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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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Now will the French realise that they have done the wrong thing by letting this scum into THEIR country.

I only hope that other countries including my own, will stop letting Muslims into OUR countries.

We are all living in a foreign country at this time.

STOP the influx of immigrants now to stop this from happening.

There are too many do- gooders that want multi culturism.

Does not work with Muslim Countries.

They do not integrate with us, and will never change their ways.

I have never heard the so called CONSERVATIVE Muslim condemn the RADICAL ones.

WHY? Because of their religion.

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Death toll up to 140 and expected to increase as more bodies are discovered...

While the world is being destroyed by Islamic Terrorists...the leadership in the US wants to turn our attention to global warming and climate change as the greatest threats to our well being...Ironically, the next international meeting is to held in France soon...

This must be very insulting to ISIS...they are wondering what more they have to do to get recognition from Obama...maybe visiting the US would bring their activities into better perspective for US leaders...

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Maybe France and all of Europe can stop being so complacent now. I think some good could come out of this tragedy.

This is the way with all PC do-gooder policies. You have to wait until they have totally failed, at enormous cost, and then pick up the pieces and start again.

“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” - T.S. Eliot

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Death toll up to 140 and expected to increase as more bodies are discovered...

While the world is being destroyed by Islamic Terrorists...the leadership in the US wants to turn our attention to global warming and climate change as the greatest threats to our well being...Ironically, the next international meeting is to held in France soon...

This must be very insulting to ISIS...they are wondering what more they have to do to get recognition from Obama...maybe visiting the US would bring their activities into better perspective for US leaders...

ah someone had to get their "climate change denying rant in"
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WHEN is enough enough, hate from these people knows no bounds and its fine to say we have to try to change peoples attitudes , tell the innocent that , Oh you carnt because their stone cold dead, and so many more to come , being a free society means just that, shame these people take away others freedom, because they see freedom as an offence, yet they want all the trimmings and benefits from such a society,

Time is here where they need to be pushed back all over the world, these incidents are becoming more and more frequent at greater cost of innocent lives , don't want to assimilate , don't want to give any concessions on other beliefs, Dictate what you will do , how you do and if you don't do then stoned to death or shot as an infidel ,

I give my vote to the Myanmar buddhists monks who want to make sure the over running of free society does not happen here, although it is happening every week down south , sad reflection on 10,000 years of human evelution , where tolerance is non negotiable by these people,


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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

This thread starts to be used by some who like to express extreem right and islamophobic ideas...

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I am french.. All this due to our excellent President Hollande and thanks to all sh.. associations allowing those people to enter France and settle.. Islamic Sate said a lot of jihadists were mixed with real refugees.. AND anyway we have enough arabs in France for years not to need outsiders to have this sort of problems..

We cannot make Xmas trees anymore in most schools or towns... Women go around with Hikad, Food in schools has to be Hallal...

When will this stop ?

To answer to some posts here.. You in UK are not better than us.. You allow extremists to stay in UK and mainly in Hyde Park any islamist can and does talk in public saying whatever nonsense and shouting his hate for non muslims..

NOBODY will have the strength and balls to throw all those people out..

For the moment Hollande only speaks about victims... BUT give him a few hours and he will come out saying muslims are very good people and we shouldn't generalize ... only some exceptions are bad.. Bulls...

Have a nice day

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Twitter accounts linked to jihadists are celebrating the attacks in Paris

According to the SITE Intelligence Group tracking militant sites, Twitter posts attributed to jihadist supporters are speculating which group may be responsible. Many users expressed belief that the Islamic Group could be behind the carnage.

They used Arabic-language hashtags that translated to "Paris on fire" and "Caliphate state strikes France."

SITE says that accounts also circulated pictures of the attacks, and one pro-IS channel accused France of sending warplanes to bomb Syria and says "today it drinks from the same cup."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-15

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So good of Merkel to let them all in. What could possibly go wrong?

She (and all the PC politicians) that let this evil mob into Europe should be charged as an accessory to mass murder. I, and many others on this forum, could see exactly this situation would happen. You were warned, you failed to accept the warning and called us bigots for trying to talk about it. Well, time to pay the piper. No mercy for them.

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Now will the French realise that they have done the wrong thing by letting this scum into THEIR country.

I only hope that other countries including my own, will stop letting Muslims into OUR countries.

We are all living in a foreign country at this time.

STOP the influx of immigrants now to stop this from happening.

There are too many do- gooders that want multi culturism.

Does not work with Muslim Countries.

They do not integrate with us, and will never change their ways.

I have never heard the so called CONSERVATIVE Muslim condemn the RADICAL ones.

WHY? Because of their religion.

As long as its still ok for muslim countries to continue letting nn muslims go to their countries. I moved to a muslim country and very happy I did, best move I ever made. Multiculturism is working very well here with high numbers of chineses, indian, and many western people living happily. We do not have to integrate with the muslims, they inregrate and welcome us.

Oh and yes, there are many many muslims condemning the radical attacks.

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If your people where not fags they would vote for the right side... the extreme side... and all this shiiite would not happen !

Let Russia and China clean the world, this is your only chance, even US is useless now...


I am french.. All this due to our excellent President Hollande and thanks to all sh.. associations allowing those people to enter France and settle.. Islamic Sate said a lot of jihadists were mixed with real refugees.. AND anyway we have enough arabs in France for years not to need outsiders to have this sort of problems..

We cannot make Xmas trees anymore in most schools or towns... Women go around with Hikad, Food in schools has to be Hallal...

When will this stop ?

To answer to some posts here.. You in UK are not better than us.. You allow extremists to stay in UK and mainly in Hyde Park any islamist can and does talk in public saying whatever nonsense and shouting his hate for non muslims..

NOBODY will have the strength and balls to throw all those people out..

For the moment Hollande only speaks about victims... BUT give him a few hours and he will come out saying muslims are very good people and we shouldn't generalize ... only some exceptions are bad.. Bulls...

Have a nice day

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So good of Merkel to let them all in. What could possibly go wrong?

She (and all the PC politicians) that let this evil mob into Europe should be charged as an accessory to mass murder. I, and many others on this forum, could see exactly this situation would happen. You were warned, you failed to accept the warning and called us bigots for trying to talk about it. Well, time to pay the piper. No mercy for them.

I wasnt aware the attacks were carried out by the refugees Merkel let in. Do you have a link?

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Maybe France and all of Europe can stop being so complacent now. I think some good could come out of this tragedy.

I think it's more likely our politicians will be telling us again- 'this has nothing to do with Islam' /' these are not real Muslims' / 'lone wolf attacks'. Lying, gutless cowards.

Edited by jacky54
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domdom youre right.Next week world leaders will march in solidarity with the victims and remind us all not to show hate or show sceptism against muslims,and after this things will not change a bit unfortunately.

Edited by Yahooka
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When will the West wake up? Not until after the politicians get through huffing and puffing about how "merciless" they will be and then turn around and invite in another 200,000 muslim "refugees" just to show how strong they can be against their own citizens. And certainly NOT until some of these journalists at CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and the rest find themselves the targets of terrorist bombs and realize it can happen to them, too. What is France going to do about terrorism INSIDE France? They're going to invade Syria!!!

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So good of Merkel to let them all in. What could possibly go wrong?

She (and all the PC politicians) that let this evil mob into Europe should be charged as an accessory to mass murder. I, and many others on this forum, could see exactly this situation would happen. You were warned, you failed to accept the warning and called us bigots for trying to talk about it. Well, time to pay the piper. No mercy for them.

I wasnt aware the attacks were carried out by the refugees Merkel let in. Do you have a link?

Carried out in the name of the same religion and Allah, if it's not 'bigoted and Islamophobic' of me to mention it

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There are regional elections in december and the polls where a very high score for extreme right was pronosticated.. I imagine this will increase the tendency..

Hollande's PS should be highly defeated.. but this sc... will stay till end in 2017...

AGAIN... WHO will have the balls to take the necessary decisions ???????????? Nobody.. and surely not Hollande, takes a decision in the morning.. people begin to shout, .. midday he says he will think about it and at night he says he cancels his decision... He is as soft as Holland's cheese and doesn't have the competence of a President..

Have a nice day

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I can't even begin to comprehend how these uncivilised life-forms think that it's acceptable to get out of bed every morning with the sole intention of killing innocent human beings. They are pathetic, sick bastards who hide behind 'their' version of the Koran in order to justify their own inhumane desires to inflict pain, suffering and death on perfectly decent people. It may be easy for some to apportion blame on others, and the previous actions of others for these percieved 'retaliatory' attacks, but what we see here has no excuse. The perpetrators of this kind of act simply have absolutely no concept of the value of human life. It means nothing to them. They are simply fulfilling their own personal desire(s) to dominate by causing death. I've watched videos on Youtube that I will never watch again. I saw there a similar sort of people pulling the triggers of their AK 47's and revelling in the obvious bodily mutilation and loss of life. There can be no place for that in my world, or in the world of any other decent, normal human being. They do not deserve a place on this Earth.

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If your people where not fags they would vote for the right side... the extreme side... and all this shiiite would not happen !

Let Russia and China clean the world, this is your only chance, even US is useless now...


I am french.. All this due to our excellent President Hollande and thanks to all sh.. associations allowing those people to enter France and settle.. Islamic Sate said a lot of jihadists were mixed with real refugees.. AND anyway we have enough arabs in France for years not to need outsiders to have this sort of problems..

We cannot make Xmas trees anymore in most schools or towns... Women go around with Hikad, Food in schools has to be Hallal...

When will this stop ?

To answer to some posts here.. You in UK are not better than us.. You allow extremists to stay in UK and mainly in Hyde Park any islamist can and does talk in public saying whatever nonsense and shouting his hate for non muslims..

NOBODY will have the strength and balls to throw all those people out..

For the moment Hollande only speaks about victims... BUT give him a few hours and he will come out saying muslims are very good people and we shouldn't generalize ... only some exceptions are bad.. Bulls...

Have a nice day

Agree...but when, for example, China cracks down hard on terrorists (numerous bombing and knifing attacks) in Xinjiang Province, the China-bashing Western media comes to the side of the terrorists...claiming China infringes on their human rights. rolleyes.gif

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