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Thai Premier asks press to help create understanding on reform


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"He also asked news stations, columnists, and journalists to be extra careful with cases that are considered threats to national security"

Translation, Don't print stories that criticize his rule or he will throw you in prison.wai.gif National security, what a joke.

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Former education minister Somsak Prisanananthakul was cleared of unusual wealth charge after the National Legislative Assembly today voted not to impeach him.

Reforms? We don't need no stinking reforms. Who are the NLA, oh yeah, them.

Hey! You stop telling the truth right now! You're being a threat to national security!!! bah.gif
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Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

What about educational reform? My g/f's sister pays almost 15,000 bahts a year to send her 2 children to a government school. My g/f tells me that Thaskin was apparently working on a program of free education when he was given the boot. Another unwanted populist policy. Its the grass roots problems that need attention not subs, trains to China, new guns for the police all this is window dressing. If Thailand ever progresses they will need an educated workforce not just an elite educated workforce but a program that will float all boats. My g/f is a product of boarding school her parents could not send her to a paid government school. She received a rudimentary education and she was one of the lucky ones. Until a free school system is introduced the poor and impoverished will be left behind. Her brother is a mechanic earning 15,000 bahts a month with no overtime pay. They tell him that he will be a manager some day. Ha ha. He and his g/f are leaving for Korea for a better way of life.

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The Premier said he never wanted to violate freedom of the press. What the government has always done is ask for cooperation, he added.

Censorship at it's best, ... just one big fat lie... OK, make that 2 big fat lies.... coffee1.gif

Cooperate or else. The Thai word for daily news must translate to propaganda.

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This has always been the failing of the junta head - a steadfast belief that his way is the right way, any everyone else is just part of the problem.

That's not leadership (more like paranoia).

What his wants is propaganda and suppression of the media for the junta's benefit NOT for the people of Thailand.

Let's hope the media are brave enough to respond to his threats appropriately!

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Suthep's Prayuth's reforms;

1. Manipulate the electoral system so the sycophantic party with the second most votes gets into power

2. Weaken every other institution apart from the army

3. Embed the military in the 'democratic' process to ensure they have the power to throw out any government they don't like without having to commit a troublesome & expensive military coup d'etat

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It really does astound me that some on this forum believe the coup was instigated in order to implement 'reforms'

Have you people not read the history of Thailand sine 1932?

'Ah, but this time it is different you see, because...Well because.'
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Those few members of the Thai press who have teased out a bit of understanding of implications of reform are frightened to share what they have learned to general public. Would be seen as subversive, anti-junta. Understanding goals of junta would lead to opposition to so called "reforms". Last thing PM wants is understanding of agenda. What they do want press et al to understand is that giving their game away will lead to nasty consequences for those who tell the facts.

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