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Who are the Thailand haters on this website?

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Let's go deeper. I first visited Thailand in 1978, stayed at a fishing village called Pattaya. After 78 I travelled frequently commissioning fire trucks, mainly in the BKK area. The nightlife was relaxing, no pressures to buy girlie drinks, prices were reasonable. The absentees were the foreign long stay pensioners, tight <deleted> and problem tourists.

Fast forward to 2002 when I was asked by my UK company to relocate to Thailand. They offered me a fantastic apartment in Sukhumvit which I turned down, why ? Because after spending a week in a five star hotel in the area, I was totally turned off by the standards of the expat/tourist in the area, so I settled for a lovely house in Chaeng Wattana.

Of course at weekends and holidays I travelled to relax, but soon realised that Pattaya ( in my opinion was the cesspit of Asia) I gladly relocated to China in 2009.

Summary, I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

these Thai haters believe that because they are westerners, they are above everyone else, they are racists, losers, ignorant, arrogant and should not be here. They are not diplomats in any shape or form, and I for one welcome the new visa regulations being introduced.

Now I am sure this post will attract defensive replies so be it, but I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, just many who seem to be totally out of their depths and are bitter.

Totally disagree with you... In 78 Thailand was crap.. It's only gotten better since... Fast forward to 2015.. Happiness has been returned to the people and I am holly then thou immigrants such as yourself don't like it anymore... It's a win win.. Plus Thailand is the new Hub for everything in asia if not the world.
Why was it crap in those days?
No internet.. No Facebook..

No TV to air complains about Thailand. Less whingers.... And that's with heaps of poms.

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Let's go deeper. I first visited Thailand in 1978, stayed at a fishing village called Pattaya. After 78 I travelled frequently commissioning fire trucks, mainly in the BKK area. The nightlife was relaxing, no pressures to buy girlie drinks, prices were reasonable. The absentees were the foreign long stay pensioners, tight <deleted> and problem tourists.

Fast forward to 2002 when I was asked by my UK company to relocate to Thailand. They offered me a fantastic apartment in Sukhumvit which I turned down, why ? Because after spending a week in a five star hotel in the area, I was totally turned off by the standards of the expat/tourist in the area, so I settled for a lovely house in Chaeng Wattana.

Of course at weekends and holidays I travelled to relax, but soon realised that Pattaya ( in my opinion was the cesspit of Asia) I gladly relocated to China in 2009.

Summary, I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

these Thai haters believe that because they are westerners, they are above everyone else, they are racists, losers, ignorant, arrogant and should not be here. They are not diplomats in any shape or form, and I for one welcome the new visa regulations being introduced.

Now I am sure this post will attract defensive replies so be it, but I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, just many who seem to be totally out of their depths and are bitter.

Totally disagree with you... In 78 Thailand was crap.. It's only gotten better since... Fast forward to 2015.. Happiness has been returned to the people and I am holly then thou immigrants such as yourself don't like it anymore... It's a win win.. Plus Thailand is the new Hub for everything in asia if not the world.
Why was it crap in those days?
No internet.. No Facebook..

No TV to air complains about Thailand. Less whingers.... And that's with heaps of poms.

Happy days then!!!!


Let's go deeper. I first visited Thailand in 1978, stayed at a fishing village called Pattaya. After 78 I travelled frequently commissioning fire trucks, mainly in the BKK area. The nightlife was relaxing, no pressures to buy girlie drinks, prices were reasonable. The absentees were the foreign long stay pensioners, tight <deleted> and problem tourists.

Fast forward to 2002 when I was asked by my UK company to relocate to Thailand. They offered me a fantastic apartment in Sukhumvit which I turned down, why ? Because after spending a week in a five star hotel in the area, I was totally turned off by the standards of the expat/tourist in the area, so I settled for a lovely house in Chaeng Wattana.

Of course at weekends and holidays I travelled to relax, but soon realised that Pattaya ( in my opinion was the cesspit of Asia) I gladly relocated to China in 2009.

Summary, I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

these Thai haters believe that because they are westerners, they are above everyone else, they are racists, losers, ignorant, arrogant and should not be here. They are not diplomats in any shape or form, and I for one welcome the new visa regulations being introduced.

Now I am sure this post will attract defensive replies so be it, but I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, just many who seem to be totally out of their depths and are bitter.

Totally disagree with you... In 78 Thailand was crap.. It's only gotten better since... Fast forward to 2015.. Happiness has been returned to the people and I am holly then thou immigrants such as yourself don't like it anymore... It's a win win.. Plus Thailand is the new Hub for everything in asia if not the world.



Just this morning I got to watch 5 try to put a computer desk together.

It's the look of sheer puzzlement on their face when they look at their work and try to figure out how it is so wrong.



Just this morning I got to watch 5 try to put a computer desk together.

It's the look of sheer puzzlement on their face when they look at their work and try to figure out how it is so wrong.

Still, I stand in awe of ANYONE who can cobble one of these together from a wrecked pickup truck and a few pieces of pipe...



Has anyone noticed that the really grumpy life haters (you know who you are) have failed to comment, maybe the op has hit a nerve?

Not really... there are many things to dislike about thailand.

Beating up tourists with excessive force plus scamming them left right and centre at every turn (even in matrimony) are just two of them.

Grampa Jimmy can jump to their defence all he wants…his sort are just ostriches with their heads buried in the sand.


Sometimes the truth hurts..

...and sometimes exaggeration, cynicism and prejudice get quite tedious day after day.

Those who have 'dealt' with stuff can post here if we want too, ol' chap...

Indeed. What's annoying is when they belittle those of us who've had an easier time in Thailand, as if we're naive or inexperienced or just plain lying. Especially when their troubles are often largely of their own making.


This subject come up often. When I first got here I was also shocked by the attitude of many expats concerning Thailand.

About ten years later seven married to a lovely Thai lady, but still working in the west and only visiting Thailand for a few months every year, I had the privilege to take Thailand in small doses and gradually acclimate to the idiosyncrasies particular to Thailand. Many others don't have the same privilege, they are thrown in the mix, float or sink, and many sink.

They experience culture shock, and are unprepared for it, and rather than blame themselves for not being better prepared, they blame Thais for not changing their culture to conform with their expectations.

One needs to understand that cultures are not better or worse, Just different. The culture in Thailand is simply a way that Thais have developed of getting along together, given the dynamics that govern the region. Same as the cultures anywhere in the world. To do otherwise would be eccentric.


Just this morning I got to watch 5 try to put a computer desk together.

It's the look of sheer puzzlement on their face when they look at their work and try to figure out how it is so wrong.

Still, I stand in awe of ANYONE who can cobble one of these together from a wrecked pickup truck and a few pieces of pipe...


one thing that always amazes me about Thais is their ability to do so much with so little, If I was asked to use only one word to describe them I would say Resourceful!!

Their ability to do so much with so litle reflects a great deal of intelligence.


Sometimes the truth hurts..

...and sometimes exaggeration, cynicism and prejudice get quite tedious day after day.

Those who have 'dealt' with stuff can post here if we want too, ol' chap...

Indeed. What's annoying is when they belittle those of us who've had an easier time in Thailand, as if we're naive or inexperienced or just plain lying. Especially when their troubles are often largely of their own making.

You are not married to a Thai. You have no children. You have never had to deal with the education system.You have never worked here. You have never had to inter act with Thais that you don't want to.You have probably lived in a very narrow area which you like and feel comfortable in. You have never run a business. You have never dealt in real estate here. You have never had to deal with the institutions. Etc..you don't speak Thai..

These are mostly things you can't avoid if you have a family here . They are not troubles of anyone's making they are just things you have to deal with...they are just things that make life for some a little bit more complex than it does for others.

You started a thread on taxis..if you only knew the trouble some Thais have with them if you read the Thai newspapers..my own daughters experiences..

You are correct it's because your life is easier/ different but it's wrong for you to state that a lot of it is of ones own doing....it maybe just maybe how things are..

I have experiences racism/ prejudice on a large scale when dealing with a contractual issues....prejudice that we don't even match..indifference to foreigners that you can't even comprehend..a real experience which if I hadn't experienced I would have thought was an exaggeration.

Cynicism .. Yes, there is way too much, but exaggeration and prejudice no.

But overall there is too much negativity..

everyone's experiences are different, not right or wrong but different.


That's a whole bunch of assumptions you make about me there, some of which are completely untrue.

But lets discuss the topic, not the posters, eh?


A lot of it is constructive criticism.

If a thread is about being ripped off, by immigration, police, taxi drivers or whoever, I think people have the right to vent their anger. If it happened in your country of origin, I would expect people to react the same.

Yes, I like this country, that is why I chose to live here, but I am not an ostrich with my head in the sand believing everything is perfect.

I think you will find a lot of it is also tongue in cheek humour, and also people winding others up waiting for a reaction.

Quote: "A lot of it is constructive criticism."

Construct means to build, criticize means to tear down. The two words should never be put together to mean anything of any importance.


A lot of it is constructive criticism.

If a thread is about being ripped off, by immigration, police, taxi drivers or whoever, I think people have the right to vent their anger. If it happened in your country of origin, I would expect people to react the same.

Yes, I like this country, that is why I chose to live here, but I am not an ostrich with my head in the sand believing everything is perfect.

I think you will find a lot of it is also tongue in cheek humour, and also people winding others up waiting for a reaction.

Quote: "A lot of it is constructive criticism."

Construct means to build, criticize means to tear down. The two words should never be put together to mean anything of any importance.

Constructive criticism - the process of offering valid and well-reasoned options about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments.


Most of the "hate" I believe derives from low class, poorly educated "farang"

I have lived, happily, in Thailand for more than a few years.

We live, my Thai wife and I, in a place where my presence is welcomed and I have never experienced any problems with the Thai authorities. I have never been "scammed" or cheated.

My experience is not unique as my friends have experienced the same Thai welcome.

I never involve myself or comment about Thai politics because that is none of my business.

Those who experience something else need to examine their own attitudes and behavior before criticising Thai people.


That's the point of a forum, so people can say how they feel.

Sure, and the question is, why do they feel that way


Let's go deeper. I first visited Thailand in 1978, stayed at a fishing village called Pattaya. After 78 I travelled frequently commissioning fire trucks, mainly in the BKK area. The nightlife was relaxing, no pressures to buy girlie drinks, prices were reasonable. The absentees were the foreign long stay pensioners, tight <deleted> and problem tourists.

Fast forward to 2002 when I was asked by my UK company to relocate to Thailand. They offered me a fantastic apartment in Sukhumvit which I turned down, why ? Because after spending a week in a five star hotel in the area, I was totally turned off by the standards of the expat/tourist in the area, so I settled for a lovely house in Chaeng Wattana.

Of course at weekends and holidays I travelled to relax, but soon realised that Pattaya ( in my opinion was the cesspit of Asia) I gladly relocated to China in 2009.

Summary, I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

these Thai haters believe that because they are westerners, they are above everyone else, they are racists, losers, ignorant, arrogant and should not be here. They are not diplomats in any shape or form, and I for one welcome the new visa regulations being introduced.

Now I am sure this post will attract defensive replies so be it, but I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, just many who seem to be totally out of their depths and are bitter.

Apt descriptions all.


That's the point of a forum, so people can say how they feel.

Indeed. But they should also be willing to accept that others have a different point of view, without belittling them with a load of 'you haven't been here long enough yet/don't have a Thai wife/haven't seen the real Thailand' type stuff.


…. I visit Thailand on business very regularly, and have noticed the very low standards offered by what I assume to be expat residents. They are in the main lowly educated, they behave appallingly, dress like peasants, act arrogantly and more importantly in the main haven't got two Baht to rub together.

Well, the entire attraction about thailand is that you are there to get your jollies without spending a fortune….otherwise you might as well go to las vegas or rio.

Anyway I know the folk you refer to….the BBC they are called in these parts…..the Buakhao Bingo Club.


Most of the "hate" I believe derives from low class, poorly educated "farang"

I have lived, happily, in Thailand for more than a few years.

We live, my Thai wife and I, in a place where my presence is welcomed and I have never experienced any problems with the Thai authorities. I have never been "scammed" or cheated.

My experience is not unique as my friends have experienced the same Thai welcome.

I never involve myself or comment about Thai politics because that is none of my business.

Those who experience something else need to examine their own attitudes and behavior before criticising Thai people.

Why do people say "my Thai wife"?

Why not just say "my wife"?


Most of the "hate" I believe derives from low class, poorly educated "farang"

I have lived, happily, in Thailand for more than a few years.

We live, my Thai wife and I, in a place where my presence is welcomed and I have never experienced any problems with the Thai authorities. I have never been "scammed" or cheated.

My experience is not unique as my friends have experienced the same Thai welcome.

I never involve myself or comment about Thai politics because that is none of my business.

Those who experience something else need to examine their own attitudes and behavior before criticising Thai people.

Why do people say "my Thai wife"?

Why not just say "my wife"?

To avoid confusion.


I would like to join the I am not like the other foreigners gang and state that there is absolutely nothing to hate at all about Thailand and that the noise, heat, corruption, lack of logic, lack of responsibility, mostly shallow women, appalling driving standards, less than wonderful food, falang double/treble/quadruple pricing and general stupidity are the envy of the world. whistling.gif


Most of the "hate" I believe derives from low class, poorly educated "farang"

I have lived, happily, in Thailand for more than a few years.

We live, my Thai wife and I, in a place where my presence is welcomed and I have never experienced any problems with the Thai authorities. I have never been "scammed" or cheated.

My experience is not unique as my friends have experienced the same Thai welcome.

I never involve myself or comment about Thai politics because that is none of my business.

Those who experience something else need to examine their own attitudes and behavior before criticising Thai people.

Why do people say "my Thai wife"?

Why not just say "my wife"?

To avoid confusion.

Confusion over what?


Most of the "hate" I believe derives from low class, poorly educated "farang"

I have lived, happily, in Thailand for more than a few years.

We live, my Thai wife and I, in a place where my presence is welcomed and I have never experienced any problems with the Thai authorities. I have never been "scammed" or cheated.

My experience is not unique as my friends have experienced the same Thai welcome.

I never involve myself or comment about Thai politics because that is none of my business.

Those who experience something else need to examine their own attitudes and behavior before criticising Thai people.

Why do people say "my Thai wife"?

Why not just say "my wife"?

To avoid confusion.

Confusion over what?

Who's who.


We live, my Thai wife and I, in a place where my presence is welcomed and I have never experienced any problems with the Thai authorities. I have never been "scammed" or cheated.

You might not have noticed it, but you almost certainly have been scammed, and don't kid yourself that you are welcomed just because they smile at you, ever heard what they say behind your back?

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