info for others to read the OP's experience.

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