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Army probe finds traces of corruption in Rajabhakti


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Well, that clears that up then. I'm glad there was no corruption, Obviously this government with its self determined mandate of cleaning up corruption and bringing happiness to the people has understood that some things are off limits. They understood that there should be times when graft should not occur as that would tarnish their image and create doubt. This park is both a monument to themselves as well as the exalted figures of the past and to commit any act of corruption in an undertaking of this magnitude would simply be appalling. So, yes I'm glad that it was all transparent, FAITH IS RESTORED!

Reminds me of a statement by the Koh Tao cops a year ago.

It went something like "People should not question the police, otherwise it will make them feel sad".

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"You want people to die for this? You want me to execute someone and their entire family for this? I mean, we have to look at their intention." When asked for transparency in opening up the accounts.

That's the most profound reason why this case must never be investigated further.

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"You want people to die for this? You want me to execute someone and their entire family for this? I mean, we have to look at their intention." When asked for transparency in opening up the accounts.

That's the most profound reason why this case must never be investigated further.

Why do you keep asking questions ? Don't you see I carry a gun?

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"Do you want people to die for this? You want me to execute someone and their entire family for this?"

No, we expect that a regime bragging about it's honorable intentions vigorously investigate this and put wrongdoers on trial - no matter their station in life.

But I'm sure few of us are holding our breath while waiting for this to happen. That much was already clear 18 months ago when Uncle Too "discouraged" any questions about his and his family's finances.

Just waiting for a certain someone to tell us it's all Thaksin's fault.

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I have no doubt there is corruption everywhere in Thailand and I'm not excluding the army

first - the army should never have been involved in this project, they should also not be involved in any production of equipment (armoured cars)

budgets and approvals should be open and transparent - it is tax payers money they are spending

if they are involved in public projects like the one in the OP is should be subjected to the same finacial controls as any other public owned organisation (if they existed)

they should also be examined for unusual wealth as should all senior staff of all public companies and organisations

This investigation should have been performed and led by the NACC and no one else

There are an awful lot of "shoulds" in my post

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Hang on a sec,,, wasn't the line yesterday "the report is fake"??? now more evidence is coming out, kind'a hard to keep up that line I guess.

As for another poster on TVF claiming everything the current government has done is all good and there can not be corruption, and it's all just the red's and Thaksin, yingluck stupid buffalo Isaan dirty poor rice famers did it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now what???

If there is solid evidence of corruption, who should be held accountable??? Who is currently being held accountable for the corrupt behavior of others??? Who is currently being told they have to pay money to the government for other peoples corrupt dealings???whistling.gif

They say the report is fake. Doesn't mean there is no corruption. Maybe you just got here, but you will find every single project like this in Thailand has corruption in it somewhere.

Don't you think you should let the NACC do their job first instead of waving your arms in a frenzy from your armchair demanding someone goes to jail ?.

At least the NACC are doing something - which is more than they could under the dirty cronies. But I don't recall you ranting about that at the time. Which means your opinion is just hypocrisy and so we can treat it for what it's worth.

Ohhh Johny boy, you really do take the biscuit man. You could have come out with let the corrpt be charged, repay the money and go too gaol, but instead you dribble on in your usual manner.

And I have been here for a tad longer than five min's but it wouldn't that long to see that these fellows in power now are just as bent as the rest of them, "dirty cronies" just in uniform.

The report of corruption was just yesterday publicly labeled as a fake!!! but today they admit there are traces of corruption, there either is or there isn't not "traces".

So that would mean your military hero's are and have always been in the corruption game as very well known by all who live here, accept for those few (--------'s) that refuse to see the truth for what it is.

Now as for your comment "But I don't hear you ranting about at the time". if you have a look at my past post's ALL have said that if there is proof irrefutable of corruption then let the law take it course and I'm just fine with that regardless of whom it might be.

So it seems John, that it's you who have a problem not only with HYPOCRACY, and an accurate recollection is also a problem.

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Hang on a sec,,, wasn't the line yesterday "the report is fake"??? now more evidence is coming out, kind'a hard to keep up that line I guess.

As for another poster on TVF claiming everything the current government has done is all good and there can not be corruption, and it's all just the red's and Thaksin, yingluck stupid buffalo Isaan dirty poor rice famers did it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now what???

If there is solid evidence of corruption, who should be held accountable??? Who is currently being held accountable for the corrupt behavior of others??? Who is currently being told they have to pay money to the government for other peoples corrupt dealings???whistling.gif

They say the report is fake. Doesn't mean there is no corruption. Maybe you just got here, but you will find every single project like this in Thailand has corruption in it somewhere.

Don't you think you should let the NACC do their job first instead of waving your arms in a frenzy from your armchair demanding someone goes to jail ?.

At least the NACC are doing something - which is more than they could under the dirty cronies. But I don't recall you ranting about that at the time. Which means your opinion is just hypocrisy and so we can treat it for what it's worth.

John, master of contradiction. You find oorruption everywhere and yet defend the military moral ground to eradicate corruption and reason to stage a coup.

By the way, the NACC has not done anything regarding Rajabhakti oorruption. Instead of launching into an investigation like CIB, they are " waiting".

well nobody else is going to do it - that is a fact

it is what it is for now

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No Corruption in Rajabhakti Park, Army Rules

Earlier, former Army chief and current deputy defence minister General Udomdej Sitabur, who initiated this project, admitted that there had been illegal payment of commission fees

The army investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong, although Gen Udomdej Sitabutr admitted that there was corruption present. Now, why is it impossible for you to coordinate your lies better, even though you are holding all the power? Is a simple phone call too much work?

Or, if you really don't care about your public image and the truth, then why investigate in the first place? Just say "article 44, Buddy", to anyone who comes asking...

Edited by klauskunkel
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"Do you want people to die for this? You want me to execute someone and their entire family for this?"

No, we expect that a regime bragging about it's honorable intentions vigorously investigate this and put wrongdoers on trial - no matter their station in life.

But I'm sure few of us are holding our breath while waiting for this to happen. That much was already clear 18 months ago when Uncle Too "discouraged" any questions about his and his family's finances.

Just waiting for a certain someone to tell us it's all Thaksin's fault.

Before we had a nice photo of Yingluck and some good old boys standing in front of a big "No Corruption" sign and pledging to tackle corruption.

Then Yingluck stated there was "no corruption in her government".

Now we have a much publicized Junta government "crackdown" on corruption.

And the army chief says "no corruption, all is transparent" despite a previous army chief saying there was some. And the PM remains silent on the matter.

Deja Vu?

All get's conveniently swept under the carpet when the "right" people are involved. As it has always been.

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No Corruption in Rajabhakti Park, Army Rules

Earlier, former Army chief and current deputy defence minister General Udomdej Sitabur, who initiated this project, admitted that there had been illegal payment of commission fees

The army investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong, although Gen Udomdej Sitabutr admitted that there was corruption present. Now, why is it impossible for you to coordinate your lies better, even though you are holding all the power? Is a simple phone call too much work?

Or, if you really don't care about your public image and the truth, then why investigate in the first place? Just say "article 44, Buddy", to anyone who comes asking...

It seems a Thai political trait. The current government and previous ones all contradicted one another whilst lying. If the truths out there, no one would recognize it if it bit them!

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Sir John you are pinning you hopes on the NACC, the same NACC that said they have received no complaint and thus can't investigate this case ? Or are you pinning your hopes on the men in uniform that says that this case should not be investigated because the park was financed by donations ? Have you ever thought about this statement of the government which implies that because government money wasn't involved its okay for corruption to take place ? By the way this is the same NACC that claimed that all evidence regarding the Dems rice scheme was destroyed by the 2011 flood, although the flood water never reached their offices. Sir John you either naïve or a fool, you can choose.

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"Do you want people to die for this? You want me to execute someone and their entire family for this?"

No, we expect that a regime bragging about it's honorable intentions vigorously investigate this and put wrongdoers on trial - no matter their station in life.

But I'm sure few of us are holding our breath while waiting for this to happen. That much was already clear 18 months ago when Uncle Too "discouraged" any questions about his and his family's finances.

Just waiting for a certain someone to tell us it's all Thaksin's fault.

Before we had a nice photo of Yingluck and some good old boys standing in front of a big "No Corruption" sign and pledging to tackle corruption.

Then Yingluck stated there was "no corruption in her government".

Now we have a much publicized Junta government "crackdown" on corruption.

And the army chief says "no corruption, all is transparent" despite a previous army chief saying there was some. And the PM remains silent on the matter.

Deja Vu?

All get's conveniently swept under the carpet when the "right" people are involved. As it has always been.

"All get's conveniently swept under the carpet when the "right" people are involved. As it has always been."

Indeed. Crooks taking over from crooks has been the case since 1932. My preference though is for the Thai people to have the right to elect the crooks that govern them. That way there at least is an outside chance that Thai democracy will evolve into something that deserves that term. Alas, the military has never allowed that.

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There you have it; pretty clear now....

There is NO corruption in Thailand.....

They are just very good at donations, was on another news yesterday: Thai people are very generous... It's donation, not corruption....clap2.gif

So now, can we go to Tier 1 pretty please?

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