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Ex-jonbenet Suspect's Porn Charges Dropped


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1.00pm Friday October 6, 2006

LOS ANGELES - A California judge today dismissed five-year-old child pornography charges against John Mark Karr, the teacher arrested in August for the murder of child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey and then released without charge.

Prosecutors in Sonoma County, in northern California, said they did not have enough evidence to proceed in the 2001 case and Karr was ordered released immediately.

Karr, 41, was extradited from Thailand in August after claiming responsibility for the 1996 murder in Colorado of Ramsey -- one of America's most notorious unsolved crimes.

But DNA evidence cleared him of involvement and he was then sent to California to answer outstanding charges of child pornography possession stemming from his time working as a teacher in Sonoma County.

Karr's arrest and details of his obsession with the JonBenet case triggered a worldwide media frenzy but ultimately left investigators no nearer determining who murdered her.

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This bloke ???? is obviously a weirdo.

All that money and effort wasted on nothing at both ends, what a laughing stock he made of everyone.

What gets me is why don,t they keep arrested the foreigners who are obviously guilty of serious crimes.

Only to be mysteriously allowed to get out of custody and disappear into the communities to cause further problems ect.

Mega buck back handers, i know. ??????

The point is they go to all this trouble to deport this nutter and acommodate the request to do so, only to be left with egg on their faces.

Thailand where put into this position by outside influence, in this case i would like to add by the way.

Guilt or otherwise not even proved but still deported. ???????

The authorities will have to put their efforts into getting rid of the real scumbags if they want to restore their creditability and prove their good intentions.

There,s plenty of them among us and i don,t mean petty criminals either.

Just maybe things wil change now with immigration tightening things up.

marshbags :o:D:D

Edited by marshbags
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Well my understanding - they lost the evidence ie hard drive with the obscene pics of children. No hard drive, no case. Anyway should be mad - take it out on police where he was arrested. :o

He's high profile - doubt he'll ever be let in Thailand again and high profile means he will be watched wherever he goes.

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The authorities will have to put their efforts into getting rid of the real scumbags if they want to restore their creditability and prove their good intentions.

The authoroties will have to put their effort into not loosing evidence (if it ever existed) and the applicaiton of better police work and due legal process.

This bloke ???? is obviously a weirdo.

It seems the only thing the evidence says about this "bloke?????" is he's not guilty of the murder he was accuded of.

But don't let that stop you.

He's accused of terrible crimes, we don't need any more evidence than the accusation.

Who's next I wounder?

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He's high profile - doubt he'll ever be let in Thailand again and high profile means he will be watched wherever he goes.

However he has a public invitation from the singing {former} 'comish' of the IPB to return to Thailand.

So who knows... By the by if you want the real villain in this sorry chapter, suggest you look a little more at the Professor of Journalism Michael Tracey's part in all this {with his books and television programmes to follow}.


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. . . hoping for a book or movie deal, maybe?....

Sing_Sling, why does your comment not suprise me at all. In fact the only thing that does suprise me is the movie is not on HBO. Its probably a few months in the making.

Maybe they are having trouble finding someone to be the leading man.

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Innocent, charges dropped, whatever, I'm sure a lot of us cannot help but associate this unwell person with changes in the visa regs. in Thailand.

I'm not vindictive, but have to admit some disappointment that his karma didn't bite him this time around.

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