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ISIS not linked to Thai-Muslim groups


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ISIS not linked to Thai-Muslim groups

BANGKOK: -- NO OFFSHOOTS of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been detected in Thailand, according to police spokesman Pol General Detnarong Suthichanbancha.

The militant groups in the deep South held a different ideology to ISIS and were unlikely to join the terror group, he said. Detnarong also confirmed it was the policy of the government to solve the South unrest by promoting a better understanding with local residents.

Detnarong's comments came in response to reports that militants in the Philippines had formed a Southeast Asian faction of ISIS. The Special Branch Police Division's intelligence team was carrying out ongoing intelligence-gathering activities for the security of the French embassy in Bangkok and embassies of other in-conflict nations, he said, but so far no movement has been detected.

The police had also beefed up security at various key venues including attractions frequented by foreign tourists, he added.

Colonel Banphot Phunphian, spokes-man for the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc), reiterated the general consensus that neither ISIS nor any other group that might support it is active in Thailand. Army chief General Theerachai Nakwanich had instructed Isoc and other agencies to watch out for suspicious activity.

Suwaphan Tanyuvardhana, PM's Office minister, yesterday pointed out that the report about an ISIS branch opening in Southeast Asia was merely a strategy to get new recruits. He insisted Thailand had not detected any group joining ISIS in Syria.

The former director of the National Intelligence Agency said all nations were at risk, depending on the country context. He admitted some individuals in neighbouring countries had reportedly joined ISIS in Syria. He also affirmed that Thailand had preventive measures in place including border control and also continuous checks for any unusual activity.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/ISIS-not-linked-to-Thai-Muslim-groups-30273266.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-19

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

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The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology

I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but can I modify what you just said:

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology right now

IMHO, the Muslim activists in southern Thailand are ideal recruits for ISIL.

It will happen

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

Don't be ridiculous. That's like saying the Pope is linked to the ira. When you going to understand that deaesh kill more Muslims than farang by a magnitude of 1000s when you going to wake up to the fact that when you lump all Muslims together, you are playing into the hands of the Terrs?
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That's a relief...

Thai Muslims are some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. But some of their people have shown they're capable of terrible violence. And IS is just a bunch of hired guns. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

Substitute Christian for Muslim and your comment is still valid. Two words. Northern Ireland. Edited by dhream
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The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology

I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but can I modify what you just said:

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology right now

IMHO, the Muslim activists in southern Thailand are ideal recruits for ISIL.

It will happen

But only if right wing idiots fuel the fire. Finally, the world is waking up to the divide and rule tactics of daesh. BTW daesh is a derogatory term for these clowns that call themselves an Islamic State. They are no State. And few Muslims regard them as Islamic. Edited by dhream
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NO OFFSHOOTS of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been detected in Thailand, according to police spokesman Pol General Detnarong Suthichanbancha .Colonel Banphot Phunphian, spokesman for the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc), reiterated the general consensus that neither ISIS nor any other group that might support it is active in Thailand.

So, how do you explain this?

Brussels-born Abdeslam Salah, wanted for his alleged involvement in the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, was reportedly seen in Patong months ago.

So, still denying that the Erawan bombing was arranged by ISIS? Yeah, those 50,000 Uighurs passed through Thailand without any assistance from ISIS and without receiving fake Turkish passports that were delivered to them by ISIS.

Thailand, in a constant state of denial.

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It is complicated...at the moment there are many Muslims groups linked to terrorist activities...IS may not even be the most formidable...they do get most of the exposure because they know how to use the internet and how to make provocative videos...

If ever the different terrorists groups unite under one banner...the world will be in for a seriously rough time...

There is a window of opportunity right now for western armies and politicians to unite in a joint effort to combat these inhumane thugs where they live...

If we fail to act soon...then the west will be fighting on their own turf and likely be unable to muster a decisive army to eradicate this evil...

Thailand will not be safe...no country of significant size and resources will be safe...

This fight is for world dominance...whose culture will rule the world for the next several hundred years...

You can convert and become a slave...or resist and lose your head...those are the basic choices offered to a non-Muslim infidel...

Edited by ggt
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How do this spokesman know????

I am sure Thailand and their police is far away from anything to know about terrorist activities in the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thais argument on nearly everything is: NO HAVE

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The r soles in the Philippines are aligning with Daesh in name only, it's a stunt because they are weak, and know that stupid western media do all their propaganda work for them in the guise of stirring fear, outrage, and sensational stories. Likewise weak and frightened westerners drink the kool aid. Common sense (a term the right love to throw about) would dictate it's a stretch to think daesh are empire building with both the French and Russians on their backs. Both not known for playing nice when the chips are down. As a white man, I'm not going to stand by and let my kind have the podium to spew fear and hate against Muslims in general. Listen up turkeys, the more you rant, the more you incite people who would otherwise mind their own business to react in self defense. Think if the shoe was on the other foot. Would you sit there and take abuse every time a white guy in the usa goes Postal? So why blame all Muslims for Paris? Because you lack intelligence, education, and common sense.

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The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology

I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but can I modify what you just said:

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology right now

IMHO, the Muslim activists in southern Thailand are ideal recruits for ISIL.

It will happen

Uighurs traficked through Thailand to Turkey then fighting for ISIS ?????

Something has already happened.

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The Erawan bombing was not a terrorist attack.

It wasn't even a bombing. Those guys that are arrested for it aren't charged with terrorism or bombing.

Just for causing an explosion. We all know better.

I personally think that BKK is safer than any major city in Europe.

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It is complicated...at the moment there are many Muslims groups linked to terrorist activities...IS may not even be the most formidable...they do get most of the exposure because they know how to use the internet and how to make provocative videos...

If ever the different terrorists groups unite under one banner...the world will be in for a seriously rough time...

There is a window of opportunity right now for western armies and politicians to unite in a joint effort to combat these inhumane thugs where they live...

If we fail to act soon...then the west will be fighting on their own turf and likely be unable to muster a decisive army to eradicate this evil...

Thailand will not be safe...no country of significant size and resources will be safe...

This fight is for world dominance...whose culture will rule the world for the next several hundred years...

You can convert and become a slave...or resist and lose your head...those are the basic choices offered to a non-Muslim infidel...

can I have a truckload of this commentary, my roses need feeding...

If you bothered to Google or Wiki Islam, and read for oh 5 minutes, you'd understand that what you describe is humanly impossible. Even the Commies could not agree for long enough to dominate the world, what makes you think several shades of Islam will Unite? You are right in only one respect, for the nutter extremists in all groups, it's convert or Die, and that includes other Muslims, who are only too aware of this.

Where they win is when ignoramuses get their panties in a bunch, instead of stopping to formulate a strategy of getting moderate Islam onside. One good place to start would be taking down the Royal House of Saud, who created and fund these Wahhabist criminals to the point that over 80% of the population there support deash, but good luck with that.

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This is what political analyst Gearoid O Colmain has to say about it. And he's not tinfoil hat. Listen carefully to what he says about immigrantion being used as a tool of control. And no, I do not subscribe to Infowars or David Icke. But surely I'm not the only one been left wondering these past weeks why have European leaders flooded their countries with mostly able bodied young men (with the obligatory pic of cute crying child of course), against the express wishes/anger of those they claim to represent.

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

Don't be ridiculous. That's like saying the Pope is linked to the ira. When you going to understand that deaesh kill more Muslims than farang by a magnitude of 1000s when you going to wake up to the fact that when you lump all Muslims together, you are playing into the hands of the Terrs?

People can try to explain the differences between one Muslim group and another to their hearts content but the fact remains that ALL of these people are connected by a common religion and ALL of these heinous atrocities are committed in the name of that religion..................

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

Yes it has, they enjoy killing non-muslims. Most terrorists are Muslim. Most trouble in the world at the moment involves Muslims killing innocents. They're a worldwide family and all seem to share this love of violence and destabilisation.

I know they aren't all bad but it's up to the good ones to sort out the bad ones. At the moment, if asked, they condemn them but insert a rider that the terrorists only did it because they were provoked.

It would be nice to see you and two or three others on here spend more time supporting the victims of these terrorists.

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

I don't know about your head being in the sand, more like up your own back passage.

ISIS is Not linked to Muslims, they hate Muslims; it's the Americans with Isreal participation that funds ISIS ...

When the Scott Morrison (Australia) said 'we only want Christian Syrians', he, like most ignorant individuals (not unlike yourself), did not know that Muslim refugees make up about 99%.

Would it be uncharitable of me to suggest that you celebrate Christmas - about some refugees having to sleep in a manger (because they were refused entry everywhere else), and where their refugee son was born - celebrating that son's birth? Jesus.

Do some research, may well save you from being an ignoramus ...

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The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology

I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but can I modify what you just said:

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology right now

IMHO, the Muslim activists in southern Thailand are ideal recruits for ISIL.

It will happen

Your modification is plausible IF the state continues to marginalise them instead of considering their gripes.

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

ISIS must be in the South of Thailand. Too good an oportunity to be missed . Who bombed in Bangkok . You think nothing to do with the South . You are dreaming my friend

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