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My mate recently arrived in Thailand from another Asian country. he and his wife rented a condo through a local real estate agent and moved in on Monday. The agent informed him that they had to pay all monies for bonds and so on direct to the the owner. being the weekend and having to leave the country for two days he aske dth eagent if he could pay the owner the check onMonday and the agent said sure no worries.

So my mate moves in on Monday and unpacks all his gear and then the agent calls to say that he has to leave the apartment. "Excuse me ?" ...... yes he had to pack up again and move out - same day - because the Thai owner was pissed off that he did not get his check on Saturday........ even though the banks are closed on weekends.

My mate spoke to the agent and said he would go to see the owner immedictaely and give him all the money etc but the ownewrs response was .....and I quote " No f_____ing way........this will teach the stupid farang a lesson."

Welcome to Thailand !!


The landlords totally within his rights.. As if your mates, moved in, unpacked all his stuff, and set up camp before showing the landlord a dime, its totally taking the piss..

Maybe your friend will learn some manners, and also learn not to take the word of an commision grabbin agent, that obviously doesnt know what hes doing as gospel :o

and "welcome to thailand" .... dam right, its only countrys like thailand where jumped up farang think they can get away with such things...

serves him right if u ask me..


Well done. Mad F__kie I saw that u were down at Cowboy the other night. So you must be one of those know it all fat ugly farang f___kers that only know the inside of a bar and bar girl.

If the owner was using an agent to advertise his premises then why the F__k does the agent tell my mate its ok to move inand give him the keys etc.


When I first rented a flat here in England I moved in and the landlord paid for me to move from home and gave me a week to pop the money round when i felt like it.

Yeah right !!!!!!

You do not get anything anywhere before you pay for it so why should the Thai's be expecxted to give credit to anybody they do not know. I expect the Landlord in question has be screwed over and messed about in the past by some of the stupid Farang how think they own Thailand and its people. Ignorant <deleted>


You are as ignorant as the other guy. You can only do what the agent advises you to do and he had the payment in hand the day he moved in. The deal was move in and pay direct to the owner. No mention of when !!

No-one is suggesting that the farang had an attitude like he owned the place. Far from it. He is one of the most culturally aware guys I know and was doing obly what he was told to do.

So you guys can shove your "I know everything" attitude up your clacker !

You are as ignorant as the other guy. You can only do what the agent advises you to do and he had the payment in hand the day he moved in. The deal was move in and pay direct to the owner. No mention of when !!

No-one is suggesting that the farang had an attitude like he owned the place. Far from it. He is one of the most culturally aware guys I know and was doing obly what he was told to do.

So you guys can shove your "I know everything" attitude up your clacker !

Hi, Nedkelly,

After living in Asia since almost 30 years, I do not really agree to what I am reading here as replies....

I recommend the only realistic solution, and this is, to pack all things, to forget about the real estate broker and the landlord, and to rent something else....

by using another real estate office and from another landlord....

Either agreement or IMMEDIATE separation....

This is my experience here in Asia....if there is no good agreement from beginning on, then do not argue around this or that - separate immediately, just leave ....

No need to make a big research, who made something wrong and why ......

Just close the door from outside....and never return to that place....

I had an experience when interested to buy a condominium,

So sorry, but the key is not here, very nice rooms, but sorry also I do not buy, what I cannot see....

later on, we entered and the rooms were full with garbage,

the next day they told me the price will be reduce because the rooms were full with garbage...

then they told me, the owner agrees, he needs the money just now, fix and sold to me.....

then the owner had huge debits, land papers not available, confiscated by the bank....

finally they asked me for a deposit, they will do everything and reserve the condominium for me within 14 days, all will be OK, just please Sir, pay a little deposit.....

I said: thank you, bye bye and NO WAY....

and when I was closing the door from outside, this friendly broker and the owner were suddenly not so friendly to me anymore..... what an big a**h*** and some other remarks.... clearly to understand, as they told me that in English.....

Go away from any place with a bad business experience, and never return to it.

All other talk is time-waste without any useful results.


Well done. Mad F__kie I saw that u were down at Cowboy the other night. So you must be one of those know it all fat ugly farang f___kers that only know the inside of a bar and bar girl.

If the owner was using an agent to advertise his premises then why the F__k does the agent tell my mate its ok to move inand give him the keys etc.

very intelligent reply for u there ned..

So anyone who goes down cowboy for a few beers to chill out, play pool, see friends, and get away from their live in bit (which in my case is what old gits like you come to thailand dreaming about, and is totally out of your reach/leauge) are fat old ugly farangs?

ok.. when are u planning on taking yer head out of that bucket of sand?

Why does the agent tell your friend this??? Come along now neddy, your supposed to be an intelligent guy, work it out..

And the "your as ignorant as the other guy" bit, whos the other guy? Your mate :o



Asians in general, do not take kindly for the western way of causing a big scene. Better off to pack up and go elsewhere. Not right way to treat someone, but better off trust me your mate will be better off in the long run.

Asians in general, do not take kindly for the western way of causing a big scene. Better off to pack up and go elsewhere.  Not right what way to treat someone, but better off to leave it and go elsewhere.

Right, absolutely right.....

Not only in Thailand..... same here in Japan, and same in other Asian countries, too.

I just made a posting with exactly the same opinion some minutes ago without reading your reply before.

Just leave, and never back to that place.....argumentations, explications are going to nowhere.....

There are others, and they will do that business with you....



a (farang) tenant who wasn't organised enough or bright enough to have the means to pay the deposit when asked came up against a foulmouthed (thai)landlord with a nasty streak who was dumb enough to let a paying customer walk away.

happens all the time everywhere in the world.

if he'd of moved in think of the problems he would have had next week,next month

whenever with a landlord like that.

he was lucky.

forget it and move on. it has nothing to do with thailand or the thais.

life's too short.


im not sure why people are giving this landlord such a hard time for having a little sense and not lettin some muppet walk all over him.

Fair enuf, the landlord was maybe being a bit of a ding IF this guy had a roll 1k notes waiting at the appartment.. This wasnt the case though, it was a cheque, so it would have been the end of the week before he saw the colour of this jokers money.. :o

You think all the backpackers would be staying down koh san road if it was that easy?????? errrr, no. :D

You are as ignorant as the other guy. You can only do what the agent advises you to do and he had the payment in hand the day he moved in. The deal was move in and pay direct to the owner. No mention of when !!

Can u supply the phone number of this agent??? It my birthday soon, im plannin on having a house party!!!!!!! :o

I recommend the only realistic solution, and this is, to pack all things, to forget about the real estate broker and the landlord, and to rent something else....

by using another real estate office and from another landlord....

Either agreement or IMMEDIATE separation....

For once, I agree with Yohan.


And it is irrespective of whom I think is right or wrong in that story,...


I dont know why u are so bent on implying that my mate did something wrong. The landlord is the ###### in this case. He employed an agent to rent his property and everything was dont correctly but the landlord obviously has a problem with farang. In my opinion he is a racist bastard. No-one suggested that my mate get anything for free. He had a company cheque in hand and that is the point ....the landlord had accepted to get a company cheque and new he was dealing with a Thai company ...and... knew very well he would have to bank his f----ing cheque so what the f__k did he have to be so anal about it all. Really this case is un f---ing believable in my opinion and if anyone thinks differently you can go and spend a weekend with the tutsiwarrior for all I care.

In my opinion he is a racist bastard.

in which case your friend was lucky enough to have been asked to leave when he was.

think of it as a stroke of luck and not a misfortune.

as i said.... life's too short.

your friend hasnt had a leg amputated,lost all his money on the horses, or been given 50 years in jail.

its small potatoes.

I dont know why u are so bent on implying that my mate did something wrong. The landlord is the ###### in this case.

I have been renting houses/appartments for most of my adult life, in many countries, including my own and believe me, I had far, far worse cases than that one (and not always abroad,...).

On the other hand, I had a appartment in the past that I was renting out in Europe and EVERYTHING happened to me, from no payment, disappearance of the tenants to destruction (literally) of the premises.

So, I, for one have very, very difficult to judge who is right and wrong,...

But racism, I doubt it,...


Ned- no one is saying your mate is wrong, just pointless to make a big scene because it will not change anything and perhaps make matters worse for him. I think the landlord is a ######, but least he knows now rather than down the road and after much expense.


The owner is a <deleted> AND A ###### and I don't care. He hired the agent and that tshould be it! I do NOT have a clue what the blue blazes this guy is talking about. Do you want to rent the place or NOT. The AGENT took the money to give to a guy that was HIRED to rent the fricking place and the guy did it. GAG


Yeah I agree with most of the above. I was a bit pissed at the initial comments of one person. Thas what made me carry on like a pork chop....... not the actual case. It is probably a good thing that he is out of there now. He could have had a far worse problem in future.

Actually another friend of mine....female this time was renting a place near Lumpini and she never asked for receipts form the woman landlord. Then one day my friend went to pay the next months rent (with her boyfriend alongside as usual) and the lanlady complained that they had not paid last months rent.

This was a lie as the company my friend worked for gave her a cash advance for her rent and it was handed over every time without exception. the boy friend will vouch for this. Anyway, the landlady said no you havent paid....yo upay again or move out. She had no choice but to pay up........so she asked for receipts but the landlady refused to give her any.......... so she was faced with a situation where it could happen again.

Be careful renting in Thailand is all I can say.

Be careful renting in Thailand is all I can say.

I would say be careful renting anywhere and make sure you have a paper trail.

I had a couple of occasions where the landlord told me that I didn't pay rent. Once occured several months back here in HK and another time several years back in the US. Now I always pay by check or a transfer into the landlord's account. So on both occasions I was able to show proof without the need for a receipt from the landlord.

In the case of your friend the landlord is outright cheating her. In case like this it's always good to have your own paper trail as proof. If the landlord insist on cash then get her/him to sign a receipt of acknowledgement or get a cashier's check from the bank made out to the landlord's name.

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