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Sweden introduces border controls


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Sweden introduces border controls


STOCKHOLM: -- Sweden has introduced temporary border checks in an effort to control the increasing flow of immigrants in to the country.

The measures came into effect on Thursday and are due to go on for ten days.

Police are checking passengers’ papers on trains arriving from Denmark as well as ferries from Germany.

Random vehicle checks are also in force.

“People can apply for asylum at the border,” said Patrik Engstrom, a Swedish border police officer.
“Reintroducing border controls does not affect the right to seek asylum in Sweden. It just means that you do it directly at the border and then go to the migration agency to apply and register.”

In neighbouring Norway one increasingly popular route in to the country for migrants is through Russia. They have come on bikes since the crossing is closed to people on foot. Just last week over a thousand people arrived at the Storskog crossing.

“I saw on television that Norway has good cities. They help you to study and everything so I came here,” said
Muhammed Kazem who originally came from Afghanistan.

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration said that 2,452 asylum-seekers arrived in the country last week alone – a new seven-day record.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-13

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"Where's the free stuff?" said Muhammad Kazem.

Well what do you expect? These people paid a considerable amount of money to the traffickers, now they want the return on their investment that the European taxpayers owe them. How else will they be able to bring over their families and friends?
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I would love to see this border control in action, bearing in mind as a proper loony toons PC nation they will not be permitted to use racial profiling when deciding who's papers need checking. I can imagine they will be forced to stop elderly Nordics driving their Saab while munching hardbrod and Kalles, while letting Middle Eastern looking people through even if they are still carrying a bloodied scimitar in one hand and a head in the other. Oh Europe, is it too late already?

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The measures came into effect on Thursday and are due to go on for ten days.

Har, har, har! post-35489-0-32397500-1441901856.gif

All too little .. and too late!

Way too late...

Seems it might be for France - estimated 60 dead in multiple attacks and 100 hostages taken.

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About time that the babbling fools in my neighbour country finaly woke up.I don`t mind that they willingly are wiping themself out in a collective suicide,but with an open border they are dragging us with them in their crazed social experiment angry.gif !!

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Timed nicely with an article in today's Telegraph headlined: "How Sweden, the most open country in the world, was overwhelmed by migrants."


"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."

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Sweden's plight was hardly predictable, it was evident. There was no divination of tea leaves required. Still, it is terrible just imagining all the young women (and partners) who are forever shattered by the recent crimes against women- and there are numerous, violent, horrible acts to women that make Sweden notorious, effectively a 3rd world dungheap. The intellectual paralysis of freedom of thought has descended on Sweden pretty much like a medieval sack. Any speech which remotely questions the insurgent nature of immigrant speech and immigrant actions is actually so violently restricted that legislators and press alike are intimidated into self censorship- read, dhimmitude!

We can easily dissect all the choices the Swedes made to betray their culture and inculcate self loathing but its pointless now. Now is the time for pre-eulogy. Sweden is one of Europe's canaries. It has not landed on its back yet but it is frantically fluttering in the cage it created. Trying to manage the coop with the fox inside is about as stupid as the policies that led them to the mess they are in. Like a number of other places in Europe now it is all a matter of demographics, and time. Qaddafi must be laughing his arse off in paradise.

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The Swedes have started forming vigilante militias having given up on their police protecting them. This will not end well.


It took 300 years of Islamic slave raids and plunder before an organized response was undertaken by Europe by way of the first crusade. With modern social media the truth spreads far quicker in spite of the efforts of our leaders to surprise it. I predict events across Europe will steadily gather momentum from her on in.

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What they need to do is just create a program that allows Sweden to send the migrants money in there home countries so they can fly first class to Stokholm. Then when they arrive they can be given all there free shit at the airport.

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Trying to manage the coop with the fox inside ...

This - you could apply this comment to so many European countries, not just Sweden.

Indeed, Mark Steyn has an excellent article out entitled "The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates."

Not a comfortable read.


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Trying to manage the coop with the fox inside ...

This - you could apply this comment to so many European countries, not just Sweden.

Indeed, Mark Steyn has an excellent article out entitled "The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates."

Not a comfortable read.


Excellent read. thumbsup.gif

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