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Half Thais know they have diabetes


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I got a Thai friend with diabetes, i suggested that she stop piling sugar on everything. She said that the doctor told her it was ok to keep eating lots sugar as long as she takes the drugs he sells her.

sister of my wife has about the same problem....suggesting to reduce white rice was an absolute shocking idea....better take drugs than reduce on carbs.

They teach that Diabetes2 is irreversible. It is not. Cut the carbs, eat more healthy fats and most people will return to a normal stage your body can handle. Oh, but the healthy fats will cause a high cholesterol!!!! Well, that's a sales trick they teach "health care providers" to get you onto statin drugs. Don't believe me, study the subject and you will see. Well, that's western disease management instead of health care.

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For a misleading headline that about takes the biscuit! "Half Thais know they have diabetes". What they should have said is that half the Thais who have diabetes know it, implying that half those who are diabetic do not know it - a long way from half Thais (more than 30 million people) having diabetes!

Or perhaps the headline meant those with one Thai parent and one foreign parent know they have diabetes.

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The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

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For a misleading headline that about takes the biscuit! "Half Thais know they have diabetes". What they should have said is that half the Thais who have diabetes know it, implying that half those who are diabetic do not know it - a long way from half Thais (more than 30 million people) having diabetes!

Tuktong! The Thai Visa editorial staff are so abysmally deficient of talent it defies logic. I rant on them often..., because the inability to "edit" happens "often", as in near daily. Thanks for pointing yet another editorial blunder. Get it together TV editors.

Neither the headline nor the article have anything to do with Thai Visa editorial staff, TV is simply re posting an article from here: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/half-thais-know-they-have-diabetes, in it's entirety. Of course you would have known that had you read the OP in the first place!

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For a misleading headline that about takes the biscuit! "Half Thais know they have diabetes". What they should have said is that half the Thais who have diabetes know it, implying that half those who are diabetic do not know it - a long way from half Thais (more than 30 million people) having diabetes!

There are plenty of misleading headlines on Thai Visa to get people to click through.

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If it's not sweet or salty when you taste it all is well........certain strains of sticky rice are very unhealthy. However, what alarmed me almost two decades ago. Was when I had a meeting with the head of the kidney association and we discussed dialysis and the low numbers of people having it done.

My Company was opening turnkey dialysis clinics both stationary and mobile. These clinics were set up in many countries worldwide. The Thai Dr and the Association here would not even consider having these clinics set up here. As they used refurbished units. Refurbished to US standards also having every replacable part barcoded so maintainence could be kept up with......Oh, no.....Thai people would never allow secondhand equipment used on its people was what they said. I showed him the diabetic forecast for the country and he scoffed.

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True! We are in danger of falling foul of a sugar epidemic and thus Diabetes Type 2. To cut out sugar altogether is extremely difficult, and remember that even some fruits have a high sugar content. Fructose used to be acceptable at one time, but now it too is linked to sucrose and should be avoided or taken in minimal quantities. Recent research claims that fruit juices contain 4x as much sugar as the fruit itself, so there is another myth exploded !

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Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that goes hand in hand with the metabolic syndrome. It's an epidemic in Asia. Thai's are far healthier than those in the West (esp USA). Though they are working hard to close the gap. The cause is dietary habits which have been changed by growing affluence and rather negative influences from food companies. My prediction is sugar will Replace cigarette smoking as the top health concern - there are billions of $ at risk

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The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


Edited by bil2054
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If I am planning a 3 hour evening cycle ride my meals are as follows:

Breakfast: Oats, 3 bananas, honey.

Lunch: Pasta, sardines, garlic, olive oil, banana cake with honey.

Pre-workout snack: Cereal, extra dried fruit, nuts.

During cycle ride: Prune juice and water.

Recovery drink: Cherry juice.

Evening meal: Potatoes, fish, large portion of fruit, grapes, mango, bananas etc. chocolate, coffee.

If you are prepared to put in the vigorous daily exercise, you can eat all the complex carbs that you want.

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The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

Rubbish, Type 2 can be controlled but is NOT reversible. Type 1 is NOT reversible and is almost impossible to control with just diet, T1 is mostly hereditary. And there is no herbal remedy that will add anything to the discussion, you should be suspended for making such claims.

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The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


Yes, type 2 it is controllable. However, that takes some effort, discipline, and changes in lifestyles, which most people don't appear willing to do. Although a physician might stress a change in lifestyle, the Mega Pharma industry subtly implies that one can change nothing and be "cured" of diabetes through monitoring glucose levels and taking their brand new medication. Mind you, the industry doesn't say this outright, but uses double speak to convince its victims that they can be cured through drugs alone. Compound this with a culture of gluttony (in the west) and emerging consumerism in the third world where the populace has access to unhealthy western food in bulk for the first time, and you have suicide on the installment plan. Diabetes has to be the worst disease because it doesn't kill quickly. It slowly eats up fingers, toes, feet, legs, eyesight, etc. There is no reason to expect the situation to change here before it does in the west. No matter how many articles appear, people will always want their cake (and soda, sugar laden "fruit" drinks, candy, etc.) and eat it too....without any consequences.

Edited by jaltsc
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It's sugar stupid! The coca-colonisation of the population. Too many sugary drinks (try buying sugar free sodas), too much sugar used in cooking, sugar in bread, etcetc.

No. 'Sugar-free' sodas have aspartame or fructose corn syrup. The rise in diabetes and epidemic of obesity follows the introduction of these toxic chemicals. Now difficult to avoid them.

fructose corn syrup is sugar....so a sugar free something has no fructose.

Aspartame is for sure more healthy than sugar...but I don't get why people need so much sweet. Buy soda water instead and squeeze a lemon in it....

Fructose corn syrup is not natural sugar. It has been chemically altered and they will not release the formula. As for aspartame being 'for sure' more healthy than sugar where did you get this? Aspartame is a completely unnatural 'excitotoxin' (destroys brain cells) and researchers hold it responsible for a whole host of chronic disorders.

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The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


Do YOU have a phd in endocrinology? Because your own link is hardly convincing. What is 'dangerous' is to take the advice of any message-board poster, even yourself. We would be sensible and check and follow-up. Right?

Nutritionist associations are sponsored by major food corporations. Their education is influenced as a result. Carb counting and fat counting do nothing to address the underlying cause of disease (lifetime management is where the money is at) and following her advice can still spike your blood sugar, as well as creating another (pain in the rear) food-management-obsessed life, such as we see with calorie-counting. 'Experts' such as this have their point of view but I find them rather 'dangerous' because hers is not the only point of view. None of these credentialed people can agree with each other (there have been 20,000 diets in the last 100 years) and being qualified in 'looking in the wrong direction' does not impress anyone. You can bet the farm her advice will change in a few years time. You, unfortunately, will have suffered and perhaps passed on by the time that happens.

The 2011 Newcastle Study showed diabetes can be reversed in 8-9 weeks with full restoration of pancreatic function for Type 2 diabetics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3168743/ Although they are 30 years late to the party. Gabriel Cousens has been reversing diabetes for 30 years and does so in 21 days. It used to be 28 because he only used raw food. He now incorporates juice fasting, which accelerates repair.

A major issue is that 9 out of 10 people, trying to alter their lifestyles, cannot do it alone. This is where a retreat can help. Dr Cousen's retreats are too expensive for most and his focus on the Kabbalah isn't to some people's taste but there are others. Type 1 is a different kettle of fish, with elevated risk, which is why most retreats won't take them on.

I sympathize with you and the 5 million who die each year from diabetes and related complications and lost my father to it. However, I disagree with the 'incurable' label, having reversed my own hypoglycemia after becoming addicted to ice-cream.

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The original headline is probably nearer the truth than most would care to admit. My wife works in a hospital and the number of patients with diabetes outnumbers all other illnesses by a long way. It is truly an epidemic. However, the numbers of reported deaths from diabetes are very much under-stated because many people die from other complications caused by the diabetes so they don't show the true picture because the doctors don't report the cause of death as diabetes. Very little is done to advise patients to change their eating habits - the doctors (being essentially big-Pharma salesmen) just push as many drugs as possible to make as much money as possible - as they do everywhere in the world. Actually diabetes is totally reversible - Type 2 is easy and Type 1 is harder but still possible - by a combination of eating the right foods and taking herbal supplements - but most people remain ignorant of this natural way to get better and suffer and die needlessly

Diabetes absolutely is NOT reversible!!

It IS controllable. Weight loss, exercise, and a very healthy diet will keep your glucose levels in an acceptable range. This does NOT mean that the disease has been reversed, cured, or any other bullshit word. The best one can do is CONTROL the disease. Particularly type 1 diabetics are NOT EVER GOING TO BE CURED. They have a pancreas that produces little or no insulin because it is damaged. Short of a transplant or an experimental, as yet, procedure to replace the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes.

I sure wish people would stop promoting bullshit ideas that they have no notion whatsoever what they are speaking about. Unless you have a PhD in endocrinology I suggest you stick to posting about your favourite football team. You are potentially endangering people's lives by spreading misinformation.

I have survived twenty plus years since being diagnosed, and have lost a number of friends and acquaintances to the condition, not to mention those who have had bits amputated, gone blind, etc. I do know a little about it.

For anyone interested in real information on diabetes check out this article:


Do YOU have a phd in endocrinology? Because your own link is hardly convincing. What is 'dangerous' is to take the advice of any message-board poster, even yourself. We would be sensible and check and follow-up. Right?

Nutritionist associations are sponsored by major food corporations. Their education is influenced as a result. Carb counting and fat counting do nothing to address the underlying cause of disease (lifetime management is where the money is at) and following her advice can still spike your blood sugar, as well as creating another (pain in the rear) food-management-obsessed life, such as we see with calorie-counting. 'Experts' such as this have their point of view but I find them rather 'dangerous' because hers is not the only point of view. None of these credentialed people can agree with each other (there have been 20,000 diets in the last 100 years) and being qualified in 'looking in the wrong direction' does not impress anyone. You can bet the farm her advice will change in a few years time. You, unfortunately, will have suffered and perhaps passed on by the time that happens.

The 2011 Newcastle Study showed diabetes can be reversed in 8-9 weeks with full restoration of pancreatic function for Type 2 diabetics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3168743/ Although they are 30 years late to the party. Gabriel Cousens has been reversing diabetes for 30 years and does so in 21 days. It used to be 28 because he only used raw food. He now incorporates juice fasting, which accelerates repair.

A major issue is that 9 out of 10 people, trying to alter their lifestyles, cannot do it alone. This is where a retreat can help. Dr Cousen's retreats are too expensive for most and his focus on the Kabbalah isn't to some people's taste but there are others. Type 1 is a different kettle of fish, with elevated risk, which is why most retreats won't take them on.

I sympathize with you and the 5 million who die each year from diabetes and related complications and lost my father to it. However, I disagree with the 'incurable' label, having reversed my own hypoglycemia after becoming addicted to ice-cream.

You have no idea what you're talking about, diabetes is not reversible, certain types of pre-diabetes are potentially reversible, what you may have had is a form of pre-diabetes. Here, read this and learn and stop spouting rubbish and nonsense:


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Is there a cure for diabetes?

"At this time there is no known cure for Types 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes. However we are funding pioneering, life-changing research into care, treatment and prevention and working to find a cure for all types of diabetes"


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I've noticed many Thais love that 3in1 coffee. I'm thinking that is the sugar ratio to coffee printed on the wrapper. A person might think water needs to be added to dilute the sugar but the Thais just pour in barely enough just to cover the coffee powder. The Na Mano ice tea, bottled fruit and soft drinks are a time bomb for these folks.

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