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ISIS Releases Chilling Video Threatening to Attack Russia “Very Soon”

Jonathan Fairfield

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ISIL is not a country with borders or gridded out population centers with networks of transportation or other infrastructure of industry, communications, agriculture, rivers, dams, airports, centers of finance or commerce and certainly no centers of culture or philosophy.

Putin wants to castrate ISIL, he's probably going to have to bomb out every cave and hill in Iraq, Syria and the Levant to get maybe a dozen of 'em.

Putin's regular forces will have to scour every grove of trees, each watering hole, every valley and spider hole to come up with more than a handful of air. IS hasn't any Grozny nor does it have a Crimea. It doesn't have any army posts, naval bases, air force facilities. No schools to barrel bomb either. Few if any families to go round up and butcher to get even with IS over or to intimidate them. No hospital facilities to bomb out, no mosques to concentrate against. No unarmed young men to round up and throw into a ditch to massacre.

ISIL are asymmetric, dispersed, covert. They are in their own element and environment, from the terrain to the language and to the desolation. Putin can blast their putative capital Raqqa back to the stone age but that would be no more than be a cat scratch on the skin of IS. Putin's already been bombs away in Raqqa for some months now anyhow.

It is realistic to say ISIL are systematically ruthless and contemptuous of life in ways Putin and the Russian people have yet to imagine. IS are not Chechen nor are IS Ukraine. Putin needs to expect something more like fanatics that exceed anything anyone has encountered in Afghanistan or in the mujahideen that routed Soviet forces, a thousand Genghis Khan barbarians on steroids. Once this bursts upon Russians in Russia neither Russia nor Putin will be the same. Even the United States does not get this kind of ISIL focus, fury, purpose, and there's a good reason for that -- we are not ruthless. We are not harsh nor are we malicious or malevolent.

If IS does carry through on its severe malevolence against Russia and Russian neo-imperialism, and against Russians in their intense nationalism in own land, and in their own Russian cities, restaurants and theaters, IS might make France look like training day. Then we all can watch Putin barrel bomb some clusters of big rocks in Syria.

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..........and Russia will also hit back very hard if attacked.They are still fighting in a way we in the West(unfortunately) stopped doing after WW2,which means a total war.Remember they basically exterminated tens of thousands of people in Checnya and flattened whole cities in the process.

Russians also sacrificed millions of their own soldiers on the assault on Berlin. They are actually did most of the heavy lifting in conquering the Germans.

And defending Stalingrad , "The turning point of the war" You've probably read them , but Antony Beevor wrote on both subjects, The savagery of the fight with both sides fighting to defend in both Stalingrad and Berlin, there symbolic Home

ISIL ain't Chechnya and in fact IS doesn't have a place with borders other than the places they fight and hold, such as their nominal capital Raqqa in NE Syria which Putin can level without consequence to IS cause they don't need one or more specific locations. ISIL is amorphous, not static as were Stalingrad and Berlin in WW2.

In WW2 btw the US supplied Soviet Russia significantly as a wartime only ally to set them up to bash the Nazis in Russia especially after the cakewalk D-Day invasion of Nazi occupied Europe, on June 6, 1944 in Normandy. That picnic known as Operation Overlord contributed enormously to dividing Nazi armies sharply between the Western Front and the Eastern Front so the Soviet Russians could bash the fascist army over there. Stalin pushed hard over two years to open a Western front so his Red Army could finally get some Ws in the war instead of only its pack of Ls.

The Russian army on its own as it was in WWOne was a pathetic disaster and had eventually to pull out of the war and the rest is more grotesque Russian history, to include the Afghanistan disaster pre-USSR collapse.

IS doesn't give a rats arse who Putin is or what he threatens or who his dubious military has bashed to date, such as in Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine and other faint and failed places. ISIL is interested only in the fact Vlad lives in Russia where he's boss and that Vlad wants to be boss in Syria and its ME environs, the latter being the primary interest of ISIL. So now Russia itself in its own long untouched homeland has been marked as next by IS on their list due to Vlad's stupidity in Syria. Twentysomething Russians with iPhones have a lot to prove as possible soldiers to defend Russia the mother.

If ISIL follows through on their viable and believable threat/promise, the Russian response might draw some IS blood, to put it rather frankly, but Russia flies a lot of airplanes and has a big country with a lot of people and places to target along a lot of pretty good roads, rails, air routes.

As Sergeant Harry Callahan like to say on the SFPD, while flashing a 44 magnum in the guy's face, a man's got to know his limitations. Putin's major problem is that he loves to wear an undershirt with a big red S on it. Now Vlad has to worry about losing his shirt.

Edited by Publicus
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The Russians are straight forward.

If someone bomb their civil aircrafts, and if they know where the enemy is.

Then they stand up, and fight them.

Nothing wrong with it.

Some of you seem to think that Russia is this formidable, ruthless, no BS sort of regime that could solve the Middle East problem if they really wanted to. How incredibly naive. Russia doesn't have any sort of magical wand that can just fix the craziness in Syria or anywhere else. What Russia has is a leader who doesn't follow the rule of law or humanitarian causes, or anything like an international coalition. Putin does what is in the best interest of Putin. Yes, he would have no qualms torturing someone if it helps him personally. And his military and intel are not comparable to the US, not even close.

Russia is not in Syria for the sake of peace or anything else, but for Russia's internal political reasons. And after spending millions, as well as sacrificing countless Russian lives, they will fail.

Edited by Berkshire
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So far, Russia is causing more problems than solving. But as pointed out above, their main goal is propping up Assad. Not attacking ISIS.


Russian military action in Syria is increasing the number of refugees trying to reach Europe, European Council President Donald Tusk has said.

Speaking at a G20 summit in Turkey, Mr Tusk said Russia should focus more on Islamic State (IS) militants and not against "moderate Syrian opposition".

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At the last G-20 summit in Brisbane Putin left early due to the approbation he got from almost all of the 19 heads of government/state because of Ukraine.

As of this G-20 in Turkey Putin had already lost an airliner of his own, over the Sinai of all places, and has been issued a grim reaper card for Russia from the ISIL.

So now Putin has come walking in seeking out the other 19, talking cooperation and teamwork and how we're all in this together blah blah blurp blurp.

Putin met with Prez Obama privately for 30 minutes, which is their first meeting since Putin started bombing US friendly rebels in Syria while dropping a few token firecrackers on ISIL in his not so excellent adventure in Syria. Putin's only tickled IS in Syria yet IS is saying they're going to ream Russia a new one right there in Russia itself. One can get the impression Putin is intensely disliked by just about everyone everywhere on the planet save Beijing and Tehran (and a very few Internet discussion boards).

It's good to see Putin and Obama talking and it's even better to see Putin groveling around all of a sudden trying to make 19 new friends (maybe more like 17) . Good luck with that one Vlad.

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