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Changing Surname Of Children

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I need some feedback from those with direct experience in this matter, so I respectfully request only those with solid information (not opinions) to share their replies. Thank you.

I have been married for several years to my Thai wife and never bothered to change the name of my child to my own. It just wasn't ever an issue while living in Thailand. We are now in the process of moving to the States and we want to change all her Thai info (passport, visa, etc.) to my surname.

In the States, once married, changing the surname of stepchildren is pretty much automatic. Just submit a form and it's done.

My wife is handling the name change now in Thailand while I get the new house and everything ready in the States. She has confirmed that under Thai law that she is the sole legal guardian. The biological father has no interest, claim, or contact. However, the employees at the Thai government office that handles these matters keep telling her I have to fill out adoption papers and go through the ENTIRE adoption screening process before we can change my daughter's surname(!) as if I was some stranger in a far-off land. I just received the package of forms (in good english) in the mail and it's 100% for a stranger wanting to adopt a foreign child ala Angela Jolie and Brad Pitt style. It goes so far as to give me a list of adoption agencies in America to contact who will interview me, check my background, finances, etc. and relay the information to the Thai government offices.

This is driving me up the wall because I know that can't be correct. Somewhere, somehow, there is a government office where my wife just needs to show our marriage papers, fill out a form, and sign to change my daughter's last name to ours.

Where is that office? What is the phone number? Who does my wife need to speak with to make this happen? Wife is in Udon. Daughter born in Udon. Her flying to Bangkok is no problem. Thanks.

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I'm in the same boat, although not married as long as you. My daughter carries her mother's surname, and not mine. She has a Thai passport and a US passport with the same surname.

My wife's surname is not a concern to me, but my daughter's would be, especially when she attends school. One might not think it, but having a pronouncible name does help one advance further in life.

Anyhow, I do not plan to have my wife change her surname (unless she wants it), but I will change my daughter's official "US name" when she is in the US. As far as Thailand is concerned, she will still have her Thai surname (in other words, I will not update her Thai passport).

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