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Australia's Channel Seven investigates the sex industry in Thailand


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Some of the commenters on this thread are pathetic. This Australian man is helping to fight underage prostitution in Thailand and all you can do is throw popcorn at him from the stands? Shame on you. In 15 years they have saved 1,300 girls from a life of enslavement. That's 1,300 more girls than you or I have saved.

For those who asked why he doesn't stay in Sydney. Don't kid yourself, it's not as bad an issue in Sydney. Extreme poverty is rare, and the police are not corrupt. Secondly, an Australian can live in Thailand on his savings and perform charitable work. You can not live off the same level of savings in Sydney.

For those who asked why he picked Thailand. The article stated that it was an incident in Thailand that triggered his decision. Last time I checked, you can only be in one place at a time? Of course, I'm sure you would have checked the Destiny Rescue website and probably just missed that the charity provides help all over the place right? http://www.destinyrescue.org

The keyboard warriors on this forum should put down their Singha's and take a long hard look at their own lives. There's a big different between cynicism and looking for self validation from the Internet. Time to grow up boys.

It's not only the farang keyboard warriors these days. The Thai ministry of information has quite a few trolls on the forum these days. Their job is to sabotage any negativity about TH. Turn it around to make the farang look like an idiot. Their English skills are quite good so it could seem you are dealing with a non-native speaker, perhaps a German, Turk or Brazilian if you know what I mean. Besides the ministries trolls there are also quite a few independent Thai nationalists who scroll the forum looking for farang 'truth seekers' to attack

I agree with you to a certain point, but generally English language skills of Thai trolls are lacking at some point, and having taught English specially to Thais, I know the common mistakes they make, and I can generally identify a Thai writer as opposed to a non-English writer from a different nationality. But not everybody can.

I know exactly what you mean and I can identify them too but they get help from native speakers wink.png

The other day one was attacking me, first in quite good English but later when he/she became agitated the mistakes became more frequent.

Anything is possible here and remember that English writing skills of Asians are usually better than their speaking skills because the Asian teachers hammer the grammar into them relentlessly.

Edited by DaveinAsia
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I thought this organization was exposed last year as a money making scam. Is this a new version or is Australia not aware of what was exposed?

Please give more information, interested as there as been many recent re evaluations on some of these 'do gooder' NGO orgs doing more damage than good.

Specifically in Cambodia where they are in fact manufacturing up stories and forcing bar 'women' - not under aged girls back into true slave labor that they dont want to do in the factories...

Ha Thais working in factories wow havent things changed... this also brings to question that with Thailand becoming a richer country why is this system still so prevalent- the culture condones this in parts.

Totally agreed that the under aged sex needs to be tackled its not easy to do. Also the options for anyone working in this industry - ie a way out also.

As many have said - 1) education - is needed and options - sex education and basic ethics to be taught to kids in the hot spots or poorer areas would at least give the kids a voice some conceptual frame work rather than mum and dad say that is what you do for 'family' - this is evil ...

2) The families are guilty in part - even if they pretend or claim not to know - they deep down inside know it... its not 40 or 50yrs ago - they have seen this system played out and worked out in the villages seen it and dont worry they all talk about it in quiet about how Miss Nok who never has had to work like the rest of the village with no husband all of a sudden a big house appears.

3) Thais need to be active on this part or in partnership - not just the white milk cash cow.

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Some of the commenters on this thread are pathetic. This Australian man is helping to fight underage prostitution in Thailand and all you can do is throw popcorn at him from the stands? Shame on you. In 15 years they have saved 1,300 girls from a life of enslavement. That's 1,300 more girls than you or I have saved.

For those who asked why he doesn't stay in Sydney. Don't kid yourself, it's not as bad an issue in Sydney. Extreme poverty is rare, and the police are not corrupt. Secondly, an Australian can live in Thailand on his savings and perform charitable work. You can not live off the same level of savings in Sydney.

For those who asked why he picked Thailand. The article stated that it was an incident in Thailand that triggered his decision. Last time I checked, you can only be in one place at a time? Of course, I'm sure you would have checked the Destiny Rescue website and probably just missed that the charity provides help all over the place right? http://www.destinyrescue.org

The keyboard warriors on this forum should put down their Singha's and take a long hard look at their own lives. There's a big different between cynicism and looking for self validation from the Internet. Time to grow up boys.

A Aussie Electrician has a on off encounter with someone offering "his mate" (the proverbial "my friend") sex with what he perceives to be an underage sex worker - and POW! He has his "road to Damascus" life changing experience.

Remember the "Grey Men" - they were a bunch of Aussies too. What happened to them?

Now we have Aussie TV claiming underage prostitution from trafficked minors is rife? How convenient and what a wonderful justification of the saintly person's work.

Sorry, don't buy it.

And don't bother with the usual tactic of claiming any who don't swallow all this tripe without question are boozers, sex tourists, or in some way inadequate. Trying to legitimize your own view in such a way simply demonstrates your own weaknesses.

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This is the type of diet that Australians are fed on a minute by minute basis.

They are a nice enough people but are mushrooms.

When questioned about the authenticity of anything whatsoever, the first thing they will say is............"it must be true because I saw it on TV."

So sad.

This guy is trying for his 15 minutes of fame.

Your comment shows you know nothing about Australian society, don't generalise all by the actions of a few.

Ouch it hurts mate?? True If he is talking about the lowest common denominator - sounds like it to me..Look at the state of the country Abbott post Abbott a sad state of affairs that the 'Majority' voted and tolerate...The news also reflects what the masses want...you dont see this kind of news in Germany, hey and im not even German.. but agreed the same apply's to US news in fact its worse or the UK, depends on where you get your news from.. Thai Visa is high up on the intelligentsia list just to give you guys a extra inflated head.

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Let me guess....he lives ONLY in pattaya, BKK, and phuket...

this horrible stuff happens in possibly every big city in the world...and in one-year living in Thailand I never saw it...but i know it happens.

i'm not sure why he didn't go to Cambodia...isn't it worse there? or japan? or other places? i bet he saw Thailand in the top-10 and said, "well, it is nice there."

An Aussie electrician - obviously well qualified for such work, gives up his job and moves the family to Thailand, there are much worse places to live and devotes his (and their) lives to rescuing underage prostitutes. Sort of thing happens all the time ......... not. Is he some kind of Gladstonian religious nut or looking for an alternative life style funded by charitable donations?

He could have gone to India where forced underage prostitution dwarfs any other countries, or Philippines or Eastern Europe, or South America. Why chose Thailand - because he was once in a brothel with his mate who was offered an underage girl.

All looks somewhat contrived and the usual TV cheapo attempt at "shocking exposure" from the usual self righteous PC Aussie media. Maybe Thai TV should go over and do some exposures of Aussie - the country who pays people smugglers to take them back.

No doubt there are unsavory acts in the sex trade in this, and every other country. But maybe he should check out the ones in his own country first. But, easier to point the finger at others.

Why should he be doing this some other country. Is there something special about thailand that people should not be doing this?

If he wants to really make an impact why wouldn't he choose the worst place to start? Which certainly isn't Thailand.

Could I just go to Australia and start investigating their prostitution, or anything else? Would they allow me to take my family over and seemingly make a career of it? Even though I have zero relevant experience but was maybe once in a Aussie brothel with a mate?

And then arrange for a foreign TV channel to do an expose - which might just make people angry so they might want to make a donation?

These so called do-gooders often make matters worse, as other posters have commented. They are not professionals, and quite frankly, one wonders what their real reasons are. Self gratification, increased self importance, change of lifestyle, change of location etc etc.

Sorry, but my experiences with some of these "charity third sector NGO's" makes me very wary.

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It's all over the world.I believe the poorer the country the worse it is.When I was stationed at Udon Thani in 1971,there were

Rumors that A person could buy A young person for $800.Supposely their parents would sell them cause they needed the money.

It's A wild world.

That's no rumor. A girl told me that when she was 13 her mom sold her to a white guy from England. when she was old enough (18) she left the guy.
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Let me guess....he lives ONLY in pattaya, BKK, and phuket...

this horrible stuff happens in possibly every big city in the world...and in one-year living in Thailand I never saw it...but i know it happens.

i'm not sure why he didn't go to Cambodia...isn't it worse there? or japan? or other places? i bet he saw Thailand in the top-10 and said, "well, it is nice there."

An Aussie electrician - obviously well qualified for such work, gives up his job and moves the family to Thailand, there are much worse places to live and devotes his (and their) lives to rescuing underage prostitutes. Sort of thing happens all the time ......... not. Is he some kind of Gladstonian religious nut or looking for an alternative life style funded by charitable donations?

He could have gone to India where forced underage prostitution dwarfs any other countries, or Philippines or Eastern Europe, or South America. Why chose Thailand - because he was once in a brothel with his mate who was offered an underage girl.

All looks somewhat contrived and the usual TV cheapo attempt at "shocking exposure" from the usual self righteous PC Aussie media. Maybe Thai TV should go over and do some exposures of Aussie - the country who pays people smugglers to take them back.

No doubt there are unsavory acts in the sex trade in this, and every other country. But maybe he should check out the ones in his own country first. But, easier to point the finger at others.

Why should he be doing this some other country. Is there something special about thailand that people should not be doing this?

If he wants to really make an impact why wouldn't he choose the worst place to start? Which certainly isn't Thailand.

Could I just go to Australia and start investigating their prostitution, or anything else? Would they allow me to take my family over and seemingly make a career of it? Even though I have zero relevant experience but was maybe once in a Aussie brothel with a mate?

And then arrange for a foreign TV channel to do an expose - which might just make people angry so they might want to make a donation?

These so called do-gooders often make matters worse, as other posters have commented. They are not professionals, and quite frankly, one wonders what their real reasons are. Self gratification, increased self importance, change of lifestyle, change of location etc etc.

Sorry, but my experiences with some of these "charity third sector NGO's" makes me very wary.

You can go to oz and investigate what you want. Whether you can stay is up to immigration.

So tell me what he has done that is wrong.

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Ive posted it be4 girls have to be indoctrinated early into thinking sex with strange men is good. How else can you explain that they are so sweet and men fly miles(1000) to be with them.

They must have secret rituals in the village. That even the clueless farang who live there dont know about.

"They must have secret rituals in the village. That even the clueless farang who live there dont know about."

I'll have whatever he's smoking ....................................coffee1.gif

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Some of the commenters on this thread are pathetic. This Australian man is helping to fight underage prostitution in Thailand and all you can do is throw popcorn at him from the stands? Shame on you. In 15 years they have saved 1,300 girls from a life of enslavement. That's 1,300 more girls than you or I have saved.

For those who asked why he doesn't stay in Sydney. Don't kid yourself, it's not as bad an issue in Sydney. Extreme poverty is rare, and the police are not corrupt. Secondly, an Australian can live in Thailand on his savings and perform charitable work. You can not live off the same level of savings in Sydney.

For those who asked why he picked Thailand. The article stated that it was an incident in Thailand that triggered his decision. Last time I checked, you can only be in one place at a time? Of course, I'm sure you would have checked the Destiny Rescue website and probably just missed that the charity provides help all over the place right? http://www.destinyrescue.org

The keyboard warriors on this forum should put down their Singha's and take a long hard look at their own lives. There's a big different between cynicism and looking for self validation from the Internet. Time to grow up boys.

It's not only the farang keyboard warriors these days. The Thai ministry of information has quite a few trolls on the forum these days. Their job is to sabotage any negativity about TH. Turn it around to make the farang look like an idiot. Their English skills are quite good so it could seem you are dealing with a non-native speaker, perhaps a German, Turk or Brazilian if you know what I mean. Besides the ministries trolls there are also quite a few independent Thai nationalists who scroll the forum looking for farang 'truth seekers' to attack

I agree with you to a certain point, but generally English language skills of Thai trolls are lacking at some point, and having taught English specially to Thais, I know the common mistakes they make, and I can generally identify a Thai writer as opposed to a non-English writer from a different nationality. But not everybody can.

Please copy a few text examples of the farang impostors I demand to know.. my paranoia is rife these days. I've also seen Falang competent in both reading and writing Thai..maybe we can all learn a little more.

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This is the type of diet that Australians are fed on a minute by minute basis.

They are a nice enough people but are mushrooms.

When questioned about the authenticity of anything whatsoever, the first thing they will say is............"it must be true because I saw it on TV."

So sad.

This guy is trying for his 15 minutes of fame.

Your comment shows you know nothing about Australian society, don't generalise all by the actions of a few.

Ouch it hurts mate?? True If he is talking about the lowest common denominator - sounds like it to me..Look at the state of the country Abbott post Abbott a sad state of affairs that the 'Majority' voted and tolerate...The news also reflects what the masses want...you dont see this kind of news in Germany, hey and im not even German.. but agreed the same apply's to US news in fact its worse or the UK, depends on where you get your news from.. Thai Visa is high up on the intelligentsia list just to give you guys a extra inflated head.
Glasshouses and own back yard comes to mind [emoji4]
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Many Thai ladies believe that peddling their bodies anywhere they can beats the hell out of being abused by Thai men in the villages and working the rice fields. Who are we trying to save them from?

From you, perhaps ?

This article is not about 'Thai ladies' it's about children, for heaven's sake.

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SYDNEY: -- GIRLS as young as 13 are being exploited in Thailand for sex and Australian men are contributing to the booming industry.
But an electrician from North Queensland, Tony Kirwan, is fighting to rescue the young girls from the clutches of sex-crazed men.
Mr Kirwan was on holiday in Thailand when his friend was offered sex with an underage girl.

As an Australian and an expat who has lived in Thailand for nearly 36 years, with a wonderful extended family, I really do take offence at this sensationalizing headline.

The statements "Australian men are contributing to the booming industry", combined with little throw-aways like "clutches of sex-crazed men, "his friend was offered sex with an underage girl", is offensive to me as it puts the wrong image out there for the ignorant, on all Australian men visiting Thailand. And don't think that this doesn't flow-over to the image of the Brits, Americans etc. This BS artist I can guarantee knows nothing of Thailand, its culture and the relationship between poverty and the sex industry. Plus he got his information second hand.

This myth of falang sex "tours" conjures up an image that is indelible in the minds of journalists, and the ignorant. A single man from Europe, the US, Australia etc. should never say too loud to the falang women of these countries that they are off to Thailand. No their not, they are on a sex tour ! Bit like in the 70's all Vietnam vets were baby killers. Indelible.

Falang sex tours never happened on mass. Sure the occasional football team, groups of mates/buddies, came and enjoyed themselves. But not necessarily with underage hookers. Up until 15 years ago the majority of men visiting the "bahn sopinee" that had young girls were Thai. The police heavily monitored places such as BKK and Pattaya for underage girls.

Who then were involved in "actual" sex tours ? Mainly in the late 80's thru the 90's and early 00's. It was the Japanese. Bus loads of them. They were discrete, didn't cause a fuss, no one noticed. Plus they drank in their own "private"clubs, bars and massage joints. The remnants can still be seen in Sukhumvit Soi 33. Try getting into one of those clubs, invitation only". I think it wont be long before the wheel turns and we will see bus loads of single Chinese men.

I congratulate this guy for embarking of this galent quest for I abhor the fascination of some falang with under-age sex, and worse, pedophilia. The journalist that probably put the words in this guys mouth are not doing anyone a favor, least of all Thailand. And as an after thought this guy had better watch whose toes he may step on.

Edited by Mot Dang
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How do you bang a cow? I have cows and if you walk anywhere near them they run away. Maybe they're afraid I might want to bang them!

Saw a documentary where young guys get their first sexual experience from banging Donkeys .Some keep at it into adulthood .Somewhere in South America i think ?More relevant to this Rainbow 4 Go Go in Nana was raided last week where one under age girl was found .We are talking 16 or 17 though not as young as 13 years that i heard is quite common in Thai only Brothels .

Several years ago, there was a bar in Nana Plaza, (no longer there). I was in it, the mommy offered me a girl, I thought she looked very young. The mommy said, "Blow job only, she only 13",,,, I quickly said, "No" and "Check bin please", and never went back, So yes, it exists...

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Several years ago an Aussie friend of mine (he's now deceased) retired to a rural village not far from where I live He was a retired schoolteacher who lived on his own. One morning there was a knock on his door and when he opened it he saw a bunch of Thais who turned out to be members of one family.

Amongst this family was a very attractive young girl. It transpired that they wanted to 'give' this girl to my friend. No money was demanded but it was stipulated that he must help with her studies and pay for her education and through university in return for the 'services' she would provide.

He declined their offer. He already had a grown up family of his own from whom he was estranged. The proffered child was 13 years of age.

In my village there is a young girl who is a friend of my daughter. My daughter is 14 years of age and the other girl is a little older probably 15. My wife is very worried about this relationship. Apparently this girl has regular sexual activity with boys for money. Her 'clients' are not adult Thai men but older boys at the school which she attends. Apparently she charges 200 baht for a session.

I've told my wife that she should not encourage this relationship in any way but it's very difficult, the other girl lives next door and both she and my daughter both attend the same school. I'm pretty sure the girl's mother knows about what's going on but doesn't care. The mother herself doesn't set a good example with her carryings on.

The girls sure start early in Thailand.

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Let me guess....he lives ONLY in pattaya, BKK, and phuket...

this horrible stuff happens in possibly every big city in the world...and in one-year living in Thailand I never saw it...but i know it happens.

i'm not sure why he didn't go to Cambodia...isn't it worse there? or japan? or other places? i bet he saw Thailand in the top-10 and said, "well, it is nice there."

Just seen a report on this stuff on the Tele a day ago, it was mentioning the Philippines as the no. 1 place for it. It is indeed virtually impossible to eliminate it if the families are selling their children into it. But I suppose God loves a "tryer" and if he can save just one child's destiny from this then it will be a great thing all round.

Also seen a documentary about a Man (ex Smuggler with contacts) and his wife from Syria who rescues women and children from slavery by the IS clan who capture them, enslave them or sell them off by Auction. She makes contact by phone and he and his men go in and rescue them. He said the rewards when seeing the families re-united were above and beyond any feelings he has ever had in his lifetime. This I can well believe. What a brave brave family this is as it would mean certain death if caught.

PS....And sometimes I find myself "angry " at being overcharged for a caffee yen, or thinking if my condo has lost value since I bought it or not. Thank God for programs such as these for they help me get my priorities back in the correct order once again.

Edited by dotpoom
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Let me guess....he lives ONLY in pattaya, BKK, and phuket...

this horrible stuff happens in possibly every big city in the world...and in one-year living in Thailand I never saw it...but i know it happens.

i'm not sure why he didn't go to Cambodia...isn't it worse there? or japan? or other places? i bet he saw Thailand in the top-10 and said, "well, it is nice there."

You have to start somewhere... already by himself he's not much weight against the concentrated Thai Sex Mafia. Hope that others will soon join him and that he will duck the bullets as they come flying.

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Seems to me the guy is doing a good and selfless thing deserving of praise rather than derision. The TV will sensationise like they all do.

For those worried a out being regarded as sex pats for going to Thailand, well I've got news for you, people have thought that about Thailand for decades, get over it.

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Let me guess....he lives ONLY in pattaya, BKK, and phuket...

this horrible stuff happens in possibly every big city in the world...and in one-year living in Thailand I never saw it...but i know it happens.

i'm not sure why he didn't go to Cambodia...isn't it worse there? or japan? or other places? i bet he saw Thailand in the top-10 and said, "well, it is nice there."

Why are some, especially the bar flies in here, so negative. The man is a hero but he cannot be everywhere, so he has begun where he sees it. Lay of him . facepalm.gif

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The documentary is on youtube. Although the guy's efforts should be applauded, it feels to me he is 30 years too late on the scene if he is to spend his life looking for child prostitutes in Nana and Cowboy. In the film, the 'team' spend months tracking just ONE 15 year old, eventually she goes to ground in Rainbow 4, where I am sure she was a big hit with the mainly Japanese clientele. One of the team bar-fines her and takes her to the Nana hotel, where the poor girl is in the shower when the cops burst through the door. The guy who tricked the girl pretends to be as shocked as the girl is, I felt he should have owned up to his part in the sting. We don't learn what happens to the girl, is she grateful? or does she just miss her 100 000 + baht a month?

The Go-Go bars of Bangkok today bare little resemblance to those of 30 years ago, 25+ seems to be the norm nowadays. In the mid-eighties most bars in Cowboy [Nana didn't exist] had a retinue of 15 year old's, and many girls who looked much younger than that. The outside bars which were prevalent at the time also had very young freelancers soliciting punters, all the soapies on Sukhumvit were also stuffed full of young teens.

I find the guy's claims of thousands of Aussies going to bars and asking for young girls extremely dubious, it seems much more likely that they are just going to bars and bar-fining girls in their 20's and 30's like everyone else.

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Yeah.. big story.. Thailand has prostitutions problems with young girls, Duh....

Where have they been for the last 40 years? this is a sensationalism piece of journalism,

must be very quit in channel 7 to wake up now to Thailand prostitution issues,

Oh yeah.. and don't forget to do another big expose on corruptions in Thailand too....

Prostitution seems to be ingrained in the culture of just about every community in Issan. No one cares less. Only a small fraction of foreigners use under aged girls compared to Thai men.

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He immediately quit his job to come save young girls from thai sex industry??? Really? Really????

First, as any thai official will vigorously explain prostitution is illegal in thailand and therefore don't exist here. Second.... Come on, are you telling me this fellow or his friend for that matter, have not had sex in thailand??? Come on! He's australian for pete's sake. What is he doing in thailand in the first place, bird watching? Lol pun intended!

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Yeah.. big story.. Thailand has prostitutions problems with young girls, Duh....

Where have they been for the last 40 years? this is a sensationalism piece of journalism,

must be very quit in channel 7 to wake up now to Thailand prostitution issues,

Oh yeah.. and don't forget to do another big expose on corruptions in Thailand too....

Prostitution seems to be ingrained in the culture of just about every community in Issan. No one cares less. Only a small fraction of foreigners use under aged girls compared to Thai men.

In my mrs village of about 500 houses only one girl is known to have become a prostitute and it's seen as shameful and not mentioned, so I don't think you can generalize about Issan this way.

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What you are attempting to do would be admirable in your own country...however...even though it is against Thai law for underage women to be employed in the sex industry...it is not uncommon for a young teen to volunteer...with the blessings of her parents...to join the industry for the job opportunities and better income...to help in supporting her family and siblings...

It is disturbing...for sure...makes most people from the west cringe when they see an obvious underage woman with a client...but ultimately it is not our call...not your country...not your problem...

Do not be surprised if you receive some serious push back from Thais who benefit from this form of business...

For their own protection...you should shield the identities of your wife and children from all people involved in these investigations and operations to "save" the teens...

Good Luck...you will surely need the blessings of local heads of the community...(hopefully they will not be receiving income from the sex trade)

Watch you six!

Open your eyes, he has been doing it for years so no need for your silly advice.

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I understand that many underage girls are involved in prostitution in Thailand but very few foreign men are actually involved with child prostitution here. Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages. It seems Australian journos like to pull this sensationalist story out every couple of years, brush it off, and present it again. This time may be more legitimate as they're focusing on a crusading family, and I admire these people for taking up a worthy cause, but they're not going to put any dent at all in the real problem as they won't be able to get to the real source of it in those thousands of villages foreigners will never get to. It's only the Thais themselves that can do anything about it if they want to.

Any male caught sexually abusing a 13 yr old should have his privates totally removed ...and let him sit when he pees! (both privates removed "P & B's")

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