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qwerky features on new apple macbook pro with retina


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I purchased the new office for mac and installed it. It turned out that whenever you open Word, for example, and then close it. Then log off... and log back on, Word will open each time you log on. I worked out that there is a little dot under any of the applications you open and that its necessary to first use Command and Tab to navigate to the app. Then use command Q to quit the app and then it will not open up the next time you log on.

The other issue I cant solve thats annoying is when I open up chrome and then open up safari the chrome slides to the right side out of view. Its only when I quit safari that the chrome slides back to be displayed. Its winding me up as I simply want all apps displayed at once. can you help?


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For the first issue when it's in the dock at the bottom right click it and go to "options" then un-tick "open at login".

For the second issue go into System Preferences > Dock and reduce the size of the icons in the dock so they all fit. At some point depending on the number of programs you keep in the dock you're going to run into issues.

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That is the difficult way to do it. There is a much more simple way. And it is nothing to do with "Office"

When you shutdown, or restart just uncheck the box that says "Reopen windows when logging back in"

For the other problem / feature

Go to System Preferences > Mission Control

then probably uncheck "Displays have different spaces"

The other thing you may have more than 1 desktop enabled, I'm not sure if that could cause the behaviour you talk about

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When I say right click, of course I mean apple click or double fingered click - I don't think I'll will ever stop thinking of it as the right click

It's not command/apple click. It is control click.

And depending on how you have setup the touch pad it it could be double finger click, or bottom left click, or bottom right click

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It sounds as if you may have made Safari full screen at some point, using the green dot - this doesn't maximise the window like on a PC, but makes it fill the screen to the exclusion of other applications. Click the green dot again and it'll return to normal.

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