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I believe that the nastiness of responses in this forum can be understood in light of the "social quality" of the expats that Thailand attracts. It seems to me that there are a disproportionate number of social misfits who brought the bitterness of failure in their home country when the washed up on the shores of Thailand.

Possibly true though much of the venom is spat by those claiming to have superior knowledge of the nuances of the Thai professional and cultural system. Maybe those posters in this thread are actually surrounded in their classrooms by screaming, undisciplined kids rather than the respectful, obedient students that they claim their training and personality has created.

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Just one question.

Are you a degree qualified Teacher or a "teacher" who would not find employment at home ?

Obviously degree qualified or wouldn't be having the problem for so long

Thanks, for your reply. It's not that I had such problems before. I taught grade one and two when I started teaching in Thailand in 2005.

There are too many problems with this particular grade one class, no probs at all with the EP grade two and the ordinary grade sixes I've got in addition.

The problems are:

1. Many subject teachers do not show up and if they do, they're always too late and they leave earlier?. So when I come from another class to this class, it's the absolute chaos.

2. If one "homeroom" teacher's sick, I've to try to manage my schedule up two EP classes, including math and science in English.

3. I'm doing a lot more hours than other teachers. The reason is that " I make more money." Wrong. 33 K is a joke considering what I'm doing.

4. The director doesn't give a rat's arse if the kids learn or not. He's only interested that the cashflow's working.

5. A homeroom's teacher's daddy got sick, then passed away. The "good woman's absent now for more than ten days. I try to catch up, but can't be in two classrooms at the same time.

6. There's no selective process in form of a test, if kids could at leat understand basic English. There are kids who know some basics, but the Asian guy who taught them in Kindergarten didn't really care if the learned something, or not. It was all about the money.

7. There are kids who don't understand real Thai. They only speak Isaan, Thai language teachers are facing the same problems, but I'm the only one who's got them nine hours per week.But that's only on the schedule the reality is always different.

8. Many kids in grade one have an extreme learning disorder. I believe, I've got enough psychological knowledge, plus a very long experience with Thai kids to make such a statement. Some of them will never be able to be fluent in English, even if they would have their own private teacher.

9. I have to produce and check too many worksheets, plus lesson plans for each hour. Ona six-hour straight teaching grade one and two science, math and English, it doesn't make any sense, because it's too much for the kids, but also for me. I am completely burned out after each day's lessons..And the kids also have to learn their subjects in Thai.

10. It just happened that the computers never really worked well, having two IP boards with some software problems doesn't make it easier for me. and it became my responsibility to keep them alive. Sometimes I have to spend a lot of time at school when others are already at home.....

12. I need to go, could continue until the morning, but now my PC gave up. Mostly all Sundays is not the time for me to relax, it's time to get ready for a six hour Monday marathon.

Finally, it's my fourth school and I never had such problems before. The reason is a greedy director who might think I'm a robot. G'Day to all. I'm done, sorry for any mistakes, I didn't check any words before posting. Trying to get my PC work now. Oh god..and I'm atheist. wai2.gif


The OP is certainly correct about one thing. There are indeed some real pricks in this forum who delight in being nasty and negative to other posters, particularly anyone with the courage to bare their soul. I have not struck a similar lack of sensitivity for other people in any of the forums in which I participate.

If living in Thailand destroys people's basic humanity to the extent witnessed here and in almost every other thread, perhaps Thai life is not the idyllic existence that many come here to seek. Many of the comments are downright cruel, despite the worst of them having been erased by mods. The moderators have a tough job trying to cleanse these threads of the vicious thoughts of the worst of the posters. Given the dark nature of some posts that escape the chop, I prefer to remain ignorant of the content of those which are deleted.

I am a qualified secondary teacher who taught in Australia and Thailand for 35 years before retiring. Completing a degree and a one year teaching qualification does not automatically provide you with the skills to control an unruly class, and Thai schools provide special challenges. Perhaps the teachers in the best position to help the OP are those too busy trumpeting their own success in classroom management and too ready to tell the OP that he was untrained, jaded and in need of a career change. Sanctimonious pricks abound in these 'plea for help' threads. If anyone seriously wants support or advice, TV is not the best place to seek it.

The greatest enemy of the farang is as the OP stated other farangs, particularly those who use their culturally savvy knowledge of the system to try to belittle those experiencing difficulty coping in a tough Thai working environment.

Thank you very much for your nice post. Thus, it seems to be a reason not to give up, just because some brain- and heartless people are constantly trying to make fun of peoples' posts.

And some threads aren't funny at all. As I wrote in my OP, I thought twice if I should post it here////

It really seems that all the scumbags who never achieved anything in their lives are trying all to make a decent chat impossible.

Regardless what other people might go through. It's not that long ago when the American teacher in Ubon has hung himself.

He was one of the guys who once needed advice when he was down his private life and the problems at school made his life to a razor blade run, but people made jokes about him?

I have to say it again now. I'm neither begging for me nor do I want to do anything that's considered illegal. I was just asking a simple question. Not more. wai2.gif

P.S. I've received some private messages of human beings who know what's going on in Thai schools and I've come to the conclusion that leaving this school is the only way to solve the problem.

Thanks a lot to all the guys who made some great posts. Regards from lower northeast.-wai2.gif


Not Into Hitting Little Kids With A Bamboo Stick…………

Tell that to my high school teacher, i went to a private Christian Brothers school

in Sydney, the brothers were mental and so were some teachers, caning was

a a sadistic ritual with most of them, i'll say no more....


The way I see there are three different types of teachers in the world today:

Teacher No 1 wants to educate the world and change it too. They are planning lessons until midnight, organise clubs every day, get stressed about writing accurate reports about every student in the school...etc...

Teacher No 2 doesn't give a shit. They ignore everything and everyone. They have little or no lesson plans,are always late, complain constantly about everything etc etc..

Teacher No3. sees teaching as his job.Nothing more or nothing less. He plans his lessons but goes home at 4 o'clock everyday. Sometimes he helps out in a club or sportsday etc...He grades his books but never brings any home.. He attends parents evenings but doesn't stress about them. He isn't trying to change the world.He's doing his job but he's not slowly killing himself either...

You seem to be a Teacher No 1. They always burn themselves out. Teaching is a noble profession but you also need to be realistic. Nobody can change the world.If some students learn something your job is done. All of them will never learn everything. The best thing teachers can do is teach children how to learn for themselves. Reading is key to this. Teach your students to love books and they will teach themselves, if they want to.If they don't it's their loss and not yours...Take your payslip and forget about school when the last bell rings every day.Its the only way to survive teaching anywhere...Good luck...

Thanks for taking the time to write this post. Yep, there are people and there are people. Same goes for teachers. One example and pretty good to understand an Ebn\nglish bloke, a certified teacher who started in the EP at a well -known school in lower northeast.

His wife, an Indian/South African citizen who taught there before met this guy somewhere in the UAE, they fell in love and got married.

The woman thought that teaching in Thailand would still be as easy as it was back in 2005 when we worked together, but she's completely shocked how things had changed.

Her husband, the qualified and certified teacher from England started to teach in the EP section, but he never taught Thai kids in an Asian country.

The guy was so serious, exactly type two you've described here, the scissors and all the things had to be at the same place, everything had to have its order and so on.

I never saw the guy smiling in the two months of his tenure. Not even once. The grade three kids ( pretty nice and easy to handle kids) hated him because they easily picked the negative feelings up.

Neither did the students have fun learning anything, nor did the teacher enjoy what he was doing. He quit hid position after only two months.

Whenever I met the kids, we had a great teacher/ student relationship and a lot of fun.

You're really wrong about me. I try to take it easy, but they give me too much work.A very good example today. One homeroom teacher not there and the kids were everywhere.

In addition did some subject teachers not show up and joined a sports event instead?

So I had to look after them and had my other classes downstairs. Oh, the office word stopped working, but also my colleagues needed the PC where our IP's attached.

A fast fix between hopping from one class to another, then picking up some handouts, while a mom wants to have a chat about her day\ughter's performance.

Now it's 6.05 and I'm still at school because the director called in a meeting. One of these useless meetings nobody wants to go to.

I might be able to leave in an hour, then I was here for 11 hours.

When is enough enough? Have a great rest of the week. Cheers- wai2.gif

They are using your good will up and it will burn you out.You can't do everything.You need a break,start coughing a bit on Monday,go see a doctor and take the rest of the week off.They don't appreciate you while you are there,maybe they will when you are not there.


Read, Summerhill. If that doesn't help, its time to pack it in. Your handle on TV says alot about you.

We did a similar program in USA , by a psychologist called Adler. It worked great for my children that are doing very well as adults. After having achieved higher education with little to no help from me.

You did strike a child, be warned.


My kids do very well in Sweden. Because the teachers have meetings with parents and tell them whats good and bad. Then its up to the parents and their future, because who will take care of them later on, if their kid doesnt get a good work.

In Sweden they also tried to have different classes depending on how well you do in school. Like elit classes. But they took it away. Before meeting with parents i would advise you to video the class and show them how their kid behaves.

Some classes have cctv without sound where parents can log in from internet and watch the class.

Any grammatical errors are a gift from me to you.

First, please let me thank you for your post. wai2.gif

It seems that the Gremlin -Grammar Police is gone for a few days and do what they always do on a barstool at Nana....gossiping, perhaps?.gigglem.gif

I've got a big surprise for the parents, as well as for the director and parents in form of an incredible movie.Thus, the thingy will be uploaded first and then posted on a well- known web page tomorrow. Will paste a link here as well. Nouvelle Cuisine of the finest art....thumbsup.gif

You'll see plenty of boys crawling on the floor, nobody's around and they can do what they want to. A nightmare for all teachers on this planet.

The one grade two EP homeroom teacher's, absent since 11 days, daddy is already cremated, but she was seen when she signed in this morning and it seems that she's got more important things to do. And guess what. She also comes to school to sign out, the kids are on their own.blink.png

Three weeks ago she had a huge argument with her 76-year-old farang husband who flew back home, just to come back right after she cancelled his SS and some other things. Reason enough not to be at school for a long time. Even if the kids would have helped her to get over it. But.......biggrin.png

Some of them brought their tablets to school, quite a few bought badminton rackets and prefer to do sports more and more parents decided to let their kids stay at home.But playing sports is still better than nothing. I'm just wondering why they can't play badminton at home? Lol.......facepalm.gif

I had this particular class this morning for only one-hour of science. Of course was the art teacher late as usual, then sat down outside and the kids had to go to him to get a little piece of paper to color the Krathong on the paper.

I said that I'd only switch the PC off, but he told me to tell them that they can do it also as a homework as well and took off after only three minutes. bah.gif

Okay, I had to stay and try to find a way to keep them busy until lunchtime. The work sheets are waiting to get corrected, just don’t know by whom.

It seems that the problem(s) will be solved soon and the program won't exist anymore. Self-destroying mood enabled. 1- 2-........

What goes around, comes around. Cheers- wai2.gif

P.S. The movie upload just started.


Mr lost, a while ago I posted on here that I had just completed a Tefl course and had a bit of a semi on about it because I was overjoyed at the prospect of coming to thailand next year to try to get a job teaching English, you ripped the piss out of me because I made a spelling mistake, and asked me never to come here and your 7 y old students know better,i thought You were a bit of a bellend at the time, now after reading what you have to put up with I realise you were only trying to steer me away gently from the torment that you are going through, so cheers mate, for putting me in the picture..


Not Into Hitting Little Kids With A Bamboo Stick…………

Tell that to my high school teacher, i went to a private Christian Brothers school

in Sydney, the brothers were mental and so were some teachers, caning was

a a sadistic ritual with most of them, i'll say no more....

Sorry to hear that you had such a religious nightmare behind you. And of course, all under the name of god.....

One of my best friend's brothers was a member of a well-known Roman Catholic Boys' Choir who travelled all over the country, but also to other countries.

Most of them were sexually abused ( hope that this didn't happen to you !!) and this particular guy was the second guy who died of Aids in my little community of 22,000 German souls, plus about 25,000 American protectors in form of GI's.

The first who passed away because of Aids, ( caused by medicine where they thought it would help them, called AZT) : http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/the-rise-and-fall-of-azt-it-was-the-drug-that-had-to-work-it-brought-hope-to-people-with-hiv-and-2320491.html

Sorry for going off topic now, but I think it's worth to mention that the first victim was a Roman Catholic Priest in a village 2 km away from the city.He invited many young boys to his house and did some cruel stuff with them. But he received the bill.

He's also in the same AZT programme around 1987. A good friend of mine who was their doctor had 27 patients, but only those who received Placebos survived the medicine that killed too many people.

I apologize for posting something TOT. Totally off Topic. Back to the 21st century.....facepalm.gif


Mr lost, a while ago I posted on here that I had just completed a Tefl course and had a bit of a semi on about it because I was overjoyed at the prospect of coming to thailand next year to try to get a job teaching English, you ripped the piss out of me because I made a spelling mistake, and asked me never to come here and your 7 y old students know better,i thought You were a bit of a bellend at the time, now after reading what you have to put up with I realise you were only trying to steer me away gently from the torment that you are going through, so cheers mate, for putting me in the picture..

I really want to apologize for anything negative that I wrote, thus the truth about teaching English in Thailand can't be learned in a TESOL. TEFL, or CELTA course. I’m in no way better than you are.wai2.gif

Well, if you'd like to teach English for a year, or two, not a big deal at one of the big schools, where you see each class an hour per week.

Much better and also easier “to teach" are high schools. These days many schools are "using" agencies and they give a rat's ass if the kids learn anything, or not. You can't change the system when you're trying to fail students, you're failing yourself.

You can't "make students learn", anyway, they pass the school year with a relatively good grade and that continues until they graduate.

And the cheating is also at many universities. Could students at the "Rajabhat" ones ( I can only talk about those in lower northeast) really fail, the result would be shocking and bad news for the whole country that already has a very bad reputation for its ridiculous educational system.

Please try to find some English speaking senior students at any Rajabhat university in lower northeast. It's very difficult to find one who can have a. conversation with you in English. The quality of the newcomers, who'll be English teachers next May, did in no way improve. It's insane.....

Before, you could always hear that the older teachers never had the opportunity to talk to NES teachers, but now you've got a lot of them residing in Thailand, plus the internet with its hundreds of free English learning websites, free downloadable movies, cartoons, etc..

But they just don't use these resources. If they watch a movie in English, then they read the Thai subtitles.

I found old photos on a CD from 2005, when I taught grade one classes in an ordinary set up some, for their age, very complex English.

I drew a bus on the board with 16 kids, the bus drove from Sisaket to Bangkok, and the bus driver's name was "Somchai". I remember the lesson well and the kids understood it.

There's the homeroom teacher in her class, not too many kids misbehaved and I started to love teaching in Thailand. But I truly believe that the quality of Thai students' English has gone down the drain for various reasons.

I "fixed" some Google translated stuff for one of our interns yesterday and I was shocked what and how many mistakes she (Google translator) made in only 15 sentences. She'll be an English teacher in May 2016. Please forgive them, because they don't know what they do. And I'm atheist.

I feel very sorry for all these kids who have to grow up in a system which isn't made for kids's needs.

Final solution for me is to let all as it is, stop fixing computers and printers until they find out what I'm doing in addition to a job for two.

Some parents seem to know that there're too many things wrong and the program won't last much longer.

A director who 'had no time" to register the school in the last ten years isn't worth to work for. I already feel sorry for my replacement.

Of course will the promise all, but then do nothing. Thanks for all the good replies. Khop Khun Maak Khrap. -wai2.gif


An off topic flame and a quoted reply has been removed please read the following rule that you agreed to when you signed up to Thai Visa:

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


An off topic flame and a quoted reply has been removed please read the following rule that you agreed to when you signed up to Thai Visa:

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

it's quite fascinating to see that people who're only doing such things, press the "like button." facepalm.gif

Rimmer, I'd like to thank you and many members who made some nice and useful posts, very much. It's time to shut this thread down before the guy comes back from his holiday in Marrakesh, where he's hanging out with the story tellers there.You really deserved a vacation. thumbsup.gif

Life's really too short to waste any time of it with unsatisfied and ignorant people.

Finally, the parents of these two classes do not have to be informed, it's too obvious for all of them that too many things go very wrong.

I've made a commitment by signing the contract and will resign by the end of the term. Problem solved. And I'm not running away from something, it's really time for the superiors to find out what's wrong......The victims are- as usual- the kids. Cheers.-wai2.gif

The song from Jim is for the kids and the parents.

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