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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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Only if by "Islamist" he means "Islamist terrorists" rather than all Muslims.
What a purposeless post. What he means is exactly what he says, and a child by 2015 gets it. In fact, islamist is effectively synonymous with islamist terrrorist, and in common use everyone knows this.

What rubbish. What utter hair splitting word redefining absurdity does one suggest there is a qualitative difference between islamic supremacy and islamic supremacy with a sword; between calling for the death of others and actually killing others; between raising money for jihad and spending money on jihad? This foolish false difference exists in your mind. Islamist are terrorists because they are jihadis. Jihadis are not just those who shout "My God is Greater Than Your God!" and go boom. Islamists insinuate into mosques, raise money, form front groups, build whabbai mosques, become the muslim brotherhood, etc.

I don't often agree with you. Today I am reminded why.

Then u are totally wrong.

Christians that are against abortion are in no way related to christians against against abortion that use violence to force their point.

Lets just out and say what this really is. Its out and out racist. Minority of muslims are from middle east but all the posters here are on about middle eastern bearded rag heads. Thats a quote.

There are many muslims who you wouldnt even know were muslim, eat pork, drink alcohol etc. but reality is most on here know nothing of muslims and islam, yourself included. All they see is dark skinned bearded man with hijab wife in tow and froth starts coming out of their mouth.

But the majority of muslims are not like that.

Its quite funny in malaysia when i am out for beers with the gf and some comments about muslims abound. Sit quietly and let them dig their hole then at the end of the night say they have had a grand old night in company of a muslim girl.

They soon apologise for the stupidity of their generalisation. Funny how they tar all muslims with the same brush.

This is a good response, prima fasciae. However, this is false analogy. Christians who oppose abortion but do not use use violence also and do not advocate outside of the law. When they do, they are arrested.

You make an analogy, quite rudimentary, that asserts people, because they are religious, and have advocacy, share the same analogous value as islamists who espouse supremacist views. Islamists espouse a supranational super state of islamic theocracy with sharia as the law. This House of Submission, global islam, has variously been the goal of caliphs or shia line for... since the first fracture with ali. Islamists who do not take up arms nevertheless consistently have a religious card extended to them in the West whereas no secular advocacy for overthrowing the government would be equally tolerated. The advocacy of hate they offer the Koran statesas meaning would otherwise be met with arrest and jail if it was an atheist and mein kampf read from a pulpit. Thinking islamists and christian advocates opposing abortion are analogous reveals a dark streak in the manner you offer observations, i regret.

How do you devolve a conversation about islamists into a generalization about muslims? I thought we all agreed over numerous OPs these are two very different things, such as wife beaters and humans. Clearly all wife beaters are humans, but not all humans are wife beaters. That you devolve into this generalization so flippantly suggests an emotive argument, and not one of facts. We are not talking about muslims- with any noteworthy posts in this thread- rather terrorists/islamists bent on a supra caliph state acting out violence in Paris and really, the planet earth.

I have spent the majority of my adult life in only muslim countries. Since you are directing your response to me, i assume, I will presume you are calling me a racist. If not, you are saying all people who think the way I do must be racist. Ok. Well, this too demonstrates how out of your depth you are on this topical point alone. Muslims are not a race, they are followers of a religion, previously known as Muhamadeans, later Musselmen, and currently Muslims. All arabs are not muslim. All muslims are not arab. Do you remotely get that this has nothing to with race. People just want the freedom to protest their own abuse, enslavement and death, unlike that offered to the hundreds of millions destroyed by previous islamists.

It is a basic tenet of their faith for all Christians to spread the gospel and convert, an equal form of religious supremacism. Maybe time you got stuck into Evangelicals too rather than maintain your Islamophobic rants to support your hidden political agenda.

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

I hope the idiots who welcomed refugees with applause and tears in their eyes at German railway stations now realise how naive they have been.

Racist Islamophobic nonsense to conflate the suffering of refugees with the Paris atrocity.

Edited by dexterm
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@Linky - I would hope, and I mean it sincerely, that all refugees are kept track of, investigated, processed. Those that arenot genuinely refugees fleeing isis are sent packing. The remainder treated as humanely as anyone of any religion fleeing isis.

Stop talking about ISIS and refugees. FIrst of all 30% of all refugees in Germany are not Syrians, even if they claim to be Syrians. In a village were I grow up their are 130 Bangladeshi's and Pakistanis. I was their last month. Another 40% according to the German Interior Minister came from Turkey and Lebanon but they don't want to stay their because their are no benefits as they only get food from the UNHCR but no financial incentives. Afghan refugees have a chance to make it to either Pakistan or Iran but they want to go to Europe because their is money to be made.

A male refugee with a wife, two children can make 1100 Euros per month including free accommodations, so who wants to stay in Turkey, Lebanon, Iran or Pakistan.

It was Merkel that invited the problem into Europe because my country Germany very much controls the EU. Her intentions were chai dee but without a plan you can't just say to all those Muslim countries, hey we take you all in.

The German are responsible for the mess and I hope Merkel is going to resign to stop that nightmare. As you are familiar with Indonesia, let Indonesia take in 1 million brothers and sisters but I guess Indonesia gives a damn about them and is on par with all those other Muslim countries that don't want to get them into their country.

The Syrians will end up like the Palestinians but it is not really the problem of the West but the Muslims in general have to change their country from the inside.


Either way; you are wrong!


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many anti-Islam they take advantage of such occasions to say: look how this ideology? look how Islam is?

if we use a little logical thinking to come up with a reasonable conclusion we'll find the true that these killers are highly condemned and accused in Islam and from the holy book of Quran, whoever killed one single innocent person same as killed everyone,

However, you racist and anti-Islam keep trying all your best, you will never cause any harm to this the most and fastest religion that keeps spreading over the glob,

this terror activity is first condemned and most accused in Islam,

these vagabond dogs they may rest in the hell forever, they are not belong to humanity or any religion,

What you say is false.

Muhammad in the second part of the Qur'an (Koran of Medina) clearly calls for the killing of infidels almost every page. All us therefore, and particularly the 128 of Paris.

4.89: "They would like as their sombriez yourself in disbelief that you're at the same point (sawa ') than them. Do not take them for friends as they will not have emigrated for the cause of God, and if they turn away, you grab them and kill them wherever you find them. And do not take them as allies or supporters for! "

4.90: "[kill them wherever you find them] with the exception of those who visit a tribe (qawn) to which you are bound by a treaty or those who come find you a heavy heart at the thought of you fight or fight their tribe; if God had willed, He would have made you masters and they would have fought you. Also, if they avoid you, do not fight you and offer you their submission, God will not allow you to show their hostility. "

etc ...

Like it or not Islamist murderers of Christians or Jews are simply good Muslims.

Is why we are in a complete impasse with that.

Is it really fair to quote what Muhammad said and then to apply that to all peoples who embrace Islam?

Would that not be the same as painting anyone, with a broad brush, who claims to be an American, or French, or British, and apply what all their leaders said and did throughout history? ... to say that these people are born into their native lands and that automatically pins upon them all the faults and failures of their county's past?

What about the Bible, or the Talmud, or the Torah, or any other religious writing of significance?...

Can you say the same about Christians or Jews or Catholics, or Buddhists, or any others, regardless of the voracity or sterility of the writings ascribed to that belief or view?

As I stated (suggested/implied) in another post... I believe that each individual is above his or her religion, and only the feeble or weak ones ascribe to his or her own religion until they reach such a time as to be able to recognize what is right or wrong or acceptable or unacceptable to his or her own brother or sister in this life.

Religion is a scapegoat and moreover an excuse. 80% of the the peoples are basically good and 20% want to keep the pot stirred... yet less than 20% of that 20% have the monopoly on the media and the broadcasting to make it seem to the 80% that it is the 80% who feel such a way... when in fact it is not true.

I trust I am making some sense herein, yes?

You are correct in that Muhammad may have said this or that, but I would rather you give leeway to those who embrace Islam and sort it out for themselves and present to us their own individual views on this.

I would wager that of all the films of all the Islamic bad guys you have seen would not comprise more than... say... 15 to 20% of the Islamic religion.

Moreover, I would state the same about those who embrace the Bible and other writings of significance.

But if you are going to point out books and their content and the corrosive and threatening and violent things they promote to all mankind, then I would respectfully ask that you not stop merely at the Koran of Medina, but also move on to all other religious writings.

It simply is insincere and disingenuous to do this with focus on only one item and neglect to mention the other items which play a major role in today's problems, and to which that 20% embrace with fanatical malignancy.

I have yet to walk into a bar and strike up a chat with a Muslim with C4 strapped to his hide and the sweat beading on his forehead in anticipation of shouting "Allah Akbar!", or a Jew with an AK47 popping kids outside on the street as we swill down the beers, or a Mormon ready to bludgeon someone for being a non-believer. This statement is meant to be humorous, in case no one gets it.

Religion is a crutch and moreover an indoctrination to keep mankind crawling on all fours and bleating to an invisible friend, instead of walking upright and shouting at the sky to anyone out there to come down and meet him (man) on realistic terms... terms that do not require abject and disgusting worship to any bloodthirsty creature.

I guess what I am saying,as an agnostic, is that I feel that I am better than any god or any figure in any written manuscript, simply because I have sinned (if you want to call it that) yet those books I mentioned also proclaim those heroes and heroins as having done the same, but they get credit for it and I get the poopy end of the stick.

Just my views, mate!... just my views.

I guess they are all similar.

But which one goes 'BOOM' all too frequently?

And then claims responsibility as a badge of honour?

I agree, I dont hear of Christians or Jews running around with c4 strapped to their bodies to blow up a bar full of innocent people.

The only thing I would add is that if real Muslims do not do such things and do not condone it then where are they? I have seen posts of Muslim people applauding the bombers for killing French people so where is the overwhelming condemnation of the bombers from the Muslim community who claim to be people of peace?

This cycle of violence will never end unless the Muslim people crush these extremists themselves,, the alternative is terrorist bombings, followed by a military response, followed by more terrorist bombings,, round and around and around.

I can see a world where the West make the practice of Islam illegal in their countries if this carries on, undermining the whole point of freedom.

If anyone has seen public condemnation from the Muslim community please post it.

In reference to your last comment...

Do you have any Muslim friends? Or are you connected with any Muslims on social media?

Probably not.

Edited by Fookhaht
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a sad thing is that the right wing in France, and all over the western world, will feel themselves vindicated in their bigotry and hatred...

a sad day indeed...

There was a news report asserting this was a tactic of ISIS. Do these kinds of attacks and polarize Europe even more, putting right wingers more in power. Then magically create more Islamist RECRUITS for their cause who will be angry about their right wing leaders. Sounds like a recipe for total war.

Well then don't fall into the ISIS trap by jumping on the bandwagon with your Islamophobic rants. Treat people as you find them on an individiual basis without racist/religionist stereotyping.

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

I hope the idiots who welcomed refugees with applause and tears in their eyes at German railway stations now realise how naive they have been.

Racist Islamophobic nonsense to conflate the suffering of refugees with the Paris atrocity.
there is always one.
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a sad thing is that the right wing in France, and all over the western world, will feel themselves vindicated in their bigotry and hatred...

a sad day indeed...

There was a news report asserting this was a tactic of ISIS. Do these kinds of attacks and polarize Europe even more, putting right wingers more in power. Then magically create more Islamist RECRUITS for their cause who will be angry about their right wing leaders. Sounds like a recipe for total war.

Well then don't fall into the ISIS trap by jumping on the bandwagon with your Islamophobic rants. Treat people as you find them on an individiual basis without racist/religionist stereotyping.

I agree with this completely. Why don't we ever learn form history. How many people in Germany regretted their actions by voting in Hitler? Germany was in an economic mess, people were struggling and the hate campaigners went to work siting Jews and non Germans as the cause for all their misery and then started with scaremongering saying how it was going to get worse, they are taking over, we have to stop them,,,, sound familiar.

In desperate times people can do desperate things and the right wingers know this and come crawling out of the woodwork at every opportunity.. We should all know better.

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many anti-Islam they take advantage of such occasions to say: look how this ideology? look how Islam is?

if we use a little logical thinking to come up with a reasonable conclusion we'll find the true that these killers are highly condemned and accused in Islam and from the holy book of Quran, whoever killed one single innocent person same as killed everyone,

However, you racist and anti-Islam keep trying all your best, you will never cause any harm to this the most and fastest religion that keeps spreading over the glob,

this terror activity is first condemned and most accused in Islam,

these vagabond dogs they may rest in the hell forever, they are not belong to humanity or any religion,

What you say is false.

Muhammad in the second part of the Qur'an (Koran of Medina) clearly calls for the killing of infidels almost every page. All us therefore, and particularly the 128 of Paris.

4.89: "They would like as their sombriez yourself in disbelief that you're at the same point (sawa ') than them. Do not take them for friends as they will not have emigrated for the cause of God, and if they turn away, you grab them and kill them wherever you find them. And do not take them as allies or supporters for! "

4.90: "[kill them wherever you find them] with the exception of those who visit a tribe (qawn) to which you are bound by a treaty or those who come find you a heavy heart at the thought of you fight or fight their tribe; if God had willed, He would have made you masters and they would have fought you. Also, if they avoid you, do not fight you and offer you their submission, God will not allow you to show their hostility. "

etc ...

Like it or not Islamist murderers of Christians or Jews are simply good Muslims.

Is why we are in a complete impasse with that.

Is it really fair to quote what Muhammad said and then to apply that to all peoples who embrace Islam?

Would that not be the same as painting anyone, with a broad brush, who claims to be an American, or French, or British, and apply what all their leaders said and did throughout history? ... to say that these people are born into their native lands and that automatically pins upon them all the faults and failures of their county's past?

What about the Bible, or the Talmud, or the Torah, or any other religious writing of significance?...

Can you say the same about Christians or Jews or Catholics, or Buddhists, or any others, regardless of the voracity or sterility of the writings ascribed to that belief or view?

As I stated (suggested/implied) in another post... I believe that each individual is above his or her religion, and only the feeble or weak ones ascribe to his or her own religion until they reach such a time as to be able to recognize what is right or wrong or acceptable or unacceptable to his or her own brother or sister in this life.

Religion is a scapegoat and moreover an excuse. 80% of the the peoples are basically good and 20% want to keep the pot stirred... yet less than 20% of that 20% have the monopoly on the media and the broadcasting to make it seem to the 80% that it is the 80% who feel such a way... when in fact it is not true.

I trust I am making some sense herein, yes?

You are correct in that Muhammad may have said this or that, but I would rather you give leeway to those who embrace Islam and sort it out for themselves and present to us their own individual views on this.

I would wager that of all the films of all the Islamic bad guys you have seen would not comprise more than... say... 15 to 20% of the Islamic religion.

Moreover, I would state the same about those who embrace the Bible and other writings of significance.

But if you are going to point out books and their content and the corrosive and threatening and violent things they promote to all mankind, then I would respectfully ask that you not stop merely at the Koran of Medina, but also move on to all other religious writings.

It simply is insincere and disingenuous to do this with focus on only one item and neglect to mention the other items which play a major role in today's problems, and to which that 20% embrace with fanatical malignancy.

I have yet to walk into a bar and strike up a chat with a Muslim with C4 strapped to his hide and the sweat beading on his forehead in anticipation of shouting "Allah Akbar!", or a Jew with an AK47 popping kids outside on the street as we swill down the beers, or a Mormon ready to bludgeon someone for being a non-believer. This statement is meant to be humorous, in case no one gets it.

Religion is a crutch and moreover an indoctrination to keep mankind crawling on all fours and bleating to an invisible friend, instead of walking upright and shouting at the sky to anyone out there to come down and meet him (man) on realistic terms... terms that do not require abject and disgusting worship to any bloodthirsty creature.

I guess what I am saying,as an agnostic, is that I feel that I am better than any god or any figure in any written manuscript, simply because I have sinned (if you want to call it that) yet those books I mentioned also proclaim those heroes and heroins as having done the same, but they get credit for it and I get the poopy end of the stick.

Just my views, mate!... just my views.

I guess they are all similar.

But which one goes 'BOOM' all too frequently?

And then claims responsibility as a badge of honour?

I agree, I dont hear of Christians or Jews running around with c4 strapped to their bodies to blow up a bar full of innocent people.

The only thing I would add is that if real Muslims do not do such things and do not condone it then where are they? I have seen posts of Muslim people applauding the bombers for killing French people so where is the overwhelming condemnation of the bombers from the Muslim community who claim to be people of peace?

This cycle of violence will never end unless the Muslim people crush these extremists themselves,, the alternative is terrorist bombings, followed by a military response, followed by more terrorist bombings,, round and around and around.

I can see a world where the West make the practice of Islam illegal in their countries if this carries on, undermining the whole point of freedom.

If anyone has seen public condemnation from the Muslim community please post it.

In reference to your last comment...

Do you have any Muslim friends? Or are you connected with any Muslims on social media?

Probably not.

Yes, I have Muslim friends back in the UK. Are they appalled by the atrocities yes, but I am not talking about individuals opinions.

If, theoretically a Catholic strapped a bomb to himself ran into a Mosque and killed dozens of people I am am 100% convinced that the Vatican would make a statement claiming they do work on behalf of Catholics and condemn the atrocity.

So, what I am saying is I would like to see Muslim leaders getting together and releasing statements of how appalled they are and how they do not recognise or support these so called Muslims..

I think this publicity will help curb a lot of generalisation and hatred towards ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

If it doesn't happen, it makes me and other suspicious about how is this viewed by the Muslim community..

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a sad thing is that the right wing in France, and all over the western world, will feel themselves vindicated in their bigotry and hatred...

a sad day indeed...

There was a news report asserting this was a tactic of ISIS. Do these kinds of attacks and polarize Europe even more, putting right wingers more in power. Then magically create more Islamist RECRUITS for their cause who will be angry about their right wing leaders. Sounds like a recipe for total war.

Well then don't fall into the ISIS trap by jumping on the bandwagon with your Islamophobic rants. Treat people as you find them on an individiual basis without racist/religionist stereotyping.

Do you think you could stop your meaningless and unjustified attacks on posters you just do not agree with as 'bigots/ racists / Islamaphobes. It is starting to look hysterical and is uncalled for, thank you.

Edited by jacky54
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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

I hope the idiots who welcomed refugees with applause and tears in their eyes at German railway stations now realise how naive they have been.

Racist Islamophobic nonsense to conflate the suffering of refugees with the Paris atrocity.
there is always one.
There are actually many of us. That's how fascism is eventually defeated.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. " (Edmund Burke)
"Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again.
Referring to Arturo Ui (representing Adolf Hitler), in The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. (Bertolt Brecht)
Edited by dexterm
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Too late. French government sacrificed the French hostages instead of negotiating. They are not a iota better than IS, with their hailed "Western values".

It's been reported most were already dead before they went in. Anyway, the terrorists were all wearing suicide belts. Negotiating wasn't in their game plan.

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Paris Terrorist Was Migrant Who Registered As A Refugee In Greece

The Greek government has announced one of the terrorist gunmen who had a part in killing over 120 in Paris on Friday evening entered Europe while masquerading as a refugee just six weeks ago.

ctd http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/14/paris-terrorist-migrant-registered-refugee-greece/

According to German media reports, Greece now hints that a second terrorist in the Paris attacks may have passed through Greece in August 2015.

Furthermore the German LKA (State Criminal Police Office) reports now that they have informed the French Authorities on the 6th of November that they arrested a person from Montenegro with 8x AK47, 200g of TNT, 2 pistols, 2 hand grenades and 1 revolver. The arrested person had an address in his GPS navigator for Paris. The German BKA informed the French counter parts but France informed the BKA to go through official channels if they want further details and exchange infos with the French counter parts.

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Like many people you err in calling islam a religion....it is not.

it is a political system that permeates every aspect of life,

What you can or not cannot do.

What you can or cannot wear.

Who you can or cannot marry.

And that's just for the men.

For the women its much ,much worse.

Genital mutilation i.e the clitoris removed with a knife ( where are the feminists now??).

In some areas cannot go outside the house uncovered without being accompanied by a male relative.

Basically a slave

Forget driving a car

Education...yeah right!

Can't handle the rules?..no problem...get stoned (no bongs involved here) until you die buried in the dirt up to your breasts.

No..its never been a religion...religiously followed for sure...but never a religion.

Oh dear, so so wrong.

My gf is muslim, comes from a very conservative family in north malaysia, near thai border.

Owns 2 cars, so yes drives

Education, has 2 degrees and currently doing a doctorate.

Can marry whoever she wants.

Dresses however she wants.

Goes out to bars with her muslim girlfriends, yes they drink alcohol.

Now, about the clitoris, it is not removed. It is similar to male circumcision but much less. A small nic, about half a cm to 1cm on the covering of the clitoris to expose it. Some of her friends had it done and some didnt.

So being a muslim how is it that the rules you state they must follow do not apply to her and her friends. The problem with generalisations are that they are wrong.

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

I hope the idiots who welcomed refugees with applause and tears in their eyes at German railway stations now realise how naive they have been.

Racist Islamophobic nonsense to conflate the suffering of refugees with the Paris atrocity.
there is always one.


The Muslim killers didn't give a toss about the repercussions against Muslim refugees did they..?

No not at all. They are psycho.

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To be exact with the news today, the victims are normal people with 129 death, some 100 injured between death and life among 356 injured. 7 terrorists was dead mainly by activating their bomb blast belt. 3 terrorists was arrested at France-Belgium border during their retreat to Belgium due to their car plate identified by video. Only 1 terrorist is somewhere.

One of the terrorist is identifed as french citizen identified by french intelligence with the S file (muslim jihadist), an other terrorist has a syrian passport coming from greece with immigrant boat people (maybe false passport), one terrorist who was arrested at belgium is french living in belgium (it's him renting the 2 cars using for the attack at Brussel).

The attack was lead by 3 teams, the action took at all in 20 minutes, 2 cars was used, the target was a concert hall, a soccer place and some 5 different well knowned restaurants inside Paris. The purpose is to kill a maximum poeple possible.

Terrorist claim it's their answer to french politic to go in war with daesh in syria and Iraq.

A cowerded act of war against civilian victims.

This is very interesting. Thank you for this.

Would you mind providing a reliable link/source to this diligent appraisal?

-respectfully, of course!

I have been scouring YouTube for some comment from Mr.Hollande or Ms.Le Pen and thus far nothing.

It seems news has a way of getting out before those who are qualified to say something have a chance to say anything.

Here is a story similar to the version above. In this version all attackers blew themselves up. http://news.yahoo.com/paris-attacked-police-hunt-accomplices-065411619.html#

As seems to be the case in so many instances, the terrorist plans seem to have been executed perfectly with great effect. 3 teams, 2 teams of 2 and 1 team of 3 managed, while blowing themselves up along the way, hit 7 separate locations through out the city on a busy friday night, all in 20 minutes. Seemingly, never hindered by police or any other obstacle.

The luck these terror groups have is almost to incredible to believe, considering they would only have a couple minutes at each location then travel to the next in perfect unhindered conditions.

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Too late. French government sacrificed the French hostages instead of negotiating. They are not a iota better than IS, with their hailed "Western values".

It's been reported most were already dead before they went in. Anyway, the terrorists were all wearing suicide belts. Negotiating wasn't in their game plan.

Early reports mentioned some demands. Did anything come of that, did they actually make any demands?

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wow, it has just been confirmed by a greek minister that the syrian murderer who was killed in paris, registered on a greek island in october as a refugee, who came with all the other " refugees".

cant wait for a response from the doogooders.

I hope the idiots who welcomed refugees with applause and tears in their eyes at German railway stations now realise how naive they have been.

Why would they? Very strange and ill-thought out comment, but typical for this Forum!

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My GF is a Thai Muslim but only just, extremely moderate however she will not say that what is happening is wrong (re the cartoon killings) and heaven forbid if I say a bad word about Alah! she goes deadly serious and its off topic. So its not just extremists its nearly all Muslims, they will not condone terror attacks

Edited by mcfish
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a sad thing is that the right wing in France, and all over the western world, will feel themselves vindicated in their bigotry and hatred...

a sad day indeed...

There was a news report asserting this was a tactic of ISIS. Do these kinds of attacks and polarize Europe even more, putting right wingers more in power. Then magically create more Islamist RECRUITS for their cause who will be angry about their right wing leaders. Sounds like a recipe for total war.

Well then don't fall into the ISIS trap by jumping on the bandwagon with your Islamophobic rants. Treat people as you find them on an individiual basis without racist/religionist stereotyping.

I agree with this completely. Why don't we ever learn form history. How many people in Germany regretted their actions by voting in Hitler? Germany was in an economic mess, people were struggling and the hate campaigners went to work siting Jews and non Germans as the cause for all their misery and then started with scaremongering saying how it was going to get worse, they are taking over, we have to stop them,,,, sound familiar.

In desperate times people can do desperate things and the right wingers know this and come crawling out of the woodwork at every opportunity.. We should all know better.

Good point. Reminds me of people such as Winston Churchill who were accused of being scaremongers and war mongers for pointing out the dangers, and condemning Nazi Germany.

Now we have people pointing out the danger of Islam and what do the apologist do, throw names at these people such as racialist.

We should not be held prisoner by history, however we should never forget and try to learn from our previous mistakes. Unfortunately some people prefer to bury their heads in the sand.

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My GF is a Thai Muslim but only just, extremely moderate however she will not say that what is happening is wrong (re the cartoon killings) and heaven forbid if I say a bad word about Alah! she goes deadly serious and its off topic. So its not just extremists its nearly all Muslims, they will not condone terror attacks

Not sure if this is off topic, Mods delete if you want.

Sorry to hear of your negative experience with your GF. However I have a very different experience to you.

To my knowledge many Thai Muslims actively dislike 'Arab Muslims", think they are rude, disrespectful and so on. My wife is a Thai Muslim, living here in Australia, and she says deport all Muslims who support or sympathise with Islamist terrorists. Death sentence for any convicted for terrorism, stop Arab Muslims migrating to Oz etc etc

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What happened to the much-vaunted French intelligence service? Were they all sitting on the Maginot Line eating cheese off white linen cloths? Surely the planning for an attack of this size and complexity must have sent up some smoke signals?

There's always a 'known' extremist involved is there not? If you are looking for solutions look at what infuriates the liberal-left the most,- they hate Gitmo and want it closed, hence the answer is internment for all known radicals. Devil's Island perhaps. Edited by Steely Dan
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If anyone has seen public condemnation from the Muslim community please post it.

In reference to your last comment...

Do you have any Muslim friends? Or are you connected with any Muslims on social media?

Probably not.

Yes, I have Muslim friends back in the UK. Are they appalled by the atrocities yes, but I am not talking about individuals opinions.

If, theoretically a Catholic strapped a bomb to himself ran into a Mosque and killed dozens of people I am am 100% convinced that the Vatican would make a statement claiming they do work on behalf of Catholics and condemn the atrocity.

So, what I am saying is I would like to see Muslim leaders getting together and releasing statements of how appalled they are and how they do not recognise or support these so called Muslims..

I think this publicity will help curb a lot of generalisation and hatred towards ordinary, peaceful Muslims.

If it doesn't happen, it makes me and other suspicious about how is this viewed by the Muslim community..

Point well-taken.

My preceding comment was in deference to the multitude of outcries I have already seen from Muslim friends/acquaintances.

Want to be careful not to paint with too-broad a brushstroke.
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There is no doubt this is a clash of civilizations. America has the ability to handle immigrants much better than Europe because the United States is a huge country with a large population that can absorb immigrants. Europe on the other hand is a mixture of countries with different cultural identities. Germany has a history of guest workers starting with workers from Turkey but they have not assimilated well. The problem facing Europe is that by allowing in large numbers of Muslims from all over the World- the identity of each country is being changed. The Muslim populations are not assimilating well. They are not adapting to each countries cultural sensitivities and are attempting to force their culture on the country they have emigrated to. Does not France, the UK and Hungary have a right to protect their cultural identify and preserve those things that make a person French or British or Hungarian.?

As an American living in Thailand, I would never think about attempting to impose my cultural identify and religion on a Thai person. When I visit the UK or Germany or other nations I have no interest in attempting to impose my culture on people of these countries and respect local traditions.. The problem is that the Muslim populations are indeed attempting to change the face of the countries they are being allowed to enter. Their numbers are continuing to grow and their birth rate is explosive. Yes, none of this is politically correct but it is factual. America lost control of its borders years ago but its immigrants come mostly from the Southern Hemisphere . Europe has lost control of its borders when it created the EU and the threat it now faces is much greater than what America faces. It simply cannot continue to allow unfettered Immigration- legal or not from the Middle East or South Asia. It will be overwhelmed. Each country needs to go back to its own border controls and own immigration policy or risk sliding into anarchy.

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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

"I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets…"

Fight with what? The Europeans are all disarmed, just like their governments want them to be. The libs have tricked the citizens into believing that the governments should be the only ones with arms and that the governments would protect the people.

That Lie is coming home to roost. The governments are attacking their people with sea changes in culture and demographics and are utterly failing to protect society or individuals.

I agree that the people have to rise up and protect themselves, but they lack the means. The Lie that governments should be in charge rather than the truth which is that the people should rule the government has ruined Europe.

This Lie has left the people to be subjects of the government, totally powerless to do anything.

I weep for the people of Europe.

Again defeatist reactionary commentary that in effect is dancing like a puppet to the strings being pulled by Islamist ideology.

Defeatist? I'm ready to fight. Let those terrorists try their shit in my neighborhood where a gun would poke out of every window and they'd be mowed down in the streets.

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