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Republicans disavow Trump's call for Muslim database

Jonathan Fairfield

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Trump is a hate monger. It is his way. He is decisive and venomous. It is his nature. He has a black heart. That is who he is. He steals, he lies, and he hates.

Well, that's what he's projecting in his politics, that's true.

As far as what is in his heart, I am not sure what's in there.

People who know him personally say he's a sweetheart.

Weird dude indeed!

Having him as president (unlikely but possible) would be both embarrassing and entertaining, but not nearly as scary as a Carson or even a Cruz.

I would love to know who your sources are for the "people who know him personally". Are those people you actually know? Don't forget, he has the bucks to plant that kind of info within the media, as "credible facts", through a good PR firm. You or I could have that done for $10,000 US. I used to work in commercial real estate in the 1980's in Manhattan. I dealt with a few sellers, who sold buildings to him. They sat across the table from him, and his attorneys. They were sincere men. We were not necessarily doing deals together, and they had nothing to benefit from me, by telling mistruths about Trump (On one occasion the same attorney was there, who dealt with that transaction. He verified the details, and did not have kind words for Trump, nor for his style of conducting business). Without exception, they all said the same thing about him. He was without morals, ethics, a sense of fair play, or compassion. He was the big guy at the table, and he used that to maximum advantage. One guy said after sitting at that table for five hours, and concluding the deal because his need was greater than Trumps, he felt as if he had been in prison for five years, and had been the recipient of the largess of many, many follow inmates. Trump absolutely refused to leave one dollar on the table. He absolutely refused to compromise on one single detail. Even the stuff that meant very, very little. That appears to be his style, and his true nature, despite his rather seemingly desperate attempt to portray himself otherwise. He is a shark. According to these guys, he is a pig. One can make excuses for him. Well, he is a billionaire, and that is the way those guys play, etc, etc. Sorry, but I am a firm believer in win win deals. It was like a sport for him. Make sure this guy who I am doing business with gets the worst deal possible. I have heard testimony from many, many people who have sued him, and it is basically all about the same. This kind of stuff is all over the internet. His five bankruptcy proceedings have deprived investors and owners of billions of dollars in money, that Trump owed. His success is at least partly due to his willingness to travel down the bankruptcy path so many times. I probably do not make as much money as I could, if I had Trumps attitude. But, I would rather live with knowing how fairly I treat other people, than have his billions.

I believe Trump would make a horrific president. Hugely incompetent, hugely megalomaniacal, very, very dangerous to have at the helm. I can only imagine him in a meeting with the heads of state. It would not be a pretty sight. If some of us thought Tiny George II was an embarrassment, I think in retrospect he would appear downright dignified in comparison to this buffoon.

Edited by spidermike007
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Trump is a hate monger. It is his way. He is decisive and venomous. It is his nature. He has a black heart. That is who he is. He steals, he lies, and he hates.

Well, that's what he's projecting in his politics, that's true.

As far as what is in his heart, I am not sure what's in there.

People who know him personally say he's a sweetheart.

Weird dude indeed!

Having him as president (unlikely but possible) would be both embarrassing and entertaining, but not nearly as scary as a Carson or even a Cruz.

Obamas not embarrassing? hahahahahaha. he sided with IRAN, he is for IRAN. Iran needs ISIS to wreck havoc in middle east so they can take over.

Some peeps (the idiots) are asking why affordable kare act isnt affordable.................hahaha.

I have always considered Obama embarrassing. And I would be slightly embarrassed to say I voted for him the first time around, if I gave even half of a rats ass what people thought of me, but since I don't, I'm not. I felt there was no alternative at the time, and still feel that way. McCain would have been a horrible president. and Palin as VP? Give me a break. Is that the best the US can do? Is that really the depths we have fallen to? Does Western Rome in the late 4th century come to mind? But, Obama is an embarrassment on a lot of levels.

Edited by spidermike007
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We have not entered a new war. This is the same tired war for a long, long time, and the same tired stage of this war in the modern era. It is indisputably correct that what attacks the West is only topically "terrorism."

Trump may not be politically correct but Americans, before it is all said and done, will be registering those from whom the threat originates, even if they decorate it differently- there is simply no other mechanism to preserve and target assets- the threat has a known source but it is imbued with a special protective amulet called religion- a guy in the clouds thing- where circumspection is prohibited. How retarded. If all the terrorists came from Detroit we would look in Detroit. If all the terrorists ate cheesecake we would look in Cheesecake factories. If all of the terrorists spoke Basque we would look to the ETA. If all of the terrorists said In nomine Patris et fillii et Spiritus Sancti before attacks we would look in churches. Say al lah akbar and we undress the old and disabled and infants. The same progressive ideology that makes us vulnerable to this disease also effectively disables a meaningful response. Read PC!

Where and how the FBI surveyed the Italian mafia, the Irish mafia, the IRA in the US, the flying dragons, etc., says all we need to know. They did not go to soccer games, Ethiopian eateries, British pubs, or Swedish massage parlors to observe the threat sources. Not chained by PC and interference of a dangerous executive, they went to the perceived source of the threats. The protective aura of claiming victimization in the US has a palpable benefit, in this case non circumspection of the agar. America will absolutely reach the point where the absurdity of not profiling and assessing the source of this disease is costing too many lives and they will database. Currently in the US, the word islam or muslim has been redacted from all investigative literature because of the above chains of political correctness.

Peaceful muslims must not define themselves by "not in my name" but by "what is in their name?". It is not good enough to say the terrorists do not represent you- clearly no one is listening. They must define themselves by what does represent them or the forces external to their community will capture the narrative and make this association by default. Non action is action. Looking for muslim terrorists among muslims is distasteful on first glance but it is actually the only place that muslim terrorists come from. Someone must clean the house.

Absolutely correct, and spot on analysis. Something Trump and many others are not discussing, as it is perhaps too intellectual a topic for the simpletons. The reality is, if the moderate among them do not start speaking out in a clear, loud, and very visible fashion, they run the risk of getting lumped into the category hate mongers like Trump are trying to create. And I am afraid of what that outcome could look like. People are getting angry. And some of that anger is justified. Paris was horrific. It could become an extreme reaction, to an extreme problem. There is nothing simple about this problem. It is not something simple minded men like Trump could solve, even on their best day. I am not saying he is dumb. But, he is definitely simple minded. And this problem requires the kind of creativity and genius he, nor Obama, nor Kerry, nor Clinton have. Not sure who could come up with a solution. But, I do know every moderate Iman, every moderate Muslim politician, and every moderate Muslim needs to start speaking out, and they need to start doing it yesterday. It needs to be a very loud denouncement of the fools amongst them. We need to start hearing it. And it needs to be loud, and it needs to be voluminous, and it needs to come from all quarters. And the media needs to report it.

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We have not entered a new war. This is the same tired war for a long, long time, and the same tired stage of this war in the modern era. It is indisputably correct that what attacks the West is only topically "terrorism."

Trump may not be politically correct but Americans, before it is all said and done, will be registering those from whom the threat originates, even if they decorate it differently- there is simply no other mechanism to preserve and target assets- the threat has a known source but it is imbued with a special protective amulet called religion- a guy in the clouds thing- where circumspection is prohibited. How retarded. If all the terrorists came from Detroit we would look in Detroit. If all the terrorists ate cheesecake we would look in Cheesecake factories. If all of the terrorists spoke Basque we would look to the ETA. If all of the terrorists said In nomine Patris et fillii et Spiritus Sancti before attacks we would look in churches. Say al lah akbar and we undress the old and disabled and infants. The same progressive ideology that makes us vulnerable to this disease also effectively disables a meaningful response. Read PC!

Where and how the FBI surveyed the Italian mafia, the Irish mafia, the IRA in the US, the flying dragons, etc., says all we need to know. They did not go to soccer games, Ethiopian eateries, British pubs, or Swedish massage parlors to observe the threat sources. Not chained by PC and interference of a dangerous executive, they went to the perceived source of the threats. The protective aura of claiming victimization in the US has a palpable benefit, in this case non circumspection of the agar. America will absolutely reach the point where the absurdity of not profiling and assessing the source of this disease is costing too many lives and they will database. Currently in the US, the word islam or muslim has been redacted from all investigative literature because of the above chains of political correctness.

Peaceful muslims must not define themselves by "not in my name" but by "what is in their name?". It is not good enough to say the terrorists do not represent you- clearly no one is listening. They must define themselves by what does represent them or the forces external to their community will capture the narrative and make this association by default. Non action is action. Looking for muslim terrorists among muslims is distasteful on first glance but it is actually the only place that muslim terrorists come from. Someone must clean the house.

Absolutely correct, and spot on analysis. Something Trump and many others are not discussing, as it is perhaps too intellectual a topic for the simpletons. The reality is, if the moderate among them do not start speaking out in a clear, loud, and very visible fashion, they run the risk of getting lumped into the category hate mongers like Trump are trying to create. And I am afraid of what that outcome could look like. People are getting angry. And some of that anger is justified. Paris was horrific. It could become an extreme reaction, to an extreme problem. There is nothing simple about this problem. It is not something simple minded men like Trump could solve, even on their best day. I am not saying he is dumb. But, he is definitely simple minded. And this problem requires the kind of creativity and genius he, nor Obama, nor Kerry, nor Clinton have. Not sure who could come up with a solution. But, I do know every moderate Iman, every moderate Muslim politician, and every moderate Muslim needs to start speaking out, and they need to start doing it yesterday. It needs to be a very loud denouncement of the fools amongst them. We need to start hearing it. And it needs to be loud, and it needs to be voluminous, and it needs to come from all quarters. And the media needs to report it.

I think it is as incorrect an observation to call Trump "simple minded" as it is for others to call Obama an "idiot." Neither is simple minded nor an idiot, however disagreeable they are personally or their politics. It is just incorrect and contributes nothing. However, what is a new phenomena that is being witnessed in Trump is actually the reliable playbook that has the landscape of 'the playbook entirely' written by the left. We are now seeing the playbook used by someone like Trump and while the 'calls' he is making appear new, or disagreeable, it is the same mechanics.

Trump is appealing to the emotive; the deep seated detachment that has forced numerous Americans to the periphery. Trump is appealing to division, however intended or otherwise. Trump is effectively giving emotive voice to a population that has consistently been the target of the same liberal divisive tactics. Liberals effectively manage by crisis and emotion; there are too numerous to count examples. Thus, in large part, the harvest of that crop is a large population of the populace who have been alienated and made to feel effectively culpable for everything from being white to being American to being wealthy to being industrious- all the way down to the race inherited.

Moreover, Americans are made to constantly feel ashamed, culturally guilty, and their blood corrupted by the "sins" of the long dead. This has been the effective emotive playbook that has turned America into a wasteland of non-industrious malcontents who pivot from one emotional outrage to the next, demanding this, insisting on accommodation, denying circumspection, and debasing language. Trump is actually now, and effectively, turning the tables by appealing to this alienation and perceived abuse. Trump speaks to all that is perceived wrong and triggers emotional investments in his point of view; thus his inexplicable appeal across lost demographic swaths of America. The problem is this playbook that caused so much Balkanization to get here, if used in the same manner to return to an imagined era, may empower some but will only continue the division and Balkanization of the US. As long as politics are predicated upon 'us and them' there can never be a revival of a common glue.

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This ridiculous stuff just gets worse.

Two weeks ago or so, when interviewing him, a reporter asked DT if he was going to have a deportation force to send the Mexicans back. DT said yes, and started using the term deportation force, and of course the press used the term as often as possible. Great journalism there, gang.

This week a reporter fed him Muslim database and here again we have a term they can't use often enough. Great going gang, Peabody Awards for all!

Since the Paris attacks nearly all US national news has been put on freeze -- if it doesn't have a connection with the attacks or refugees it probably hasn't been reported. This allowed DT back in the news.

There is no way DT is going to be president, and it's totally ridiculous that the media is treating him as the candidate apparent. There is no way in hell that either he or Carson is going to walk out of the GOP convention with the nomination. It's one thing when these politicians spout their silliness, but it's another when the media is encouraging us to take it seriously. A plague on all their networks!


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I just realised why I like this forum so much

I am not a very intelligent person, but in this forum I feel like an Fn genius

I wonder if the Muslim registration department will be housed in the same agency Kasich proposed for promotion of Judeo Christian valueslaugh.png

perhaps the same agency that will suspend the constitution.

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Aside from all the legal, privacy, liberty, humanitarian, and constitutional violations of this "Muslim database," does Trump really think that this would work? I mean, if a terrorist wanting to do harm to the US and knowing that this database existed, why would he even admit that he was a Muslim? Duh!

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Aside from all the legal, privacy, liberty, humanitarian, and constitutional violations of this "Muslim database," does Trump really think that this would work? I mean, if a terrorist wanting to do harm to the US and knowing that this database existed, why would he even admit that he was a Muslim? Duh!

Trump does not really believe it will work but as long as the idiots who follow him do.....

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All muslims are all ready registered on an internal data base linked to their internal passport and their address and finger prints. So are foreigners in countries in Arabia etc. They are used to it. We who live there are used to it. If the Saudis can register everybody I see know reason why we can not do it.

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This ridiculous stuff just gets worse.

Two weeks ago or so, when interviewing him, a reporter asked DT if he was going to have a deportation force to send the Mexicans back. DT said yes, and started using the term deportation force, and of course the press used the term as often as possible. Great journalism there, gang.

This week a reporter fed him Muslim database and here again we have a term they can't use often enough. Great going gang, Peabody Awards for all!

Since the Paris attacks nearly all US national news has been put on freeze -- if it doesn't have a connection with the attacks or refugees it probably hasn't been reported. This allowed DT back in the news.

There is no way DT is going to be president, and it's totally ridiculous that the media is treating him as the candidate apparent. There is no way in hell that either he or Carson is going to walk out of the GOP convention with the nomination. It's one thing when these politicians spout their silliness, but it's another when the media is encouraging us to take it seriously. A plague on all their networks!


And that is exactly why I continue to use the term simpleton, when describing Disgusting Donald. He appears smart. How could a billionaire not be smart, people ask? Remember Ross Perot? He is just a one trick pony. There is no foreign policy beyond build a wall. There is no detail on his plan other than, I will get the best team together to address these issues. By the way Donald, is that the same team that allowed you to go into bankruptcy on four separate occasions, avoiding many billions in debt, and avoiding paying back many billions to investors? Actually, now that I think about it, this does sound like a qualification to be president. Build up a lot of debt, and don't pay it back. Reneg on your promises. Don't be a man of your word. That sums him up in a nutshell. A man lacking integrity on all levels. A man with little character.

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We should truly feel for the citizens of America that even have the slightest chance of having loons like Trump and idiots like Clinton as their next President. But I guess a country gets the govt it deserves and the Amers deserve these losers in charge if they continue to let their media run the show without accountability.

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We should truly feel for the citizens of America that even have the slightest chance of having loons like Trump and idiots like Clinton as their next President. But I guess a country gets the govt it deserves and the Amers deserve these losers in charge if they continue to let their media run the show without accountability.

These " Loons" are crazy like a fox, and one day I hope to be an "idiot" like the Clintons

the loons and idiots are the ones who support them

I just posted this picture in an other reply, but I think it is apropos for this one also


Nobody deserves this, I certainly dont, and if we get them, you will be getting some of it also I am sorry to saysad.png

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This ridiculous stuff just gets worse.

Two weeks ago or so, when interviewing him, a reporter asked DT if he was going to have a deportation force to send the Mexicans back. DT said yes, and started using the term deportation force, and of course the press used the term as often as possible. Great journalism there, gang.

This week a reporter fed him Muslim database and here again we have a term they can't use often enough. Great going gang, Peabody Awards for all!

Since the Paris attacks nearly all US national news has been put on freeze -- if it doesn't have a connection with the attacks or refugees it probably hasn't been reported. This allowed DT back in the news.

There is no way DT is going to be president, and it's totally ridiculous that the media is treating him as the candidate apparent. There is no way in hell that either he or Carson is going to walk out of the GOP convention with the nomination. It's one thing when these politicians spout their silliness, but it's another when the media is encouraging us to take it seriously. A plague on all their networks!


And that is exactly why I continue to use the term simpleton, when describing Disgusting Donald. He appears smart. How could a billionaire not be smart, people ask? Remember Ross Perot? He is just a one trick pony. There is no foreign policy beyond build a wall. There is no detail on his plan other than, I will get the best team together to address these issues. By the way Donald, is that the same team that allowed you to go into bankruptcy on four separate occasions, avoiding many billions in debt, and avoiding paying back many billions to investors? Actually, now that I think about it, this does sound like a qualification to be president. Build up a lot of debt, and don't pay it back. Reneg on your promises. Don't be a man of your word. That sums him up in a nutshell. A man lacking integrity on all levels. A man with little character.

I appreciate your response. What really is beyond belief is how no one else catches him in his vague bs, or they don't have the guts to mention it ("be careful, he'll call you names!"). "There are big problems and I'll solve them!" "I'll build a wall..." "I'm winning, I have the best numbers! (insert name here) has Big Problems, look at his numbers!" That's it. I also like the thing about him dating his own daughter.

What I do appreciate in regards to what DT does is he pushes things to the extreme, and the other bozos pursuing the big numbers take him up on it, eg Scott Walker trying to top DT on the Mexican wall by saying we need a wall on the Canadian border -- my favorite one yet, I think he got that from South Park. A few days after saying that Walker suspended his campaign, can't say one had anything to do with the other.

I still say the GOP is headed to an open convention and Jeb will be the annointed, so the GOP primaries have become a true reality show. Unless Mitt comes back. smile.png

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Even the Republican Party is beginning to understand just how dangerous Trump is. Kasich's advert is spot on. It is only a matter of time before he gets around to you and you had better hope there is someone left to stand up for you and your rights.

An excellent and accurate advert that reveals the real danger proposed by Trump.

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So, how will it work? Everybody will be entered into a data base with their religion, or you just have to answer whether you are Muslim or not?

I would use the same system as they use in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait etc. All foreigners are registered and if well behaved are allow to stay and work but not become citizens. It is that simple. I and millions of expats around the world have lived like that.

Beloved Indonesia too, for which Obama waxes nostalgically, requires religious registration. You must declare.

Edit: I want to be clear: there is something fundamentally wrong and borderline profoundly wrong when you have to walk down the road of identified people by belief. There is no good end irrespective of the reasons why.

Yet, in the absence of any meaningful tools to combat and preempt terrorism it is hardly surprised that people who are sick of it would grasp at straws. Then, left with hardly any alternative means to battle the losing tide, apologists complain that [they] want a database of religions. Not the finest hour for solutions but then there have been zero effectively solutions offered by the liberal enablers who foment islamic jihad. What is the answer? Probably first starting with the plethora of tools this side of excessive- the one's either always protested or, like in NY, the prior tools that enables investigators to go where jihad foments, within the communities. Also, remove government censorship of all federal documents that redact the source of these terrorists.

the liberal enablers who foment islamic jihad.

Rightwing extremist boilerplate spam.

remove government censorship of all federal documents that redact the source of these terrorists.

Call you on that. Let's see it as a policy, rationale, and the enabler(s) of the policy. Congress? Executive Branch? Judiciary? Specifics and sources plse thx.

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