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Farang with baby leaves Bangkok taxi after driver refuses to stop smoking


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As a question just to satisfy my curiosity, is it illegal to smoke in a Bkk taxi, if no smoking signs are not displayed? More so, is it illegal for a taxi driver to smoke if the signs are not displayed? I would assume it would be company policy? I don't live in Bkk so don't know.

I'm not saying its right, and good on the father to leave the taxi (his choice), just curious, too many posters looking for life imprisonment for the driver in this instance for me to feel comfortable.

I have made several long haul taxi rides (quite recently) where smoking was allowed, with the permission of the driver naturally.

Edited by chrisinth
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If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

But if the driver wasn't smoking the window would have been closed, ie, no polution entering the car, get it now, duh.

You're missing the point.

The baby is still going to be subject to pollution when getting to and from the cab.

That is unless dad has a gas mask for it.

Get it now?


I think many people are missing the point - The main issue at hand here is the complete disregard the Taxi driver has displayed to his passengers by smoking.

Whether or not the child is exposed to risk due to the atmospheric pollution in Bangkok, exposed to more risk by exiting the Cab, exposed to more risk at home, due to their diet etc... is completely beyond the point...

The point here is how someone who is supposed to be providing a service as a Taxi driver cares so little for his passengers he treats them with complete disregard and total indifference. It would be the same if he had his music on full blast, drove dangerously or took them on detour...

The message in the Opening Post remains the same - here is a Taxi driver who has no regard whatsoever for his passengers.


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Although I will be subject to a lot of criticism for saying so, I consider smoking to be an act that is committed by people with an incredible lack of physical discipline. This guy is an extreme example of that. He was probably powerless to put his cigarette out. Tobacco owns his ass. He no longer has control over his life. The tobacco companies now control his life. A baby in the car? I cannot stop smoking. I don't want to stop smoking. There are over 200 chemicals in my cigarettes, that will insure I do not stop smoking. I no longer have control of my own life. I am a hostage to Big Tobacco. I am their slave. I work for them. So, baby or no baby, I will continue smoking. I cannot stop, even if I wanted to.

Good on the fareng for getting out of the taxi. Personally, I despise second hand smoke, and absolutely refuse to drive with people who are enjoying their cancer sticks.

Personally I think the problem is much simpler than that. He simply does not give a crap about his paying customers.

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it comes to no surprise that services such as GRABCAR, the private car service of Grabtaxi, and Uber-X (where it is allowed to operate) become more and more popular in BKK and elsewhere (KL, for example, or Manila)

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Although I will be subject to a lot of criticism for saying so, I consider smoking to be an act that is committed by people with an incredible lack of physical discipline. This guy is an extreme example of that. He was probably powerless to put his cigarette out. Tobacco owns his ass. He no longer has control over his life. The tobacco companies now control his life. A baby in the car? I cannot stop smoking. I don't want to stop smoking. There are over 200 chemicals in my cigarettes, that will insure I do not stop smoking. I no longer have control of my own life. I am a hostage to Big Tobacco. I am their slave. I work for them. So, baby or no baby, I will continue smoking. I cannot stop, even if I wanted to.

Good on the fareng for getting out of the taxi. Personally, I despise second hand smoke, and absolutely refuse to drive with people who are enjoying their cancer sticks.

Personally I think the problem is much simpler than that. He simply does not give a crap about his paying customers.

Which brings me to an obvious question. Let me attempt to phrase it is such as way that it is not considered disparaging to Thai culture. I love many qualities that the Thai people have. And I love living here. But, when I was growing up, my mother and father, and more than likely my grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family members, instilled in me a sense of pride. A feeling that a job well done, is a job worth doing. That even with a menial job, I was encouraged to give it my all, and to do it in such a way that I could be proud. I have attempted to carry that into my professional career. I strive for win-win type deals, and a sense of pride in having done the job well, and having pleased another customer.

Where is that sense of pride here? When dealing with craftsmen, repairmen, merchants, restauranteurs, and others, I often find that lack of pride missing. It was far more extreme when I lived on samui. That was a total one way street. Give me your cash, and I will give as little as I possibly can, in return. No vision, no concept of the value of repeat business. No ability to see the future at all, and to consider tomorrow. Thankfully I finally left Samui, which I think is becoming a wasteland, that often feels like an overused dish rag. On the mainland, I do find it to be a lot better. I do meet some with pride. But for many, I wonder, what is that lack of pride in craftsmanship, and a good job done, all about? Where does that come from? Any clues?

I run into some of this in the west. But, there is a sense of making an attempt to satisfy the customer. And a sense of the importance of long term and repeat business.

This inquiry is not meant to disparage the Thai people. Just to gain an understanding of why some behave the way they do.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

If the window is open to let out the cancerous secondhand smoke won't the pollution from Bangkok traffic be entering the car anyway?

What, as opposed to getting out and walking in it?

If the pollution is entering the car, then what difference is there pray tell?

This is about the personal preferences of the passenger, who has every right to stop the car and get out. He is in Bangkok. His baby is going to be exposed to whatever he is exposed to. But, he is attempting to not add to the toxic mix. Second hard smoke is absolutely heinous to some of us who despise tobacco. You don't like it, get the hell out of the car. Just because the driver ignorant, means little.

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You said

This is about the personal preferences of the passenger, who has every right to stop the car and get out. He is in Bangkok. His baby is going to be exposed to whatever he is exposed to. But, he is attempting to not add to the toxic mix. Second hard smoke is absolutely heinous to some of us who despise tobacco. You don't like it, get the hell out of the car. Just because the driver ignorant, means little.


Yes. That was my point.

Edited by Bluespunk
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If that farang was so concerned about the baby's health then why did he bring it to Bangkok or Thailand at all?

Does he think the air in BKK is good for his baby?

How did we reach the conclusion that it was a health issue?

It is purely a customer service issue - the ignorant taxi driver could care less.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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15 days and a 1000bht fine? bet he is shi@@ing himeself!

I'm not sure that pay 1000 Bht fine for a thai was good.

1000 bht is nothing for a farang, but for a thai is different.....

So what if it is different for a Thai? make it 10,000 or 20,000baht. If he didn't do wrong he would not pay 1 baht! Let the buggers learn the hard way!

Average monthly salary in Thailand is between 4,863 bahts for a construction worker to 48.036 baths for Airlines pilots

A bus driver is 7.654 baths I think a taxi driver is under 10 000 baths/ month.

In Thailand taxi driver prefers short trip than longer trip

So going buy that maths, an airline pilot should be about 7 times cleaner than a bus driver.

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Farang means Caucasian, it does not mean "foreigner"

except for the millions of eg. caucasian Indians who are kaek ;-)

The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid[1] or occasionally Europid[2]) is a taxon historically used to describe the physical or biological type of some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia.[3] The term was used in biological anthropology for many people from these regions, without regard necessarily to skin tone.[4]

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If that farang was so concerned about the baby's health then why did he bring it to Bangkok or Thailand at all?

Does he think the air in BKK is good for his baby?

Daft comment of the day goes to..... clap2.gif

On so many levels the post above avoids the real issue and instead manages to criticise someone who is simply trying to get somewhere with his child.

Thai or Western - many people will need to use a Taxi and not be comfortable with the drivers lack of consideration (which in this case is smoking).. its not their fault for wanting to take a taxi.. but this is what you seem to be implying....

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Well its obviously not a health related complaint. A few minutes in a taxi with smoking will have nil effects.

It was purly a personal reason he wanted out, simply because he doesnt like smoking. The driver didnt care in the least.

So win win. Driver keeps smoking and passenger can get a taxi up to his standard a few seconds later.

I dont see the issue.

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Bit of secondhand smoke for a few minutes. Hardly going to cause any damage.he is smoking out the window anyway

Baby is more likely to get worse issues from ten minutes exposed to the bangkok traffic pollution

Considering they only just banned smoking witha child under 18 in a car in the UK only last month up untill they did not have a problem with it, so Thailand being 50 years behind the rest of civilized countries why would they see that a problem, and there is nothing in Thailand illegal because they dont understand that word

We did have a problem with it but the smoking lobby was too powerful for the ban to have come in earlier. Now the tide has turned and common sense is getting the upper hand at last. Next stage should be a ban if there are any non smoking passengers in the car.

Thailand is nowhere near 50 years behind on its anti smoking laws which are quite well enforced, hopefully this taxi driver will soon find that out for himself.

i am confused a bit about the . Next stage should be a ban if there are any ( non smoking passengers in the car ) please elaborate on that, and have you been to many places that vendous make food with a fag in their mouth. still many of them in Thailand, but they are getting better i will grant you that, next they should ban all taxis, and give that contract to a western country to sort out, wishfull thinking

Sorry I did not make that clear, I personally think smoking should be phased out in stages. Such as raising the tax on fags, raising the legal age before you can buy them, reducing the places where smoking is permitted etc. Eventually smoking will be looked on in the same way as things like drink driving.

Sure Thailand is behind the UK on hygiene standards but I am sure public opinions are changing and this will force things to improve.

I have travelled in many countries and I think nowhere can compare to Bangkok for taxis. I always insist they use the meter and if I do not know the route I use a gps app on my phone to check we are taking a direct route. I never wait long and have very few problems. Best of all for this great service we get charged not much more than it would cost for me to do the trip in my own car(petrol at UK rates of £1.10 a litre - about 50 Bt). So I will put up with a few imperfections but safety could be improved at no expense ie. keeping to the speed limits and not hiding the seatbelts under the seat (I always pull them out and use them). When I brought my infant son to Thailand in February I brought his car seat along and used it in taxis without any fuss. We did not have any issues with smoke apart from one old taxi that smelt like an ashtray so I had to keep the window open. My wife is badly affected by smoke so would never allow a driver to smoke even if all the windows were open.

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when i was young, smoking in cars, trains, aeroplanes, everywhere, was no problem at all. now they make a fuss about every birdshit. the taxidriver very likely never heard, that this is not allowed , in his homeprovince in isan absolutly nobody would complain .if you are used to eat rats or grasshoppers, what is a cigarette?

i am sure, the airpollution in bangkok is 1000 times more unhealthy than a cigarette.

A thread about one of my pet hates - ignorant smokers, and this post is a prime example, although he does not say he smokes I am assuming he does. The bullshit they come out with to justify why they should be able to carry on causing a nuisance to, and harming anyone around them with their smoke is not just unbelievable it can be ridiculous.

Maybe it was "no problem at all" to you but it was to many other people but in those days we were made to feel like it was normal and anyone who complained was just ignored or even ridiculed. My mates would get in my car and immediately light up refusing to consider any requests not to - a problem for me. On my first long haul flight I sat next to 2 men who both had a cigar while sat in the middle of the plane - a problem for me. The women the other side of me had to change seats - a problem for her. These sort of problems were very common.

Not sure about the "birdshit", we do have a problem with seagulls that make a right mess but I expect you mean things like removing lead from petrol, putting babies in proper car seats, wearing seat belts and the smoking ban in cars carrying children, public places and work places - needless to say I am in favour of them all. When the smoking ban first came in, a smoker said to me that if anyone does not like the smoke they should go elsewhere and leave the smokers be. She could not comprehend that the smokers could do that far easier as they just have to go outside. Where as the non smoker would be hard pressed to find a smoke free pub or nightclub. For years I was choked in pubs and clubs and waking up feeling sick because the room stank of smoke from my clothes (and maybe also not helped by the hangover). I went to a night club in California years ago and I found it amazing that it was smoke free. Pity it took so long for the UK to catch up by which time I was past my clubbing days.

Bearing in mind your first sentence, I find it funny that you use the poor education in the north east to justify why it was OK for him to break the law. Rats and grasshoppers are not for me but ignoring the poisons and pesticides on or in them they are probably quite harmless.

15 years ago the pollution in Bangkok was very bad but LPG and NGV is now widely used and has made a big difference, so I very much doubt your last comment is correct. Please show me the facts that makes you think otherwise as I could be wrong. Problem is, it is not just one fag, smoke has been hard to get away from. For decades smokers have been killing people as well as causing physical and emotional suffering to their families who end up having to take care of them if they get ill. As people become more educated about how unhealthy smoking is the easier it is to complain and now it is the smokers who are starting to be ignored and ridiculed. I don't care if people want to smoke, drink, take drugs etc. as long as it does not harm anyone else but often someone else suffers, has to pay up or sort out the mess they create.

Back to the topic, smoke harms babies more than adults. The man did the right thing to get his child away from the ignorant taxi drivers smoke. Personally I am more concerned by the risk of a crash which would also be increased by the driver having to concentrate on his fag as well as driving and his mobile phone, which I think is far more dangerous than the smoke but that's a different problem.

You echo my sentiments on alot of levels. People who smoke have little consciousness of how obnoxious their fumes are. They are polluting on a horrific level. All the people within their radius have to suffer. I avoid smokers like the bubonic plague.

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when i was young, smoking in cars, trains, aeroplanes, everywhere, was no problem at all. now they make a fuss about every birdshit. the taxidriver very likely never heard, that this is not allowed , in his homeprovince in isan absolutly nobody would complain .if you are used to eat rats or grasshoppers, what is a cigarette?

i am sure, the airpollution in bangkok is 1000 times more unhealthy than a cigarette.

You're sure are you?

1000 times more deadly than smoking is pretty damn dangerous.

Any evidence to back up that figure?

i just guess, second hand smoke in a taxi with open windows for around 5 minutes -maybe that will reduce your life expectancy for 1 second. but 24 hours in bangkok air, that will reduce it for 2 hours- just my common sense tells me that. studies show, if you are a heavy smoker, that reduces your life expectancy for 7-8 years, ca.10 % . bangok air is probably the same 10%, compared with clean air.there are no studies about this, because in thailand there are pollutants anywhere, in the countryside they spray tons of pesticides everywhere.

"Go to a party with 20 smokers, then come home. Park the car in the garage. Close the door. Keep the engine running. Stay in there overnight. Then come back the next day and tell me which is more harmful." quote from yahoo

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