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Sign of the times: Housekeeper - can't work because iPhone is broken


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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

i have two landlines, TOT and TT&T whistling.gif

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Some (including me) need to have landline in order to have True wireless at home

Landline yes but there is no need to have the landline phone or pay the 109 baht per month... I have True + wireless + NO house phone for over 2 years, simply ask True to cancel the phone.......... I do find I have to ask them every 6 months or the re connect it.. my reason cannot hear on the phone, much easier on the net + of course cost nothing.

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Some (including me) need to have landline in order to have True wireless at home

Landline yes but there is no need to have the landline phone or pay the 109 baht per month... I have True + wireless + NO house phone for over 2 years, simply ask True to cancel the phone.......... I do find I have to ask them every 6 months or the re connect it.. my reason cannot hear on the phone, much easier on the net + of course cost nothing.

there is a need for a landline when sending or receiving a fax. some,albeit few, communications require the use of a fax.

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Well, we had a Burmese maid onch ..even the neighbours complained about her constant loud voice on the phone most of the day ..she multi tasked ...phone and dort of work.

Mrs Jas warned her many times .. the end came when she was been told off again and she talked on the phone at the same time ...outcome was same as the film name ...GONE IN 60 SECONDS ...or simular

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Maybe the problem is that you permit her to spend 25% of her time working for you...on her phone and iPad??

I would reduce her pay by 25% or replace her with a worker who understands that work time is not phone time.

Have to agree. I sometimes wonder do the owners of stalls in shopping malls realize how many customers they are losing every day because their employee fails to lift her head up from her phone to serve a prospective customer....

I myself just walk on when I come across same.

Edited by dotpoom
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At least she is honest about it and didn't make up a bullshit excuse like mom is sick, brother was involved in a moto accident. I definitely would keep her. Smartphones are a reality of of the modern age, most people feel disabled without one.

I've seen motorcyclists and motorists talking or texting in heavy traffic. I've seen pedestrians so preoccupied with what's on the screen they've walked off steps without realising there's a step there.

To me, smartphones are part of the dumbing down of nations. I refuse to use them - I have a laptop for those functions. Facebook and Twitter are for narcissistic morons. And I don't feel disabled at all, or feel there's something lacking in my life without a smartphone by my side.

A phone is an instrument you speak into for the purpose of communicating with someone. Anything else is frills. I'll stick with my 500 baht Samsung, thank you.facepalm.gif

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I can empathise and sympathise.

Having had 14 Jaguars in my time from the e-type ( sold far too cheaply) to the series 1,2 and 3 plus xjs ( I had the third 3.6 manual off the production line)

the exasperation of the continual breakdowns makes the maids problem insignificant.

My only recourse was to ensure I had 2 Jags, one always worked!

iphones beat me, low tech, high price. Go figure.

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Duplicate follows a triplicate. Are you sure the Jags didn't work or you just didn't know how to work them ?

You could be right but it means your offer of the Asian brides is an even poorer deal 5555

I offered no Asian brides. That would have been someone else. Doh.

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Duplicate follows a triplicate. Are you sure the Jags didn't work or you just didn't know how to work them ?

You could be right but it means your offer of the Asian brides is an even poorer deal 5555

I offered no Asian brides. That would have been someone else. Doh.

Correct! I am not 100% tonight!

Blame overwork 555

Jags were great though, not reliable but when working the best ride ever, and I include a RR in that statement.

I bought 1 ( that I don't include in the 14) after Ford bought them and sold it after 4 months and got a BM.

Garbage would be too kind a word to describe their finish.

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

Wife's parents have one

My school has several, built in late 70s

You ought to try and meet some decent people.

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Todays youth will never understand the hassle of telephone boxes,and losing your money in the poxy boxes,pressing button B for a refund,which you automatically lost by default...and all because you were interested in a job which had already gone! contact was very sparse and we learnt how to manage without instant contact,and more about passing on messages! through the grapevine.

And then came mobiles,which cost an hours wages for a few minutes call,but made sure your GF wasn't spending her hard earned money on her new boyfriend without telling you! only because it was so expensive.

Later on, Clever people became Computer literate,and ultimately made a fortune by contacting potential Boy Friends from around the world,and the girls sent out their best photos even if they were a few years old ,no matter, it got the ball rolling.......happy days? ....not.

but if you are living in a village,without a phone box as many still are, a mobile must still be a luxury prize possession!

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Cleaners often get demanding,after the initial honeymoon period, my last cleaner was on 300 Baht for 5 hours including a 20 minutes Breakfast break,(free breakfast) she came late and left early,and this was before the 300 baht minimum wage came into play.Then she decided to demand petrol money on her 100 cc honda for about 15 k traveling,on the advise of my MIL we let her go!

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Thai clearers are things to behold. You can tell how tall they are by how high they clean shelves in the kitchen or tiles on the bathroom wall.

Once it gets beyond arm above head height they no longer do it as it isn't in their minds to use a set of steps.

I find that sort of thing rather funny.

You have a cleaner who raises her arm above her head!!!! ? I haven't seen one of those...

On a more serious note to the OP If the staff are spending 25% of their time on their phones instead of working, you really ought to sit down with them and have a wee chat. That's simply unacceptable IMO.

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The obvious answer would be to sack her and do the housework yourself.

How hard could it be?

Absolutely....a cell phone supersedes all other matters of importance ...more so for girls and women than boys and men.

Reminds me of the neighbor I had telling me how the maid who cleaned his apartment would never clean the kitchen floor to his satisfaction after asking the maid to pay attention to the cleaning of the kitchen floor...but the maid never did what he asked of her....

So he got fed up and he went outside to where there was a women with a little food stand set up and often the woman's daughter was there helping.

As he knew the women for several years he approached her and asked her if her daughter would like to make 300 baht cleaning the floor in the kitchen as the maid never cleaned the floor correctly .....

About 20 minutes work for 300 baht.

He told me the mother said yes and sent the daughter off to clean the floor.

The maid was there and saw what was going on and tried to intervene but he told the maid to let the girl clean the floor.

Next time the maid cleaned the floor correctly.

The point is: Actions speak louder than words.

So ...yeah....have another person come in and do the housekeeping on the same day the regular housekeeper comes and tell the regular house keeper you thought her cell phone was more important than coming to work so you are going to hire a new housekeeper.

More than likely she will get the point quick enough...lol


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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

I still have a landline and use it regularly, most of my familymembers still have one

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Some (including me) need to have landline in order to have True wireless at home

Landline yes but there is no need to have the landline phone or pay the 109 baht per month... I have True + wireless + NO house phone for over 2 years, simply ask True to cancel the phone.......... I do find I have to ask them every 6 months or the re connect it.. my reason cannot hear on the phone, much easier on the net + of course cost nothing.

there is a need for a landline when sending or receiving a fax. some,albeit few, communications require the use of a fax.

We are in the 21st Century Naam.


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Mate had someone not turn up for an interview because it was raining.

My friend ran a large electronics factory here in Thailand for 3 years.

New employees that showed up late for work on the first day were promptly fired before they were officially hired.

And not just sometimes....surprisingly often the "would be employees" showed up late for their first day on the job.

No sympathy for slackers...lol


Edited by gemguy
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I know your housekeeper.....she has developed 104 apps. One was angry birds. she makes 11,000,000 baht a week from apps.....so is her phone now more important!!!! plus she gets texts from CEO's of major companies!!!

or she's checking facebook for new picture of watermelon, twitter for picture of hollywood stars, and email from overseas farang to send money.....

her job is just for physical conditioning!!!

people laughed when i said i needed to wear my casio all day.....then i told them my last name was casio!!!

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I know your housekeeper.....she has developed 104 apps. One was angry birds. she makes 11,000,000 baht a week from apps.....so is her phone now more important!!!! plus she gets texts from CEO's of major companies!!!

or she's checking facebook for new picture of watermelon, twitter for picture of hollywood stars, and email from overseas farang to send money.....

her job is just for physical conditioning!!!

people laughed when i said i needed to wear my casio all day.....then i told them my last name was casio!!!

Mate, you really need to have a look at this thread.


Change in sense of humour 'a sign of impending dementia'
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