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Beijing vows justice as ISIS kills Chinese, Norwegian hostages


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Upsetting Russia, France and China in less then a fortnight!

This can only end well!

CCP Dictators in Beijing do want this to be a war of civilisations, Islam vs Christianity (throw in Israel). CCP will be fulfilled to stand around to watch and refrain from any major participation while each side wrecks the other.

It would make the Boyz' purposes easier and would shorten their timeline to lay back then pick up all the pieces. Doesn't really matter to 'em how the pieces got there. Picking 'em up is the important thing to the CCP.

Daesh is China's friend whether or nor they've ever met. Thing is Daesh will be exterminated but it remains of vital importance how it is done and by whom.

Hollande is hollering to invoke Nato Article 5 of mutual defense but no government wants any part of it, certainly not at the present time or circumstances. France hasn't been on the Nato military committee of member armed forces' commanders since DeGaulle pulled France off of it way back then.

Nato headquarters is in Brussels because DeGaulle threw it out of France. So it's no pay, no play for Hollande vis-a-vis Nato. It's in the rules. Hollande and Putin if they join up aren't going to get Nato to follow 'em anywhere. For sure not.

Putin joins up with Hollande and Russia will get a big Daesh tear into it too. It appears Daesh saw this union coming and in the making before the attacks.

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This could get interesting. Notice how the article glosses over the murdered Norwegian. All eyes on the Chinese man and China.

Of course... the Chinese have the power to cripple the extremists. Pair them with Russia and results will finally happen, bravo.

ISIS seem intent on self destruction. You don't survive by setting the whole world against you!! Planes coming from all directions will be queueing up for their turn to drop their bombs. Uniting China, Russia, the US, France, The UK to the cause of smashing ISIS is pretty impressive, I'm sure that this must a first where these nations are all collectively holding hands on the same issue.

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ISIS seem intent on self destruction. You don't survive by setting the whole world against you!! Planes coming from all directions will be queueing up for their turn to drop their bombs.

Drop them where…they are hiding in plain sight among thousands of otherwise innocent people, both muzzlim and non-muzzlim.

They have to be surgically targeted….massive undertaking.

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ISIS seem intent on self destruction. You don't survive by setting the whole world against you!! Planes coming from all directions will be queueing up for their turn to drop their bombs.

Drop them where…they are hiding in plain sight among thousands of otherwise innocent people, both muzzlim and non-muzzlim.

They have to be surgically targeted….massive undertaking.

They seem to know where the targets are - what I don't understand is that the French stated that they bombed ISIS 'head quarters' in retaliation for the carnage caused in Paris. Why hadn't the Russians/US/ and any other of the mountain of enemies they are creating done this before now if it is common knowledge where it is?

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Bombing campaigns are always risky and the risk of civilian casualties has to be weighed. Knowing where a target is and knowing who is there are very different things. The headquarters have probably been under observation for a while, but the possibility of collateral damage may have been too high.

ISIS attacking Paris is a game changer. They attacked us, so we have greater latitude (and support) for attacking them.

Both France and Russia, because of the airline bombing, are much less likely to draw serious criticism for risky action.

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ISIS seem intent on self destruction. You don't survive by setting the whole world against you!! Planes coming from all directions will be queueing up for their turn to drop their bombs.

Drop them where…they are hiding in plain sight among thousands of otherwise innocent people, both muzzlim and non-muzzlim.

They have to be surgically targeted….massive undertaking.

They seem to know where the targets are - what I don't understand is that the French stated that they bombed ISIS 'head quarters' in retaliation for the carnage caused in Paris. Why hadn't the Russians/US/ and any other of the mountain of enemies they are creating done this before now if it is common knowledge where it is?

Because there were no Daesh commanders and warlords at Daesh "headquarters" targets in Raqqu. Any Daesh warlords there had split long before any French or US coalition bombs starting falling on 'em, long before the Russians finally admitted their airliner got blasted out of the sky, long before French bombs starting falling over the Paris hits.

Daesh and their commanders don't make themselves targets. Don't know what some people over here could be thinking about the bombing campaign, No matter whose air forces are dropping bombs. Daesh does not make itself an obvious target, does not sit around waiting to be spotted by recon or intel to then get zapped. Daesh is not the Wehrmacht with brass hats everywhere in and around some mansion with jeeps or army trucks coming and going.

The Jihadi John guy got zapped by US but we can bet he got it on the run and behaving covertly, not sitting somewhere with a big X painted on the roof. It's baffling that some people fail to recognise Daesh is not only evasive, but that Daesh firghters and commanders keep evaporating themselves from everyone's intelligence throughout the area. US struck a real accomplishment to do the Daesh PR guy from UK.

France bombed Raqqa "headquarters" in the NE of Syria because France got the long-existing target list from the US. The target list hadn't ever been acted on by US or the coalition. The list contains facilities such as electric power, water supply, administrative buildings, key roads etc that had been off limits due to populations nearby or civilian populations being negatively affected, such as water supply disruption, food etc. That's what France hit in its bombing raids. Maybe it got one or two Daesh wannabes still hanging around.

Russia and France can keep bombing the Raqqa "headquarters" of Daesh but at a certain point soon they'll only be shifting rubble. Daesh commanders and forces aren't out in the open saying hit me if you can. Raqqa is called the Daesh "capital" but the term is so loosely used it's meaningless.

CCP Boyz are doing everything they can to put this in the lap of Russia, France and, Beijing hopes, all of Nato. All of Nato getting involved in this is unlikely as long as Russia is in it and Putin remains in Ukraine. France's participation in Nato has been marginal for 50-plus years. All Paris has ever done with Nato is to send 'em a cake each Christmas and some cheap wine.

Russian air forces meanwhile reported killing 33 Daesh over 72 hours earlier this week. At that kill-time ratio, Putin and his air force can kill 66 over the next six days, 132 over the next 12 days and so on and soon all this will be over, ISIS problem solved. Donald Trump will send Vlad a medal. Awesome.

Edited by Publicus
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This could get interesting. Notice how the article glosses over the murdered Norwegian. All eyes on the Chinese man and China.

Of course... the Chinese have the power to cripple the extremists. Pair them with Russia and results will finally happen, bravo.

ISIS seem intent on self destruction. You don't survive by setting the whole world against you!! Planes coming from all directions will be queueing up for their turn to drop their bombs. Uniting China, Russia, the US, France, The UK to the cause of smashing ISIS is pretty impressive, I'm sure that this must a first where these nations are all collectively holding hands on the same issue.

ISIS wants a war of Civilizations. It's a Plan. They think they'e, with the help of Allah, are going to win.

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This could get interesting. Notice how the article glosses over the murdered Norwegian. All eyes on the Chinese man and China.

Of course... the Chinese have the power to cripple the extremists. Pair them with Russia and results will finally happen, bravo.

ISIS seem intent on self destruction. You don't survive by setting the whole world against you!! Planes coming from all directions will be queueing up for their turn to drop their bombs. Uniting China, Russia, the US, France, The UK to the cause of smashing ISIS is pretty impressive, I'm sure that this must a first where these nations are all collectively holding hands on the same issue.

ISIS wants a war of Civilizations. It's a Plan. They think they'e, with the help of Allah, are going to win.

If they want a war of civilizations then why attack China?

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Upsetting Russia, France and China in less then a fortnight!

This can only end well!

CCP Dictators in Beijing do want this to be a war of civilisations, Islam vs Christianity (throw in Israel). CCP will be fulfilled to stand around to watch and refrain from any major participation while each side wrecks the other.

It would make the Boyz' purposes easier and would shorten their timeline to lay back then pick up all the pieces. Doesn't really matter to 'em how the pieces got there. Picking 'em up is the important thing to the CCP.

Daesh is China's friend whether or nor they've ever met. Thing is Daesh will be exterminated but it remains of vital importance how it is done and by whom.

Hollande is hollering to invoke Nato Article 5 of mutual defense but no government wants any part of it, certainly not at the present time or circumstances. France hasn't been on the Nato military committee of member armed forces' commanders since DeGaulle pulled France off of it way back then.

Nato headquarters is in Brussels because DeGaulle threw it out of France. So it's no pay, no play for Hollande vis-a-vis Nato. It's in the rules. Hollande and Putin if they join up aren't going to get Nato to follow 'em anywhere. For sure not.

Putin joins up with Hollande and Russia will get a big Daesh tear into it too. It appears Daesh saw this union coming and in the making before the attacks.

Believe you will find France was reestablished as a member of the NATO Military Committee in 2009,

current senior representative being Vice-admiral Charles-Édouard de Coriolis

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The Chinese government has been on the sidelines, as it has no moral authority. Maybe this could allow them to do something beneficial for the world, for a change. The ignorance contained within their Politburo is topped only by the US White House, but their Politburo is far more corrupt, and far more heinous in it's intentions. China doing something beneficial for the planet. Wow. What a change that would be!

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Upsetting Russia, France and China in less then a fortnight!

This can only end well!

CCP Dictators in Beijing do want this to be a war of civilisations, Islam vs Christianity (throw in Israel). CCP will be fulfilled to stand around to watch and refrain from any major participation while each side wrecks the other.

It would make the Boyz' purposes easier and would shorten their timeline to lay back then pick up all the pieces. Doesn't really matter to 'em how the pieces got there. Picking 'em up is the important thing to the CCP.

Daesh is China's friend whether or nor they've ever met. Thing is Daesh will be exterminated but it remains of vital importance how it is done and by whom.

Hollande is hollering to invoke Nato Article 5 of mutual defense but no government wants any part of it, certainly not at the present time or circumstances. France hasn't been on the Nato military committee of member armed forces' commanders since DeGaulle pulled France off of it way back then.

Nato headquarters is in Brussels because DeGaulle threw it out of France. So it's no pay, no play for Hollande vis-a-vis Nato. It's in the rules. Hollande and Putin if they join up aren't going to get Nato to follow 'em anywhere. For sure not.

Putin joins up with Hollande and Russia will get a big Daesh tear into it too. It appears Daesh saw this union coming and in the making before the attacks.

Believe you will find France was reestablished as a member of the NATO Military Committee in 2009,

current senior representative being Vice-admiral Charles-Édouard de Coriolis

Yes indeed. Hardly anyone outside of Nato or the elites of France had noticed.

Charles deGaulle had pulled France off the Nato military committee in 1966.

But the separation was not destined to last forever. In fact, France's subsequent rapprochement with NATO took place in stages. By 1992, France had joined the NATO operations in Kosovo, and French troops later participated in military campaigns in Afghanistan. In 1996, Paris said that it would re-establish a permanent military mission to NATO, and in 2004 French military officials were once again part of the NATO command


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If they get China and Russia involved they are doomed.....Chinese Liberation Army on the ground supported by Russia would do the trick (+ maybe France a bit playing around). All the US support won't rescue ISIS

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After 9/11 the then French Pres Chirac called for invoking Nato Article 5 providing for mutual defense, which is the only time Nato had done it regardless. Now Pres Francois Hollande wants the same for France against another non-state entity, Isis. As long as Hollande tries to buddy up to Putin who remains in Ukraine and under EU sanctions, Nato will continue to keep its proper distance from France.

Two of Putin's bombers against Syrian rebels took the European scenic route last week. The two flew at the Air Defense Zones of UK and Portugal, each a Nato member. UK sent up interceptor RAF fighters to lead the Russians in their bombers to proper international air space. The two Russian bombers fired their missiles while over the Med, passed over Sryria to take a quick look; returned to Russia due north, thus completing a big circle around Nato member countries.

France is complaining it feels alone, which is what it has consciously been for a couple of score of years. France had had almost no role in the demise of the Soviet Union USSR. No fear, Cameron and the UK will meet with Hollande today to pledge UK support of all out ME war. Cameron might as well wear a Tony Blair mask...tight pants maybe.

Hollande tomorrow will be at the White House futilely soliciting Prez Obama to launch all out war against a gang of terrorists in the deserts. Thursday Hollande will be in Moscow to pretend to discuss a USA-France-Russia alliance with Putin. Holland wants to create a coalition that would attack fighters in Syria and Iraq who support Assad and also those fighters that oppose Assad, to include Daash. Putin can kill our guys, we can kill Putin's guys. Assad meanwhile will applaud.

The one place Hollande will not stop over is Beijing. Nothing to see there except angry Muslims from what Beijing calls Xinjiang.

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If they get China and Russia involved they are doomed.....Chinese Liberation Army on the ground supported by Russia would do the trick (+ maybe France a bit playing around). All the US support won't rescue ISIS

All the US support won't rescue ISIS

Perhaps you might want to rephrase that. Might even want to retract it.

Dictators in Beijing might have to replay in reverse the 2011 evacuation of Chinese from Lybia. Commandeer Chinese commercial and cargo aircraft. Rent Chinese merchant ships and also a bunch of Greek ships. Greece being in Nato might create a problem for Beijing on this one however. Maybe Beijing can rent Turkish ships. Oops......

....Erdogan in Turkey just got busted by Nato for trying to buy a 3 bn euro air defense system from Beijing. Erdogan's problem was the Chinese system isn't integrated with the Nato air defense systems. The other problem is that the CCP China is pretty far away from Nato in more ways than one. So Erdogan made the dead deal officially dead last week when he met with Prez Obama in Turkey during the G-20. Putin doesn't fit with Nato either.

China to Syria is an awfully long supply line for any military. For the PLA it's a bit much of a challenge. Don't look for Beijing to be doing much of anything in France's copycat GW Bush big war against psychopathic desert rats.

Hollande won't be stopping over in Beijing on his warpath flights around the globe this week. Lotsa violence in the CCP China over the Turkic speaking Muslims that live in the place that the CCP calls the Xinjiang Autonomous Administrative Region. It's not even a province. In Xinjiang btw they call it the East Turkistan Islamic Republic.

Edited by Publicus
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If they get China and Russia involved they are doomed.....Chinese Liberation Army on the ground supported by Russia would do the trick (+ maybe France a bit playing around). All the US support won't rescue ISIS

All the US support won't rescue ISIS

Perhaps you might want to rephrase that. Might even want to retract it.

Dictators in Beijing might have to replay in reverse the 2011 evacuation of Chinese from Lybia. Commandeer Chinese commercial and cargo aircraft. Rent Chinese merchant ships and also a bunch of Greek ships. Greece being in Nato might create a problem for Beijing on this one however. Maybe Beijing can rent Turkish ships. Oops......

....Erdogan in Turkey just got busted by Nato for trying to buy a 3 bn euro air defense system from Beijing. Erdogan's problem was the Chinese system isn't integrated with the Nato air defense systems. The other problem is that the CCP China is pretty far away from Nato in more ways than one. So Erdogan made the dead deal officially dead last week when he met with Prez Obama in Turkey during the G-20. Putin doesn't fit with Nato either.

China to Syria is an awfully long supply line for any military. For the PLA it's a bit much of a challenge. Don't look for Beijing to be doing much of anything in France's copycat GW Bush big war against psychopathic desert rats.

Hollande won't be stopping over in Beijing on his warpath flights around the globe this week. Lotsa violence in the CCP China over the Turkic speaking Muslims that live in the place that the CCP calls the Xinjiang Autonomous Administrative Region. It's not even a province. In Xinjiang btw they call it the East Turkistan Islamic Republic.

Transporting soldiers is surely a challenge for China, but they have enough capacity to transport weapons, if they do it in commercial container ships, or if they take some of the half rotten commercial ships lying around in waste numbers. But yes definitely they aren't ready to do it.......I would also guess that some other countries (India?) would give an helping hand transporting things.

But what China has, is the amount of people...Manpower 2.000.000, Reserve 500K. If they loose 2000 people it won't even hit the news. Manpower if you want to clean out building by building with the AKA-47.

My hope is (call me a dreamer as it won't happen) that Russia, Europe, China and USA opens their eyes and stop the ridiculous infighting and join hand against this evil. And hopefully they do before ISIS figure out how simple chemical attacks or dirty nuclear bombs (just some waste from XRay stations is nasty enough) are.

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If they get China and Russia involved they are doomed.....Chinese Liberation Army on the ground supported by Russia would do the trick (+ maybe France a bit playing around). All the US support won't rescue ISIS

All the US support won't rescue ISIS

Perhaps you might want to rephrase that. Might even want to retract it.

Dictators in Beijing might have to replay in reverse the 2011 evacuation of Chinese from Lybia. Commandeer Chinese commercial and cargo aircraft. Rent Chinese merchant ships and also a bunch of Greek ships. Greece being in Nato might create a problem for Beijing on this one however. Maybe Beijing can rent Turkish ships. Oops......

....Erdogan in Turkey just got busted by Nato for trying to buy a 3 bn euro air defense system from Beijing. Erdogan's problem was the Chinese system isn't integrated with the Nato air defense systems. The other problem is that the CCP China is pretty far away from Nato in more ways than one. So Erdogan made the dead deal officially dead last week when he met with Prez Obama in Turkey during the G-20. Putin doesn't fit with Nato either.

China to Syria is an awfully long supply line for any military. For the PLA it's a bit much of a challenge. Don't look for Beijing to be doing much of anything in France's copycat GW Bush big war against psychopathic desert rats.

Hollande won't be stopping over in Beijing on his warpath flights around the globe this week. Lotsa violence in the CCP China over the Turkic speaking Muslims that live in the place that the CCP calls the Xinjiang Autonomous Administrative Region. It's not even a province. In Xinjiang btw they call it the East Turkistan Islamic Republic.

Transporting soldiers is surely a challenge for China, but they have enough capacity to transport weapons, if they do it in commercial container ships, or if they take some of the half rotten commercial ships lying around in waste numbers. But yes definitely they aren't ready to do it.......I would also guess that some other countries (India?) would give an helping hand transporting things.

But what China has, is the amount of people...Manpower 2.000.000, Reserve 500K. If they loose 2000 people it won't even hit the news. Manpower if you want to clean out building by building with the AKA-47.

My hope is (call me a dreamer as it won't happen) that Russia, Europe, China and USA opens their eyes and stop the ridiculous infighting and join hand against this evil. And hopefully they do before ISIS figure out how simple chemical attacks or dirty nuclear bombs (just some waste from XRay stations is nasty enough) are.

India isn't going to help China do anything.

The CCP Dictators in Beijing have declared the Indian Ocean isn't Indian. It's full of PLA Navy submarines and surface warships now. India doesn't want anything to do with the New Silk Road grandiose design of the CCP through northern India which Beijing claims is its sovereign territory and for which it started a war in 1962.

The Brics thing is collapsed. The recently elected PM Modi is pro-American and he's helping Vietnam and Malaysia in the SCS and his Navy is doing exercises with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in the East Sea and in the Indian Ocean.

The thing about Chinese military mass casualties is entirely Mao era only.

Chinese people don't want casualties civilian or military, same as people in USA or France or lots of other countries don't want people dying in wars their countries don't need to fight. The days of Mao sending waves of thousands of soldiers en masse to die are long gone from China and the Chinese people. People who keep talking about how waves of 5000 Chinese soldiers dying in a big charge haven't any clue whatsoever of the Chinese of today.

Chinese people don't want the PLA fighting anyone anywhere for any reason. CCP Chinese regard the PLA as existing to defend the homeland against attack or invasion, not as an expeditionary force. Some militant CCP believe differently as do the fenqing especially, but the mass of CCP Chinese people regard the PLA as defensive of the homeland, that's it.

CCP Chinese expect the Party to deal with the crumbling and crashing economy. The focus is on economic development. CCP Chinese people know war is the worst thing for a country that desperately needs economic development. Besides, CCP Chinese people know same as the rest of us know, i.e., that war kills children and other living things.

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If they get China and Russia involved they are doomed.....Chinese Liberation Army on the ground supported by Russia would do the trick (+ maybe France a bit playing around). All the US support won't rescue ISIS

All the US support won't rescue ISIS

Perhaps you might want to rephrase that. Might even want to retract it.

Dictators in Beijing might have to replay in reverse the 2011 evacuation of Chinese from Lybia. Commandeer Chinese commercial and cargo aircraft. Rent Chinese merchant ships and also a bunch of Greek ships. Greece being in Nato might create a problem for Beijing on this one however. Maybe Beijing can rent Turkish ships. Oops......

....Erdogan in Turkey just got busted by Nato for trying to buy a 3 bn euro air defense system from Beijing. Erdogan's problem was the Chinese system isn't integrated with the Nato air defense systems. The other problem is that the CCP China is pretty far away from Nato in more ways than one. So Erdogan made the dead deal officially dead last week when he met with Prez Obama in Turkey during the G-20. Putin doesn't fit with Nato either.

China to Syria is an awfully long supply line for any military. For the PLA it's a bit much of a challenge. Don't look for Beijing to be doing much of anything in France's copycat GW Bush big war against psychopathic desert rats.

Hollande won't be stopping over in Beijing on his warpath flights around the globe this week. Lotsa violence in the CCP China over the Turkic speaking Muslims that live in the place that the CCP calls the Xinjiang Autonomous Administrative Region. It's not even a province. In Xinjiang btw they call it the East Turkistan Islamic Republic.

Transporting soldiers is surely a challenge for China, but they have enough capacity to transport weapons, if they do it in commercial container ships, or if they take some of the half rotten commercial ships lying around in waste numbers. But yes definitely they aren't ready to do it.......I would also guess that some other countries (India?) would give an helping hand transporting things.

But what China has, is the amount of people...Manpower 2.000.000, Reserve 500K. If they loose 2000 people it won't even hit the news. Manpower if you want to clean out building by building with the AKA-47.

My hope is (call me a dreamer as it won't happen) that Russia, Europe, China and USA opens their eyes and stop the ridiculous infighting and join hand against this evil. And hopefully they do before ISIS figure out how simple chemical attacks or dirty nuclear bombs (just some waste from XRay stations is nasty enough) are.

India isn't going to help China do anything.

The CCP Dictators in Beijing have declared the Indian Ocean isn't Indian. It's full of PLA Navy submarines and surface warships now. India doesn't want anything to do with the New Silk Road grandiose design of the CCP through northern India which Beijing claims is its sovereign territory and for which it started a war in 1962.

The Brics thing is collapsed. The recently elected PM Modi is pro-American and he's helping Vietnam and Malaysia in the SCS and his Navy is doing exercises with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in the East Sea and in the Indian Ocean.

The thing about Chinese military mass casualties is entirely Mao era only.

Chinese people don't want casualties civilian or military, same as people in USA or France or lots of other countries don't want people dying in wars their countries don't need to fight. The days of Mao sending waves of thousands of soldiers en masse to die are long gone from China and the Chinese people. People who keep talking about how waves of 5000 Chinese soldiers dying in a big charge haven't any clue whatsoever of the Chinese of today.

Chinese people don't want the PLA fighting anyone anywhere for any reason. CCP Chinese regard the PLA as existing to defend the homeland against attack or invasion, not as an expeditionary force. Some militant CCP believe differently as do the fenqing especially, but the mass of CCP Chinese people regard the PLA as defensive of the homeland, that's it.

CCP Chinese expect the Party to deal with the crumbling and crashing economy. The focus is on economic development. CCP Chinese people know war is the worst thing for a country that desperately needs economic development. Besides, CCP Chinese people know same as the rest of us know, i.e., that war kills children and other living things.

India is very afraid of radical Islam that might outweigh the jealousy against China (or may not??).

You are complete right about the economy, but give it 2 big incidents in China and the public opinion can change 180 degree and it would be a welcome distraction from the economic problems.....you know always when there are internal problems best thing you can do is starting a war and play the national card. Having some hero stories in TV and the president shaking their hands is way better than a discussion on why they exports fall again....

I am not saying that it will happen, just saying that is a possibility. And it would be good for all of us

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India isn't going to help China do anything.

The CCP Dictators in Beijing have declared the Indian Ocean isn't Indian. It's full of PLA Navy submarines and surface warships now. India doesn't want anything to do with the New Silk Road grandiose design of the CCP through northern India which Beijing claims is its sovereign territory and for which it started a war in 1962.

The Brics thing is collapsed. The recently elected PM Modi is pro-American and he's helping Vietnam and Malaysia in the SCS and his Navy is doing exercises with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in the East Sea and in the Indian Ocean.

The thing about Chinese military mass casualties is entirely Mao era only.

Chinese people don't want casualties civilian or military, same as people in USA or France or lots of other countries don't want people dying in wars their countries don't need to fight. The days of Mao sending waves of thousands of soldiers en masse to die are long gone from China and the Chinese people. People who keep talking about how waves of 5000 Chinese soldiers dying in a big charge haven't any clue whatsoever of the Chinese of today.

Chinese people don't want the PLA fighting anyone anywhere for any reason. CCP Chinese regard the PLA as existing to defend the homeland against attack or invasion, not as an expeditionary force. Some militant CCP believe differently as do the fenqing especially, but the mass of CCP Chinese people regard the PLA as defensive of the homeland, that's it.

CCP Chinese expect the Party to deal with the crumbling and crashing economy. The focus is on economic development. CCP Chinese people know war is the worst thing for a country that desperately needs economic development. Besides, CCP Chinese people know same as the rest of us know, i.e., that war kills children and other living things.

India is very afraid of radical Islam that might outweigh the jealousy against China (or may not??).

You are complete right about the economy, but give it 2 big incidents in China and the public opinion can change 180 degree and it would be a welcome distraction from the economic problems.....you know always when there are internal problems best thing you can do is starting a war and play the national card. Having some hero stories in TV and the president shaking their hands is way better than a discussion on why they exports fall again....

I am not saying that it will happen, just saying that is a possibility. And it would be good for all of us

India is staying out of fights against radical sociopaths in the ME especially. PM Narendra Modi who is pro-US stated his support of US airstrikes but isn't going to do anything to get involved in any way. Modi keeps India's post WW2 friendship with Moscow, mostly to buy weapon systems until India completes setting up its own armaments industries.

I've quoted the saying many times, the only thing to fear more than a rising China is a falling China. CCP economy going in either direction isn't going to pull the trigger against the United States. Japan being a US treaty defense ally stops the Boyz there also. CCP don't want military confrontation with the US in the SCS and now certainly do not want to add to that in the ME.

CCP and their PRC going up or down in their economy need the United States and they well know it.

That is another reason the CCP will do nothing substantial or high profile in Syria or concerning Daash. Another factor is that about 400 Chinese are reported to be with Daash and the CCP have had serious ongoing Muslim problems in the Xinjiang region of westernmost China which borders Afghanistan and a couple of other Muslim stans.

Xi is in control of the PLA which anyway is well aware of the severe limitations to its capabilities as a prospective expeditionary force. PLA is a home army. Some boots on the ground have been sent to Syria but very few and there won't be many more.

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