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practical test


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The practical test takes less than 1 minute, so really tough......facepalm.gif Indicate your turns and don't fall off the plank...Job done.

The theory test about 1/2 hour...I think you are allowed 7 wrong answers, but some of the questions are odd, something about driving a tank?

Anyway TIT and they fill out the day to last a full 6 hours.

On my practical we had a drunk turn up... and that was funny.

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The practical test takes less than 1 minute, so really tough......facepalm.gif Indicate your turns and don't fall off the plank...Job done.

The theory test about 1/2 hour...I think you are allowed 7 wrong answers, but some of the questions are odd, something about driving a tank?

Anyway TIT and they fill out the day to last a full 6 hours.

On my practical we had a drunk turn up... and that was funny.

You had a drunk turn up ? But he still passed you all, I bet :)

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is there a trick to the plank?

Yeah, don't fall off .. and don't stop on the beam.

TBH i was worried, but go see it, you won't be. Its 2 concrete kerb stones ( with some cement fill ? ) if i remember correctly. Its not a see-saw balance beam on junior kickstart.

Maybe practice by riding through the gaps in the speed bumps at big C to judge distance. Find straight lines in the middle of a concrete road and ride with your tyre next to them for a few meters.

I guess a trick is to keep the engine revs high and that way the gyroscopic effect of the moving engine helps with the balance. Harder to do on a scooter, if you don't have a clutch, but try applying a little brake on the front ( I think i read ) will help, if you practice the technique enough before. Don't go too slowly, otherwise you will begin to wobble. There isn't a penalty for riding fast over the beam.

On a different point, make sure you count the number of seconds you are supposed to wait before turning and before mounting the beam. I waited at a turn for a time I would have thought more than enough, I looked left - right - left again, then lifted my foot and proceeded. It was mentioned when they passed me. It should have been 10 seconds each time.

Good luck and don't think too hard, you will fly it.

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The practical test takes less than 1 minute, so really tough......facepalm.gif Indicate your turns and don't fall off the plank...Job done.

The theory test about 1/2 hour...I think you are allowed 7 wrong answers, but some of the questions are odd, something about driving a tank?

Anyway TIT and they fill out the day to last a full 6 hours.

On my practical we had a drunk turn up... and that was funny.

You had a drunk turn up ? But he still passed you all, I bet smile.png

He begged the examiner to let him take the test, claiming he had taken a day off work and in the end she relented, so. He shot through the slalom at full speed, miraculously missing all the cones, didn't stop at the T junction, let alone signal and then fell off the plank. Turned around and had another go and missed the plank altogether.... surprisingly he failed, but gave us a good laugh. It was made funnier by the smoke pouring out the back of his piece of crap bike and the way he walked over to his bike, pissed as a parrot.

That was fiasco day, when some guy rode right across the test course to park his bike with ours and then walked back in front of a guy talking his test, causing him to almost crash and fail the test.

Another guy parked his bicycle next to the course T junction to sell lottery tickets to the people doing their tests. Each time the examiner took time out to deal with these people.

Four of us doing the test got a bollocking for not parking our bikes neatly and were made to move them to form a neat line, said she could fail us for that, maybe a joke?

The plank is about 30cm wide and and about 3 metres long and you just ride along it without falling off, harder than you think with 30 people watching, but only the drunk failed that bit. Others failed for not signalling and were asked back the following day to resit the test.

May do my test in the UK next year and somehow think it may be a little more difficult.

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The practical test takes less than 1 minute, so really tough......facepalm.gif Indicate your turns and don't fall off the plank...Job done.

The theory test about 1/2 hour...I think you are allowed 7 wrong answers, but some of the questions are odd, something about driving a tank?

Anyway TIT and they fill out the day to last a full 6 hours.

On my practical we had a drunk turn up... and that was funny.

If I remember correctly I got 29/30 correct and the only one I got wrong was the one about the tank......

the question is something ridiculous like :if there is a war happening to Thailand, are you allowed to drive an army tank?

I thought no obviously , but you ARE allowed to drive a tank IF Thailand is at war... :)

Edited by Ks45672
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